HAHAHA I AM FUNNY PLEASE LAUGH [thread concluded!]

The art exhibition is a designated path cutting all the way through the woods to the lookout where many pieces of art created by the community are presented. These pieces include surrealist sculptures, paintings and drawings hung off trees, and many others. It isn't uncommon for people to become disoriented trying to navigate the exhibition as it is sign-posted with what emotions or concepts the pieces represent rather than any actual directions.
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Post by Deamon »

Fuck yeah!

Aliya couldn't help feeling at least a little bit happy. They had managed to resolve the situation with the need for any more violence. She knew that was a very simple thing to be proud of, in everyday life most situations were resolved without violence, but she knew that the rules of her life were different now. That was what made it feel like such an achievement. Maybe it was also knowing how close they had been to crossing that threshold. It wasn't all good news though, as Michael both revealed and added to. Bert—in her rush to help Benny—had forgotten her bags and Michael himself was leaving.

He spoke as if it was just a temporary thing. That he was just going to look for Bert and then he'd return. Based on the way he spoke and his previous actions though Aliya wasn't sure if he ever intended to return. He must have known the chances of them remaining in one place were low. There was any number of things that could have led to them having to leave or relocate to somewhere else. The chances of them seeing each other again seemed low, she didn't bring it up though. Instead, she gave him a small wave and a parting comment.

"Stay safe."

She turned back to Justin and Tony.

"I'll go get her bags and bring them here." She said and headed off at a jog.

Bert's bags were under the tree, where she had originally left them. Aliya found them easily enough. She knew that they couldn't stay where they were, anyone who came along would have been able to take them. But she didn't immediately bring them back either. Squatting down next to them Aliya, looked through what Bert had, not for anything to steal, but to take stock of her possessions and keep her mind occupied. She could feel the heaviness in her body as the adrenaline of the Justine situation faded away. The dam creaked as her emotions pushed against it. She took several deep breaths in and out. There would be a time she could let it all out, but for the time being, she needed to keep it locked up inside. She needed to stay strong. Not just for her own sake.

Returning to the two boys with her and Bert's bags in tow Aliya gave them a smile.

"So what's your favorite basketball team then?"

((Aliya Kimia Nemati continued elsewhere...))
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Aura »

Tony could feel his whole body loosen up after being tense for the whole conversation, and he let out a long, heavy sigh of relief. Justin was fine, Aliya was fine, Michael was fine, and he was fine. Shit was good. Well, relatively good considering everything else that was going on. All things considered, especially where they started from, no one killing each other was good enough for him to call things good.

He adjusted the strap of his own bag while Aliya gathered Bert's things. Wait, she had really left all of her stuff behind? That was a really, really bad move. No medicine, no food no anything? They needed to get that shit back to her, but they had to find her first, and Tony hadn't been paying much attention when she left.

... But you know what? For now, he wasn't gonna stress too much. Them managed to defuse a situation, so he was gonna bask in that relief for a few minutes while he walked with Aliya and Justin.

At least he knew a few things about basketball.

(Tony Acardi continued elsewhere...)

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