The city of love

Things that happen in the past oftentimes affect the way people behave in the future. Your V3 characters, like most people, have a past, and most of them have special memories from another time. Some are good, some are bad, but in some way, they've influenced your character. Within this forum, you'll be able to write out those special events to further develop your character before V3 begins!
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The city of love


Post by baby_g* »

Courtney sat in her room in front of her computer like she did most days after school. Her mother was down stairs with her dad cooking dinner and reading the daily news paper. Jack was supposed to be heading over soon, just after he had his shower since he comes home from soccer around this time. He was a great soccer player, and she loved going to his games to watch him play. She wear the school colours (white and blue) and sit with her other popular friends as they all cheered together.

Courtney was a lucky girl. Jack was one the best looking players, and one of the best looking guys in the whole school. He'd spoil her rotten and buy her gifts. At least once a month he'd take her out to dinner to a nice place. It helped that his parents were loaded, and liked Courtney very much.

There she was, just waiting for him to come over. Tonight was going to be a special night. They were going to have dinner with her parents, her parents were going to go to a gathering at their friends house till late that night and Courtney and Jack were 'going to go for a walk'.

The door bell rang as she ran down stairs to greet her bu at the door.


He walked into the house with a single white lily for her. It was beautiful, and in his eyes so was she. Courtney had her hair tied up, sporting his baggy sweat pants and old school sweater. She looked like she was having a 'lazy' day but somehow she pulled it off.

"Maman, le Papa, Jack est ici. Nous nous assiérons en haut des escaliers"

As they walked up stairs to the family room and seated themselves on the couch, both of them couldn't help but think how lucky they were to have each other. Courtney wasn't sure if she loved him, but this feeling she had was mighty close. They turned on the T.V. and Jack flipped through the channels as Courtney snuggled up close to him. He flipped through the news, through silly sitcoms and finally turned to an adopted channel from the States. It was something about kids on an island... they had to kill each other in order to survive. Right now they were showing footage of these kids on a roof top.

"Avez-vous vu cela? Ce gosse est tombé du toit, et cette fille est le coup!" Jack said causing Courtney to sit up and look at the T.V. She wasn't concerned with stupid stuff on a T.V. show about another stupid country. She wanted to spend time with her boyfriend and he seemed to occupied with the telly.

In her best seductive manner, Courtney withdrew the remote from Jack's hands and playfully pushed him on his back on the couch. Laying on top of him she kissed his lips, then his neck, nibbling lightly on it because she knew it was ticklish to him. She giggled as his hands moved from her back to her butt, and just as quickly he had now turned her over so that shew as at the bottom. They kissed more as Jack's hands made it back up from Courtney's rump up to her chest.

"C'est le temps de dîner." Her mother said from the door way of the family room. Thankfully from her angle she couldn't see where her boyfriend's hands were, more so it appeared they were cuddling together.

As they walked downstairs with little grins on their faces they took their place at the table. Dinner was delicious as it normally was, and the red wine was good as well. It complimented the fish they had. Something was different about this dinner though. Her parents seemed like they were hiding something.

After a brief moments silence, her father finally spoke.

"We're moving to the States next week. Start packing."

It was kind of cold how he had said it, but Courtney knew not the argue with him with company present. She was in shock as she looked over to her boyfriend who tried to give her an encouraging smile. Leaving the table and returning back upstairs to the family room, she curled into a call with her knees tucked close to her chest and laid on her side. Jack followed closely behind her and joined her on the couch. He pulled her close with her head now resting on his chest.

"C'est bien. Nous ferons le travailler."

He tried to comfort her and in his best English he said, "I love tu Courtney."

Words that should have been music to her ears sounded like nails scrapping on a chalk board. She kissed him softly and told him he should go home. She wasn't much in the mood for anything anymore. After he left, she went back to her room and sat in front of her computer once more. She sent an e-mail to her cousin Kara whom she'd probably be spending most of her time with once they moved there, typing 'Any cute boys there?' before she signing off and going to bed.
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