Well... isn't this fucking great?!

[Content warning: Sam Sorenson and his erection show up for like two posts and then leave]

This large structure sits atop a solitary hill and is visible even from a distance. The white pagoda, five stories tall, was formerly one of the island's more famous attractions. The serenity the setting once offered just begs to be disturbed by the imminent chaos that will consume the island.
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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey tried to hold back the smile that was forming on her face.

She somehow kept her composure, and continued on.
"I don't know why he would want Andi...whoever that is, then again..."

I'm going to go to hell for this, but...

"Maybe it's someone on this island that he ran into before us, that he particularly didn't care for... if Damien's out there, that means there's a chance Andi could be heading towards disaster."

You lying bitch... loving it!
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from: Of Sex and Full Frontal Nudity

[+] Spoilered by Kermit because the two Sorenson posts are the only things in this thread that really require a content warning.
The cold mountain air sweeping against his genetalia caused Sorenson to smile like a little child. Of course nothing was really little about the naked Samuel Sorenson, at 5'11" and sporting eleven inches of man, he was certainly a sight to behold (especially when said eleven inches of man where pounding against his stomach as he ran towards the Pagoda. Entering said building he was greeted with a woman who was not Whitney Acosta.

Plan B, react sadly.

Immediately though Sam Sorenson looked  at the girl and noticed his penis growing in length, his eyes widened as he stared at her and then at the Peter boy.

Well there goes being sad...

"Umm...hi! You see, I was abducted from my nudist cruise and sent here for some comedic purposes with no clothes, I really do need help and no do not worry about my modesty for being a nudist I have gone all my life with people staring at my dingaling! Really, just all bow down before the wrath of Kahn! Kahn!" Sorenson smiled.

That's right Sam act natural...
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Post by Xaldien* »

Kristey looked at the new person in front of her for a mere few seconds.
She was what he was 'packing' but just scoffed and went back into the pagoda.

"Fucking freaks," she whispered to herself.
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Post by Buko »

[+] Spoiler by Kermit, second verse same as the first etc. etc.
Sorenson was quite disappointed with the reaction. She had not run at his member with enthusiasm at all, instead she called him a freak.

"Well I had never seen such a rude and unhospitalizing woman, good day Miss."

And with that Sorenson ran off into the distance with his erect penis (now standing at 12 inches) still not loosing any blood.
((Continued in Running Water))
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Post by Xaldien* »

"I don't know who that kid is, but he's a target now... he was annoying."
Kristey couldn't believe someone like that was around.

Fucking animals.
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Post by Croco* »

Peter grabbed Kristey as they headed back inside to plot a strategy - and to escape the naked wiseguy that approached them. "Are you insane?!?" he hissed, "If we don't do something about this, then we might get ourselves killed...or worse, Andi will die when we could have done something about it!" He looked over his shoulder, then back out of the doorway in time to catch the tail end (literally and figuratively) of Sam's display before turning back in.

He let go of Kristey and slumped against a wall. "You really like Andi a lot, do you? Well...as a friend at least?" Peter grinned, though he let it form slowly and didn't let it grow too big...it was now his turn to pull on the proverbial chain as he opened his pack and fished for the map.
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Post by Cyco* »

((continued from Hiding in the Barn))

"Hurry up, dammit," Bryan grumbled, trying to drag Tori along faster with one hand, leaving the shotgun unsupported for seconds at a time and then returning to cradling it, an awkward task to be sure. She was going far too slow in his opinion. At this rate they wouldn't reach the caves until morning, and then they wouldn't have any time to rest at all, lest someone walk in during the afternoon and off them both. It was even something of a risk trying to catch a break in the twilight hours; some people would probably keep it up all night. It'd fuck them over in the long run, slow them down so drastically they'd be kicking their own asses for being stupid wannabe toughguy shitheads.

They came across the pagoda the map had mentioned, and Bryan's spirits lifted. "We're halfway there," he said, stopping for a second and glancing at her to give her the good news. As cute as she was, he didn't have much time to look at her, given their situation. He smiled and nodded, trying to compensate for the informal reunion earlier.

((Continued in Tom and Becky))
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Post by Xaldien* »

Okay... I've established that I know Andi... sort of... well, should I lie, or tell the truth?

"Andi is my half brother... I found out after going through my mother's things... and I've been looking for him since... we need to make sure that we see him so I can meet him for the first time."

She admitted all this to Peter without letting him know WHY she wants to meet him, because that would spoil the surprise.

My only question is...
"How is it that YOU know Andi?"
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Post by baby_g* »

"Chill out!" Tori replied. She couldn't help but be alittle frustrated with Bryan's tone. He was talking to a girl, one who's not only physically fit, but looks it too, and is just as pissed off as he. She was trying her best to match his pace, but for her to go any faster, she would have been in a near sprint.

To Tori, it seemed like men Always had something to complain about. Being tired, being hungry, not wanting to have to do something. They were basically big grown up babies, making no sense at all. She didn't like the idea of being frustrated with him. She could see that he had tried to smile at her. Being half way to where they were going, they could make it there no problem before the sun came up. They'd probably go faster if he wasn't so cranky. What did he have to be cranky about anyhow? Maybe in general, obviously they all had the same reason. But to take it out on her seemed kind of harsh.

None the less, Tori smiled and nodded back. "Alright," she said, "let's go." and with that, she tried to quicken her pace.

((continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Croco* »

Peter could hear other voices in the immediate area as he looked around to see if he could find the sources, then he stopped to think about how to tell Kristey about his relationship with Andi.  "Oh, damn...if she finds out that Andi's my boyfriend, then this is gonna get ugly..." he thought, "What do I do...should I come out or is now too soon to do so?"

A smile formed on his face as he made his decision, but then he heard the voices again.  "I'll tell ya later, Kristey," he said, "but do you hear that?  I think someone's found us..."
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Post by Xaldien* »

He's hiding something...

Kristey heard the voices that Peter spoke of, and just casually walked by Peter, bat in her hand, but not on the ready, and just scoped around.

She noticed two figures walking together, and was sure the voices were coming from them, but really didn't get a good look, as they were walking past them completely, and were out of sight rather quickly.

"It's nothing."

She went to her things, and gathered her map.
"Any idea on where we should go now? I'm sure that staying in one spot isn't going to do us any good, so I'm leaving the decision up to you..."
She honestly had no idea whatsoever as to where to go, but since Peter seemed to have a connection to Andi, he might know where Andi himself would go.

"And if you could inform me as to how you know Andi, that would be swell."
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Post by Croco* »

Peter opened his mouth to say something...but just as he was about to speak, he heard Kristey's collar beeping.  He knew that could mean only one thing as soon, his collar began beeping as well.

"Shit...this has become a danger zone..."

He then grabbed Kristey and hefted her over his shoulder, then began running as fast as his legs could carry him.  "We gotta get out of here, Kristey!" he shouted, not caring if she liked it or not.  If he knew Kristey's ulterior motives for wanting to know his relationship with Andi, he could have given it a little more thought, but he wasn't about to let her die without knowing what motives she had as he took off for the interior of the island...

((OOC: I'll give you the next post Xaldien, then you can take us wherever you want.  Just not the hospital...yet...))

((Continued in Headhunter))
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Post by Xaldien* »

Beep. Beep. Beep.

She heard the announcement, and then heard the beeping.

Oh, fuck me, she thought to herself.
"Well, isn't this perfect..."
She wasn't given much time with the panicking giant freaking out, and grabbing her arm and then running.

She went through her things once more, this time looking for her map again.
"There should be a hotel in the central part of the island, let's go there. Hotels mean beds, I can only assume, and I need some rest."

And so she darted off.

((Continued in Headhunter))
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Post by Croco* »

((OOC: I'm assuming Peter is with Kristey, so don't knock him off...yet...))

((OOC 2: Nevermind...you can find them here...and we can pick up with Mr. Warm and Fuzzy himself if we want to.))
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