What A Rush

Along the northern edge of the living site, a small strip of stores run side by side. The strip includes a convenience and grocery store, a pub, and a small gym. Each of these is still partially stocked with necessary products and equipment, and because of the effort that went into their construction, they all look fairly presentable. There is a parking lot off to the side, directly adjacent to the convenience store.
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What A Rush


Post by MK Kilmarnock »

A boomerang.

With a long, frustrated scream, Jessica Sanders threw the boomerang across the convenience store she had woken up in, where it crashed into a dusty soda cooler. Glass shattered and cans clattered, but it did nothing to make her feel better.

"Bastards!" she screamed, slamming her fists on the counter. They were all bastards for having done this to her, to all of them. Forcing them to kill each other? She was supposed to kill her friends that she had gone to school with for so long, and they were going to try to kill her? It was all a huge load of bullshit, one that she was not willing to believe. It was also one that bred a small fear that was sure to grow.

With a ragged sigh and her burst of anger largely subsided in favor of a throbbing pain in her hands, she attempted to gain a level head and gather in her surroundings. "Look around you... look around you..." she repeated to herself, a reference to a corny old British show she'd been linked once. It didn't really cheer her up, but it was a good effort.

Looking around confirmed that, yes, what she was in definitely resembled a convenience store. The power was out and it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while, but some of the stock still seemed intact, if maybe a little old. There were occasional bags of chips littering racks, quite a few bars of candy underneath the counter where they would be normally, some canned food that was pretty useless unless she could find a can opener. So, chips and candy for now... yeah. That was healthy.

The slurpie machine obviously wasn't good anymore, nor was the coffee maker or anything else that required power. The milk had obviously all gone bad and there weren't even any things of ice cream left, but the soda was likely still good. Maybe it was a little warm, but still good. Jessica realized she might have found a halfway decent place to hole up and wait out the game. The only problem was that this building was terribly accessible, as a store tended to be. Even if she found the key somewhere and locked the front door, it was largely glass. Somebody could just throw a rock and walk right through it.

Shuffling back over to the soda cooler, Jessica reluctantly picked up the boomerang she had chucked earlier. This was, sadly, the closest thing to a form of protection she had right now. She prayed she didn't need to use it.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Arscapi* »

((Logan Cadagon start))

Logan walked along the strip of stores. He'd awoken in the parking lot of all places and lay there looking up at the sky for several minutes before climbing to his feet. Now he made his way across the street to what looked like a convenience store. He really couldn't believe he was stuck here, instead of on his way to Disneyland.

He shook his head trying to clear the image of Mr. Davidge's death. Part of him couldn't believe what these people were asking them to do, yet the murder of a teacher definitely meant that these people meant business. His hand moved to brush the collar at his neck. They really wanted them to kill each other. How was he supposed to do that? He'd gone to school with some of his classmates since kindergarten.

Movement and a crash from the convenience store caught his attention. Logan paused outside of the door, debating whether or not to go inside. Finally, he decided he couldn't stand in the middle of the street the whole game. Although, he could potentially set up camp, since he had his own personal tent now. Inside may be a potential ally and there might be food or something else he could use in there.

Decision made, he pushed the door open. "Hello," he called out stepping inside.
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Post by ChainmailleAddict* »

((B068, Joseph Chaplin Start))

Joseph woke up from his gas induced sleep, in a cold sweat. Where was he?

He flashed back to when he was last awake. Waking up, having no idea where he was. The game being explained to him, followed by an unnecessarily painful murder. He knew full well what was happening, he had read about it a thousand times. He was in Survival of the Fittest. He was in such a horrible game, and all he could do was watch in unadulterated shock and disbelief.

His vision cleared as the scene came into view.

He was inside of a convenience store. Joseph stood up, trying to take note of his surroundings. Several shelves and a register, much like every other convenience store. What could be noted, however, was that this convenience store was about as bad as convenience stores could be. Run down and decrepit, but still useful in some way. It....had to be, right? Yes, of course. The game was to survive, after all. Why would the terrorists strip down a place like this?

"Stop it, Joseph. They would have no reason to do so. Besides, wouldn't starvation make for poor ratings? Why, yes. I suppose it would. You aren't going to starve, Joseph. No.. they have other ways to deal with you."

Joseph's mind was starting to wander. He would frequently stop it in his head before it got any worse, but this wasn't exactly something that could be ignored. He was sweating all over, trying to keep it together.

"You.....you aren't dead yet, right? No, Joseph. Just like the Monty Python. Except I don't see any carts for dead bodies around here."

Ah yes, The Monty Python. He was always such a fan. Trying to find humor in a situation such as this seemed almost futile, though. Just....anything to get his mind off of this.

".....Every student receives a weapon. I believe that that's how it works."

He glanced at the black bag, placed right next to him. He saw a number on it. "Boy number 68," he said. He began to wonder just how many students there were. He sat back down and pulled the bag up to him. It felt rather heavy. "Is...is every bag like this?" he thought. He became worried momentarily, but not to be distracted, Joseph unzipped and reached into the bag, pulling out....

A textbook.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared to show which plants were safe and edible.

"Perhaps..." he whispered, "Perhaps this is standard issue? Why, yes, it would be horrible if I were to die from a plant." . At once, Joseph checked his bag further. He pulled out his rations, a medical kit, and......



This couldn't be his weapon. He began frantically searching in denial of it all, to no avail. The shock which had just left him was now returning, stronger than ever. His search grew more and more desperate, until a horrible realization set in. This was his weapon. His...."weapon", if it could even be called that. He began to quiver. What was he going to do, hit people over the head with it?

"Why.......that's.....not fair. That's.....not fair at all." Joseph said in a melancholy tone.

"You're not dead yet. Who....who knows? Why....maybe everyone else has received such a weapon, too."

There he was. He knew how improbable such a thing would be, but what else COULD he do? Lay around, waiting to die?

Joseph stood up, gathered his belongings, and began to walk through the aisles of the store, almost aimlessly.

"Hello," . The voice wasn't too recognizable, but he didn't care about that.

It gathered his attention immediately.
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Jessica's heart nearly leaped out of her chest when muttering from within the store reached her ears. It was slight and slow, indecipherable speech in a monotone. Hadn't she walked the whole store already, gathering food for herself? How could she have missed-

A boy that Jessica recognized as Joseph Chaplin stood up, coming into view over the edge of an aisle, and she had to stop herself from screaming. Damn it, she HAD checked this whole thing! Where the fuck was Joseph hiding this entire time?

If I'm this careless much longer, somebody's gonna...

She pushed the niggling thought out of her mind. People who thought about dying died. In the situation into which they had been thrust, death was surely occurring... possibly even common. Kids who were once classmates could be shooting each other or cutting bodies up or all other sorts of unpleasant activities that Jessica was in no mood to visualize. People who couldn't get their head in the game also died. She wasn't intent on dying anytime soon. The question was, what did she intend to do?

Greeting the boy who appeared literally out of the shadows was probably a good start.

"Uh... hey Joseph, how did you-"

The door to the convenience store opened, and this time Jessica DID let out a shout. She had wished she verbalized something, but her jaw had clenched in all the surprise and all she could really manage was some sort of bastardized mix of a surprised gasp and a frustrated growl. When her eyes moved to the door (and arm was tensed in preparation to take a goddamn kangaroo down), she forced herself to pseudo-relax.

"Oh... h-hey Logan. Shit, it's just one heart attack after another. You scared me."

Jessica stepped backwards, taking care not to trip over her daypack, and pulled herself into a seating position on the counter of the now-defunct store. She took a moment to confirm the placement of her candy & chip stash; it was directly to her right. Okay. At least her cause of death wasn't going to be starvation.

Oh, right. She had to stop thinking like that.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Arscapi* »

Logan was surprised to find not one, but two of his classmates in the convenience store. He briefly wondered why they'd been lucky enough to wake up inside a building and he be left lying outside. Lucky was probably the wrong word to use in this context. Finding yourself stranded on some deserted island and expected to kill each other was probably the opposite of lucky. Suddenly, he wished he'd been caught along with the other pranksters and kicked off a senior trip. Somehow the joke ended up being truly on him.

He let out a small laugh. "Sorry about that. I wasn't trying to scare anybody," Logan said coming into the store and looking around. "I saw movement in here and thought I'd come check it out. I figured it had to be better than standing around the parking lot where I woke up."

Logan's eyes wandered the store as he talked, falling on the soda cooler. "Everything okay in here?"
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Post by ChainmailleAddict* »

Joseph immediately turned his attention to the scene playing out in front of him. He had wandered to the front of the convenience store by this point. The person who had said hello turned out to be none other than Logan. "Good," He thought. "He isn't too troublesome.". On the other hand, the person in the store with him appeared to be Jenny - no, Jessica. Joseph never was good with names. He had a decision to make.

"Shall I speak, or not?" Joseph asked himself. Speaking could result in his words being misconstrued, but staying silent would likely cause alarm.

He decided that speaking would be the brighter choice. He would keep it short and simple to minimize mistakes.

"Hello...." He said. "Might...either of you know where we are?"
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"Yeah, everything is fine, Logan..." Jessica followed the boy's eyes to the back of the store, then turned back to him somewhat sheepishly. "Just a little temper tantrum, nothing to worry about."

She held up the boomerang that had been occupying a cozy spot in her lap seconds earlier. "Turns out this thing's pretty solid." She adjusted her position on the counter; she had put herself up there somewhat hastily in the confusion from Logan's entrance, and saw it fit to re-adjust. Nothing would be worse right now than slipping off and landing on her face.

Except the multitude of ways to die. You know, that would be worse. Also if the ticking time bomb around her neck decided to go off, spraying the insides of her neck over the walls... Jessica grit her teeth. She wanted to close her eyes to aid in the effort of staving off the thought, but realized with something of a morbid epiphany that she was unable to take her eyes off of the others nearby.

So this was what they called paranoia; those bastards certainly had done their jobs of freaking her right the hell out. She had to keep convincing herself that she was looking at Joseph and Logan. They're just Joseph and Logan, not two unidentifiable enemies of her nightmares. She squeezed out the thought again to answer.

"Where we are, huh? It's like a convenience store of some kind. If you meant city, I can't help you. I have nooooooo fucking clue." Jessica turned to Logan. "What's it like, out there?"
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Arscapi* »

"Deserted," Logan said answering Jessica's question. "There was nobody in the parking lot or the street. At least not that I saw anyway." He turned towards Joseph. "As far as an exact location I don't know, but we seem to be at one end of a strip of business. I saw a grocery store, and there were two other stores further down the street."

Now that everyone seemed to have calmed down a little Logan took a step towards Jessica. "Is that what they gave you? That's really cool, does it actually come back to you," he asked intrigued by the boomerang. "I've never seen one in person. All I got was a lousy tent which has to be assembled. What'd you get Joseph?"
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Post by ChainmailleAddict* »

Joseph was now in the front of the store with two other people, neither of which appeared to be threats. When Logan asked him about what which weapon he had received, he at once felt uneasy. He responded with a hesitant honesty.

"I received....a textbook. It shows which plants are safe to eat." Joseph said.

"A tent? That seems like a rather nice thing to get. Sure, it isn't a weapon, but it will provide some comfort. Protection from the bugs too, no doubt. Better than what I had gotten, at least."

This was Joseph's way of trying to cheer people up. Making them feel good about what they had. He needed some allies, lest he spend the next few days in an isolated madness.

"I'm sure that there are plenty of ways to make something to defend yourself with. You just need to be crafty, is all."
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Jessica let her eyes wander between the two. So neither of them were heavily armed, and they were somewhat making for pleasant conversation. She supposed she could indulge them.

"Well, Logan, the boomerang didn't come back when I lodged it in the soda cooler..." she said it with a laugh at the end. The laugh was a little forced and it probably came off as such, which was regrettable. She knew the guys were trying to take things lightly, but there was only so far she was willing to stray from the cold hard facts of the situation.

By the end of this sick little game, at least two of the people in this room were going to be dead.

"I also find it, like, kind of ironic that you guys got stuff suited for camping. Like, one of you got a tent and you got a textbook for edible plants and such..." she pointed between the two, then held out her arms, "... and here we are with a roof over our heads and pre-packaged food. Weird, huh?"

No harm in finding the humor in things, she supposed. She quickly (but not too quickly, don't want to alarm anybody) returned her hand to her boomerang. She realized that it was, indeed, the closest thing to a real weapon any of them had. She prayed she didn't have to make a point of that.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Arscapi* »

Logan laughed, he was amazed he was able to do so given the situation, but he laughed none the less. Jessica made a valid point.

"You're right, I might be better off staying here and setting up camp. I'm not much for camping, not a lot of call for great costumes when your out in the middle of nowhere."

He turned to Joseph. "Crafty, I just might be able to handle that. I've seen enough movies that I may be able to jury rig at least an early warning system. What do you think? Think our new home actually has some of the plants in your book?"
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Post by ChainmailleAddict* »

"I...can only assume that there would be." Joseph responded. "I haven't had any time to look in it yet since my rather...unpleasant awakening."

"This begs a question. What shall we do?"

Joseph began to tense up as he asked the question. He asked another, hoping that Jessica and Logan would see it as a bright idea.

"Our odds would be better... as a group. Strength in numbers.., they always said."

Joseph had never felt odd asking people a request, but being put on an island of death tends to change people.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

"Is it really that hard to figure out?" Jessica reached over her lap with her left hand (keeping her right hand on the boomerang) and brought a bag of chips into her lap. "We hang tight here. We've got a roof over our heads and even some extra food. I honestly don't see the difficulty."

She looked between Logan and Joseph. "Right? Don't you agree it's better to bunker up here than it would be just to go wandering around outside? I mean, I'd like to find out where we are as much as the next person, but I think what we've got ourselves here is a beautiful system. We're three people trying not to kill each other, and if you all remember what I remember, we should be fucking thankful for that!"

Even while she talked, Jessica's brain was working away. She knew they couldn't do this forever, but the trick was figuring out how to transition from this phase to the next.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Post by Arscapi* »

Logan was impressed by Jessica's suggestion. His brain was still trying to come to grips with the situation and she was already making plans for their survival. Their survival sounded like a great idea. Logan deliberately ignored the part of his brain that told him Danya wouldn't allow them to live if they didn't kill someone; and nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm all for that. I'm not one for wandering around without a purpose. I think that the first thing we should do is clean up the broken case," he said. "And maybe come up with a safe place for us to store our duffle bags."
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Post by Espi »

[[Theodore Fletcher, continued from Always Gold]]

He kept running.

Theo was starting to feel fatigued at this point. He had run from the Woods, to the Nuclear Site, to what appeared on the map to be the "Nuclear Living Site" and what appeared to actually be a creepy-ass abandoned town worthy of Silent Hill. He held his firearm tight in case of ambush as he wandered the city as quickly as possible.

Eventually, Theo spied a convenience store with a large parking lot. Theo quickly tried to deduce the risks of entering as he stopped in the parking lot of the store. On one hand, food an shelter and an easily-defended location. These were all appealing to Theo. On the other hand, they were highly appealing to other students, and Theo wanted to avoid other students as much as possible.

Theo had gotten lots of time to think while fleeing from the nuclear plant. He was definitely a panicked person, that much was true; he'd certainly overreacted to the situation in the plant. He had probably not been in any danger. Still, he figured now it was better safe than sorry, and that could've taken a turn for the worse if he hadn't fled at the first sign of trouble.

Still, was it worth a shot to enter? If necessary, he could flee yet again. Not the most desirable situation, but he might as well.

"Hello?" Theo called as he approached the doorway, pushing open the glass. The inside was a wreck, with miscellaneous foods and other items strewn about. Silent Hill-worthy, indeed.

Aaaaand 3 people stood together a few feet away. Theo immediately drew his gun and held it forward. He knew it was probably a bad first reaction to go for the weapon ASAP when faced with people, but he didn't want to get caught unprepared. He lowered the gun a second later.

"Sorry, guys, just kind of panicking 'cause...well, whatever. You guys uh, doing alright?" Theo didn't know the other students well; one of them, Joe or something, wore chainmail sometimes. Jessica, or whatever her name was, was in a band or something, and the last kid Theo thought was named Logan? He wasn't sure.

None of them seemed dangerous, but Theo couldn't know until it might've been too late.
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