The Most Awkward Question

This is the rest of the outdoor campus. It is not particularly large or beautiful, but there are plenty of grassy areas, as well as a couple of small hills. Three gazebos provide shelter from rain. The campus itself is bordered by a fairly busy street, so it is not particularly quiet during the day. This also encompasses the bus stop directly adjacent to the campus, which is technically off school grounds. A few students use it as a place to smoke, since tobacco use on campus is punishable by suspension.
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Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:01 pm


Post by Aura »

Cassidy smiled at Matt as she pulled away.

"Yeah. Or even before then!"

Matt slung his backpack over his shoulder and waved goodbye to Cassidy.  He set off towards the school's entrance, his mind clouded with thoughts about the approaching prom.  He would need nice clothes and some sort of transportation.  A trip to the mall would have to occur sometime in the near future, one that would likely exhaust the last of his recent savings.

Matt shook the thoughts of prom out of his head as he mentally prepared himself for first period.

((Matt Masters continued elsewhere...))
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