We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Classmates

The main structure at the supply depot, the docks are designed to accommodate small to medium sized boats which would deliver food, general supplies, and luxury items such as books and newspapers for the staff. Originally a wooden construction, the docks were quickly reinforced with some concrete and steel to ensure they would last for the duration of the asylum's life on the island. The concrete gangways and metal railings that now make up the docks have proven to be sturdy constructions, even if they are not the most glamorous.
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Post by RC~ »

Jon shot back, but Alessio felt no bullets tearing him, so Jon missed hitting him, too. They were even. Alessio kept moving. This was like all ball games, except with bullets. You got to move every time to not get hit.

He however heard a gunshot sound coming from Amanda's direction, which drew all of his attention. Oh crap, she had a second gun?

It looked like she was sided with him, though, as she also shot at Jonathan. Brendan was defensively lying on the floor, Jonathan disappeared from his view then died, so Alessio turned his body to Amanda and stopped moving around to avoid bullets.

Alessio shouted something at Amanda's direction while pointing his shotgun at her. She was threat number 1.

"Where did that gun come from?!"

What a wizard. She shot Jonathan, why the hell would she not shoot him too? What a maniac. Alessio's impression of Amanda was false. She was actually a person who would use her gun to kill, to murder. Alessio was afraid.
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Post by randomness »

It worked?

Jon was down. It looked bad, even from here. Regret? Guilt? Some mix of emotions somewhere on that spectrum anyway, but Alessio was still here, and she still had to deal with him.

She could shoot Alessio too. Get it all over with. She'd already shot two people after all, what more was three, especially when the third was a murderer.

A tiny voice in the back of her head tried to remind her that she was one as well, but it didn't matter. She was trying to do the right thing.

And right now, the right thing was to help one fucking person on the island whether they liked if or not. Jon was the agressor, so clearly he was in the wrong. She definitely wasn't trying to rationalise everything away.

"Why? Wanna try it on someone else? You stay back. You try anything funny and I shoot you too." Right now, more important things came first.  If Brendan died, she couldn't fix that. Alessio escaping, she could fix later. Note to self, fix was probably a bad choice of words here.

She made her way past Alessio, gun pointed at him. She could see it on his face. To him she was the monster. Knowing what she was trying to do didn't help her feel any better.

She could trust Brendan, right? He was a little bit awkward of a guy, but probably far less likely to actually hurt anyone than anyone else here. That was why she was helping him.

"Brendan, come on. Let's get up."

Watching out for Alessio was a lot more difficult than she thought. She should have shot him.

No, she probably shouldn't have, just like she shouldn't have shot Jon, but god, would it have made things so much easier. But too late. Not the worst decisions she'd made so far anyway.

"I'm gonna help patch you up. Let's get out of here."
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. Then he forced himself to let out a few breaths. He had just witnessed Jonathan getting shot not that far away from him. The girl - Amanda - had pretty much saved his life. He realized that there was no way that he could help Jonathan now. He could only watch as Jonathan rolled down the hill and he was convinced that he was dead.

Brendan didn't move from his spot as he was still afraid that Amanda and Alessio would finish each other off. But it didn't seem like they were doing that from his point of view. He wondered if they were going away from this situation without anyone else dead. He hoped so.

He still couldn't help feeling so guilty about Jonathan. If only he hadn't ran off because of the sight of Danny's body. It was too late now. He had missed his chance to make things right with Jonathan. Now he had to try and get back to his other friends.

Wait a minute. Amanda was heading his way. She thought that he was injured. But he wasn't. Maybe it was because he was still laying on the ground. It would understandable why she would think that he had got wounded in that disastrous scene. He had to get up and tell her that he was not hurt. She was offering to go with him. It would be great to not travel on his own. He'd rather not be alone. He felt that that would be a death wish for him.

It was time for Brendan to get up to his feet and to speak with Amanda.

Brendan felt a bit shaky as he slowly got up to his feet, he picked up the stick and then he stepped forward to head over to Amanda so that she didn't have to walk too far. He wanted to meet halfway with her. He could feel his shoulder aching but he shoved the little pain aside in the back of his mind. Focus on Amanda, Brendan.

"A....Amanda, thank you, thank you. I thought.... I thought I...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by RC~ »

Alessio felt insulted as he was accused of Amanda of him wanting her gun to use on other people. No, he shouted at her being so dishonest. But the sad thing was that Amanda was right. He would use the gun on other people.

"Well, I-"

He now just stared at the gun of her, being pointed at him. He did not know what else to say. She threatened him. He could shoot her, but she would shoot him.

"Nevermind", he mumbled. Alessio had no idea what to say either way. He was confused.

Alessio was extremely confused as to what Amanda did to Brendan. What she did to Brendan.

She...just offered him help. That hurt.

For no reason she just went to Brendan and offered him to patch up. Just simply like that. Anger was boiling up. And she was so hostile against Alessio. But to Brendan she was so nice. That was not fair.

Brendan was a killer, too. Brendan killed too. Alessio was a killer, Brendan was a killer. When Amanda met Alessio she told him to fuck off and when she sees Brendan, she offers him help?

Alessio felt worthless.

Was there anyone on the island who offered Alessio help? No. There was not. Vanessa dumped him, Michael bullied, taunted him, Astrid robbed him. Yes, there was Serena and Mia who were trying to help, but that was during the first day. On the first day no one had a clue what the fuck was happening. No one knew how dangerous the island was. If Serena, Mia and him would have stayed together longer, Alessio now had the feeling, they would have killed him. Betrayed him. Use him as a pawn for being such a worthless piece of shit.

No, everyone on this island is selfish. No one helped him. He was alone. Vanessa left him, Alvaro left him, Nixon shot him.

But why was Brendan getting help from her? Why not him? Why never him?

He still pointed his gun at Amanda and said no word. He just had a sad face.
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Post by randomness »

"Maybe save the thanks for after we get out of here alive."

Jon's body was rolling closer towards them, almost as if creepily chasing them even it his current state, but she did her best to ignore him this time. Guilt hadn't helped her at all, and she shouldn't be looking at him to make it even worse.

Alessio was barely a concern in her mind, too. She wasn't even pointing the gun at him anymore, instead holding it loosely with one hand, as she prepared to run off with Brendan. He had looked cowed when she passed him by. The moment they started moving off, she'd be fine.

After all, her plan was working. Things going right for once, even if she needed to . Brendan looked more okay than she'd thought. Wadn't Jon been shooting at him? But it was good that he looked okay, right? Give him a few seconds and maybe he could run.

"Can you walk?"

She was waiting for a yes, and then they could move get away from here.

What she didn't expect was the sudden flash of movement, of sound, and a sudden throbbing pain in her back.
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There was a shot.

Alessio lowered the gun.

As Amanda was shot, Alessio decided to leave her and Brendan.

((Alessio Rigano continued in Tea Party with Death at Dawn))
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Post by ItzToxie »

Jon couldn't do anything but watch as everything faded away from him.

It's the worst feeling in the world, to realize you never really had a choice at all.

Well that wasn't completely true.

Barry saved him. Barry wanted to help everyone, as did Jon. They chose to do that, they tried to.

After Barry died, he became nothing more than a pawn.

He was only a pawn to Darius, he was only a pawn to Brendan... He found the one person he actually wanted to see, and he was actually given a choice again. Jon stayed with him because the choice sounded nice, it could've been peaceful. They should've drowned at the docks that night.

Then that was taken away, and then he chose to get revenge.

That choice was removed from him by Michael's killer.

He found Michael again on the other side, he chose to stay with him, he didn't want to be here anymore.

That choice was taken away by the same person that shot him just now.

She's the one who wanted him to live, and here she was, shooting him for Brendan.


Jon made another choice, he chose to shoot at Brendan, he chose to get him to chase him. He thought he was the one leading the ambush, but it was all in reverse.

In a way, Jon knew he deserved this. With all the choices his second chance granted him, this was the one he chose, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

He closed his remaining eye, hoping the pain would cease, him leaving with it.

It didn't. It just started throbbing.

It hurt worse the more he laid there.

When you're dying, it's supposed to stop hurting, not hurt worse, and that's when Jon realized it. He wasn't dying.

His eye trailed from the body of his partner to the two laying down the hill nearby.

Jon tried to get up, to shoot them with his revolver. It was out of his hand and he didn't know where it was.

He slowly started flopping down the hill, it was pathetic in a sense, you could've been forgiven for thinking it was comedic even. It was like a fish out of water, his limbs felt like jello.

The static slowly left his body as he forced his way down there. The pain wasn't subsiding, but it was getting overshadowed by something else.

Anticipation, anger? Jon didn't know. Energy.

That's what it felt like.

He tried to help people, but he just wasn't good at it.

They wouldn't let him even if he could.

Maybe... just maybe, he wasn't here to help people.

He was close enough now...

Jon lurched forward, he shot up. His arms gripped Amanda's rifle, yanking it away from behind her.


She didn't even get a chance to turn around before the trigger was pulled.


She did that time.



She finally hit the ground. The barrel was pointed towards her now prone body.


Jon's head turned to look at Alessio, he was running away, too far to shoot from here.

He looked back towards Amanda and Brendan.

He shifted the barrel from the now red-stained girl and shifted it towards the one who caused him so much pain...
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Post by Primrosette »

What? What just...? What? Why did this have to happen? Why, why, why? What the hell did Jonathan just do?!

He just shot Amanda in cold blood, Brendan. You should never had trusted him!

Brendan could only watch in stunned silence as Jonathan continued to shot Amanda and then the rifle was pointed right at him. Jonathan was going to shot him again and all Brendan could do was stare at Jonathan with wide, frightened eyes.

He couldn't move at all. He was going to die. Just like Amanda was dying. And there was nothing that he could do about it.

"J-Jon.... You don't have to do this...." He spoke quietly and he continued to stare at Jonathan. What could he do now? He couldn't do anything.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by randomness »

Pain, red hot and white cold, like the time she had a fever so bad that she needed to be sent to the hospital.

Nothing was moving, and yet the whole world was spinning before her.

Alessio? But he was too far away with the shotgun, wasn't he? But she couldn't even turn to see who or what had happened or why she wasn't holding on to the gun any longer.

"Brendan! Go!"

She wanted to run too, but her legs weren't moving. Panic? Or was it really this bad already? She could feel the blood dripping down her back, the pain was terrible, but it was probably worse than it looked, right? After all, things tended to work out at the end.

This wasn't the end.

There were things she still needed to do.

She was supposed to help Brendan. She was supposed to find Jaime and Emma. She was supposed to somehow survive and make it back home and then work out what to do tell her parents. What to say to the rest of the kids at school. What to say to Michelle. She wasn't supposed to die until after things were okay.

Her legs crumpled at last, as if telling her that the thought was wrong.

But she still wasn't dead yet.

She wasn't going to die yet.

Not here.

Not like this.

She wasn't-

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Post by ItzToxie »


He hated that look Brendan was giving him.

He didn't have to do this...

Exactly. He didn't have to do this, he chose to. Brendan put him all through this, now it was Jon's time to turn it around. This was Jon's way of giving himself a choice again.

"Don't beg."

He locked his eye to Brendan's.

Jon was the one in control now, he wasn't the pawn anymore. He wasn't a tool to Darius, and he wasn't going to be Brendan's anymore. He won't be dragged around like a puppet anymore. He won't let them toy with him anymore.

He had shot Amanda, not once, not twice, more than that. He could do it again, and he would do it again, just like everyone else would do the same to him, just like Amanda shot him.

"You don't have the right to beg anymore, you know what you did!"

Jon found himself suddenly screaming. He should just shoot Brendan now, it wasn't smart to do this, but he wanted to hear Brendan say it himself first.
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan didn't say anything as Jonathan started to yell at him. He flinched as he never thought that Jonathan would take it out on him. What he did? What was Jonathan going on about? Was he talking about Jerry and Bernadette? About him running away out of being so cowardly?

"I.... I don't understand...." He bit his lip and then he averted his eyes away from Jonathan's to look down at Amanda's body. "Uh.... Uh..... Do you mean me killing Jerry? Bernadette?"

His eyes glanced over at Michael's body. And then he suddenly kind of got why Jonathan was so hellbent on shooting him. Because he thought that Brendan was indirectly responsible for Michael's death?

"M-Micheal.... I think that I.... That's-That's it, isn't it...?" He asked in a sad tone and he stared back at Jonathan again. He was trying to stay calm and his breathing was getting more funny. "....Jon, I'm sorry. Really, I am. I just..... I just.... Are you going to kill me...?"
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

It was kind of funny how scared Brendan was. He used to tower over Jon, back when he could pretend he was with Jon.

Here he was, laying on the ground, begging Jon not to kill him. He was afraid of him for once. The power was shifted, and Jon wasn't that kid who was so easily taken advantage of.

Jon didn't speak anymore as he stared at Brendan.

He went through everything he's done, trying to pick *one* of the things he's done, like he didn't realize that it was nearly all of it.

Was it when I killed people? Or when I ran away?

Gee, I don't fucking know... If you have to ask the damn question in the first place that should tell you something shouldn't it?!

Shouldn't it?

Jon slowly nodded his head up and down at everything Brendan said, before something stopped him.

He mentioned him. Jon froze.

Brendan knew he was twisting the knife now, he was trying to throw Jon off.

Jon wanted to look over to his left, to see him one more time before he pulled the trigger for him. He couldn't, Brendan would get away if he did. That's why he said that, he said that to get Jon to make a mistake, to hesitate.

The whole thing was all lies with no regrets, it was insults veiled as condolences.

The cherry on top was the last question he asked. Like the other questions, he asked it like he didn't know the answer, when it was clear, very clear he knew.

Jon nodded his head once more.



"You done yet?"

Jon moved the barrel across Brendan's form, as if trying to pick a spot to shoot. Should he just put one in his head and get it over with? Should he put one in his gut so Brendan had more time to think about why he's here in the first place?

Brendan didn't answer him.

"I said are you fucking done yet?!"
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Post by Primrosette »

Brendan was really going to die here. He had just wanted to stay alive for a little longer. He needed to find the others. Make sure that they were safe. He couldn't let Jonathan stop him. But he just stayed where he was. He was glanced up at Jonathan more clearly. God, the blood..... He hated what was happening to Jonathan. He couldn't stop him from making more choices that would lead to regrets.

"....Just do it."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by ItzToxie »

There was something wrong about this. Those last words.

Was Jonathan the one in the wrong here? Or was it just Brendan fucking with him.

He was right here, Jon could shoot him right now. He wanted to. After he realized how much he's been betrayed by him, he wanted to.

Even then, he still remembered that Brendan was the one who was waiting for him after what happened to Barry. Jon didn't even have a shirt at that point, and Brendan gave him his- No, No! He's just fucking with you! Don't fall for it, don't listen!

He left to kill Jerry remember? Nancy got away because of him, she killed so many, hurt many more.

He kept the barrel pointed at Brendan, though it was now shakier as he removed his hand from the barrel, now holding it with one hand. The other reached back and pulled Brendan's hood off the mask.  The hand reached up and tore the plastic prison away from his skull.

He wanted Brendan to see what happened to him. The mass of bandages and blood. The now missing eye he had. It was kind of funny in the morbid sense, Brendan got to see it before Jon did. Would Jon even have the time to treat it, or was he just going to bleed out after this? His remaining eye gazed into Brendan's as his hand returned to the barrel.

"S...Say that again, one more time."

He wanted to know, he had to. He wanted to see if Brendan was really lying to him this time.

He wanted Brendan to look him in the eyes. One red, practically gone, one starting to turn pink...
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Post by Primrosette »

What happened to you, Jonathan?

Brendan's breath was drew in and then he let it out after a few moments. The damage that had been done to Jonathan. It honestly made him have torn feelings towards the other boy. Jonathan wanted him to say what he said again. Why? Why was Jonathan holding back? Brendan thought that Jonathan hated his guts.

He didn't turn his eyes away from Jonathan's. He wanted to let Jonathan know that it would be alright if he died. He just hoped that Jonathan would not feel like he was in the wrong.

"....Just end this, Jon...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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