Down the Rabbit Hole

The Peaceful Meadows chapel is a small, understated building with a plain design, the only allowance for any flourishes being a large stained glass window on one of the walls, depicting a sun rising over green hills. Inside the crematorium there are two rooms. The first could be considered the entrance hall, a small room with a couple of worn down chairs. Beyond the entrance is the main hall which contains three rows of benches spanning the breadth of the room. At the front of the room is a podium for conducting eulogies and speeches. There is also a platform for the casket to rest on during the course of the service. While the crematorium was clearly well looked after during its years of activity, in the years since Northmount closed it has steadily been fallen into disrepair. Coupled with the buildup of the plant life in the gardens, time has taken its toll upon the small building; thorn bushes and nettle patches have sprung up through the floorboards, which have themselves become weak in places, meaning that despite the small size of the chapel it takes time and care to safely navigate it.
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Post by Espi »

The atmosphere became uncomfortably morose.

Alice wondered what the other two were thinking. Contemplating mortality was an unpleasant activity, but there wasn't much else to be done, especially if you wanted to avoid drawing attention to yourself. Even searching for well-liked school companions put one at risk.

Off-hand, Alice was sure none of her good friends had shown up on the announcements as killers. They were safe, for what it was worth. But Alice didn't think she'd be able to find any of them. She liked to think she kept good company, so her friends were likely to be sensible enough to avoid danger.

But bad luck and fallibility made that a risky bet. Alice could go hunting for them, but she'd likely not encounter them before...And worse, if she did, what then? They could be comforting to each other, but eventually one or both of them would die. And leave the other alone and despairing.

Alice realized she'd been quiet for several seconds. She glanced up at the others, then moved over to get her bag. An idea had occurred to her. A new plan, riskier, not much more fulfilling, but meaningful all the same. She'd find her friends, ideally Bryony, whom she was closest two. She'd help them survive, as best she could. And hopefully, if her original plan could still be held two, one or even more would survive.

"I'll be going, then." Alice said, trying to sound more confident. "I ah, want to find my friends. Hopefully we can survive together." She smiled slightly, another show of self-assurance, and headed through the doors past the two.

((Alice Baker continued-))

Alice stopped a few feet out the door. "Oh! You're welcome to join me if you like!" She called behind her. Then she departed, hoping with every step that she was making the right choices here, with however much time was left.

((Alice Baker continued in Last Days))
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Post by Courtography »

Keith wasn't sure if he bought Sandra's explanation of what had happened, but he had never been in a Danger Zone, so he supposed he'd have to take her word for it. He also supposed she didn't have any reason to lie. He was probably just paranoid due to the circumstances and what had happened the night before. That was all it was.

Then Sandra and Alice both announced that they were intending on finding their friends. He wondered what that feeling must be like. Most of his friends hadn't been on the field trip.

"I uh, I'll go with you."

He was surprised he had said it. Alice wasn't his friend. He didn't know her well at all. He just, well, he just didn't want to be alone.

He thought of Joshua.

This time would be different.

(Keith Bauer continued in Last Days)
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Post by CondorTalon »

Sandra watched the two leave. She craned her neck as she thought.

She, ideally, didn't want to stick within any one group for too long. Groups were fragile, they could fall apart easily because of one bad apple, and while it was true that being alone was just as, if not more dangerous, she...

Hmm... then the plan could be to stay in a group until such time that she detected any discord. Was it a solid plan? Who knew. It was better than riding a sinking ship to the bottom, but if she could she would try to salvage as many innocents from within the group as possible. And she would keep that going until it was no longer feasible to do so.

She wasn't a monster, after all, but she wanted to go home.

But she was getting ahead of herself at this point.

Alice and Keith wouldn't have gotten far. She could easily catch up to them.

((Sandra Dyer continued in Last Days.))
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