Die Walküre

Day 8, midday — Private; Gore Warning

The spot with the best freely accessible view of the island, Nature's Lookout was mainly used for contemplative purposes. There are a collection of handmade benches here to provide seating for those that desire it. One notable addition to the cliff face at Nature's Lookout is the wooden platform that extends out over the cliff that people could walk out onto to feel closer to nature and commit items to the earth below.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

It happened so quickly that she didn't have time to process the movements. Jonathan swung his chainsaw up, the blunt end striking her hand and knocking her rifle out of her grasp.

"Ow! Cocks-"

The sound of the chainsaw's revving cut her off. She tried to focus on it, but it was much too late as the guide bar was brought down. For a very brief moment she felt the turn blades of the chainsaw slicing through her sternum and vibrating the entirety of her ribcage before the pain kicked it. As pain flooded her senses, she gave out a strangled, pained cry as she fell backwards, blood spilling out from the wound to her chest.

She writhed on the ground, her hands clutching at the gaping gash in her torso, which only served to heighten the pain.

It hurt so much.

Just a white, hot pain that flooded her senses. Her vision blurred and their was a ringing in her ears.

She spasmed and cried out, but the movement and the vocalization just caused more pain. She tried to breathe but each breath brought a fresh new wave of pain rolling through her chest.

She could see shapes move around her, with muffled and distorted sounds, but it was so difficult to make out what was going on as her whole world felt like it was being enveloped by the pain of having her chest cut open.
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Post by Primrosette »

Jonathan could only stare down at the girl who was wounded on the ground and he was now holding the chainsaw loosely at his side, the blood of Sierra was dripping off of the tip of the running saw. He couldn't even focus on his surroundings as he knew that the other two would be reacting to what he had done and now all he could do was just stare down at the bloody mess.

He couldn't move. Why wasn't he just running away? He couldn't stay, he couldn't stay here with someone that he hadn't meant to hurt. He had never handled a weapon like this before and now he was going to be a target for his carelessness and his moment of anger taking control of him. He shouldn't have lost it like that.

The red was more present on Sierra.

All he could see was Tyrell once again.

Stop, stop. Don't think about that now, Jon. You need to fucking move your stupid ass out of here.

"I didn't mean.... I didn't mean to hurt you...." He murmured in disbelief.

He glanced up again to look at the other two girls. Frozen in place.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina thought it was all going well. They were making their point clear to Jonathan, and hopefully he'd go on his way. However, it seemed their responses weren't enough. Something enraged Jonathan, enough that he immediately swung the chainsaw at Sierra. Katrina gasped, but it was deafened by the sound of the chainsaw whir, and the screams of her friend.

Katrina froze as she saw Sierra fall to the ground. Her chest had been sliced open by the weapon, and she was convulsing on the ground. Katrina let out a quick scream as she looked up at Jonathan. His weapon was still moving, and now it was dripping blood. Sierra's blood.

It was happening again, and way too soon. Here was someone who was probably mad at Katrina for the stupid chain of events she caused on the first day, or was just livid in general. And now another of Katrina's friends was horribly injured because of it. Katrina didn't have much time to ponder what motives led to this, or why Sierra had to be the one to take the attack. Katrina didn't care.

With barely a thought, she quickly unsheathed the nodachi, dropping her bag and the sheath to the ground, and lunged towards the boy. Maybe it was mad to use a sword against a chainsaw, but she didn't consider that. She simply gripped both hands on the handle, and charged at Jonathan, ready to bring him down, the blade low and ready to swing up at him.

This wasn't the time to hesitate. That time was long gone.
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Post by Melusine »

"Gosh," Willow's hand was already on her shoes, she couldn't help but raise her voice, "you are so fucking stupid, you know that?!"

She wasn't sure to who she was saying it. In doubt, probably the both of them. It was plain dumb. They were on day eight, they should know better than to do this. Everyone was on edge and everyone was going a bit crazy, and taunting and threats (especially when someone has a chainsaw) was particularly fucking dumb.

Her left arm, her good arm, slung over her head as she held the pink croc. With a rapid swing of her arm, the croc went flying toward Jonathan.

It wasn't much, but Willow hoped it was enough to distract him from Sierra. Who-


Sierra was-

Sierra was bleeding-

She was-

"Sierra?" Willow's voice raised into panic, "Sierra? Sierra?!"

There was blood. A lot of blood, there was so much fucking blood and it was pouring down and Willow was just seeing it from the back. How did it look in the front? Was it her throat? Did Jonathan cut Sierra's throat open with a fucking chainsaw? Who the fuck does that?

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Post by Primrosette »

Jonathan felt the pink croc hitting on his arm and it was enough to wake him out of his daze of disbelief at his own actions. How could he have just lashed out like that? He knew.... He knew why. Sierra had been Emmett in his mind and he had just wanted to scare her and other girls. He just didn't want to be used as a punching bag anymore. God, he couldn't even do anything what a group had fallen apart and now he was the cause of breaking a group of girls that had done nothing to him whatsoever. This was all his fault. He-

He saw Katrina charging at him with a sword and he knew that that was his ticket to get out of there. He couldn't die right now. He still had his own things that he needed to do before he could die.

WhAt AbOuT sIeRrA???

He couldn't stay. He had to go. Escape, escape from this hell.

Jonathan turned sharply on his feet and he legged it towards the trees, trying to remember where he had left the bike. He took him a few moments to find it and he jumped onto it, not caring if he was wobbling on it as he made his getaway from the girl with the sword.

((Jonathan Meyers continued in Beauty is Pain. Happiness is a Weapon.))
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Pain and blood.

Her whole world was pain and blood.

She had taken her fair share of bumps and scrapes, but this... This was well beyond anything she had ever experienced. She cried and scream, her tears mixing with the blood that got splattered on to her face. Everything was hurting. Even the simple act of breathing was painful before belief.

Why was she here?

Why did this have to happen?

Someone called her name. Was it Kat? Was it Willow? Willow would help her. She wouldn't let be in pain, not after everything they've been through together the last few days.

The last few days...

They never should have came here.

She never should have gone on this trip.

Why did she go?

Why did her parents let?


It hurt so much.


It hurt so much to talk.

"Help... Meeee..."
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Post by Melusine »

"I'm here, please," Willow wailed, "I'm here, okay? I'm here."
I hate you.
Willow bent, her hands shaking over Sierra's body. They were already bloody. There was so much blood, Sierra would drown in it before she could do anything. She had to do something. She had to help. Her fingers pricked and twisted around in the wound, thinking a miracle might happen. Sierra was still so warm, she was so warm; she wanted to snuggle right next to her.
You killed her.
"Sierra," her hands cupped her fri- girl- ally's neck, "please don't leave me."
You're worthless.
Willow's hands were shaking more than Sierra's body. She was getting dizzy. Why was this happening? This wasn't supposed to happen, Sierra wasn't supposed to die. She was supposed to stay here and to stay with her for as long as possible. Their time wasn't up! It wasn't! They had a deal.
Nobody will love you.
"Sierra, please don't leave, please stay, please," she was begging. "don't leave."
You're a monster.
Willow hadn't noticed but she was crying. She tried to speak again but only a croak came out. She rasped and scratched at her throat until the rawness went away. Willow needed her. Willow needed Sierra, she needed her more than she ever needed anyone. Her mom, her dad, everyone else could go to Hell, but Sierra had to stay. Sierra had to stay.
You deserved it.
"Tell me what to do, please," she begged and she wailed, she had to do something, "Sierra, please."
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina continued to charge towards Jonathan. She began to yell at him. Fortunately, Jonathan wasn't in the mood for fighting her. Maybe her reputation was starting to work for her benefit, or maybe he really was just scared shitless. Either way, he was now running away and back into the forest.

Katrina continued to go after him, but soon saw he was on a bike and getting away. She stopped running and watched. Where did he get a bike? She tried to catch her breath as she saw him vanish.

"And don't come back!" she futilely yelled at him.

She gasped, remembering that she left Sierra and Willow behind. She hurried back and stood overlooking the girls. Sierra was on the ground, and Willow was trying to comfort her.

Katrina could feel herself tearing up as Willow was begging her to stay with them. She turned away a bit and let out a small cry. She couldn't be losing another friend this soon. Not again.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Willow was here next to her now, trying to help... but it wasn't doing much good besides getting blood all over her hands. Sierra was so scared and in so much pain that she couldn't really even form words to respond to Willow's frantic begging for her to not leave her. Sierra would have wanted to help comfort Willow, to tell her that everything was going to be okay even if it wasn't true.

She wanted someone to save her. Anybody. Willow, Kat... Her mom and her dad. But as her vision started to fade, her breathing started to slow, and a chill began to come over he body, she realized that was impossible.

The pain was just too much. She just wanted it to end. As much as she was afraid to die, it just hurt to much. She didn't want to be lying here bleeding out, but her options are limited it.

But there was one way Willow could still help her.

"Willow..." she croaked out. "Kill me..."
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Post by Melusine »

"What..?" Willow paused. Her begging was in vain. Sierra was going to leave her.
Sierra was dying. Willow had expected something a little more for a last demand. A kiss, a hug, something sweet and soft. Or maybe something a bit more rough like a bite or a mark. Willow's hands move from Sierra's body to her own, searching her body for what she needed.
You won't be useless anymore.
As she did that, she straddled Sierra's body in a too familiar position. Willow was on top of her, her hands back on Sierra's chest with a small item in the palm of hand. With her other free hand, she moved Sierra's shirt out of the way. She grabbed the hem then tugged it up to reveal Sierra's lean stomach. Willow would have enjoyed kissing it in another life but this was a time for death. Her bloodied index finger painted a picture on Sierra's chest. It was a target in the shape of a heart.
Or maybe not.
"Are you sure, Sierra?" Willow whispered, "I can't make it on my own. If you leave me, I- I'll die and there'll be nobody to do this for me."
That's for you to decide.
Her free hand moved from Sierra's chest to her cheek. Willow's thumb circled on Sierra's cheek, painting a new picture on her ally's face. Her hand with the little piece of ceramic laid flat against her chest and Willow's entire torso followed. Their faces were next to each other's like a kiss or an embrace or a bite or a mark and then Willow spoke.
Choose well.
"Are you sure you want to leave me?"
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Willow laid down on her, an intimate gesture wasted upon a dying girl. Sierra more than anything wanted to reply, no, she didn't want to leave her, but as she laid here on the dirt with her chest cut open, blood continuing seeping out, her skin growing paler by the second and finding it difficult to breath, it was impossible in the end. She felt so weak, so helpless... Her arms tried to raise up to take hold of Willow, but her strength of fleeting and failed.

Tears rushed down her face and slowly she shook her head with what little strength she could mustered.

"I'm scared..." she whispered, finding it difficult to talk now. "Please... I... I'm so sorry..."

She didn't want this to happen. Willow shouldn't be the one to do this. It was wrong some how to make someone you care about end your suffering, but what other choice was there?

It hurt so much...
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Post by Melusine »

"It's okay, it's okay," she lied, "it's going to be okay."
The tables have turned.
Willow's lips touched Sierra's. The dying girl tasted like a mix of sweat and blood, it was salty and coppery and Willow wasn't sure if she liked that. She preferred how Sierra usually tasted: cherries but with a soft tinge of chocolate. It was a shame that Willow couldn't taste Sierra's true essence for a last time, but she took what she needed from this kiss.
Stop wasting time.
"I love you," she said softly, "I wish we could have met somewhere else. Maybe in class, maybe at the mall, I would have loved to show you to my parents. They would have liked you. We would-" her tears were mixing with the taste, it was truly a shame, "we would have done so many nice things. Going to the park, the restaurant, we could even have been putting tear gas in the vents at school, we would have a blast but..."
Stop being so useless.
Willow pressed her lips against Sierra again then withdrew. The dying girl's eyes were fluttering shut. The light that her iris emitted was dimming, an image Willow would capture and cherish until the moment of her death. Her tongue slipped through Sierra's lips. The taste of blood was overwhelming. Willow could get used to that.
That's why everyone abandons you.
"...I'm still glad I met you here. I always wanted to find my equal and I found it in you. We were terrible people, Sierra, but to me, you were my hero." Sierra's breath against Willow's cheek was becoming more and more distant, she had to speed this up. "Save me a place in next to you in Hell, okay? We have a lot of catching up to do..."
Do it.
And then, Willow lost herself in the taste of Sierra. Their saliva mixed as the blows started to come. It was repetitive. It was also easy. Willow's tongue darted and twisted inside of Sierra's mouth as the blood started to rise up from the assault her hand was committing on her. She was already injured so half of the job was already done, Willow just needed to dig and to dig until she reach Sierra's heart.
"Please," she was panting, "last a bit longer for me, okay?"
Her heart is right here.
There was the rib and there was the shiv, and just underneath there was the warmth that Sierra's body promised. As she started to kiss Sierra again, her fingers squeeze through the enclosure. The space between her ribs didn't allow Willow to grab her heart, but she wanted to feel it so badly. She wanted to be here until her heart stopped beating. It would mean the world to Willow.
"Perfect." Willow was heaving, but she had never felt better, "you're so fucking perfect."
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

A kiss to bloodied lips, a blood soaked body in such close proximity, declarations of love. All meaningful things for Sierra to hear in her final moments, helping her be ease into oblivion. Both of them were fucked up, broken people and they found each other in this hell and made a connection between them. Sierra's hearing was starting to fade, and yet Willow's words managed to reach their way to Sierra's slowly dying mind.

Willow's hand and shiv entered her wound, pressing close to her heart. The pain was excruciating but all Sierra could do was give shuddering, gasping breathes that sent waves of increasingly fading pain.

"Perfect. You're so fucking perfect."

The last thing in her vision was the blood smeared Willow, so crushingly close to her. So beautiful despite the blood that covered her features. A final moment to hold onto until the end. A multitude of things unsaid and never done lay before Sierra, and bloody tears stained her face in acknowledge of this finality to her life.

Her heartbeat slowed.

Her breathing slowed.

The pain was fading.

"Wil... low..."


No more heartbeat. No more breathing. No more pain. Only the sound of the breeze rustling the leaves of the trees and the deafening silence of nature gone silent in the place where a once vibrant life once was, and a pair of lifeless eyes looking upon Willow.

G005: Sierra Cook — Deceased
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina listened to the girls as they said their final words to one another. Katrina didn't want to spoil the moment. She wanted to say things to Sierra to. To comfort her, tell her how much their time together meant to her. But it was clear Sierra needed that moment with Willow. They had been together from the very start, so they were definitely closer to one another than Katrina was to either of them.

Katrina merely cried quietly and let them go on with their final exchange. She could hear Sierra ask Willow to end it, and Katrina shut her eyes as hard as she could. She definitely didn't want to see Sierra die.

She waited a few moments, and soon it was clear Sierra wasn't breathing anymore.

Katrina opened her eyes and turned back. She could see Willow on top of Sierra. Katrina quietly walked over and knelt to the ground, laying the nodachi to the ground.

"Willow?" she asked.

Katrina hung her head low.

"I'm so sorry."
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Post by Melusine »

Willow pulled away from Sierra's now cooling corpse. She wiped her chin, letting the blood trinkle down her face and unto her neck. She proceeded to wipe away her tears and then her snot. Technically, her face was now clean and that was the only thing that mattered right now.

The rush was gone. If it had been there in the first, really. Any emotions she had felt during these few seconds were gone, shattered against the dashboard into thousand of thousand of little stars. Willow didn't bother to pick them up and so, she was left with this emptiness within her that crave something else.


She didn't reply to Katrina's words. There wasn't anything that would be said or done that would bring back all the things she had just buried right now. Willow knew for a fact she had to keep her emotions caged somewhere where she couldn't reach the lock because if she got her hands on it, there wouldn't be a Willow by the end of the day. So, she made a new mental list of things to do.

"Wh-we need," she said softly, "to throw the body off the the cliff then take what we can and leave."

She said, emotionlessly. Or at least she tried in her mind.

Willow turned toward Katrina. She didn't know what she was supposed to do with her. Katrina should have died instead of Sierra. Willow knew factually that didn't change anything both in the short and the long run, but fuck.

She would have loved to spend maybe another night with Sierra. Just something to grip at night other than herself and her weapons, her remaining nights would be lonely again.

"And then-" she tried to hold back tears. Willow put her bloody hand against her mouth. She didn't want to cry in front of the world. She didn't want the world to see that part of her. She was supposed to be strong now.

"And then we leave this place," her voice raised and lowered as the wailing became less and less controlled. When she finished her sentence, she was full blown crying with her tears running down her cheeks, "and we never come back here again."

She wasn't sure why, but she felt really fucking good again.

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