Prom Night

Open - Early Prom; tagging Goose

George Hunter High School's prom itself, held at an event center in downtown Chattanooga on May 25, 2018. The theme is Glow In The Dark. This forum can cover anything from the arrival at the dance to when students leave. There are plenty of chaperones around to keep an eye on things and unsupervised areas are off-limits, so no private threads are allowed at the event.
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Prom Night


Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

((Lucas Abernathy continued from The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan...))

Strolling into the event center, Lucas pushed open the doors to allow his girlfriend entry into the prom, shortly following suit. By the time of their arrival the prom was in full swing, with music blaring out from the speakers around the room, the various students with their dates getting down to the beats being laid out by the DJ, and glow in the dark shit as far as the eye could see. And here they were arriving fashionably late to the proceedings, their attires sown with the messages in glow in the dark thread, which form a single complete message when they stood next to one another, and custom bingo cards to document whatever potential drama that might unfold before them tonight.

It was all goddamn beautiful and everything Lucas had hoped for.

Of course, the beauty of prom paled in comparison to his date for the evening: his steady girlfriend for the last few months, Camille Bellegarde. It was one thing to go to prom, it was another to have someone go with. And with Camille by his side, Lucas knew this night will be one to remember for the both of them. Especially what might happen after prom.

"So, so! What should we do first?" He asked Camille, looking at her with giddy excitement. "Wanna go dance? Or get our picture taken? Or, or show off how goddamn great we look!"

Briefly Lucas looked around, seeing if he could spot anyone in particular that he'd want to show off how good he and Camille looked before refocusing his attention onto his date. Would be a fun idea but that would have to wait, he need his girlfriends input on what they should do first before he gets himself sidetracked! Although one could not deny the greatness of their looks, especially after the extensive needlework he applied to their outfits.

"Or do ya wanna just relax for a bit and see if we can scratch a few boxes off our cards?" For emphasis he pulled out his bingo card, waving it around with childlike glee. "I'm just so pumped for this! Prom is gonna be so much fun!"
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((Camille Bellegarde continued from The Safe Word's Jason Takes Manhattan.))

Camille had always known advertising was a form of art. She had never been one to be snobbish or sneering towards its practitioners, accepting that the logic of the relationship between consumers and marketers was at its core mutually beneficial, that the criticisms often levelled at the format as a whole were better targeted at specific manifestations of the craft, that advertising was no different from architecture and fashion in having a functional purpose. She had known this, logically.

But now, she knew it emotionally.

She was wearing an advert, and she felt beautiful. Normally she wasn't much one to give two shits about her appearance either way - so long as she looked fine. Compliments about her appearance were never ones that she especially craved. But something about the lighting, or the ambience, or the sheer weight of social norms, made her feel amazing in this outfit. Being with Lucas, too, just felt...well, it was a flawless feeling. She was not one to get so sentimental about anything, but right now, well, a dose of sentimentality seemed apt.

She was carrying a clutch bag. Bar the necessary sundries and personal effects, it was heavy with reams of bingo card sheets and marker pens. "I feel we should...have fun first. Before we go hunting for a bingo." Camille said this even as her eyes cast across the room, already on the lookout for drama and idiosyncrasies that she could use to get a head start on her boyfriend. She was smiling too. It was a slight smile. Her emotions were always more tempered than Lucas's, but he knew her well enough at this stage to know that her relative economy of zest was not indicative of apathy or boredom.
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"Fun it is!"

Lucas smiled at Camille as he carefully took her hand in his and lead her further into the glow in the dark revelry that was the GHHS prom. Finding something fun for the two of them to do together will no doubt be easy, whether it be dancing or something more social, Lucas had no doubt in his mind that the two of them will have a blast. The night was still so young so they'll have plenty of time to make this night one of the best ever.

More than anything, he was just happy to be here sharing this night with someone like Camille.

"So any preference on what you want to do first, hon?" He said, steering towards the dance floor where most of the party goers were currently partying. He stopped a few feet from the action, looking at Camille expectantly, waiting for her input. "I mean, we could dance for a while but what do you want, babe?"
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Camille glanced around the dance floor.

Despite her earlier comments, she was already trying to engineer a head start to her bingo game. Camille was an avid people-watcher even when there was no cause or reason for it, and now that there was an angle of competitiveness involved, she couldn't help but try and spot any boxes to tick off. The dance floor, after all, would be the epicentre for much drama, and some of the boxes on her bingo sheet required watching the proceedings astutely.

But no. There were no collisions, no clear desires to have a different partner, no clumsy attempts by any of her more socially impaired classmates to try and imitate a meme or do a dance that was comically jarring with the music playing. Oh well. Once the illicit booze started flowing, those boxes should fill in pretty quickly. Camille knew her environment, after all.

A fleeting convulsion of selfishness made her wish, for a moment, that against all logic and against all doctrines of child safety that smoking would be prohibited in the midst of this prom, a desire for her own particular brand of unabashed hedonism to be given priority above more worthwhile and compelling considerations. She was not so selfish as to dress that symptom of her addiction up with any greater principle or higher justification, and had the wit and social grace to keep the true depths of her desire to smoke curtailed, but when Lucas looked away, her hand did go up to her lips to seize the opportunity, mimicking the motions of smoking a cigarette to quell at least part of the desire.

"I couldn't dance if my life depended on it," Camille replied, coolly but not harshly, with a tone that would sound hostile coming from most but conveyed an easy-going contentment when coming from Camille. "But if you want to sway to the music and enable my futile attempts to imitate slow dancing, I'd quite like that."
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

The smile didn't fade from Lucas' face, in fact it only got wider as he heard Camille's response.

"That's fine," He said, giving her hand a squeeze. "I can't really dance either. So I guess mutual futile attempts at slow dancing?"

It was quite true that he couldn't dance. He honestly didn't do it that much, even at parties he preferred to sit it out the dancing and just chill out with people. Talking and drinking mainly, but hardly ever dancing. He was more of a listener of music than a dancer, so that left his skills on the dance floor to be rather lacking. But they were at prom so he felt he was sort of obligated to do at least a dance. Even if they were bad at dancing, they would at least be bad at it together. If in the end they were having fun then it wouldn't even matter at the end of the day if they sucked at dancing or not.

He looked to the dancing crowd as they all maneuvered themselves in the proper dance as a slow song — he wasn't sure of song's name — came on over the speaker.

Lucas held out a hand to Camille. "Shall we then?"

He takes Camille's hand in his and leads her into the dance floor.

Time passed as the two of them danced, as uncoordinated and awkward as they both assumed it was going to be. But they had no less fun despite their awkward fumbling dance moves. After a few songs had been played, the two of them eventually wandered off the dance floor. Lucas panted heavily, face more than a little red from the exertion of the dancing. That was honestly the most exercise he has gotten in weeks and despite feeling like he was going to keel over any moment now, he still had fun. However once fully away from the dancing students he leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees, breathing ragged breaths, trying to catch his breathe. Maybe dancing wasn't the best idea...

"Al... right..." He said through heavy breathing. "What... What do ya wanna do next...? ...Oh fuck..."
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Post by General Goose »

In a way, Camille was grateful that Lucas was as hopeless and maladroit a dancer as she was. That sort of inequality would have, possibly, taken away the humour and joviality that the couple otherwise found in dancing, and wouldn't have enabled anything in the way of showy moves or the tapping of heretofore undiscovered extra romantic chemistry. They would have made it work - it wouldn't have been an issue - but the act of sharing a clumsy dance where they were both stepping on each other's toes was so much more enjoyable than a mismatched pairing with an irreparable skill gap. When they accidentally bumped into another couple, almost all far less adventurous and far more averse to a ridiculous mistake, it was a fault they both shared in.

They were both easily identified as terrible dancers, and in that way, they had become one. Was that not always the end goal of a romantic dance? Not the technical prowess, but showing one another that you were both so in sync, so attuned to the other's impulses and physical limits, that you could both form a cohesive whole together? In the case of Camille and Lucas, they did that by both being shit, by catching eyes and clearing space through their inept butchery of every song rather than jawdropping displays of musicality and dexterity.

She was exhausted too, and slumped down in a chair by Lucas's side. "That's an option," she replied, too tired to add even the slightest flirty or lighthearted intonation to her reply to his muttered profanity. "Is it cheating if I used ourselves as the 'terrible dancers' for the bingo card?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Lucas looked over to his girlfriend, smiling at her as he continue to breathe heavily. Looking at her he couldn't help but mentally remark on her beauty, especially in that dress she wore. If it weren't for the fact they just got through dancing he'd make some sappy remark about how she makes his heartbeat go crazy. Mostly because she'd probably point out they just got through with dancing, thus killing his fun at an attempt of a horrifically cheesy romantic line. Maybe he'll hold onto for another time, and drop it at a suitably romantic time. Who knows, he might just get a laugh out of it.

He straightened his posture, letting out a quick but exhausted sigh. Geez, he needed to get in shape cause this was just pathetic.

"Well, if I were to, uh, 'rules lawyer' it up a bit, we never did say we couldn't mark off boxes if we were the ones doing the things on the cards." He said, trying to control his breathing and ignore the faint burning sensation in his muscles. "So I guess it is fair game. Or maybe it was the free spot."

Come to think of it, what was the free spot? He had a bit of trouble actually remembering that little detail.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his bingo card that had been folded up into a neat square. He unfolded it, carefully as to not accidentally tear it, and looked over the piece of paper. Disappointingly, the free space was just labeled "Free Space" with no little humorous additives to it like "We're the bad dancers" or "Private After Party ;D", or something else to that regard. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

With that in mind, he quickly pulled out a pen from a pocket inside his suit jacket with a dramatic — if obviously practiced — flourish, and quickly marked off "Terrible Dancers" from the bingo card.

"Well, I just did it so it is officially fair game. " He said, smiling a little mischievously.
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Oh, Lucas, you dirty conniving bastard. Camille smiled with amusement at his ambitious resourcefulness, out of his willingness to get the jump on her moment to check the rules by answering her question with a sly practical demonstration. She laughed at his quick thinking, before swiftly fishing out her own card and pulling out a felt tip pen. Her fingers immediately became smudged with a few marks of ink, but nothing to worry about.

She couldn't remember if it was allowed to fill in a space that somebody else had already filled in. She imagined so - the game of bingo that was so ubiquitous in retirement homes and community centres throughout the world wouldn't have functioned otherwise - but was it sportsmanslike to just as quickly fill in a space after someone else had signalled it was fair game?

Wait. No. Lucas wasn't playing this with any sense of fair play. No. Fuck that. She smiled devilishly, making a flourish of crossing out the space herself.

"In which case," Camille continued, looking down her list, her tone suddenly erudite and volitional, albeit with a slight tinge of excitement as she spoke as quickly as her mind pieced the thoughts together. "I'm going to get drunk to fill in the 'Sloppy Drunk' card, and we're going to have to have a dramatic breakup and sensual reconciliation tonight - that will fill in two spaces - and next time one of us goes to the toilet, we have to walk out with toilet paper stuck to our shoe."

"Or is that TOO much cheating?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

"Clever girl." Lucas mused, smiling at Camille as he twirled the pen he held in his hand. He hummed in thought, looking over his bingo card while every so often shooting a look to his girlfriend. He looked over each of the boxes Camille had mentioned, noting their positions and how close it would bring him to a bingo. The answer was not much closer. He would still be off by a few boxes but he was pretty sure it would mean Camille wins. But he had a thought and he smile deviously.

"Now, you could do that, babe. But unlike the dancing you're giving me notice ahead of time, so I would say it is perfectly fair for me to mark off those boxes right now and win." He reasoned, holding up his bingo card and shaking it slightly. "But it would be really unfair if I did that."

He clicked the pen and stored it back within the pocket inside his suit jacket.

"Besides, half the fun of this is seeing this stuff naturally unfold. Hardly sporting if you just went out and did them to get yourself that win, baby."

He felt that his reasoning was pretty sound. The whole point of this bingo was to be a little game for them to play while at the prom, a sort of weird high school social life scavenger hunt. Anyone can tip the scales in their favor by doing whatever the boxes said. Would Camille seriously do that or was she just messing around? Could be either or, Lucas figured. Still, he would need to nip that one in the bud right away to ensure the integrity of the game. Although if he goes by Camille's rules on he matter, it would be perfectly valid to mark off a few boxes that he found personally tempting off. But still...

"How about this," He said, leaning in close to Camille. "if one of us does something on the card then the other can mark it off and vice-versa. No marking it off if you do it yourself. So I can't mark off the 'Sloppy Drunk' box if I go get drunk. Sound fair?"
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Camille shrugged, completely unfazed by his threat to mark off the boxes in advance. "You forget, I could then go NOT do those things and get you disqualified for cheating."

Camille knew that this was reaching an almost unsustainable level of Machiavellian chicanery and lawyeristic attempts to subvert and distort the hopelessly loophole-ridden system they had created. Anyone else that they'd invited to join in on this attempt would be left hopelessly behind, as the couple at the heart of it had clearly started their own game in the absence of any watertight rulebook.

It was a different game from the one they'd originally set out to do, but Camille would have been okay with it.

She nodded at his clarification. If that was the way he wanted to play, she'd oblige. "It does sound fair."

Already her mind was thinking about how to get everyone else sloppy drunk.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Lucas smiled and clapped his hands together. "Good!" he said. "Then that's one of the rules."

With that bit of business regarding their game all settled away he looked about the room, scanning it to see if he could spot anything that might allow him to check off a box on his bingo card. Sadly all he could see were people dancing and mingling among themselves, and if there was anyone who might help him tick a box off he did not see them. As much as it was good to relax after nearly dying from exhaustion, he would need to be more proactive in trying to achieve his bingo victory over his girlfriend.

"So what do ya wanna do now?" he asked, taking up a chair next to Camille.

He figured he'd let Camille decide the next course of action, as he had chosen that they do the dancing. It was only fair if she had a say in what they did at prom.

He smiled pleasantly at her, quietly trying to eye her up from his sitting position.
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Post by General Goose »

Camille looked over her own shoulder with a perfunctory glance, eyes ignoring the standard hustle and bustle of the prom and instead trying to laser in on opportunities to fill in bingo cards - using the opportunity to also try up and think of loopholes and dirty tricks to get an advantage, before remembering that, no, Lucas didn't want their game to be that competitive.

She wasn't exactly well suited to the prom environment. The prospect felt forced to her, if she was to be honest. But she enjoyed spending time with Lucas, so wasn't too bothered about that.

"Personally, I would be keen to just get drunk."
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Lucas' smile widened and placed a hand on Camille's thigh. "My kind of girl."

He would love to kick back a few drinks right now with his girl, but sadly he was the driver to this little school party and had to resist the urge to indulge in his second favorite vice. At least for now. Later he'll probably get real fucking wasted and have himself a private after-party with Camille. No matter how fun this party might end up being, his time with his girlfriend would top it.

Of course, he was more than happy to help his girlfriend engage in such an indulgence while they were here.

"I think I have what'cha need," He said, looking around with a devious glint in his eye. "But we may need to find a secluded spot. Oh, and drop by my car."
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Camille stood up, pausing only to brush some stray hair behind her ear. She threw Lucas a smile. Held out her hand to him, and adopted a joking tone of coquettish curiosity.

"Lead the way," she replied.

"Because there is frankly nothing more pointless than being at a party while sober." Camille had intended to smuggle a couple of flasks in, but had decided against it. It would have required far too complicated and cumbersome a task in terms of the needlework that would have been required to adapt her outfit and the embroidery to make it concealable. Work that she lacked the talent to put in herself and the energy to ask others to handle it for her. She had also contemplated visiting the location in advance, hiding a few drinks around the place in opportune locations, but the risks of someone else pilfering her stash meant that the risk was ultimately unwarranted.

She really needed to develop other ways to smuggle in obscenely large amounts of alcohol. An essential life skill, really.

((Camille Bellegarde continued elsewhere.))
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"Can't argue there," Lucas said with a chuckle. He stood back up from his seat, his legs aching in protest just a little from the movement. "Right this way, darling."

Lucas slipped an arm around Camille's waist and lead her through towards the exit. It was funny, Lucas thought, that they had barely been here that long and they were already going to bust the booze out. Oh well, it isn't like he was going to complain! Well, he might complain a little since he was the driver. Can't get drunk when you were the driver. Maybe a sip or two wouldn't hurt, and he could always make up for lost time later tonight after prom. For now, he'll treat his lady right and hook her up with the flask of whisky he had stored in his car.

He looked to Camille and smiled brightly at her as they walked through the entrance way, the pounding music calling from behind them. Looking at her now, admiring how beautiful she was, and just being with her right now... It was just all so perfect. Even if he knew she wasn't as enthusiastic about prom as he was, he was just so happy to be here tonight and sharing these moments with her.

He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. What could he say to her in this moment? He didn't exactly have a good line here to use that wouldn't make him sound like a huge dork. But maybe she wouldn't mind that?

He shook his head and continue to lead Camille outside to the chill night air towards his car, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

Maybe later... He thought.

((Lucas Abernathy will be continued Room 714: Den of Nerds...))

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