
A huge tree, bursting with foliage, straddles part of the overgrown trail. A large part of the tree has been hollowed out on the inside, making it large enough for army vehicles to pass through. It's large enough to house quite a few people, and the age-old carvings on the inside of the tree are testament enough to that. It's not much in terms of shelter, but it's better than spending a night in the deep, dark jungle.
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Post by Buko »

Like an old man he had come crashing down onto the floor when the staff came into contact with his knee, the boy who hit him didn't exactly have enough strength, but Blood Boy was a rickety guy and as he fell down and immediately tried nursing the blow to his "funny bone" he heard the gunshots and saw a boy fall down in front of him, backing up and getting up he pointed his gun at Chris Rydell and mercilessly emptied the remainder of his clip into his mid-section -which included three shots-, the boy of course could probably still roll out of the way of them, but Blood Boy paid no mind and instead focused upon getting the hell out of there.

And then the announcement came on.

Danya was quite the actor indeed.

Blood Boy's trick? No, it was common sense and Goodman? Goodman was the cause of that fiasco that left him with a raw blood filled skull for a face. Blood Boy was a known killer, he knew this would come, but when he finally heard Danya's dialogue about he smiled. He smiled and laughed so loud and hard it sounded frightening. The cackle was heard throughout the area as Blood Boy convulsed in happiness, things? Things couldn't have gone more right, Danya? Danya had helped him so much. Nobody. Nobody on this damnable island knew who the hell Nathanial Harris was and they never would.

The laughter persisted as he loaded up the Taurus and smiled widely, his lips where gone and his smile managed to reveal his lower face to the world, his bright white shattered teeth sparkling in the new morning sunrise, his pinkish bandages revealed as he stared down at his captors, their faces where obvious, his mask? His mask had been cast aside...he just looked like a laughing mummy.

"Good morning," he smirked, "Classmates."

The laughter persisted again has he ran off with a drunken swagger, cackling like some sort of clown. Things? Things couldn't go much better for Nathanial Harris, he was a specter and even moreso he had been rewarded for something he didn't even actively pursue, if Danya wanted to reward him for that? Well, then maybe luck was finally changing for Blood Boy. His eyes twinkled as he ran off towards the Sea Cliffs. Destiny awaited.

((Continued in Ten Speed))
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Post by Megami* »

((In case anybody was wondering, I totally gave Ciel permission to take my gun.))

It was there, shining and gleaming inside of her daypack, begging her to remove it, flick off the safety, and eliminate the psychotic who was firing at them. Despite the gun's beckoning call, Terrie found herself completely unable to grasp the object... to point it... to shoot it. Her hazel eyes widened with intimidation as she stared down at the object before her hand hesitantly moved back to cradle her bleeding upper arm once again. She wouldn't have to worry about firing the gun.

Instead, Brad all but reached over her, retracting the silver object from her pack and wrenching her up by the arm before she could get a word in edgewise. If she'd been thinking logically, she might have opposed him, or at least screamed at him, but in her current state, Terrie was so bewildered that she simply grabbed ahold of her daypack and let herself be dragged around the other side of the tree by the gun-toting Brad.

Terrie wasn't quite sure what she had been expecting, but when Brad actually pointed her gun in the direction of their attacker and fired, she found herself completely dumbfounded. Her eyes widened in horror as the bullets connected with a body... the worst feeling, though, was that she didn't know just whose body it had connected with. She'd seen two shadows moving in the darkness, running up on their attacker. Had it been Will and Christian or... someone else entirely?

The second the bullets connected, Brad seemed to go into a mental breakdown of sorts. He dropped Terrie's gun into the dirt in front of him and simply stood there, diverting his eyes completely away from her for a moment and stuttering almost incoherent sentences. Terrie frowned sympathetically and moved to put her uninjured arm on Brad's shoulder. The truth was, he had just shot somebody... potentially killed them. She was completely mortified, but her concern for her companion greatly outweighed that fact.

"No..." Terrie protested quietly, trying to be of some comfort to the boy, "You did the right thing, Brad. You had to... if you hadn't, he'd have killed us all. He was trying to kill us all... there wasn't... we had no choice. You had no choice... I'm sorry... I should've... should've used it. It's my fault that you had to."

She was more racked with guilt over the fact that by her inaction, she'd all but forced the hand that Brad had played than the fact that Brad had shot another one of their classmates. In her attempts to comfort her obviously traumatized companion, she didn't notice the first rays of sunlight shining through the dense foliage, nor did she notice Will lying over Christian's wounded body.

"It's okay, Brad... it'll be okay..."

That was really all the solace she could offer. The silence of the morning was suddenly broken by the speakers crackling to life and the sound of the infamous Mr. Danya's voice ringing out across the island. Terrie felt the butterflies building in her stomach when Danya started announcing all the people who had been killed that day. Thankfully, Danya spared her the gruesome details of Jason's death. If he'd painted them the whole bloody picture, Terrie probably would've vomited.

Still, he said more than enough when he described some of the horrible ways that her other classmates had died. Being an overly sensitive person by nature, Terrie was by this time desperately trying to fight back tears. Nobody deserved to die, and most of them had gone in such painful and horrible ways. The blonde gripped Brad's shoulder tightly as Danya finally concluded his horrible list and went on to rattle off the dangerzones. Thankfully, they weren't in any of them.

Perhaps most sickeningly of all was the end of the announcement. She didn't know this Nathanial Harris boy Danya had credited for Josh Goodman's kill at all. Whoever he had been, she was completely nauseated by the fact that Danya and his terrorists would give him a prize for killing someone in such an awful way. One positive thing had come from the announcement, though.

"Brad... do you hear that? You didn't kill anybody. See? It's okay... everything's... everything's okay now," she sniffled out, unable to hold back the tears of frustration that were spilling down her cheeks for the millionth time.

In the surge of emotions that had overtaken her, she failed to notice the other figure on the ground rise up and walk away, leaving only Will and Christian to lie there. Instead, her attention had been diverted elsewhere, and she was desperately trying to focus on the fact that she needed to patch Brad up again, as well as herself. Her injuries were extremely painful, and they felt all the more so as the adrenaline from the fight started to wear off.
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Post by Ciel* »

((Yeah... I forgot to put that down in my last post. Image Sorry!))

For some reason that Brad could not guess, Terrie's calm voice telling him that he did the right thing made him feel just a bit more unflustered. Believing that he had no choice in the matter was kind of hard to take in, but he could accept that. The thing that really bothered him was how he grabbed the gun from his pack and fired it without any hesitation whatsoever. That was the most disturbing of things, but with Terrie trying to make him feel better about the whole situation, Brad didn't feel the need to continue. The girl's arm against his shoulder was an added gesture that made him give a faint smile, letting out a shiver in response.

Brad wasn't really sure how he could ever reply to her. Simply put, Terrie seemed the kind of girl who wouldn't hurt a fly and Brad expected her to try a peaceful solution than a violent one. Seeing a strand of her golden hair out of place and across her forehead, he brushed her hair back with his good arm. He spoke to her in a cool tone, the words sounding like they hurt to say. "Hey… don't get so hard on yourself. It wasn't like you really wanted to use it. I knew that we were going to have to use it at some point but… I didn't think it was going to be so soon. In fact, I'm kind of impressed that you'd be so brave to stand up and try to talk a gun-wielding madman down. I would have been too scared to do that… I guess you could say I was being a coward. I had a choice, and I chose the same choice as every other killer..."

He sighed softly, his eyes diverting from the slender girl to the ground again. He would have liked to think that he did the right thing, but it was impossible. Even if it was the only option he had, he was forced to do something that he promised himself that he would never do. He never wanted to hurt anyone, and he just did. Guilt was still built up inside of him and he felt like he was going to cry. He still kept his cool, if only for Terrie and Simon.

"No… Everything isn't going to be okay… We'll find a way off of this island I'm sure… but… This moment is going to haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. Do you think what you've gone through this whole day is going to keep you up at night? I bet it's going to give me a bad case of insomnia…"

"…Wanna know what Charlie got for his troubles? This is where it gets confusing, kids, so pay attention. Keith Jackson was the first to attack, shooting poor Charlie at close range with his shotgun. Twice! Now, Charlie didn't wanna die…"

Brad grimaced, his battered arm forming a fist as he listened to Danya's booming voice describe all the horrid ways that his classmates had been dispatched. When he was describing Charlie Burchman's death, the whole story that Danya was feeding them didn't really sit well with him. The fact that Iyve Dewley had decided to play wasn't really surprising. Neither was the matter of Madison Conner, an insecure girl who looked like she had been through some tough times, taking a shot at Izzy Cheung. He could accept the fact that both girls were playing the game. The problem he had with it all was the part where Charlie entered the story.

"Charlie Burchman… if there's one person that I know who would play this game without any complaint, it's him." Brad turned his direction back to Terrie, shaking his head. "Terrie… I could never know this kind of shit, but…"

His mind began to work as he spoke, trying to work everything that he had just heard in his mind. "Don't you think it's strange that three different people openly attacked Charlie when his intentions were good? I mean I'd get behind the fact that if it was just one person killing him, but three separate people? At the same time? And… "He paused for a moment. "What about Izzy? She was shot by someone else, and instead of trying to kill them, she attacks Charlie. I think Danya's trying to twist these stories around. I think…" Brad wrapped his arms, letting out another sigh. "… shit. I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't even know why I'm even saying something but… it's just odd. Really odd…"

This was when he noticed that Terrie had lost it and started to cry for what seemed like the tenth time. Brad stopped his state of mind, her emotions starting to rub off on him as he frowned. He placed his hand on her uninjured shoulder, trying to keep some semblance of comfort that Terrie had been trying to give him. "Listen… we can talk later… we just need to find somewhere else to stay. Somewhere… anywhere… I have a bullet in my arm, you got hit too… the last place we need to be is here. It isn't…"

Brad noticed another detail that caused him to stop in the middle of his thoughts. His eyes looked away from Terrie to the spot where he was sure two other boys were standing at. Shit… did they run away or something?

"Hey… where the hell did Christian and Will go to?"
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Post by Namira »

To his shame, Simon had frozen as soon as the attacker had revealed himself by shooting at the group. Throughout the assault, Simon had not moved a muscle but to crouch down on the ground, throwing his good arm over his head. Out of the five people there, he was the only one who hadn't at least tried to do something.

Well, at least Terrie and Brad know who can and can't be relied on in a tight spot. Simon thought to himself, rather matter of factly. He ignored the conversation between the other members of the group and merely sat there, musing on the encounter. It was their first dangerous situation, and Simon had most certainly not stood up to the test...
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Sorry for the short post and the delay.))

"No.... fuck! Christian!"

Will saw Christian take down Blood Boy, just as they'd planned, but something went horribly wrong. Shots he thought were meant for Blood Boy struck Christian, and he fell limp on the ground. Will ran over, and dragged Christian away from Blood Boy, who fired a few shots at them, and then fled from the scene as quickly as he'd burst into it. Will put Christian down on the ground near the Hollow Tree. The others were nearby, and he called out to them.

"Brad! Terrie! Somebody, for fuck's sakes, help me here!"

Will knelt over Christian. He was hurt badly. The first shot had only hit the edge of his shoulder, but the second struck him in his midsection, and was bleeding severely. Hands shaking, Will checked his pulse. It was faint.

"Christian... you're going to be fine, you hear me? You're going to be fine. You're not going to die on me now, Christian, you're not!"

His eyes welled up with tears. Christian looked back up at Will, and smiled. He fell unconcious. Will's sorrow turned to anger. This wasn't fair at all. Will promised he'd protect Christian, no matter the cost. He couldn't just let him die here, now.

The first aid kit practically flew from Will's daypack. He hadn't the first clue how to treat a gunshot wound. All he knew was that the bullets needed to be removed, and the wound cleaned.... was that it?

Oh.. I just hope I don't do more damage if I try and help him...

Anxiously, Will looked behind him, hoping that some of the others had heard his cries for help.
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Post by Megami* »

Brad seemed to have a point about Charlie Burchman being attacked. Still, they didn't know the circumstances surrounding his death, and sadly, there was no way to really know what happened. What Terrie did know was that Sam had been a big Survival of the Fittest fan, and from what parts she'd been forced to sit through (she usually got sick five to ten minutes in and had to leave the room), Danya's announcements always seemed to be accurate to a fault.

"I don't think so, Brad," Terrie offered quietly, "In the other games, his announcements have all been true. What would he have to gain by lying now? We're at his mercy regardless... it'd be pointless on his part to twist stories around. And you know... he didn't mention anything about that girl that shot Izzy afterward so... so maybe she left? Maybe they really did attack Charlie. It's so surreal... Izzy was always really nice."

Any more discussion on the matter would have to wait. Brad was right. They were both injured, and now that the sun was up, it wasn't safe to stay in the tree any longer. Everything was too out in the open. His attention seemed to stray, however, and he looked around puzzledly for Will and Christian. Terrie'd barely given them any thought since their attacker had started firing.

Or Simon, for that matter. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, still standing in the same spot he'd been in since the fight had broken out. He hadn't ran, he hadn't moved, he hadn't even screamed or anything. And somehow, of the three, he was the only one that looked uninjured. Terrie wasn't a spiteful person by nature, but she was definitely frustrated with the handicapped boy right now.

We could have all been killed... and all you did was stand there.

She sighed audibly and shook head as if trying to remove the ill thoughts that had built up within. When Will's voice rang out over the area, screaming for Brad and Terrie to help, her thoughts vanished and her attention snapped back into reality. Now she saw them... the injured figure lying on the ground that she had assumed would be their attacker. It had really been Christian.

Will seemed to be panicking, quickly whipping his first aid kit out of his pack and digging through it for something. Terrie briefly wondered if Will knew how to dress a wound, but she didn't have time to think about it now. Christian was hurt, apparently, but so were they. She was only one person. She could bandage him up as best she knew how, but it'd take a while to do all three of them.

What do I do?

Her first instinct was telling her that her own wounds should be first priority. She couldn't very well help anybody if she was dead, now could she? Still, Brad had been hit pretty bad, and Christian looked like he was bleeding pretty severely. Her wounds seemed to be the lesser of all three of them, with Christian's looking to be the most severe.

She moved over to where the injured boy was lying and unzipped her daypack, promptly removing a white cami she had tucked away to wear on the trip and holding it over the bleeding wound on Christian's stomach to attempt to stop the blood loss somewhat. Of all the scrapes and bruises she'd tended to before, a gunshot wound definitely wasn't one of them.

"Okay..." Terrie spoke calmly -- despite the fact that she was panicking internally, "I don't have a clue how to treat a gunshot wound, honestly. I know we shouldn't leave the bullet inside... hopefully it's not in too deep and we can pull it out with some... tweezers or something. After that, it definitely needs to be disinfected, and... honestly, it needs to be sewn shut too."

She couldn't imagine having to stitch up a wound in a place like this. It would probably save Christian's life in the long run, but the thought of putting a needle through someone's skin made her want to vomit, and the screams that would probably erupt from the boy's mouth if they even attempted it were horrifying, even in her mind.
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Post by riserugu* »

[[ Ianto Continued From Carnage ]]

"Man, where did she go?"

Even though there had only been moments between Serenity and himself leaving the hospital, he had quickly lost sight of her—then again had he even spotted her to start with?—and needed up getting lost in the surrounding woodland. Breath tiredly as he paced himself along, all his running combined with his already exhausted form his lack of sleep and lack of having anything to eat but the crackers he had been munching on. Now though he had been dealt with the fact that he was lost in this thicket of underbrush and trees and whatnot, knowing he should have just returned to the hospital when he had been unable to locate Serenity… but the whole getting lost factor had kept that from being anything but easy.

But he supposed there was no point trying to retrace his steps now; it would just be a hassle and a time waster, something that this game wasn't very generous with. Holding the rifle close as he continued moving through the forest, actually rather worried that at any scared something or someone might jump out at him and he really didn't know if he'd be able to use this thing or not. Continuing through the underbrush, with some difficultly mind you, he found himself coming to a sudden pause at the sounds of something… voices by the sounds of it, panicked ones at that, finding himself swallowing and really just wanting to turn around and get out of there as quickly as possible.

Damn his good will sometimes…

Turning he jogged his way toward the brushes, knowing that he could very well be walking into a trap but found himself unable to clear because what if someone, or even more than one person, was actually hurt then it would just constantly eat at him until he wouldn't be able to help it. Continuing to push through and make his way toward the voices until he came upon a rather interesting scene, with at least five people in his view all at once, eyes focusing on Simon first mostly because he knew the other boy to be a runner, and he was a runner himself so it was a basic knowledge of at least knowing the other boy through that similar enjoyment, though at the moment the kid looked like he was at the end of his nerves which is what brought him to looking at the others in the general area.

He next eyed Christian on the ground, apparently unconscious and bleeding a lot… hissing somewhat as the memory of what happened to Evelyn back at the hospital came back to him at full force, trying to shake the image and glanced up toward one of the people about him being Will… the Icelandic boy if he wasn't too mistaken, couldn't say he knew them that well but he also looked to be at the end of his nerves, though it seemed to be more about the bleeding boy than what had apparently happened here. Next he found himself eyeing Brad, remembering him from the school newspaper and the one or two times he spoke to them about the happenings within the student council, he also remembered him from his time trying—keyword, trying—to learn to actually play chess.

The final person and the one he admitted he was happiest to see happened to be Terrie, unable to help smiling even in this hasty situation where he seemed someone's life was more or less on the line and didn't give himself too much time to think before he was tossing his rifle to the soft ground of the forest floor, followed by his pack as he took a moment to dig through and get his own first-aid kit out before approaching the scene and sliding on his knees beside Terrie and overlook the scene with a purse of his lips, sure he had taken and passed Health with flying colors—then again you could sleep through that class and still pass—but he had little to no idea how to handle something like a gun wound, besides needing to remove the bullet least risk the chance of it moving.

Couldn't help though reaching out and patting the girl on the shoulder a bit, remaining focused on Christian and his wound but smiling lightly, "I'm really glad your okay." He muttered, before glancing toward the rest of the party, figuring he had just jumped in here without much of a word, "'Sup everyone, hope you don't mind me helping out." Ianto muttered, not bothering to hear answers, and simply focusing back on what was happening,

"So I really don't think I need to ask what happened, but any of you have any idea what we need to do?"
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad really wished he didn't have to believe what Terrie was telling him. Even though he couldn't trust the man as far as he could through him, Brad knew that Dayna wouldn't have any reason in the world to lies about all the horrible ways that people were being killed in. He supposed that he wanted to find some justification that some of his classmates could never kill. Deep down inside, Brad was beginning to wonder if… he was willing to kill someone that he knew. Could he?

"Yeah… I-I guess you're right… he doesn't have a reason to lie. It's just so hard to believe that Izzy would just attack someone who was just passing by. She's just too nice of a person to… y'know, do something like that… I don't know her personally though... I mean, Charlie is an asshole but he isn't… well, Charlie WAS an asshole but he WASN'T that much of an-. "

"Brad! Terrie! Somebody, for fuck's sakes, help me here!"

Brad was interrupted when a voice called out to both him and Terrie. He gulped softly, turning his head to look in the direction that the scream had come from. He could see Will in the distance, kneeling near the same spot where their unknown assailant had been standing when the attack happened. Brad's eyes widened. A shiver ran down his back. Somehow… he knew what Will wanted from them. He knew who he really hit, and it certainly wasn't whom he was aiming for.

"Jesus Christ!" Brad gasped, scrambling onto his feet. He took hold of the gun again, hoping that whoever they were facing off with was waiting for them to walk back into the open. "C-Christian!"

It was all becoming too much for Brad. He had let both Terrie and himself get hurt, and the only thing he could do was to put a few bullets in Christian. His intentions were good, but the fact still remained that he didn't even hit the right guy. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn't the hero of this story. Why had he chosen to act like one? Why did he get too full of shit? If he were more careful, then this wouldn't have happened!

Tears began to well up in his eyes from the sight of Christian. "God damn it… I can't do shit. I… I can't…. I can't even shoot at the right guy. What use am I? What the fuck… I… shit… what the fuck is wrong with me? What… My head…" Brad began to feel his legs becoming numb. His head was suffering from a non-existent fog. Was he losing too much blood? Was it the sight of the aftermath of a gunfight? Was it the fact that he had shot an innocent person? Brad really couldn't tell the reasons behind what happened next.

When Ianto had arrived at the scene, Brad's vision had become much distorted. His legs began to stumble, finding it very hard to keep his own balance. The world felt like it was speeding forward while Brad was moving back. Brad was actually thinking that he was getting motion sickness. His hands fastening to the sides of his head, trying to keep his head still as the rest of his body felt like it was falling apart. His breathing slowly turned into loud gasps for air, his legs shaking violently as he was felt all of the energy and life being sucked dry from him by some unseen force. His whole world was becoming a deep shade of purple and black. He looked back and forth in an attempt to find someone. Terrie, Will, anyone that he could help him.

"Terrie," he blurted out, gasping loudly. "I… I don't feel so good. I… think I might-" Brad could not say anything else, for at that moment an unseen force threw itself at Brad, knocking the wind out of him.

That was when Brad fainted, stumbling and falling face first onto the dirt.

((OOC: Since I might not be around next week, I've decided that Brad should faint. From loss of blood or simply stress? Only time will decide.))
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Post by Namira »

Simon barely moved as he thought about what Danya had said in the announcement. The name of his girlfriend, Madison, had been mentioned, and it sure as hell hadn't been in a positive sense. (although, in cosideration, if it was in a positive sense it would have meant she had killed somebody, so perhaps it was better she wasn't). Madison had shot somebody...

The runner barely even noticed Ianto Murhpy arriving in the area. Simon knew him, to an extent but not well. Simon sighed and crouched down, to slump onto the ground, when he realised that another friend of his: Keith Jackson, had been incriminated by Danya. It just didn't ring true. Keith suddenly turning on a guy for no good reason? He knew that it was a stressful situation, but could not see how a nice guy - nice people like his friends could turn around and start shooting. There had to be a reason.

Simon slowly picked himself up, and glanced over at the others, Terrie ministering to the wounded Christian, Ianto and Brad standing nearby. Will right next to Christian (what was up with that? It was a little... weird). The runner turned around, and despite hearing a soft 'thud' behind him, didn't even glance back.

Sorry guys, I have to find Madison. Now.

((Contiuned in Lady So Divine))
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from Ten Speed))

Serenity felt light headed. Her hand was soaked with her own blood. She could feel the blood dripping down her back from the exit wound on her back. Her arm was in so much pain she was close to fainting. Her vision was blurry. All she could think of is how powerless she was to stop the masked boy from killing Kara. Kara's death was on her hands. Kara's blood stained her hands, not the boy's. She was responsible. She was the one...

Serenity entered a small clearing in the woods. There she saw in front of her the large, hollowed out tree she had met Paul in. She briefly wondered what had become of the boy. But she soon put her wondering aside when she noticed a large congregation of people not far from her. A group meant that none of them were playing. It didn't even register that two out of the five were unconscious. She just needed help.

"Hello?! Please! Help me! I'm bleeding!" She cried, the tears from the pain flowing down her face like duel rivers.

"Please!" She sobbed as she fell to her knees from the pain, her daypack making a clank as the items inside cluncked together.
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Post by Megami* »

((Sorry, but I'm gonna get this rolling 'cause the topic's stalling out.))

Out of the corner of her eye, Terrie spotted a figure jogging toward them. Her body tensed up visibly as she spotted what looked like a rather large gun on his person. She came to a complete halt, awaiting the impending gunfire from the new figure. Fortunately, it never came.

When she could finally identify the figure, she visibly relaxed. Ianto Murphy. Someone who would never in a million years play a game like Survival of the Fittest. She wasn't the slightest bit surprised when Ianto dropped his gun to the ground and pulled his first aid kit from his pack before turning to her and patting her lightly on the shoulder.

"Yeah..." she muttered through a feigned smile, "I'm okay... more or less."

Ianto's attention turned to the rest of the group and he briefly muttered a greeting to them all before declaring that he was there to help. Terrie couldn't help but feel some sense of relief that Ianto had run into them. They'd been good friends throughout school and he was definitely someone she felt like she could trust.

Besides that, at least Ianto would listen to her. She had serious doubts that that Will kid would do what she asked him to anyway. And maybe now, she could get somebody else to sew Christian's wound shut. The thought of it made her want to vomit. She was used to scrapes and bruises but she was far too squeamish to do anything like that.

"I don't think I could even begin to tell you what happened if you asked," Terrie laughed quietly, "Everything went crazy so fast... but yeah, I know what to do, for the most part. The bullet needs to be removed for sure. If you leave it inside, it can do all kinds of things to his body. And then it needs to be disinfected... and really... it needs to be sewn shut... but... but I can't..."

She was having trouble finishing her sentence anyway, and at that moment in time, Brad spoke up, proclaiming to her that he didn't feel so well before tumbling forward. Terrie jumped up in some vain attempt to keep him from falling, but the much larger boy only pushed her back as he fell, and she had to step out of the way before she too fell to the ground.

She looked up, only to see Simon running in the other direction. She didn't bother to call out to the other boy. The fact was, she was still angry that he'd stood around at the tree and done absolutely nothing to help any of them. Now, when they were in desperate need of help, he was running off. She hadn't known the boy well in school, but he definitely wasn't painting a good picture of himself in her mind.

That left herself, Ianto, Will -- who was cradling a very injured Christian -- and an unconscious Brad.

She didn't even know where to start. Moving over to Brad, she pushed the other student onto his back. At the very least, she couldn't leave him face down in the dirt. He'd been shot, so his wounds needed to be cleaned. Christian's wounds were the most pressing of all though, and if they didn't do something soon, he'd probably succumb to them.

Moving over to her pack, she removed a white skirt she'd packed for the trip and forcefully tore it apart, wrapping one piece of fabric across her bleeding shoulder and wrapping another long strand of it around the bloody wound on her waist. That would suffice for now. Her own wounds weren't nearly as bad as the others.

"We need to start with Christian," Terrie instructed in a surprisingly calm voice, despite feeling like she was going to break down and start sobbing, "His wounds are the worst. Then we can take care of Brad."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than a loud shrieking noise came out from behind them, causing Terrie to whirl around. The girl running up on them was someone that everyone in the school knew -- Serenity Halos. Pretty, popular, and the object of half the schools' affections, Serenity had it all. It also appeared that Serenity had a very serious wound, but Terrie couldn't tell what from the distance between them.

The raven haired girl stopped in front of them and fell to her knees, sobbing violently and screaming for help. Terrie felt completely overwhelmed. Everything was happening so fast. Now, this girl needed their help too, and Terrie wasn't going to turn her back on Serenity. Still, Christian's wounds seemed to take priority. She found herself unable to speak, instead turning to Ianto and hoping her friend could come up with some sort of calm, soothing speech to calm down the congregation of people.

This isn't good at all. Everyone's hurt... all we need is a big neon sign flashing over us saying 'free kills here'. If we get attacked now, we're completely helpless. Brad's out cold... Christian's too injured to move. We've gotta get the ball rolling and get everyone taken care of, and fast...

Absent-mindedly, she moved back over to Brad and used another piece of her skirt to tie off his wound. It was a shoddy job, but it would keep him from bleeding profusely until she could get to him to clean and bandage the wounds properly. She wondered if ER nurses and people who dealt with this kind of thing daily felt as confused and disoriented as she did right now.

Either way...
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

It was reassuring to see the others coming to help them - up until Brad fainted, and yet another girl came out of the forest, injured. They needed to get moving, quickly, and that meant fixing up Christian.

Will was still on his last thread. Often he stressed himself out far too much, to the point where he couldn't even function, and in a situation like this that was a very bad thing to do. Pulling himself back together, he looked back through the first aid kit, and found what he was looking for - tweezers.

Their group was not the most healthy one. Christian was shot, Brad fainted, what looked like Serenity Halos bleeding severely... Will barely knew these people...

If we hadn't tried to save their asses then Christian wouldn't be shot, and I wouldn't have to worry about these damn people...

Cruel, he thought, to think that way. If it wasn't for Danya then they all wouldn't be fighting for their lives right now. It's a waste of time to dwell on the past, now he had to focus on the present.

"We're... i'm... going to take the bullets out, then we need to clean the wounds and stitch them up. If he wakes up, hold him down because this would probably hurt like hell..." Will hesitated first, and then began to work on the bullet in his shoulder. It hadn't done any serious damage, luckily, but it was going to be very painful for the next little while.

Ugh... I feel like such a fuckin' pussy. Crying first, then hesitating to take a bullet out of my friend to save his life? After Iceland, why should this even bother me?

"Because i'm human, that's why..." Will muttered under his breath. A hard, dark object revealed itself to him in the gore of the wound. Gently he took it out and then tossed it into the bushes.

The next one was going to be a little more difficult. It was on the same side, but much farther down, striking him in the side. From what Will knew of anatomy it hadn't hit anything particularly critical, though it was bleeding badly.

"Get the one on his shoulder cleaned and sewn up, if you know how, this one might take a little longer." The condescending, arrogant tone often heard by people when Will saw fit to give orders wasn't present now. The quicker they could help these people the better. Will didn't want to stay here and wait for someone like Blood Boy or Gabriel to walk by and massacre them. As carefully as before he began to take the second bullet out of Christian's wound.
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Post by riserugu* »

Ianto stared toward Terrie curious as she explained briefly what had happened here, chewing thoughtfully on his lip and nodding somewhat—curious though to her sudden reason for trailing off like that but more or less got the point of what needed to be done to help Christian. "Don't worry… I'll take care of that, okay? Believe or not I know my way around a needle and thread, but that's helping the costume department sew little jewels on dresses, I don't know how far that expertise will go, but it's better than nothing I suppose."

Sewing though really did seem like something that needed to be done to close up his wounds, least he bleed out everywhere. Besides, beyond sewing it shut the only other method he knew of closing up wounds in a situation such as theirs was cauterization… remembering having read it in his Health book, but that was something he really didn't want to offer up.

He took a small breath of air in, deciding that he remaining calm was the best for this situation—though with Brad suddenly proclaiming not feeling too feel and then promoting passing out and almost taking Terrie with him as the girl rushed to try and help catch him, but he barely even had any time to try and deal with that before suddenly a very familiar voice entered his range of hearing, and he almost did a double take at the sight of Serenity, the very girl he had ran off into the forest trying to find.

Though it seemed in the time they had been apart the girl had done herself in and managed to return with some less than pretty gunshot wounds to add to her, flinching at the cries because none of this was going good… with one person running off like a dog with its tail between his legs, two people unconscious, unsure just who was all shot, Ianto almost felt in a state of panic to be honest.

Sighing though, that would be the very last thing that people needed, so he took in another small breath of air before gazing over the area and settling himself.

"Okay, like I said. I'll take of disinfecting Christian's wound and trying to sew them up. Terrie can you go and try and help Serenity, try and calm her down? I know it might be a bit hard but we cannot afford to have anyone find us right now." He explained, not really wanting to sit around and give orders but they needed to get things done and now, and with Brad bandaged up for the moment… no matter how shoddy the job it was better than nothing.

Then there was the case with Christian, though Will seemed to already be moving and working on getting the bullet out of his shoulder—tisking somewhat, though glad it didn't get stuck in bone or anything, holding still for a moment as he watched the bullet be removed and the other boy move to start working on removing the second bullet, frowning a little over the sight, though nevertheless moved to open his first aid kit and remove the needed things, though of course now he was presented with a new problem…

Just what where they going to use to actually sew the wound shut? He wasn't carrying a needle and thread around himself, tisking once more thought as he set about disinfecting the wound and pressing something to at least put pressure on the wound and slow up the blood flow for the moment, glancing about the group.

"So hate to be the one that keeps asking all of the questions, but do you guys have anything to actually sew the wound shut because I sure as hell don't."

Biting against his tongue he just tried to keep enough pressure on the wound, watching as Will seemed to have located and started removing the second bullet, swallowing a little because this really was the wound that they needed to get pressure on above all else. Glancing about again and really just worried over the scene somewhat, hoping nothing was physically wrong with Brad to have caused him to pass out like that besides just being shell-shocked from being attacked by… whomever had attacked them before he had arrived, and then there was Serenity whose wounds he hadn't gotten that good of a look out but seemed to be causing the girl a great amount of pain.

Well of course it's causing her pain dummy, half these kids probably haven't even experienced what a broken bone is, stubbed fingers and toes are probably the worst some of them had been through. Now where dealing they're having to deal with being shot, stabbed, beaten… gods only know what else will happen while we're stuck here.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

((Continued from the cottage. Kristin's handler has overextended the amount of time delegated to them to eliminate her from the competition. Therefore, she has been declared inactive and will be killed in this thread.))

Since she had left the cottage, a lot of things had been running through Kristin's mind. It was mostly those silly old speeches their swim instructor used to give them about how "to be the best, you have to beat the best", and so on. Something like this "game", this "Survival of the Fittest", as they called it. Could she really play it? Could she really slaughter all her classmates to ensure her own survival?

It was during times like these that Kristin was glad not to have befriended the people of her school. Even so... even if they weren't her friends, they had never wronged her, either. They didn't deserve to be helplessly slaughtered. But, if Kristin didn't kill them, they might kill her, and she wasn't ready to die yet. There was so much she wanted to accomplish.

My whole life, I've worked toward my own goals. I've missed out on friends, relationships, all the so-called "fun" things throughout high school... because I wanted to realize my own ambitions. And now, that man, that "Danya", as he calls himself, he's threatening to take my dreams away from me... and I can't let that happen. I want it far too much. I can't let myself die here. Even if... even if it means going through other people to stay alive.

She didn't even realize where she was until she suddenly stumbled out into a clearing. Her eyes darted left and right. There seemed to be people all around her. It almost looked like a battlefield. The girl immediately in front of her was knelt down on the ground, screaming, crying, and nursing a wound that Kristin couldn't see. The rest of the group looked worse for wear as well.

She recognized the class vice-president, Ianto Murphy. He seemed to be tending to some random student she didn't know, along with another student who she also didn't know. Another boy was sprawled out on the ground and looked to be unconscious. Kristin's eyes next moved to someone who was actually a familiar face to her. Someone she'd been on the swim team with. Terrie Brightwell.

People like Terrie, Khrysta, Melissa and Elizabeth... they were probably the only girls in school that would even serve as acquaintances to Kristin. They were probably the only people she had a conversation with more than once a decade. Still, according to Danya, Terrie was her enemy, just like the rest of the swim team girls. She felt so conflicted now, though. It didn't seem right to just run in an attempt to slit the throat of someone she once knew.

Especially when they seemed to be taking care of an entire group of injured students.

Kristin's eyes fell to the ground. She was standing there, knife dangling limply at her side, probably going completely unnoticed in the chaos that was unfolding around her. How easy it would be to grab the dark-headed girl kneeling next to her by the hair and slash her throat before anyone could stop her. Then, she'd be one step closer to going home.

She could do it. The opportunity was there.

But... what were the repercussions?

Someone -- probably Ianto, who was closest to it -- looked to have a nice rifle. If she killed that girl here and now, would they kill her in turn? Was it worth the risk? Kristin's eyes darted around once again before she moved over to the crying girl and instead of grabbing her by the hair, placed her hand lightly on the girl's shoulder and offered her a gentle smile.

"Are you... okay? What can I do to help?"
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

We've arrived, Viktor!


With a start, a disgruntled and broken boy, Viktor Kurchatov, awoke again. His ill-fated father's voice rang once more in his mind. These words grimly fit Viktor's newfound situation as a competitor in Survival of The Fittest. At least now he wasn't burning to death, or close to it. No, only damage to... well, there really wasn't any body part that wasn't harmed in some way by that accident.

The small, unlucky Viktor pulled himself off of the ground to find that he had been relatively hidden in some bushes. Hidden by everything besides the all-seeing Danya and his explosive collars. Viktor was incredibly lucky the place hadn't become a... dangerzone? It had been so long since he'd watched Version One, he couldn't remember. His memory would be jogged very quickly, he was sure.

As much of a recluse as he'd become the past few years, with his odd nature and horrible burn scars, he really desired human contact, and perhaps people would stay with him this time around. Hopefully the prospect of dying would keep people around him. That was a painful thought - only imminent death would get him any friends. But really, what wasn't a painful thought at this point? He was plauged with almost constant headaches, and he realized that without the pills that he carried with him, it was only bound to get worse as time wore on.

Or he could take the other path - the powerplayer, the lone gunman... That wouldn't work, he thought. Would this small, burned boy be able to fight off hordes of his peers with...

"A... gun?"

Inside the pack he found a revolver and some ammunition, along with a little picture describing what he had to do to load the thing. Viktor picked it up out of the pack, and saw that it was loaded. The thing was heavy, which from what his father taught him about guns, would reduce the recoil... a bit. And he could tell it was a powerful gun, if only from the .357 marked on the side, which was quite shiny.

And it's even shiny... jack-pot, yeah...

Quizzickly he looked at the gun which lay in his scarred hands. He now had a means. But would he really do it? Maybe. Maybe not. It would all depend on how he felt... Now? No, not now. He would decide when the time was right. But it seemed that time had already arrived.

Over near a hollowed-out tree, there was a large group of mainly wounded or unconcious people, with a girl approaching from behind them, with what looked like a knife at her side. She was going to kill them, wasn't she? All she would have to do is kill the one with the rifle, and it would be all over for the rest... Viktor's ethical compass, it seemed, was finally pointing in the right direction. Viktor zipped up his pack, tied up a loose end of his pink shoelace on his equally pink shoes, and started towards the girl with the knife. No doubt he would be able to take her down. He had a 357 magnum, and was a decent shot after all his father had taught him in Russia, and even moreso in the United States. Survival had a special meaning for his father. He knew one didn't just go about firing a gun like this with one hand, all 'badass' like in most American movies. He would be professional about this.

When he was about a meter behind her, he raised the powerful gun and fired three booming shots into her back. He hoped he had done the right thing, for if a knife didn't fall out of her hands when she died, the next shot might have to go into Viktor's own head.


Will was still trying to contemplate exactly what he was going to use for stitches when several gunshots echoed out through the forest, yet again. He ducked for cover.
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