Master Exploder

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by Solitair* »

Cassidy took a look at Duncan again. Poor guy needed to loosen up, and she knew how to do that, if nothing else. "Sure thing, Max," she yelled over the din. "Just lemme put-"

She looked down at her bouquet and... well what the fuck did she expect, bringing it into a mosh pit like that? Half of the petals had been shorn off by the crowd; they'd be lucky to become accidental decorations for someone's concert gear. Most of the petals would probably be trampled underfoot by the oblivious moshers. The paper in the bouquet was torn as well, so most of the stems were in danger of tumbling out. Not that the stems themselves had escaped danger, oh no; some had been bent while others seemed to be hanging on by a thread. All in all, it was a sorry-looking thing she held in her hands, hardly worth tossing on stage at the end of the performance.

For a few seconds, Cassie didn't say anything, letting Blank Nation and the crowd take up everyone's earspace while she gave the ruined bouquet a blank look. Then she smiled and shrugged. "Well, now I just feel silly," she told Max, tossing the bouquet in the general direction of the stage, where it would probably land somewhere off to the side.

"Anyway, I'd love to help get D-man on top!" She cracked her knuckles, though the sound was mostly inaudible. "As long as you don't mind having him at an incline!"
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Duncan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as the moshing subsided, the crowd now cheering for the band as they finish their last song.

Well, I guess it wasn't that bad. He thought to himself, rubbing the side of his face where the elbow has hit. The perpetrator had disappeared into the crowd, and try as he might he couldn't spot him. Looking back up towards the stage, he noticed Maria looking right at him, kneeling on top of her stool and waving energetically to him. After a moment, she started to fall forward, but managed to catch herself before could fall over (and likely take the drum set with her.) Duncan almost shouted to her to be careful, but realized she probably wouldn't be able to hear him over the crowd (and he'd more than likely just sound silly, anyway.)

"So, what happens next?" He turned to ask his personal expert in all things rock concert-related Max, and noticed him talking with a girl from the crowd. "Uh, hey, who's th-" He started to say, but the sentence was left unfinished as he suddenly got the feeling something bad was about to happen.
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Post by Yossarian* »

((All actions approved by Llama and Solitair))

Just as Max and Cassie approached Duncan to make the final attraction of the night, Blank Nation just ended their last song. Talk about bad luck. Max of course couldn't let it happen. Nobody spoils his perfect plans right before his realization. Not when he was a veteran in that matter, and he knew exactly how to overcome this minor obstacle.

"What now? Exactly this..."

Max raised his hands high and began shouting at the top of his lungs.


Good atmosphere among the people resulted in chain reaction, and in just a few seconds, the entire crowd joined Max. After ten seconds of constant shouting, finally some guitar riffs replied 'YES!' to the crowd. The madness was on again. Only this time, it will be better.

Max looked at Cassie, as they nodded to themselves in confirmation of their plan. He turned to Duncan.

"Ok Duncan, liked it so far?" Obviously he didn't even thought about hearing the answer. "Cool, but now, the time has come for the most amazing and awesome part. You ready?" This question was rather targeted at Cass, as Duncan had nothing to say here. Cass once again nodded.

"Awesome let's do this, Cassie!"

And in a Flash, Max grabbed Duncan back, while Cass grabbed his legs. When they already lifted him up in the air, Max made the clear signal to the crowd, than one flying package is coming right up.


Thankfully, the people nearby noticed (and heard) what's going on, and they quickly took Duncan away on their hands toward the scene. Max observed him for a while, then with a giant grin on his face, he turned toward Cass.

"Awesome. Thanks for help Cassie. I think it's time for me to repay..."

Before Cassidy could answer in any way, Max already poked the guy jumping next to them, so he could help him with lifting the girl. Few seconds later, Cass flew toward the scene as well.

"God, I'm such a genius sometimes..." Max praised himself, as he poked yet another guy. When he turned his face toward Max, he just pointed his index finger toward the sky, and the guy already knew the deal. Quick lift, and Max followed Duncan and Cassie on the hands of the crowd. He raised his arms toward the sky and made the symbol of Satan with his hands.

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Post by Solitair* »

"Awesome let's do this, Cassie!"

Cassidy needed no further incentive. She bent down and wrapped her hands around Duncan's ankles, sweeping him off his feet. She felt the throng tug at the boy's body and responded by lifting up his legs and shoving them in their direction. Thankfully that didn't make anyone fall over, and Duncan made the transition to the top of the stage, easy as pie.

She turned back to Max in time to see his grin. She gave him two thumbs up, then tried to hear him talk over the din of the concert hall. It didn't occur to her what he was saying until he made a grab for her. Her heart picked up the pace, bouncing against her ribcage, and she let out a triumphant shout.

Crowd surfs were a blast: they were a sign of bonding with other passionate music lovers; they freed her from the tyranny of the floor, giving her ample opportunity to be jostled around like she was on a roller-coaster bed; and most importantly, she wouldn't have to worry about trying to see past people taller than her.

Speaking of which, it was about time she stopped staring at the ceiling. She sat up and looked at Blank Nation once again, playing their encore. "AWWWW FUCK YEAH!" she chanted, euphoric from her heightened pulse and the omnipresent beat. "WINSTON! WINSTON! WINSTON!"
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Post by Badb* »

Warren laughed loudly, then stepped back from the microphone and looked at the rest of the band. Maria leaned forwards to wave, nearly falling over and sending the drumkit tumbling forwards (and possibly onto him) but steadied herself. Warren wasn't surprised, that was to be expected from "Animal".

Warren turned his attention to the front, and noticed the red mark on his arm was clearly visible to the whole show. Warren quickly pulled down the sleeve of his jacket and looked around shiftily.

Well, I can at least hope no one noticed it.

"Well guys," Warren said, looking at the crowd, especially a rather unfortunate fellow surfing on the top. "I'm quite sure they want another one."

He played a few fast notes on his bass, to which the crowd responded with louder cheering, then turned to Zack.

"Want to give them an encore?" He sighed "We still got a few good songs up our sleeves, right?"
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

"Ok Duncan, liked it so far?"

"Oh yeah, it's pretty cool I gue-."

"Cool, but now, the time has come for the most amazing and awesome part. You ready?"

"Ready? Ready for wha-WHOA HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"


"Crowd surfing!? Wait a second!" OhgodI'mgonnafallI'mgonnafallI'mgonnafall...


Zach couldn't help but grin as a few members of the crowd started calling out for an encore. Within a few moments, the demand started coming from the whole crowd. Suddenly, Maria burst out laughing, and Zach soon saw why as he spotted a rather surprised-looking Duncan being hoisted up and carried around amongst the crowd.

"Want to give them an encore? We still got a few good songs up our sleeves, right?"

"Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint the fans, now would we?" He says turning towards the rest of the group.

"Alright, let's give 'em Painkiller!" He says, eliciting a "Oh hell yeah!" From Maria as a quick 'one-two-three-four' precedes her launching into a rapid drum beat as Judas Priest's Painkiller starts up.
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Post by Yossarian* »

((Sorry for the delay. I really didn't have much personal time those last few weeks...))

Crowd surfing. Marvelous feeling, almost impossible to describe. A shame, the concert was a really little one, so the crowd ended pretty quickly, and soon enough two big guys from security (properly instructed about crowd surfing fans beforehand) grabbed Max, when he was reaching the fences, and put him on the ground. Since he was just under the stage, Max decided to take the opportunity and greeted the musicians with the devil's sign from the closest distance possible.


And then it came to him. Duncan must be somewhere around here as well. And there he was, a little confused, but still standing (with the little help of the fence) right beside him.

"Awesome, isn't it?!" Max shouted, but they were so close to the speakers, he wasn't even sure if Duncan heard him at all. "It's the last song. Stay here, and enjoy the music, man!"

Max leaned his back on the fence, closed his eyes and embraced the sound. His eardrums will probably be trashed after the concert (as always anyway...), but what the heck. He was in the top row. He couldn't pass up the opportunity like that, right?
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Post by Solitair* »

((I'd also like to apologize for my delay. Happy New Year!))

Oh hell yes! This was the best; Blank Nation had cranked themselves up to eleven with this song. Cassidy barely even cared that her precious crowd had already carried her to the border of their reach; the frenetic rush of Judas Priest made her triumphantly land on the ground, throwing the horns, bobbing her head violently, generally filling out the standard checklist of all metalheads everywhere.

Though to tell the truth she did prefer Iron Maiden. But metal was metal. It was certainly pleasantly surprising that Blank Nation was up to the task of playing this challenging song. When she first met the band, they didn't seem to have this sort of song planned.

She remembered it as clearly as if it were yesterday, except through several panes of that crystalline glass she saw in that one artistic piece in a hotel somewhere. Alright, maybe it wasn't so clear. But she still knew what happened. The band was in the midst of his final audition. Zach and Maria were already a lock-in for the guitar and drums positions, being founding members of the band, and Winston had recently joined on as the band's singer. All they needed was a bassist; they got two applicants.

It was Warren and Cassie in the final audition, playing bass, and the two of them were at the top of their game. First was Warren's turn, and they played Sweet Emotions, an Aerosmith classic. He aced the thing, but Cassie was barely paying attention to him. Something about Winston's voice mesmerized her. In retrospect, it may have been a mistake to play second. She chose her song in an attempt to impress Winston: Metallica's Pulling Teeth. Not only did she choose a solo song, probably giving the band the mistaken impression that she was a prima-donna, but then there was the fact that she fumbled her pick halfway through the song and took about ten seconds to realize that she was effectively strumming nothing. Fuck, that was embarrassing.

The aftermath of the audition saw Warren playing on the band, of course. Cassie was initially disappointed, but then she realized that she could help out the band anyway. Over the next few days, she designed the band's eye-catching logo, the same logo that adorned the drum set that Maria was mercilessly pounding the shit out of now. Since then, she'd never missed a Blank Nation gig, and perhaps this one was the best yet.

She never quite got over the whole trying to impress Winston thing, as evidenced by the battered and bruised bouquet laying forgotten between Winston and Warren. But could you blame her? Winston's voice fit the shrill highs of Judas Priest perfectly. Zach might be the band's 'talent', but Winston wasn't bad, either. He could really have a future in music. Yeah, Cassie would be watching him with great interest in the future.

But for now, she was content to jump and jive with the crowd.
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Post by Namira »

((Honestly, just assume Winston is singing until the end of the actual bit on stage, because I've got no idea how to write it. Feel free to skippage until that part finishes)).
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Post by Badb* »

((My apologies for the delay, I've been busy))

Painkiller? Hell yeah!

Warren wasn't much of a metal fan, he'd always prefered the grittier sounds of punk, but he'd always found something enjoyable about playing the complex technical riffs of heavy metal. Plus, he had always though of Painkiller as a song that really let the whole band shine... apart from the vocals, which Warren assumed Winston would be pissed about later. Warren waited for the drum intro to end, and began to play his part.

As the song ended, Warren let the last note ring out on his bass for a few more seconds before muting it with his still sore hand. he let go of it and let it fall to waist level, and attempted to get the crowd to cheer louder.

I'll have to put something on my arm. Looks like it could be sore for a while.

...I'll worry about that later.

Stepping back from the mic stand, Warren stomped, inadvertantly sending his boot crushing a bouquet of flowers that had been thrown on the floor.

Flowers, for me? Oh, they're too kind.

Warren grinned slightly, and stepped off of them, The Firenozzle Tinklers or whatever their names were could clean them up later. There weren't many perks to being the opening band, but one of them was not having to clear everything up at the end.
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Maria was having the time of her life. There was nothing better than just wailing on the drums and just feeding off the energy of the crowd. Hell, it was better than sex. Not that she'd know personally, anyway, but she was still sure of it. Maybe.

As the song ended, the band was met with a hearty cheer from the crowd, and Zach stood there quietly for a moment as he took it all in. For a second, he imagined the crowd to be even bigger. An even bigger crowd, cheering and singing their praises.

Blank Nation was gonna make it big one day. He was sure of it.

"Thank you very much!" He finally shouted.

"Thank you Cleveland!" Maria followed.

"St. Paul." Zach said to Maria as an aside.

"Thank you St. Paul!" Maria continued, correcting herself.

As the two made their way off the stage, Duncan turned back towards Max and Cassidy. "Uh, I'm gonna go see if I can get backstage." He said, and started making his way through the crowd. Before he could reach the door, though, Duncan was nearly toppled by a sudden glomp as Maria burst through it.


"Whoa!" Duncan staggered a bit, but managed to keep his balance.

"How was it, huh? Wasn't it awesome!?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Did you see me? I was like 'BRMPBMPBMPABMPBMPPSSSH!'" Maria started flailing her arms in front of her in imitation of someone attempting to mimic playing the drums, but being just a bit too spastic to pull it off very well.

"Yeah, you weren't very hard to miss."


"All right, was that a killer show or what?" Zach said as he started to pack up the equipment. He started to call out to Maria to give him a hand, but noticed her bursting through the backstage door and over to Duncan. Zach watched the two of them from the door, smiling a bit at Maria's post-show energy. He was sure it would take her a while to calm down after a performance like th-

"That was a damn good show you put out there." A figure came through the door; a man in his late 20's sporting a leather jacket and looking straight at Zach.

"Glad you thought so." Zach replied, giving the man an odd look and wondering why the doorman just let him in. He certainly wasn't anybody he recognized.

"In fact..." The man said, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling something out, showing it to Zach. "I think we might have something to discuss." As Zach saw the card the man was holding out to him he nearby dropped his guitar.

"You can't be serious."

"Hey, if you're not intereste-"

"Hey guys! I gotta go outside for a bit! Don't worry about the mess, me and Maria'll take care of our stuff!" Zach called out to the other bandmates before setting his guitar down and heading out to the back door.

"Okay, let's talk."
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Post by Yossarian* »

"Damn... Why all those concerts must end up so quickly?"

Max could barely hear his own words, as he went to the backstage to personally congratulate Blank Nation for awesome performance. As he entered the place, he saw Zach and some other guy going out, and Zach shouting he'll take care of the stuff with Maria.

"Don't bother, Zach" said Maxwell. "You're the star tonight. You are not supposed to do lift heavy objects right now. I'll help."

The blond looked around the backstage to see Maria and other Blank Nation members. And Duncan of course. With a giant grin on his face he walked toward them.

"Great job people. If I had a piece of paper and a pen right now, I would ask for an autograph right now. I hope I managed to pump up the crowd properly." He turned to Duncan and made a friendly punch in his shoulder. "And how are you doing, buddy? Liked the crowd?"

Max was already used to that annoying screech after spending too much time near the giant speakers. He wondered if a rookie like Duncan would hear anything at all after that big portion of decibels directly into his ears.
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Post by Badb* »

"All right, was that a killer show or what?"

"I'd sure as hell say so." Warren said, putting his bass into a carrying bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

Zach walked off, and one of the fans Warren had seen earlier came up and offered to pick up Zach's stuff. Getting a closer look, Warren recognised him as Maxwell Crowe, one of the guys who'd been there long before he joined Blank Nation.

"Great job people. If I had a piece of paper and a pen right now, I would ask for an autograph right now. I hope I managed to pump up the crowd properly."

"Well, they certainly seemed pumped up from where I was standing." Warren said, cracking into a smile.

Warren yawned. He was used to staying up late- his adoptive 'parents' weren't exactly strict when it came to him, but staying up for nearly two days now had taken the toll.

"Guys, I'm gonna stick around for a bit longer." He said, then yawned again. "Then I'm gonna head back home."
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Post by Solitair* »

Cassidy rushed Maria and gave her a hug as tight as her little muscles would allow. "You were PHENOMENAL!" she yelled, squeezing her, then letting go and giving her some breathing room. "You were a hit! You were a sensation! You made the scene!"

She gave Maria a spirited slap on the back, then made it up onstage to give Warren a hug, too. "Great job out there, Warren! Couldn't have done it any better myself! I didn't know you guys were practicing that song! I swear, is there anything Blank Nation can't do?" She struck a triumphant pose, oblivious to anyone in the crowd who might be watching her.

Then she made it to Winston, and gave him the biggest hug of all, and the longest lasting one, too. "Oh, Winston, I just about swooned when you let loose out there! All of you made me so pumped up! I think I'm about to lose the bowel control!" That definitely got a few stares from a couple of mohawk'd punks who were on their way out of the building.

She started giggling loudly, then stopped and wiped a tear from her eye. "Heh. Just kidding. But I think this was your best show yet! I'm surprised you guys haven't been scouted yet!"
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Post by Namira »

Whew... done.

As always right after a gig, Winston felt drained, slightly sore (particularly his throat), but above all; exhilarated. That had been a good concert. The crowd had been blowing the roof off, and losing himself in the music had been easier than ever.

At that moment, Winston knew that this was the one thing he would always want to do. It didn't matter that he wasn't big, or that he wasn't that great socially... out on the stage was where he was completely untouchable. Hoarse, but untouchable.

Winston wondered where Zach had headed off to, and exactly who the guy he'd spoken to was, but didn't have much time to think on it. This was because Cassidy Wakemore had rushed up and given him one heck of a hug.

"T-thanks Cassidy," he managed to stammer. "That's uh... that's good, I guess?"
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