Nobody Wants This

The streets are cracked and worn, with vegetation sprouting anywhere it can. Several shady alleyways offer some form of protection from prying eyes, but not much. Overall, the area is nothing more than a concrete jungle, with abandoned cars and broken streetlights. This area also includes other small shops and buildings.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Rosemary signaled to be quiet. That was probably best. If somebody had a gun and was shooting people, barging into the scene with a knife drawn probably wasn't the best idea. That was why they had Rosemary along, she was the brains. Joey gave a curt nod to show he understood. Proceeding ahead slower and more quietly now. Rosemary had her knife out and was hanging near Meera. Smart again, Meera wasn't armed. She had some kind of joke weapon he couldn't remember right now.

Charging the scene was stupid. Joey ducked behind a building on the corner and beckoned the girls over. Peeking his head out to see if there was anything in the distance. There was a person standing in a doorway. He couldn't tell who it was right away from the strange angle. Joey poked his head out farther. It was Paulo, he had a twin or something. Looked and acted kinda brawly, but wasn't big. What was he doing here? Did he have anything to do with or know anything about the shot fired?

If he had a gun, they couldn't take him. Three shots would be all he needed to beat three kids with two knives. He had range, their only advantage was that they had stealth.

He wasn't the strategist.

"Whadda we do?"
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Rosemary bit her lip. Apparently she had become the designated leader on this escapade. She hadn't expected the three of them would be just closing in on a murder. Suspect number one was right in front of them, and it was a student named Paulo Abbate- he looked big, not as intimidating as Joey but still pretty big, and a bit taller- closer to around her height judging from their distance. Joey's question was as good as any, she supposed. What do they do?

It would be a stupid idea just to announce themselves out of the blue, and hope that they didn't get shot for it. She followed suit with Joey to take a peak. From where she was she couldn't see clearly what Paulo had in his hands, but from in between his legs she could make out something he was staring at on the ground.

That's a body, or I'm hallucinating. She thought, and her hands began to sweat, and she felt sick, before gulping and taking a breath through her nose. Okay, think, Rosemary, think! If that is a body that's next to him then why is he just standing there if he's the killer? If he was smart he would've bolted after the gunshots went off. Maybe he's just in shock seeing the body.

She couldn't be sure of her until she got a better look at the boy's face, and more importantly his hands and the weapon he's was holding. Moving her head she looked down at the handle in the palm of her hand. It wasn't scary-looking, but it could be silent. She could be silent and sneak up on him-

Haha, no way. She thought in her head, but what other choice did they have besides run away? And with running Paulo could easily turn around and shoot at their backs instead of their fronts. Joey's weapon could easily injure Paulo if he wasn't careful, and that wasn't what she wanted. Rosemary needed the facts before any killing occurred. If I could just sneak up on him from behind, I could put this knife close to him- make him drop his things so then it would be easier to talk.

She took another deep breath, before looking at both Joey and Meera.

"I'm going to try to sneak up on him. If he has a gun I might be able to make him drop it if I threaten him with the knife, or any other weapons he might have." She whispered. "If I do this, I need the both of you to back me up in case he overpowers me physically. If he turns around and has a gun, we'll have to scatter and go in different directions. Hopefully that'll be enough to confuse him and for us to get away."

She loosened the hold on her duffle to lift it towards Joey. "Can you handle an extra bag? If I do this I'm going to need both of my arms free."
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Post by Outfoxd »

Was this his responsibility? When he got right down to it, was this his fault?

He had just...he had just taken a minute. Not even a minute.

How could it.

Just a minute.

Paulo's thoughts were a scattershot stream of confusion, fear, disbelief. He was staring at Becca, what had used to be Becca. His eyes crawled over her, took in the details, the gunshot, the odd look on her face, and registered none of it.

Paulo's cast iron balls had receded all the way into his body.

He slumped against the door frame, and his arm dropped low, the 2 x 4 almost slipping free of his hand.

He swallowed, and the spit caught in his throat.


Alda was out there.

He realized now that her name had been lurking somewhere behind the bravado. Maybe even hiding there from the truth. The girl he'd been traveling with who was now bleeding into the ground, that kicked his sister's name to the forefront.

"You just gonna leave her like this?"

His own voice startled him. It sounded different. Raspy. Tired.
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"...If he turns around and has a gun, we'll have to scatter and go in different directions. Rosemary was saying.

Meera was only half hearing her. The shock at seeing the fallen girl's body had momentarily paralyzed her.

It was Becca. Becca Everett. And Paulo Abbate was standing over her body, his back turned to them. She'd clearly been shot, most likely by him. While he didn't look like he was holding a gun, Meera couldn't be sure. He was clearly the prime suspect.

..."Hopefully that'll be enough to confuse him and for us to get away," Rosemary finished.

It made sense for Rosemary to sneak up on him. Joey certainly couldn't, and Meera didn't have a weapon.

"Be careful," Meera whispered as Rosemary handed her bag to Joey.

Paulo still hadn't turned to face them. Let's hope this works. Because if he did kill Becca, then he'll have no problem taking out the rest of us.

More than ever, Meera wished she had a weapon. She felt like she should be doing something, anything, to help Joey and Rosemary.

Damn Terrorists.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Joey nodded and took Rosemary's bag. The girl had cajones. He pulled the strap over his opposite shoulder, the weight was slight, for him at least, and didn't impede his range of motion.

Rosemary was ready to try sneaking over, and she definitely was more agile that Joey could claim to be, especially now that he was doubled up on duffel bags. He rotated the knife in his palm as he thought.

"Alright, you cross the street, I'll come up on the other side. Not letting you go up to a killer with a gun completely alone."

He looked back to Meera. She had no weapon, and they had three bags to protect.

"You wanna hang back and watch all these?" His voice trailed off, not wanting to completely split up the group and leave a member behind unprotected.

"You can hold onto this, I'll just tackle him if he tries anything."
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

(GMing approved by people involved.)

Rosemary nodded to both Joey and Meera, taking in a shaky breath before as silently as she tip toeing from behind the wall to get straight across from where Paulo was. He had moved from standing to leaning across the doorframe. His body had slumped more; that was good. Hopefully he wouldn't expect someone coming up behind him.

The girl moved the blade from it's holder, before walking forward. Her heartbeat had accelerated and it pounded in her chest. Oh god, please don't turn around, please, please, please just stay there in the doorway. Nobody else has to die today if you just stay put-

It took less than a minute for her to make it directly behind Paulo, his broad shoulders slumped as he mumbled something she could hardly hear with the thudding sound in her ears. As careful as she could she raised both her hands. She needed to make sure that he wouldn't jump and be able to turn around. She was holding her breath as her left hand touched Paulo's upper back with light pressure and the dulled end of her butterfly knife touched the boy's upper neck.

"Drop everything your holding." She said towards Paulo's ear, sounding rushed as she let out the words, but thankfully it didn't reveal how scared she was.

However, now there was the body of Becca Everett at her feet. Blood still seemed to be trickling out of her mouth, and there was a hole in her chest.

Rosemary stifled a gag, trying not to smell the stench of blood coming from the area and continued to speak. She had a job to do, she needed to know.

"Did you do this?" She asked Paulo, her voice stronger and sharper when asking the loaded question.
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Post by watcher in night* »

Meera hated standing around, doing nothing but hold bags while Joey and Rosemary readied to fight Paulo if necessary. Still, she had to admit that in this case she'd be hopelessly outmatched, with nothing more than a car manual to defend herself.

Meera watched as Rosemary held the knife to Paulo's throat.

"Drop everything you're holding," Rosemary said. "Did you do this?"

All Meera could really do at this point was wait and see how Paulo would respond.
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Post by Outfoxd »

He wanted to whirl on whoever this bitch was and belt her across his face with his weapon. But Paulo was dumb, not stupid. And a little too rattled to be aggressive.

Don't have time for this shit.

He complied, dropping the 2 x 4, and felt bitter tears stinging his eyes. He was glad she didn't ask him to turn around. He didn't need anybody to see his face like this. It was pussy, the way he looked right now.

The blade was biting into his neck, and he involuntarily pulled his head back a little to relieve some of the pressure.

"Fuck you think I did it? She was shot. I ain't got no goddamn gun." Paulo's voice threatened to waver, and he was proud of himself from not letting it.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

Rosemary took control of the situation quickly, and Paulo dropped his weapon. Joey hustled up to the scene for backup, just in case. Paulo didn't have a gun, but he was cooperating.

The body. Becca. Becca's body. There wasn't any part of her left in it, it was just a bag a blood she'd existed in. Now she was dead, dead as shit. Her blank face was a testimony to that.

Joey felt himself inching back in his own body, despite standing still. This was jarring, this was horrifying, and this is what the rest of them were in for if they couldn't figure anything out.

He just stared. The collar around her neck was the same as the one around his. Rosemary and Meera had them too. Paulo probably had one on, but Joey couldn't drag himself to check.

With all the deaths from yesterday, he couldn't remember the exact number, and Becca's, it became clear that this game wasn't ending in stalemate. The number of combatants was dwindling down, and the number of safe zones would be declining as well. They needed to stop this before it could pick up anymore speed. Paulo's innocence seemed to check out. Rosemary had a knife on him, leaving for a second would be fine.

"We got our body. I'll go help Meera with the bags."

Joey dragged himself away from the scene, the image still burned into his brain. He could come back and stare again later. Or maybe he would be smarter and just not look when he came back. He didn't much to say to anybody about it, hopefully somebody could provide a distraction. A plan to escape would be better, but a distraction would be enough for now.

He found Meera back where he'd left her, all the bags still present. He grabbed two and cocked his head towards the music store.

"It's safe, come on up... There is a body, though."
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Rosemary flinched a bit at Paulo's harsh words, but she was the one with the knife at his throat right now. Shouldn't expect courtesy when she wasn't either. Using a foot to kick the block of wood away from him Joey came forward, staring down at the face of Becca Sawyer. She has been trying to avoid looking at the girl, but from her vantage point she had a good look at her face. Oh... oh god.

She let out a shaky breath. Remember that Becca isn't there anymore. It's just a body. There is nothing else in it anymore. There is no Becca in there anymore, so just calm down and don't throw up you squeamish idiot. You've read books with worse death scenes than this.

Rosemary nodded as Joey response before he hustled back to Meera. Now that Paulo didn't seem to be the murderer, she had no reason to put a knife to his throat any longer.

"I'm going to lower the knife now, please don't make any big movements, or I might cut you."

She slowly brought the knife away, tucking it into her pocket and backing up. "I'm sorry I did that... all we heard was gun shots and you were standing there over her when we got here..."
watcher in night*
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Post by watcher in night* »

"It's safe, come on up... There is a body, though."

Meera followed Joey up to Rosemary and Paulo, trying not to think about the fact that a corpse lay beside them. Rosemary had lowered her knife, and Paulo most certainly didn't have a gun. She felt slightly sick as she forced herself to look at the grim sight before her.

It looked like Paulo wasn't the killer. But she still had some questions for him nonetheless.

"What are you doing, then?" she asked Paulo. "Why were you here?"
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Post by Outfoxd »

Paulo didn't turn to look at any of whoever it was decided to come running up. He was still locked on Becca. Or what had been Becca, anyway. His thoughts were running around each other, still trying to form something cohesive and failing miserably.

The knife was off his neck, so that was one thing at least. One less thought tangling itself in the web.

"Whatever." He said to Rosemary. It was likely he barely heard her. Then her friend was starting in on him with her bullshit.

"I was taking a fucking a leak and then this." He said, gesturing to the situation at hand. "Why? Where were you when this happened, huh?" He looked back at the girl that asked the question, glaring. He started over to where they had kicked his weapon away.
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Post by umop-ap!sdn* »

(Permission to GM to move to tomorrow)

"We just got here too, buddy. Alright, so nobody here dunnit. Did you see anything?"

He couldn't stop staring. She was dead. Dead as hell. Dead in hell? What happened to her afterwards? There was a lifeless body there, but had anything become of it's spirit, or had her mind simply faded out like an ending song.

He waited a moment for Paulo to answer his question. He didn't really care for the answer, but Rosemary and Meera needed proof of his innocence. The fact that he hadn't attacked yet didn't seem to be enough.

"What do we do with it?"

Were they defending the body? Were they playing CSI and looking for close to the murder? Was somebody going to try CPR on this bloody mess?

He scratched the back of his head as he thought. The feel of the metal around his neck made him flinch.

He looked to Becca's collar. Still in tact, almost darkly pretty looking. The things needed to come off. Garrett had mentioned that they probably didn't work, and nobody seemed to be too concerned about them anymore. Rosemary's plan made a whole lot more sense now.
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Post by MrMissMrs Random* »

Rosemary shoved her hands into her pockets to make sure the other didn't see how much they were shaking. Becca's body added more concrete evidence to how dire their situation was. And with the plan they had come up with, more bodies were sure to follow.

She didn't know if she could handle that. Seeing more bodies like the one in front of her, broken beyond repair.

Joey's straightforward question brought her back to the present. The plan, this was what they had been searching for to start it. She looked over at Paulo, wondering if he would agree with trying to tamper with the collars and using Becca as a guinea pig. Putting it to him in those terms didn't feel like the best option.

But she didn't know if she could handle going close to the body right now, not when it was still warm and looked so much more human.

"We... we should move her out of direct sunlight. Somewhere cool." She paused for a second, deciding not to share how bodies could easily fester if they weren't preserved quick enough.

She looked at Paulo and spoke again. "I'm-"

What could she say? It wasn't any of their faults that Becca had perished. She bit back the apology she was about to utter, instead switching the conversation in a different direction. "We don't have a gun either, just my knife and Joey's."

She looked to Meera and Joey. "Right now- I, I don't think I can handle the plan right now."
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Post by watcher in night* »

"Right now- I, I don't think I can handle the plan right now."

Meera was pretty glad Rosemary had said something, because she was beginning to have second thoughts about this whole thing herself. They needed time to think, time to work something out. She was beginning to get cold feet about tampering with a dead classmate's collar.

Still, she'd have gone through with it if Rosemary and Joey were planning to. But she was glad for the excuse to do otherwise.

"Let's think this over somewhere else for a while," said Meera. "Staying here probably isn't smart. If Paulo's telling the truth, the real killer could come back here."
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