All nights must starts somewhere

Here is where any preparations, last second date-seeking, or other stuff of that sort can take place. This forum covers events directly related to Prom from two days before the dance until the start of the dance itself.
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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:16 am

All nights must starts somewhere


Post by Hunt11* »

((Ethan Johnson continued, possibly for now, from Monochromatic Living))

Prom night was supposed to be about celebrating the end of Senior year with friends for perhaps the last time, not trying in vain to tie some complicated knot with a bow tie. This was however Ethan's reality as he futilely began to replay the youtube video for the umpteenth time that was supposed to show how to do it. Now more then ever he regretted refusing his fathers help, as in a fit of pride he had insisted that he should learn how to do it himself, and so thirty minutes later he had only managed to make the bow tie look slightly less ridiculous then his first attempt to do it.

In disgust with his lack of success Ethan went to check his phone. The lack of any confirmation wasn't comforting but he trusted he would have heard from someone if last minute adjustments had to be made to tonights plan. With nothing else to worry about, he once again returned to the mirror, with the cursed clothing in hand. One last time to do this by himself and then he would have to swallow his pride and ask his dad for help.
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