
Located on the first floor of the mall, even in the summer, the ice skating rink seems to transform its area of the mall into a winter wonderland. Classes are offered for beginners on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the rest of the week being a free-for-all skate.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Well, he seemed to be doing just fine, now!

Remy's smile grew even bigger as he slid along. See? Wasn't so hard. All he needed to do is just... once again, he needed to practice.

Wait. New lesson: turning?!

Remy's face slightly blanched, though he tried his best to keep a smile on. Could he do this? Well, he was getting better at the other stuff... but this? Oh dear. He was going to fail again. No... he can't fail! He was getting so good... he can't just stop now!

So he must try! He must!

It didn't seem too hard, judging by what Reiko had to say. Just lean... lean... lean... as Reiko said, slow and steady wins the race-

Oh crap.

Remy fell face-first to the ground, feeling the cold ice against him. He fell, didn't he? Damn it, now he made himself look like even more of a fool in front of Reiko. He felt his face flush in embarrassment as he looked up at the girl in front of him.

"Reiko... I'm sorry..."
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Reiko watched as her student of the moment made progress in the little impromptu lesson she was giving. There was a certain sense of pride seeing someone progress and become better thanks to your words and actions. Now I know why Reika does this so much Reiko thought to herself as she watched Remy make his first attempt at turning. Just when she thought he was going to make it, he leaned to far over, and lost his balance. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had been doing so well.

"Don't worry about it," Reiko said as she skated up to the young man. "We all fail the first time." Reiko extended a hand to help Remy up.

As Remy grabbed her hand, and she pulled, she felt a sharp pang in her head, causing a momentary distraction in which Reiko lost her balance. Her feet came out from underneath her, and for the first time that she could remember in recent memory, Reiko felt the fabric of her pants meet the cold, hard surface of the ice. She would sit there for a moment, one hand on her temple, with the other still holding onto Remy's hand, who was also at this point still on the ground.

(sorry for the delay, and sorry for kinda GMing Remy >.<)
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Remy reached out to grab Reiko's hand, but soon enough, just like he had before, she fell over, this time holding her head again.

Uh oh... her head was acting up again, wasn't it? Most likely. What if she really did need to be taken to the emergency room? What if he was stressing her out? What if... oh hell, if something were to happen to her, it would be his fault! And he was just some clumsy guy who couldn't ice skate! She didn't need be stressed out over him!

It didn't help that she was still holding his hand, as well. Remy, to be honest, never really held a woman's hand that much, now that he thought of it. Heck, the last time he could remember a woman holding his hand was when he was younger and it was his mother, not a classmate. It also didn't help that Reiko was kind of cute-

Oh hell. He really did not need to think like that, especially right now.

"Uh... hey, Reiko? Are you sure you're alright?"

Remy looked around the rink, and seeing that people were still skating by, apparently not noticing the two teenagers on the ground. They just went on by, as if nothing was happening! Sighing to himself, he turned his head to look back at Reiko.

"Hey... if you want, we could take a break for several minutes? Like... get off the rink, rest for a few minutes, and try again-"

He stopped himself mid-sentence. Why, he did not know. Was he... nervous? Scared? Well, Reiko was still feeling kind of off, apparently, so that was one thing to be nervous about, of course. Remy stared down at the ice for a few seconds, wondering if she was up for said break.
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Reiko couldn't hear anything past her own throbbing head, so she was completely oblivious to Remy's first inquiry if she was okay. Her eyes closed, free hand on her head, she would remain like this for a couple more seconds until things started to clear up again, and this time she heard his question. Getting off the ice and resting seemed like a good idea to her at the moment. She just had to... get... up- the small girl struggled to stand, using the side for support, still unknowingly holding Remy's hand. Something in her mind reminded her that she hadn't responded to Remy's question yet.

"Ye-yeah..." she said finally. "I should probably rest..."

Looking down at Remy, who was still on the ground at this point, Reiko noticed they were still holding hands. For reasons not quite apparent to her, she suddenly felt embarrassed, and immediately pulled her hand away, gripping the side with that hand as well, although this was more of an excuse than because she actually needed it. Averting her eyes, she looked at Remy through the reflection of the window she was staring at.

"Think you can get up on your own?"
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Well, she seemed to agree that she should rest. So rest she shall, right?

As Reiko lifted herself off the ground, Remy looked up and saw that she noticed the same thing that Remy did seconds ago; they were still holding hands. With an embarrassed look, she lifted her hand away.

Oh, hell, he didn't let go when he noticed, didn't he? What's up with that? Did he freak her out? Hopefully not, or else... what would happen? Remy didn't want to think about that. Not at all. He wasn't a creeper, and he did not want her to think that, of all things! Remy glanced back down at the ground, feeling even more embarrassed.

But, she was speaking to him again. Could he get up? Well, could he? How close were they to the side of the rink? Well they hadn't gone off too far, and Reiko had used it to get up herself. Perfect! Remy grabbed the side himself, and lifted himself to his feet.

"I... think I got it", he said, as he gave Reiko the best smile he could, though it turned out to be another shy, timid one.

Okay, so they should get off the rink. Where was the nearest exit? After a quick glance, he saw that the nearest exit of the rink itself was just a few feet behind Reiko. Well, that worked. Now... could Reiko easily make her way there? Possibly.
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Reiko noticed that Remy was looking past her, and turned around to see one of the many entrances only a couple feet away from her. She slowly shuffled her way over, until she was able to step up onto the ground, and off the icy surface. She figured Remy would be nearby, so she sat down in the seat nearest to where she was sitting.

Reiko's head was spinning, and her stomach felt like it was doing back flips inside her. If there was one thing she didn't need right now, it was to vomit. To her, that was a sign of weakness, her body telling her that she wasn't strong enough, that she should just give up. On top of that, it would make her look bad in front of Remy. She already didn't look as strong as she had wanted to, anything more than this would be unacceptable.

The tiny girl tried her best to sit up straight, and although she was in obvious discomfort, she didn't slouch. Reiko had shown enough weakness in front of this boy whom she had never met before. She couldn't have him thinking of her as some helpless little girl. Looking in Remy's direction, she waited to see if he would say anything.
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Reiko seemed to have the same thought as he did, and made her way towards the exit. Remy followed, his movements going into a small, awkward waddle.

And soon enough, they were out of the rink. Reiko sat down, clearly feeling ill. Remy placed himself next to her, and, after removing his skates and rubbing his feet, started worrying again.

What should he do? Perhaps she would need something more? But what? Are there any tricks that could make her feel a little better?

Water! Maybe she needed a drink! After all, maybe she was feeling a little dehydrated, and her previous injury was making it worse somehow! And even if she wasn't, it could help her steady herself and relax a bit!

So, he should ask, huh? Well, it couldn't hurt.

"Hey, Reiko?" he turned to her, a concerned look over his face. "I think there are a few vending machines out and about... perhaps I could... you know... get you a bottle of water? It's probably not a good idea to get dehydrated..."

Was this the right thing to do? At least he offered, right? But, should he leave her alone, even for a few seconds? What if she needed to see a doctor? What if something were to happen to her? But, she should get some kind of help, and well, he offered! And he owed her one, after all, she bothered to help him with the whole ice skating thing. But was he helping?
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Post by Rocky* »

Reiko had to try her best to not close her eyes. It was not an easy task however, as the world seemed to be spinning in front of her, making her feel even worse. Right now it was just spinning, and pain, and trying not to puke and... water. Wait, water? Where did that come from? Water did seem like a good idea right then...

A moment later, Reiko was back to reality, and found herself looking at a blurry image of who she assumed was Remy. It didn't take long for her to put two and two together, and figure out that Remy had offered to get her some water. Knowing that would probably be a good idea, Reiko gingerly nodded her head. Yes, water would be good. Then maybe the spinning would stop. Although, it was starting to slow down a bit now...

As Remy left to get the water, Reiko slumped back in her seat. You'd think you'd have learned to take it easy after an injury by now, Reiko silently berated herself. It was always the same with her though. She was almost glad she was alone this time. Well, almost alone.
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After a few seconds, Reiko nodded at the offer for water, and soon enough, off Remy went to fetch it.

Going as fast as he could in a crowded public area, he quickly found the water vending machine, and after taking out his wallet from his pocket, put in a few dollars.

And, after a brief moment, a bottle of water fell down to the bottom of the vending machine's chute. Getting a second one for himself, he grabbed both bottles and headed back.

He was still kind of concerned about leaving Reiko alone, though. What if she fainted? What if she had to vomit, or wandered off in a daze? Remy's heart was beating like a drum as he went as fast as he could back to where Reiko was. He had to think of the better possibilities! After all, what if she was okay, and just needed to rest for a bit? But, she seemed pretty ill.

Seeing that she was slumped in her seat, Remy wondered if she was feeling any better. She seemed pretty spaced out when he asked about the water, after all. What if she needed to be taken home to rest? But, it would be best to see how she felt after water and a few minutes of rest.

"Uh... here", he started, as he reached out to hand Reiko one of the bottles. And, after a beat, he asked "Are you feeling any better?"
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Post by Rocky* »

Reiko accepted the bottle from a concerned Remy, breaking the seal with a shaky hand and bringing it to her lips. The cool liquid went into her mouth and down her throat, sending waves of relief through her body. After a couple moments, the pain in her head dulled to a minor throbbing, and her stomach stopped churning. Taking a deep breath, the girl smiled slightly, more for the benefit of Remy than herself.

"I'll be fine. Although I probably shouldn't go back on the ice." she said, laughing quietly.

Taking another sip of her water, Reiko couldn't help but think of just how strange the day had turned. Meeting Remy had definitely been a stroke of luck for her. She couldn't help but smile inwardly at the fact her injury from meeting Sarah had more or less brought upon her meeting Remy today. What a world, what a world. Glancing at her watch, she realized that it was almost time for her to meet up with her sister for dinner.

"Hey uhh," Reiko began awkwardly. "I'm supposed to meet my sister in the food court for dinner, and was wondering if maybe you'd like to come along?"
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Remy watched as Reiko took a sip of the water. And, soon she gave Remy a small smile.

She was fine?

He almost made a sigh of relief. Perhaps the water did help. Maybe it was a good idea after all!

Though she said that she probably should not go back on the ice. After all, she was probably still feeling a little dizzy. Remy didn't mind too much, though. Maybe some day they could practice again? Who knows?

Wait, dinner? With his sister? Remy honestly wasn't expecting to eat at the mall today. In fact, he was expecting to come straight home, and... do something. He didn't know what. He wasn't sure how Josée would react to today's events if she found out, actually, now that he thought of it. Remy didn't want to know; it was most likely something negative, as always. But, at this point, he really did not give a damn about what she thought.

But, he had to make a good impression, right? After all, if he declined, it probably won't look good. He didn't want to come off as rude, correct? And it might be nice to eat dinner with her and her sister. Weren't they twins or something?

And besides, Reiko was probably still feeling off, so...

He made his decision after a beat.

"... Sure. I'd like that."

And then he gave Reiko his best smile.
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Post by Rocky* »

Reiko nodded as she bent down to remove her skates. Pulling the on the laces, she slipped her feet out of them, wiggling her toes to help the circulation get back to normal. As usually, she made a mental note that she needed to get a new pair of skates, which she knew she would forget as soon as she left the skating rink. Tying the laces of the two skates together, she small girl stood up. She was feeling a lot better now, although still a bit wobbly. She slung her skates over her shoulder, thankful that the change room she used was near their location. She just needed to grab her things and she would be ready to go.

"Okay, I just need to get my stuff first, so I guess we can meet back here? I'm sure you still have some stuff you need." she said, giving Remy a moment to respond before walking in the direction of the change room.

(sorry for the wait and small post -.-)
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Post by KamiKaze »

Remy nodded.

"Okay. Works for me."

And so, he picked up his skates and headed a couple of feet away into the changing room he had used before, one different than Reiko's. It was a bit farther away than hers, but it wasn't that far off. As he found his way inside, he found the locker he had been assigned to, and, after unlocking it, opened and removed his shoes from it. After placing them on his feet, and got out everything else from the locker (which wasn't much, just small stuff).

To be honest, he was getting rather fond of Reiko. Sure, in a way she kind of reminded him of Josée for some reason, but the thing was, she wasn't as much as a bitch as her. Which was, of course, a good thing. A second Josée would be very bad. But, anyways... he liked Reiko, for some reason. He really couldn't put his finger on it.

Wait a second, he should call home to let Mom know what was going on, right?

After taking out his cell phone from his jacket pocket, he called home, praying to god Josée was not the one to answer. But, after a few rings, the "please leave a message" automatic response came on, and Remy promptly left one, explaining his whereabouts in a simple way, that didn't give out too much, but gave a basic explanation.

Once he was done, he placed the phone back in his pocket, and headed out, finding the spot where he and Reiko had been before, and twisted his head around to look for her.

She shouldn't be too far off...
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Post by Rocky* »

Reiko sat on one of the various wooden benches within the empty locker room. Everyone else was still out on the ice, so she would be long gone before any of them came into the room. The tiny girl struggled to get her feet into her shoes, which she always kept tied. It was a little extra work, but she couldn't be bothered to tie them up every time she wanted to wear them. Tossing her skates into the duffel bag she brought with her, as well as taking off the jacket she was wearing to make up for the cold air from the ice, revealing a redish orange sleeveless T, Reiko zipped up her bag and hefted it onto her shoulder.

The girl couldn't help but think as she walked through towards the door of the dressing room about her recent habit of running into people and then asking them to hang out later. Maybe that hit to her head affected her more than she thought. All she knew was that she seemed to have been much more open to meeting new people recently than she had before. Not that she never had a shortage of friends, but she more or less hung out with a select few people on a consistent basis. Suddenly she found herself having met not one, but two people within a few short weeks of each other, and more or less was friendly with both of them.

Arriving at the predetermined location, Reiko spotted Remy waiting for her. He wasn't so bad. Maybe Reiko just needed to get out more. "All set," the girl said to Remy. "ready to go?"
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Ah! There she was!

Remy smiled somewhat timidly as Reiko walked up to him.

"Almost. I kind of forgot to turn these in."

He lifted the skates he had rented, indicating them as the "these" in that sentence. He really should have done that while he was waiting for Reiko, now that he thought of it. But, he could probably do that on their way out. It was not as if he was going to walk out with them in hand. That would be wrong, of course, for obvious reasons that did not need to be explained. Probably the best option, anyways.

"But, I think I can do that on our way out, right?"

Hopefully Reiko wouldn't be too annoyed by that, of course.

But, how was her head doing? He couldn't help but wonder again. Remy had to admit, seeing her out like that on the rink was actually kind of frightening. But, should he ask how she was feeling? She seemed fine... maybe he should... wait things out, see how they go? After all, he didn't want to annoy her too much...

But, anyways, it was time for them to go, so go they shall. Remy nodded, and spoke again.

"Well, let's head out, then?"
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