The Labyrinth

What castle would be complete without a maze? The sturdy, eight foot tall maze walls are air brushed with a continuous mural depicting creeping ivy, climbing roses, honeysuckle, and morning glories in various stages of bloom. Don’t let the beauty lull you since you never know when you’ll come face to face with the infamous Minotaur statue. Lookout towers are located at the corners to help guests navigate the myriad twists, turns, and dead ends. Only the best and brightest can conquer the maze by punching their traveler’s card in the correct order.
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Post by Laurels »

The sounds of Nina's shouting confirmed it: she didn't see Sophie run into the wall.

Well, that's a relief.

"Uh, nothing!" she shouted back. "I'm gonna keep going."

Sophie continued to run around the maze. She was sure that she was getting closer to Nina, but she wasn't certain. Before she knew it, she had arrived at one of the corners of the maze.

Oh awesome! This can help.

Sophie made her way up the lookout tower and began to look over. She began to look around the area for Nina.

"Nina!" she shouted. "I'm in a lookout tower! Start jumping as high as you can, and I can guide you to the tower!"

Wait, would that actually work?
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Nina shrugged when Sophie confirmed her well-being. That was good.

A second later, she heard Sophie shout from a tower. Jump up and down? Uh huh. Okay.

"Okay, jumping like a schoolgirl in 3..2...1!" Nina leaped into the air, her leg muscles springing her a little more than a foot. She tried again, crouching, and leaped even higher. "Do you see me?" Nina shouted.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie continued to scan the maze. She was sure she could spot Nina from the tower. After all, she'd be more likely to notice a moving object than a stationary one.

Come on, where are you? You've got to be somewhere....

Sophie continued to look until she finally noticed a figure jumping.

"Yes! I see you! Hold on a sec!"

Sophie began to focus on where she saw Nina hopping. She needed to figure out the easiest route for Nina to move from her current location to the lookout tower.

"Okay! Go down the path to your left, take a right, then keep going until you see the path turn left!"

I really hope she can remember that.
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Okay, turn left, right and then left. Nina repeated this to herself twice, then took off.

The plan suddenly fell apart when Nina hit a dead end. "What the heck!" Nina muttered. How did she get here? She didn`t realize that she`d turned left at a smaller branch instead of sticking to the main path.

"Where did I go?" Nina yelled upwards. She had no idea where she`d ended up; she did not even know where Sophie was.
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Post by DGib123* »

Ray had been walking through the maze for a good hour now, absorbed deeply into the music coming out his headphone. He was alone, enjoying the isolating that the maze provided. He checked his phone seeing no calls, no texts, no anything. He placed it back in his pocket and continued forward without a care where he was headed. He'd been in this maze numerous times, and knew every corner of this place by heart now. There was at least three exits to the huge maze, and from his position, he believed he knew how to get out, and which exit was the closest. As he walked, he thought he heard two people talking somewhere around him. He pulled out his earphones trying to get a better listen but the only thing he heard was his shallow breathing and the wind brushing against nearby vines.

This maze always trying to play some game with me

He shook his head feeling a bit stupid as if the maze was playing a simple trick with him. He ignored the sounds, placing his earphones back into his ears and reached for his phone in his back jeans pocket. However before he could turn his music back on, he heard a scream - a real scream. He pulled the earphones back, and retraced his steps trying to figure out where the sound had come from.

"Hello!" he called out again, just high enough to be above a whisper.

I definitely been in this place too long. Now I'm just hearing things

Still he kept walking through the maze trying to figure out where the sound had come from. He reached a corner, and took a left into a narrower path. It was a bit dark, as the sun couldn't shine through the narrowness of the path forcing Ray to squint his eyes a little to see clearly. Reaching another corner, he decided to take a right this time to get out of the dark shading.

"Where did I go?" He heard somebody scream; a girl's voice.

He walked closer to where he heard the voice, reaching a wall in front of him. He figured some girl had reached a dead end on the other side, and was probably lost.

"Hello," Ray called out again, hoping somebody was on the other side. "Is anybody there?"
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie tried to keep an eye on where Nina was walking. Since she managed to see where Nina was by jumping, she could trace where Nina was walking based on the directions she gave. It also helped that there were points where her vantage point would let her see Nina walking down the halls.

However, Nina made a wrong move and was now in a corner. Sophie knew she had to fix it.

"You turned too early!" she shouted. "Go back out, then continue down that path till it turns left! I'll give you more when I figure a better path for you!"

Sophie continued to scan the rest of the maze. It would be easier for Nina to reach the tower if she could be able to give her the proper directions. She continued to look at the maze and tried to analyze the best path to the tower.

There's got to be one proper route for her to go. Just have to find it.
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Post by Espi »

Nina sighed. She'd been dumb to get lost like this; she even had what was effectively a map, and she messed up. Nina hated getting lost; she hated being powerless, and it pissed her off that she was apparently incompetent enough to get lost even with someone telling her exactly where to go.

When Sophie offered her a fix, Nina shouted, "Thanks!" before turning back to take the proper route.

Then she her a male voice call out from the other side of the dead end. "Hello, is anyone there?". Nina didn't recognize the voice.

Turning back to the wall, she called, "I'm here. Who is this?"
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Post by DGib123* »

Ray heard shouting on the other side, and recognized two female voices. The voice behind the wall responded back to him "I'm here. Who is this?"

Before answering her question, Ray said back instead "Hold on, I'll come over there and help you."

He left the wall, retracing his footsteps until he reached a previous corner. Instead of turning left, he took a right walking down another narrow path. He squinted his eyes so he could see through the shade clearly, trying not to scratch himself from any lose branches and pines. Reaching another dead end, the maze split into two different directions. Without hesitation, he took a left knowing the trail should lead straight to the girl's voice he heard previously. It only took him a couple minutes before he reached her.

"Hey" he said approaching her "Are you lost?"

Walking into the light, he was able to get a closer look at her. She wasn't exactly what Ray had expected when he found her. He thought she'd be a lot older, if her voice was any indication of that. However, she was short and petite and Ray thought he recognized her probably from school or the neighborhood. She also seemed pretty to him, and her eyes amazed him as he had never seen grey colored eyes before. He looked away quickly, as he didn't want to make her uncomfortable staring at her.

"I can help you find that other girl and hopefully get you two out if you're lost" he said awkwardly, hoping he didn't creep her out by staring at her the way he did.
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie continued to study the rest of the labyrinth. It didn't look like Nina was moving at the moment, so she had a chance to at least plan a route.

Okay, that should be the one. I just hope there aren't any difficulties.

Sophie cupped her hands around her mouth.

"Nina! I think I have the route! Are you ready?"

I hope she's ready.
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Post by Espi »

"Oh!" Nina said, momentarily startled as a boy loomed from the darkness. Recovering immediately from the brief shock, Nina glanced over him. He had large hair, dark skin and a small body despite being much taller than her; it was a very distinct combination. She recognized him as a boy named Ray, though she didn't know much about him.

Nina could immediately tell he was uncomfortable talking to her; his eyes had lingered momentarily, then he'd visibly turned away. She didn't mind; some people were just awkward around pretty people, and Nina was aware that she was pretty.

His offer to help was much appreciated, though; Nina didn't want to admit it, but she really wasn't sure where she was going.

"Oh, hey. Ray, isn't it?" Nina said, smiling politely. "Thanks for the offer; I was looking for my friend Sophie and we kind of got separated. If you could help, that'd be-"

Sophie called down from the tower around then. Nina glanced upwards, searching again for the source of her voice. "Thanks! Let me know where to go!" Nina called into the sky. Then, she looked back at Ray.

"If you want, we can go together." Nina held out her right hand. "I'm Nina, but you probably already knew that." She smiled politely.
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Post by DGib123* »

Ray shook her hand, and squeezed gently. "Yeah, it's Ray" he replied back to her.

Hearing her voice he instantly remembered who she was. She went to the same school with him, however because they hung out with different friends and had no classes together he hadn't realized her. "And I do remember you, your name's Nina Clarke right?"

He hoped he said her name correctly, as he didn't want to make a complete fool out of himself.

Ray could hear her friend's Sophie voice around him, and thought that she was lost also. From his location, Ray couldn't tell where she was because of how her voice echoed off the surrounding walls, but he could tell she was close. Still, it seemed Sophie knew where we were and was trying to give directions to find her.

Good news was knowing Sophie could give directions, Ray wouldn't have to get himself lost endlessly trying to help Nina find her, possibly looking like a fool while trying to help. However the bad news was Ray figured that he was no longer needed to help her, and for some reason he felt a bit disappointed with the result. Even though it was pretty much a lost cause to help, Nina offered that he could go with her to reach Sophie. Ray couldn't explain what it was that made going with her fun to him, as he was enjoying himself alone earlier.

He smiled at her, "Sure, I guess I could come along; I was getting ready to leave here anyway." he lied, trying not to sound too excited. "And I wouldn't want you to get anymore lost than you already are." he said again. "Hopefully, Sophie's directions are legit, otherwise we'll probably be going around in circles forever trying to find her."

Ray walked forward passing her, and again he felt ecstatic enjoying the company.
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Post by Laurels »

Nina was ready. Sophie did one last check from her position to see if she had the right route for Nina to travel down. Once certain, she cupped her hands to her mouth.

"Okay!" she shouted. "Walk to your right, take the first right, then the next left you see. Follow it to the third right path. Once you turn right, it's a straight shot to the tower!"

Okay, hopefully she got that. My throat is getting parched from this shouting.

"Let me know if you need help!"
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Post by Espi »

Nina nodded, and held up her right thumb. Turning to Ray, she said, "Okay, you've got that, right?" and then bolted down the path without waiting for a reply. With a cry of, "Let's go!" she raced down the right path.

Nina turned right.

She passed two right paths, then turned left.

Following it, Nina stumbled as she turned too sharply. Her feet slid out from under her, and she crashed into the ground.

"Ugh, damn it." Nina muttered. Her left wrist, still splinted, was now very painful. She hoped she hadn't hurt it too badly. It was stupid of her to fall down, and it annoyed her that she'd been careless enough to hurt herself.

Picking herself up, Nina tried to get her bearings. Her left knee was skidded, not badly, but it hurt. "Ugh, that was stupid." Nina growled. Nina turned around, checking for Ray. She hoped he'd followed her properly.
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Post by DGib123* »

As Ray stood besides Nina preparing to find Sophie, he heard a female's voice shout to him. "Okay! Walk to your right, take the first right, then the next left you see. Follow it to the third right path. Once you turn right, it's a straight shot to the tower!" the voice then paused before adding on, "Let me know if you need help!"

It didn't take too much thought for Ray to figure that the voice came from Sophie. He wondered if Sophie could see them from this position, if so then he knew she was definitely a lot closer than he thought.

"Okay, you've got that, right?" Nina had said to him, but before he could even reply she quickly followed Sophie's directions.

"Hold up! You don't want to get even more lost!" he shouted, following.

"Let's go!" she cried out, not even looking back.

She's going way too fast. If we keep going at this pace, we might end up separated or find ourselves even farther away from Sophie. Also, I feel like I'm one step away from a heart attack running like this.

Ray took two rights, then another left following Nina. He looked for a third path like Sophie had instructed, and believed he knew exactly where he was going as this part of the maze looked familiar. Nina still hadn't slowed down since they took off, and Ray felt a bit winded trying to keep up with her. She definetly was in better shape than he was, and that was evident because she didn't seem to slow down in exhaustion once. He felt pathetic being outran by a girl smaller than he was. The only positive thing about this he felt was that nobody was watching, especially her. Last thing he wanted was to help her, and then find himself needing help in return. That kind of embarrassment wouldn't do much for his self-esteem, or lack thereof. Breathing heavy, Ray was slowly closing in the gap between them before Nina crashed hard onto the ground.

"Are you alright?" he called slowing down his pace into a fast walk.

"Ugh, dammit!" she had muttered, and she seemed to be holding her wrist.

Before he could reach her to help her up, she stood on her own. However, she continued to hold her hand which seemed injured and might have hurt her knee seeing her limp as she stood.

"Ugh, that was stupid." she said again to herself.

She turned back towards him, and Ray straightened himself up not wanting to appear exhausted in front of her.

She's a lot stronger than she looked. Ray, please tell me why you even thought you had a chance with her?

"Maybe we should walk towards Sophie," he said, wearily. He pointed to a small intersection in front of him "That path she was talking about is just right there. Besides, I don't want you getting all bruised or anything while we're in here."
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie tried to trace where Nina was heading. There were a few moments where she could see actually see Nina, particularly if Nina was standing in a hall facing the tower. It looked like Nina had found someone else in the maze.

Well, looks like we've got a real party forming here.

"Keep going guys!" she shouted. "You're almost there!"

Sophie began to bounce in place. She was certain Nina and the new person were close, and then the three of them could figure a way out of the labyrinth.
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