Mi Familia*

Carrington Pointe, located in the eastern district, is a lovely neighborhood which serves as home to many middle-class families. Carrington is home to citizens of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and proudly boasts their neighborhood watch program. It sits atop a hill and gives off a beautiful view of the nearby beach.
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Mi Familia*


Post by Megami* »

((Continued from: Memory))

The faint aroma of eggs and bacon entered Ricky Callahan's nostrils even from his position sheltered behind the shower curtain of the second-story bathroom.  Even over the crashing of water spewing from the shower head, the harmonious voice of Selena Callahan was barely audible, quietly singing a Spanish tune while she prepared breakfast.  It had been like this for as long as he could remember, family time was always an important routine in the Callahan household and it had become almost a religious practice over the years for the family to have breakfast together.  Unfortunately, with the boys' busy schedules, they were finding it more and more difficult to do so.

With somewhat of a squeak, the hot water came to an abrupt hault and Ricky absent-mindedly reached for the dark burgundy towel hanging from the nearby towel rack and he wrapped it around his waist before completely opening the shower door and stepping out onto the white tiled floor of the steam-filled bathroom.  Bare feet patted quietly across the tile, and Ricky stood straining his eyes for a moment to see through the fog-covered bathroom mirror.  His efforts were in vain, however, and the fog was currently impenetrable.

Exhaling a defeated sigh, Ricky grabbed the gel sitting on the sink counter and proceeded to run his fingers through his hair, styling it in a flurry of messy spikes that stood up across the length of his head.  Apparently satisfied with his style of choice for the day, Ricky readjusted the towel around his waist before bumbling over to the bathroom door.  A gust of steam emitted into the newly opened area as Ricky exited the bathroom.  A right-hand turn and a few feet led him to his room, and Ricky couldn't help but laugh inwardly at the fact that in the short time he had been in the shower, his bed had mysteriously seemed to make itself.  In addition, yesterday's clothing articles, which had been carelessly disguarded in the floor the night prior, had mysteriously floated into the laundry basket in the corner of the room.

Ricky stepped into the rather dark bedroom, shutting the door behind him and noting as a soft click was made, signifying that the door was indeed shut.  For someone who played sports and shared a locker room with dozens of other guys on a regular basis, Ricky was still a bit insecure with himself.  Glancing offhandedly into the mirror at his rather toned and defined chest, he didn't really understand why.  Then again, he wasn't Matt.  He didn't make it a point to run around the house practically in the buff.  Sighing and shaking his head slightly at the thought of his arrogant and overconfident little brother, Ricky pulled the black tanktop that had been tossed haphazardly over the television set over his head and changed into a pair of khaki cargo pants that appeared to be clean before once again giving himself a once-over in the mirror.

Satisfied with the messily thrown together look that he'd taken on, Ricky kicked the burgundy towel he'd adorned only moments before into the corner of the room, not bothering to place it in the laundry hamper along with the other dirty clothes.  Eventually, the towel too would mysteriously float into its correct position.  It always did.  Pushing the door open, Ricky was startled as he came face to face with his younger brother.  Matt, whose distraught looking dark hair indicated that he'd literally just rolled out of bed, grinned before a yawn passed over his lips.  Despite himself, Ricky felt the smile that came over his own features as well.  In a way, it was ironic how someone he'd resented so desperately only hours prior could once again find their way into his good graces.


Before either brother had time to speak, the thickly accented voice of the middle-aged hispanic woman in the kitchen rang out through the house.  Ricky's mother, having moved to the United States from Mexico in her late teens, spoke what could best be described as Spanglish.  While she was quite familiar with the English language, it was blatantly obvious that she was much more comfortable in her Spanish roots.  When speaking English, she had a prevalent Spanish accent that made her somewhat difficult to understand at times.  In Spanish, that accent was multiplied tenfold, clearly discerning it as her native language.

"Breakfast is ready!" the voice rang out again, the accent duly notible even from the boys' position atop the flight of stairs, "Vamos!"

Shrugging slightly, Matt hopped onto the banister and slid down, nearly missing the landing completely and having to clutch the rail for a moment to regain some sense of balance.  Shaking his head and trying to hide the smile that had formed on his lips at the sight of his brother's almost idiotic actions, Ricky followed en suite, rounding out the corner into the southwestern-style kitchen only to see his brother already plopped down at his designated chair and going to town on the breakfast that had been prepared for them.  Ricky was taken aback slightly as he was greeted by an embrace from the overly compassionate hispanic woman adorning a white apron.

"Buenos días, mi amor," she cooed, the motherly smile she was quite well-known for passing over her features, "I hope you're hungry."

"Always," Ricky chimed lightly before sliding into place beside his brother at the table.

Selena bustled around the kitchen momentarily before placing a plate of food in front of the older Callahan son.  Looking around absent-mindedly, Ricky noted the apparent disappearance of one crucial member of the family, that being Richard Callahan, their father.  Most likely, Richard had already had to leave to attend to business.  It happened often, even when the boys were growing up.  It crossed his mind to ask about the whereabouts of his father, but inwardly, Ricky knew better.  Family was a big part of everyday life for his mother, and she might get upset that as usual, his father had missed breakfast.  He'd overheard them fighting the other night about the fact that his father missed out on so much on a regular basis.  But that was neither here nor there.

Almost as soon as Ricky began to inspect his food, an awkward little habit he had before he'd eat anything, Matt was finished.  The wooden chair in which he was seated was pushed out with a loud grinding noise against the floor, which received a slightly annoyed glance from his mother.  Just as quickly, Matt uttered something unintelligable and bounded up the stairs, presumably headed for the shower.  Ricky simply looked on sleepily at the wide-eyed teenager, thinking that his little brother had far too much energy in the morning.  Disguarding the fact, Ricky went back to his food, only to once again be interrupted by the quiet and subtle voice of his mother.

"Mi amor," she stated kindly, saddling up behind Ricky's chair and placing her hands atop it, "I have a favor."

Ricky's eyebrows raised slightly and he tried desperately to hide the disappointed look that crossed over his features.  He'd planned on simply spending the day by himself, enjoying what little free time he actually had during these last few years of high school.  When mom had a favor to ask, it usually involved Ricky doing some sort of fruitless and grueling labor like cleaning out the garage or mowing the lawn.  He shuddered inwardly at the thought.  Placing the thoughts in the back of his mind, a faux smile formed on his lips and he turned to his mother with a look of pained curiosity.

"What's up?"

"Pues..." she began, and Ricky couldn't help but bite down on his lower lip as she talked.  So much for that free afternoon.  "There is much to do around the house today, and I have some... some... errands... that need to be run.  You don't mind, do you hijo?"

And there it goes.  Ricky watched in horror as his free time grew wings and simply flew out the window.  He shouldn't known better than to think that he could get some alone time.  It just didn't happen in this household.  Besides, how do you tell your mother, the woman who brought you into this world, that you can't do her errands because you want to be by yourself today?  So, like the good little puppet son that he always had been, Ricky found himself smiling and nodding.  Of course he'd do them, despite the fact that it ruined any and all plans he might've had today, despite the fact that he really didn't want to do it, despite the fact that he detested errands and chores and his parents never offered him a dime for his troubles.  He'd do it because he was a responsible person and because he was supposed to be setting an example for Matt.  And because... well, because that's what good kids do.  Right?

"Gracias, mi amor," the dark haired woman once again cooed, though this time she moved from behind Ricky's chair and grasped a pen and piece of paper before vigorously scribbling various tasks and missions that had to be accomplished that day on it.

"Anytime, mom..."

The disappointment in his voice wasn't apparent, not enough so that Selena picked up on it, anyway.  Family was a very large part of Ricky Callahan's life, because family was a very large part of Selena Callahan's life.  It was a belief that both he and Matt had had forced upon them for many, many years.  Oftentimes, Ricky found himself sacrificing his individuality for the sake of his family.  Maybe that was why he ran around with a troublemaker like Eric Silvstedt who obviously had no concern whatsoever for his own family.  It made Ricky feel independent, liberated, even somewhat rebellious.  The thoughts were immediately flung from his mind as his mother once again embraced him in a tender and loving hug.  Family.  Indeed.

((Continued in: Distractions and Diversions))
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