
Things that happen in the past oftentimes affect the way people behave in the future. Your V3 characters, like most people, have a past, and most of them have special memories from another time. Some are good, some are bad, but in some way, they've influenced your character. Within this forum, you'll be able to write out those special events to further develop your character before V3 begins!
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Post by Ciel* »

(This fucker took me all day to write. Hopefully a hell of alot of people get to understand where I'm going with Madison)

Madison was beginning to suspect that Jeremy Hibins was lying through his teeth when we went out of his way to say that he loved her. Who could blame her, though? The only time he actually tells her that is when he wants something from her, which he's done a lot in the past. He's asked her to come with her on parties, where he shows her off like a trophy wife. Madison felt like he was treating her like an object, but she didn't mind. Jeremy was happy, and when he was in a good mood, Madison would feel the same way. Besides, people began to know Madison's name (for once), so what's the big deal with her boyfriend being very materialistic over her.

AND he asks for sex. Especially sex. Jeremy has been asking for that a lot more, recently. In fact, as far as she could remember, Jeremy had been asking her to spend the night with him ever since they got together, and she only allowed herself to be overcome with temptation three times. It wasn't what she expected. The first time felt amazing, yes, but... the other two times were like the one before them. The back of Jeremy's car, in the woods that runs through Cecelia Snyder High School, where the both of them attended. If sex was supposed to be a beautiful thing, then why did it feel like busywork to Madison? AND he wasn't doing it the correct, magical way. It was always anal sex. The thought of whole thing made Madison feel dirty in a not-so-good way. She asked Jeremy why he always wanted to do it that way, and his answer was always different. He's said that he didn't want to take away Madison's innocence, and that he feels that he's not good enough to take Madison's virginity.

Bullshit. Madison thought, the same exact thought that came to her mind all the other times she's asked him. Now, Madison was(and still is) naive, and rather ignorant when it came to the people she associates with. Despite this, she knew the minute he made stupid, cliche excuses like those were nothing but bullshit. Jeremy didn't CARE about her virginity. He DIDN'T want to get her pregnant. Having a child is the last thing anyone in HS would ever want, and Madison was just as aware of this as anyone else. She didn't want a child neither, but the fact still remained: Sex was a risk. A risk that two people take, the gamble involving a child. If Jeremy really loved her, he would have done it properly. Madison would have understood where he was coming from if he had just been honest, but the fact that he was lying to her face was even worse that impregnating her, MUCH worse. This made Madison think seriously for a minute: "If he's lying about this, of all things, when what else could he possibly be keeping from me?"

Well, she certainly learned the answer to that question.


He told her he wasn't interested in going to the prom, when in reality, he was.

The thought of him lying to Madison about something like this was the last straw. She had it. She and Jeremy were going to have a long talk, and that was the situation she was in.

That was the situation. She was standing outside the Sheraton hotel about a mile from her high school, trying to reason with the Vice Principle. Mr. Veval was a tightass, and no matter how much Madison pleaded with him, he wouldn't let her in. Damn it... Now what am I supposed to do?!! She was just about to leave, when someone called to her.


The brunette turned, looking to see who had just called her. It was Alexis Wolfe, one of Samantha's personal friends, and a nice person overall. She was black, but she really never acted like the stereotypes that Hollywood always seemed to portray them as. Her hair was usually tied up into a ponytail, and that night was no different. She spoke in a calm, friendly voice that always seemed to make Madison smile, even when she was down in the dumps. If there was someone who Madison would have wanted as a best friend if Samantha weren't around, it'd be Alexis. She always seemed to have that effect on people.

Right now, Madison was trying her best not to break her frown, although she hadn't noticed that she was grinning like a complete fool. Alexis smiled backed, although she still had some concern in her eyes. "What are you doing here?" she asked the brunette. "I thought you told me you weren't going to the prom."

Madison's reply was blunt, and right to the point. "I... changed my mind. I thought they'd be selling tickets at the door." She also hadn't notice her voice sounded friendly, because she was trying her damn best to sound agitated.

Alexis stared for a moment, that smile still crossed over her face. "Really?" she asked, sounding somewhat surprised. "Is that all? Arselin's sick today, so... I have an extra pass to get in there. You can have it if you want."

Thank God! Madison smiled, her smirk becoming less and less reserved. "You have one? Thanks, Alexis! I'll pay you back some other time." Alexis took the pass, which was made out of printer paper(a surprise that the school would be so cheap). Madison gave it to the Vice Principle, with a smug, told-you-so look on her face which made her seemed like something of a spoiled brat. Mr. Veval really didn't want to let Madison in because of the way she was acting, but he really had no choice in the matter.

As soon Madison entered the hotel, she had remembered the reason why she came in the first place. Her expression changed completely, a fist forming in his hand. If Jeremy's actually here, she thought to herself, then he has to be cheating on me. There's no other reason to go. She stormed up to the escalators(which, of course, lead to and from the room where the dance was being held), when she heard Alexis's voice call to her. "Hey, Madison! Wait!"

Madison looked back, shaking her head. "I can't Alexis. Jeremy and me are going to have a long talk."

Alexis got onto the escalator, her expression changing from understanding to confusion at lightning speed. "Jeremy? I... thought he wasn't coming. I thought that YOU weren't coming because he wasn't."

Madison shook her head, rushing up the revolving stares. Her face was emotionless. "I know, He told me that. Samantha told me different." Then she reached the top of the stairs, running into where the prom was being held.

The first person she was a surprise.


"Oh. Madison."

She glared at the boy. "What the hell are you doing here?" Madison asked, her face still showing nothing that even resembled an emotion.

Landis Sharpio looked back, a face even more emotionless than hers. It was strange to see a boy younger that the seniors that is seen as popular around Cecelia Snyder, much less a child whom doesn't even attend the school. Yet, Landis was as much, if not more popular than, most of the football players on the Llamas (the team for Cecelia Snyder). Madison didn't really care how popular he was, nor did she pay any mind as to how the younger boy spoke when answering her.

"Why am I doing HERE?" He asked, his voice as to interpret as solving five Rubik's Cubes puzzles in a row. "I was invited. Isn't that obvious?"

"Don't get smart with me." Madison growled, completely ignoring the glares of the other students. "I meant WHY you got invited. You're not a senior. You don't even GO to our school. How the hell did THEY LET you in?"

Landis merely chuckled, which made Madison want to wipe his face on the floor. "Someone invited me." he said, rudely and bluntly.

Madison was about to think of a comeback, but decided against it. "F-Forget it. Have you seen Jeremy Hibins?"

Landis's face changed, showing an emotion that could be easily confused with annoyance. "Jeremy? That horrible brute of a man? What business could ever want with him, of all people?" He continued to talk, not letting Madison get a word in edgewise. "Actually, I DON'T wish to know why. Whatever the reason, it must be one that I'd regret to find out. He's in the back."

Madison didn't say anything. She just walked away, pushing the other kids out of the way. I knew it.

Jeremy seemed surprised to see her. Especially when she walked up on him fondling another girl(one with rather big... differences from Madison). "M-Madison! W-Why are YOU doing here? I... I thought you... were...."

Madison gripped the collar of Jeremy's shirt, staring him right in the eyes. She wasn't usually the one to be very confrontational, but she really didn't give a damn. She was holding herself back. She wanted to kill Jeremy, but stopped herself from doing so. She simply stared into his eyes, speaking a quiet but obviously furious voice, "Outside. Now."

And they did go outside. Jeremy seemed terrified of Madison, despite the fact that he was much bulkier than Madison, and therefore could put her down if he really wanted (or had) to. He brushed his blonde hair back, forcing a smile. "Listen, Madison, it's not-"

Madison squinted, interrupting Jeremy. She never acted rude or yelled at people when she was angry, but she made an exception for this. "Don't act stupid. I saw you making out with someone else, Jeremy. What the fuck kinds of bullshit excuse were you just about to give me?"

Jeremy stammered, having never seen Madison ever act that way before. "Well... I..."

"That was a rhetorical question."

"I-I know..."

Madison sighed, shaking her head back and forth. "So... is this what I was to you? Practice for another girl? Is THAT what you thought of me?"

Jeremy tried to keep his cool, although he wasn't doing a very good job of it. "N-No, I wasn't..."

Madison's right hand formed into a fist. "Then I was just a sex doll to you. Yeah, that's what you see me as. Your little sex toy. Isn't that right?"

"N-no.... I"

"Love me?" She grinned, her eyes still aflame. "No. That isn't possible. If you did, there'd be no reason to cheat on me."


"Well? What the hell do you have to say?"




For what seemed like the longest time, Jeremy declined to say anything about the subject.

"Okay, FINE"

Jeremy sighed, sounding rather annoyed. The whole charade was getting really tiring, and even then "No, I DON'T love you." Bastard Madison thought in her mind, as Jeremy continued. "I used you. For sex. That's all this relationship was EVER about. I doubt you'd ever forgive me. BUT, honestly, why the fuck are you so pissed off at me for?"

Madison's blood boiled. "What the fuck do you mean by that, Jeremy? I've got every reason in the world TO hate you!"

Jeremy suddenly smirked, catching Madison offguard. "Seriously. Chill out, Madie. It wasn't like I RAPED you or anything. After all, every time I asked, you always said we'd do it later. You never said no. You can't deny that, all this time, sex was one of the things you were ever interested in."

Madison stared at Jeremy for a moment. "Wait. Are... you calling me a..."

Jeremy chuckled. His tone of voice seemed to change completely, from a friendly demeanor to a scruffy, pretentious monster. It made Madison shiver. "A slut? Depends really. After all, I was the only one you let take advantage of you. So, I suppose you might not be considered a slut, but... you can't deny that you were perfectly open to the whole thing. I always seemed to ask you if we could do it, and you had no objections whatsoever. So it really depends." Madison bit her lip, and Jeremy grinned, noticing this. "BUT. Do you know what I THINK?" The long haired boy leaned in forward, his voice lowering to a whisper.

"I bet, deep down in that little, fragile case of yours, you are a little cockloving whore."

That was the first time Madison had ever struck someone. She was just filled with such anger, such fury that... slapping Jeremy across the face, as hard and as violently as she could, didn't seem like enough. Didn't seem like just punishment for all the shit he's put her through. For all the hoops that she had to jump through to make this relationship work. All of her efforts seemed to crash right before her when she him call her a whore. Madison was furious, tears streaming down her face as she stared down at Jeremy, who seemed just as surprised as she was.

"We're through, Jeremy." She told him, walking away from the boy. "I never want to see you again."

Madison only looked back once. She still had that emotionless face that she had on when she was beginning to walk away from him. "Oh, yeah, just so you know - I faked every orgasm. You were as sexually pleasing as a piece of paper."

This was, of course, a lie. Madison just wanted to see the look on Jeremy's face.

Before walking back home, which was about a mile from the hotel, Madison's phone rang. She refused to pick it up, grumbling about who could actually be calling her this late at night. She really didn't feel like talking to her mother at the moment, if it was her. If it was actually someone else, then Madison could wait until the next day to speak with them. Besides, the call must have not been that important, since her phone had just stopped ringing. Whatever... I'm going home

The next day, Madison learned that the person who had called her was Samantha.

The same exact day Samantha hung herself.

The same day that Madison wished she could have changed.
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