See with Eyes Unclouded by Hate

Behind the school are some open spaces for sports events. Aurora High has a nice football field with bleachers, smaller baseball and soccer fields, and a tennis court. All of these areas are secured by fences and locked gates, though they are left open during daylight hours.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie was somewhat surprised by Adam's comment that life wasn't worth thinking about, since he felt it was more about living it. Jessica's counterpoint was that there wasn't much to live since they were still in school.

"Well, I always figured that thinking about life was good for introspective," Sophie explained, beginning to add a bit more to her sketch of Adam. "I can evaluate where I am, where I'm going, what I want to do, and so on. Likewise, I don't think being in school completely limits what you can do. I mean, you can do projects to help the community or the world. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen on weekends, or you can help build a school in Cambodia during summer break."

Sophie brushed her bangs as she added some extra touches.

"I mean, there's so much you can do with your life," she added, "so it helps to take time to just think and talk these sort of things out. You might have a breakthrough of some kind. At least I like to think so."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"Everyone I've ever known who went to build schools for orphans paid a lot of money to do it and then just tossed that shit on their college resume," Adam said. Cynical, perhaps, but true. He'd seen quite a few rich kids go on glorified vacations and try to spin it like they were Mother Theresa herself, walking through a minefield to rescue a crippled kid carrying a whole litter of puppies.

He shrugged.

" 'sides, maybe there's breakthroughs to be had for you, but I'm pretty sure what I'm gonna do already," he said, resisting the urge to give the girls a big sarcastic grin. This conversation had managed to make its way into an area Adam was actually extremely uncomfortable with. He wasn't quite sure where all this depth of feeling around relative strangers had come from, but he was more than ready to do all he could to defuse the awkwardness and move things safely back into the realm of high school bullshit.

Really, he was getting kind of sick of all this small talk anyways.
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Post by Courtography »

Jessica didn't feel the need to be introspective though. She knew what she wanted to do. If she was uncomfortable she would change but she wasn't so what was the big deal? Adam had a point too. Jessica saw the good in people doing things for people that actually thought it was the right thing. But there were too many celebrities and others just there for a photo op, and the college resumes like Adam said.

But she really didn't have anything to add to either side. She didn't want to seem like she was against helping the less fortunate, because she totally was on the side of that, for the right reasons. But she didn't want to seem naive either. So she stayed silent.
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Post by Laurels »

"Well, if you know what you're going to do," Sophie said, "that's great. I hope you live happily as a result."

Sophie continued working on the sketch. She had most of the image down and just needed to touch up on a few details.

"May I ask what you hope to do?" she asked Adam.

Man, what could he hope to do with his life? I bet it's something really cool.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"I'm gonna work for the CIA," Adam said. His voice was level, calm. His eyes showed the depth of his seriousness as he confessed his life's ambition.

"My uncle works directly under President McAllister. He's the director. So, I've been learning how to use a rocket launcher. I'm heading to Somalia next year to take out a couple warlords and reestablish democracy, praise Jesus hallelujah."

He held a straight face for a few seconds more. His hands were running over the bleachers again, making that scraping sound once more.

"No, I'm shitting you. I have no clue what I'm gonna do when I graduate. That's what the summer's for."

It was, of course, a lot easier than sharing his real ambitions. Dreams were no fun when they absolutely weren't coming true.
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Post by Courtography »

Jessica let out a short laugh at Adam's joke. Yeah sure, Adam as a secret agent. She didn't know him too well but the thought of him, heck pretty much anyone at their school, taking out African warlords was funny in itself. Although she wasn't sure whether she approved of the idea of not having any clue what he was doing until the summer, then again did it really matter what she thought?

She supposed it didn't, but she was allowed to have an opinion. So there.

"I guess if you do something it doesn't matter if you don't know what to do next as long as you're doing something." She wasn't sure if that made much sense, but that was okay. Most high schoolers didn't anyway.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie had to admit to herself, she almost bought Adam's joke. It sounded legit at first, then he began to spin out of control with the rocket launchers and African warlords. It was his way of admitting to not knowing what to do. Jessica said that it didn't matter as long as he was attempting to do something with his life.

"I get what you're saying," Sophie said to Jessica. "It's a lot better to do something rather than nothing. That kind of exploration can allow you to find new and interesting people and things to do with your life. Perhaps the CIA is the right route, maybe not. It might be fun to try."

Sophie continued to work on the sketch on her drawing pad. It was nearing completion. She had most of the image sketched out. All that would be left would be to add some color, something she knew she could do at home. She forgot to bring some pastels to school, so she'd probably have to work on the illustration later. When she had a better version, she could then make a copy and give it to Adam.

Sophie checked out the time on her cell phone. Free period was almost over. She figured she should start getting ready for class. She began to pack her supplies into her bag.

"Well, this was nice," she said to Adam and Jessica, "but I'm going to head over to class now. We should hang out some time soon, dish about our lives, all that stuff."

Sophie made her way down the bleachers and out into the field. Class would start soon, and she wanted to get to class on time.

Ah, this was a nice day. I hope I can have more like it.

((Sophie McDowell continued in The Labyrinth))
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

The girls seemed amused by the joke, but they kept being serious. Damn. It only lasted for a few moments, though, because Sophie noticed that the period was almost over. She took off, saying they should do this again sometime.

"Oh, yeah," Adam said. "Sure."

He wasn't planning on doing this again. Sophie and Jessica weren't awful, but they weren't his best buddies or his confidantes, and he didn't really see them becoming his emotional support in the short time remaining in the school year. No, they'd be more people to have a brief chat with between classes, but he wasn't about to go all soft and mushy and gush at them.

Fortunately, it was time for class, so they weren't making plans right then. Adam was sure he'd be able to come up with a good excuse by the time they asked, if they ever did. They probably wouldn't. It was probably just a meaningless pleasantry, like most of what his classmates spouted.


"I've gotta go inside too," he said to Jessica. "Later."

Then he headed off to class, not exactly looking forward to it and still too tired to focus.

((Adam Morgan continued elsewhere))
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