Round one, fight three; Brad vs. Melissa

Sure, it's a little grungy, a little dirty... but Shooters is almost like a tradition in Highland Beach. Some claim that their food is the best in the whole town. Others come for the concerts held on the second story, and still others flock into Shooters to loiter in the basement pool room. Open 24 hours a day, it's the perfect place to hide out when the parental units are driving you nuts.
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Round one, fight three; Brad vs. Melissa


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Let's get started.
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Post by Ciel* »

((Continued from Out on the Town and Out of the Closet))
(Shit. I'm up against Chase. This is reeaalllyyy looking bad for me. :lol: )

Fuck... My first match is against that crazy bitch Melissa? Jesus... why the hell didn't they just put me up with Darnell. At least I know he has some self-control.

Brad's hand slapped his forehead violently, gritting his teeth as he waited downstairs at the grungy Shooters. It was the first time the boy actually ventured down to the basement of the restaurant, but everything he saw was exactly what his mind had pictured it: a large room, even more rust-filled than the main floor upstairs, filled to the brim with pool tables. Well, there was an area that was opened up for the fights, but Brad really didn't need to think hard to figure that one out. After all, if there wasn't an open area, there wouldn't be anywhere to fight. Where the fuck would we fight in? He thought to himself, his eyes covered by his brown hair On the pool tables? Some could break their necks in half if they were fighting someone else on those. I would just sneak out of here if that was the case. I like my neck the way it is, thank you very much.

The boy, brushing his hair out of his eyes with his right hand, gave a loud "hmph", feeling like there was no need for a sigh right about now. Although... I'd rather break my neck off than get the shit pummeled out of me. Melissa... God, I hope I don't piss her off the wrong way. From what I can gather, she could bite my pretty little face off if she wanted. Rip one of my arms off... Fuck, she COULD actually break my neck, now that I think about it. I mean, I hope she isn't that much of a crazy, psycho bitch that would make her feel that this is the right time to do that sort of shit to a person. I'm not scared, I'm just... afraid of breaking something...


Fuck it.
Brad slapped is forehead again, sighing loudly. I guess I am kind of scared. The BIGGEST PROBLEM is that, no matter what I do, I still think my brain is going to tell my body to go easy on her. I mean, Melissa is as crazy as any muscle-bound I know, and yet I still think I'll go easy on her. Why couldn't my parent's just let me hit girls? Then this wouldn't be a problem! Jesus, I just wished the rumors that Renee Valenti was participating. I'd have a reason to go easy on HER. She doesn't look like the kind of girl who can fight, or at least that's what I can gather. Hell, I'd take Jessa Vanallen over Melissa. She looks like a goddamned pushover as far as Melissa the psycho-bitch is concerned.

Brad really did not want to go up against Melissa this early into the tournament. Hell, he didn't want to go up against her, PERIOD. Fucking with Melissa the wrong way was probably the LAST thing on his list of things to do, but no matter how much he was bitching about it, Brad was going to have to stop being such a pussy and get in the ring with her. Come on, Brad... you're doing this for Victoria, aren't you? She... needs the money for college, a nice one. I'm going to get into school no matter what, but for her... community college isn't going to cut it. It has to be somewhere nice. Somewhere that'll be safe, so she doesn't get hurt or anything. Come on, you fucking bastard. Do this for your sis. Kick Melissa's ass.

That was what Brad was planning to do. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no signs of Melissa anywhere. The boy smirked, his right hand clenching up into a fist. Heh... maybe she might chicken out. That would be great, if she didn't show up. Then I wouldn't have to bother with her, and best of all, I'll be perfectly ready for my next fight. The next guy will be battered up, and I'll be fine and dandy. Perfect. The odds would be on my side! Hoping that she doesn't show up, Brad's eyes made contact with the basement door and nothing else, looking to see when Melissa would finally show up.
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Post by Chase* »

((Continued from Out on the Town and Out of the Closet))

Shit, I've five minutes. Five minutes and I lose on this prize. Five fucking minutes. Wait, no, make that 4 and a half. I'm gonna fucking have a fit if I can't get in the ring because I wanted to fucking wear my new contacts. There's the parking lot! Find a spot, find one! Yes! Now, who'm I takin' on?

Melissa locked her car and sprinted across the lot and down the stairs, thumping and trying to tie her long hair into a ponytail at the same time. Each step she took pushed her towards the mental state she felt she needed to take down her opponent, no matter who it would be. A little nervous, but not enough to show, she finally made it down to the last step, and the judge nodded her way when she scanned the room, confirming that she had made it. Just barely. One deep breathe and she locked eyes with her match.

Brad K., who seemed to have been the early bird, seemed a little shiny, Melissa couldn't tell if he was sweating because of the light, or because of fear. It wasn't like she was oblivious of her reputation of hostility, but that shouldn't count against her. This was a competition, and one she intedended on winning, with a fair brawl. Didn't mean she wasn't going to intimidate her competition, however.

Because Melissa was near-sighted, she knew she'd need her best vision for the fight, and glasses were more likely to be a liability rather than an asset. So, she sprung for contacts, but not just any kind. And when she locked with Brad's eyes, her smile widened, and the ice blue contacts were about as cold as her emotion for this fight. She pulled off her hoodie to reveal a camo green tank, clenched and unclenched her fists next to her ripped jeans, and sunk her combat boots into the concrete floor across from Brad.

Taking a quick glance towards the crowd, and nodding towards the judge, she widened her smile towards her enemy for this round and spoke.

"Let's do this."
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Post by Ciel* »

((OOC: Fine with me. Better late than never, as I always say. ))

Brad frowned, shaking his head slightly. Damn it... I knew she'd show up at some point... He gnashed his teeth, his right hand forming into a fist. Okay, Brad. Don't let Melissa get to you. She isn't the worst person you've fought against. Actually... What the hell am I thinking? I only fought a couple of people and all of them were fucking pussies! Melissa's a fucking monster! What am I supposed to do if she pulls a dirty move, or something? This is bad... REALLY BAD... Fuck! What if kicks me in the balls?!! I know that no male with any dignity whatsoever would ever do that, but what about women?!! They could easily get away with that, can't they?

Brad sighed loudly, walking up to his side of the arena, taking off his glasses and throwing them off. Alright, Brad... don't show anything that appears to be fear. Don't let her intimidate you. For all you know, she could be a complete pushover. The boy, his brown hair covering part of his eyes again, formed a smirk, trying his damned best not to show Melissa anything other than brutal determination. Slowly, the boy's mind began to wander... Jesus Christ... I completely forgot. Melissa's hot. Okay, Brad, don't aim for her face. Anything for the face. You don't want to be the one who has to take responsibility for messing her up.

God damn it... Brad shook his head. Come on, Brad. Don't let her distract you! You usually never let things like looks get in the way of this sort of shit. Why are you starting NOW? The boy sighed under his breath, clearing is mind again. Come on, you fucking idiot. Focus! He took a deep breath, looking back up at Melissa again. His lips formed a smile again, one that looked both sly and friendly, two feelings that Brad was trying to convey. "Listen," Brad spoke up at last, after a long pause "Melissa. I'm not going to hold anything back, and I'm expecting you to do the same. No harsh feelings about what'll happen, okay?"
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Post by Chase* »

She put her fists up and started to bounce lightly on her feet, getting ready to anticipate his moves. If he had training of any kind he would have an upper hand, but Melissa wasn't stupid. She knew how to take a person down, and the spots that would do it quickly. And she wasn't going to be making a mistake by listening to him prattle on like she should be scared of what he'll do.

Narrowing her eyes as he spoke to her, she kept her concentration and kept Brad in her proverbial crosshair. Not wishing to mince words, Melissa lifted one finger quickly, and anyone could guess which it was.

"Put up or shut up, bitch-boy. I'm not here to chat."
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad stared at Melissa for a moment, declining to say anything. Then, he couldn't help but to chuckle. "Hehe... Y'know, Melissa... I know this might sound unbelievable, but I knew that you were going to flip me off. Y'know, Melissa, you've got balls. I've always like that about you. You put up with anybody's shit, and I can't help but admire you for that. With that being said, I'm still going to kick your ass!"

After saying this, Brad instantly went on the offensive. Putting his left foot forward, keeping his own balance, the brunette sent a single jab forward, aiming for the tomboy's gut. A simple attack like that one wasn't exactly the best one he could have made, and Brad knew this better than anyone else. I know she's gotta be able to dodge this one. If she takes this one hard, then this fight is already over. Melissa looks like she can take a licking, and still be able to keep fighting. Hopefully, she doesn't disappoint me at all.
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The fist connected, but not where it Brad was seeming to aim it, as Melissa effectively lifted her shin to take damage, feeling her leg begin to swell some as she stepped quickly towards Brad's right side with elbows out and hands connected. The move was quick, and she snapped her elbow up and towards his throat with a nasty force.

Legs tensed as she landed adjacent to Brad, Melissa took her right leg and lifted quickly, bringing it down where the back of Brad's knee was. Her arms went back defensive after the moves and she took enough steps out of his reach, keeping her energy and concentration on one thing; her victory. No underestimating, no sympathy, just primal carnage, a fight to remember.

She was hoping for a challenge, and was tensing for the worst he could throw.
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Post by Ciel* »

God.... damn it....

Brad felt his whole body tense up, feeling the sharp pain that was Melissa's elbow slamming into his throat. He felt something come down from his throat to his mouth, feeling warm along his gums. Brad wasn't entirely sure, but he wouldn't be surprised if in some of that vomit, he had just coughed up some blood. He swallowed hard, nearly throwing up again as the taste of metal filled his mouth. This feeling seemed to scream at Brad, at the top of it's lungs: "Well, what the fuck were you expecting, you dumb shit? You walked yourself into that one!"

Brad fought to get back to his feet, the pain in his knee not being the biggest thing on his mind. Fuck being civil about any of this shit, Brad finally thought at last. Melissa just had to piss me off the wrong way, didn't she? He grinned, his knee limping slightly as stood up. "I guess I fucking deserved that one.'

Suddenly, as quickly as he could, Brad ran towards Melissa, his knee still in serious pain. With one movement, he lunged at his opponent. In his head, Brad tried to muster every single molecule of the animal trapped inside of him, as he knew that's what this young broad was looking for. The male, his hands back behind him, his head surging forward, most likely being the first thing to make contact with Melissa's body.

If Melissa wants a fucking fight, then I'll gladly give it to her. She's in for a fucking surprise, though! I'm no fucking pushover!
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Post by Chase* »

Her fists near her face weren't going to protect Melissa from, quite honestly, a bull-charge attack from Brad. As prepared as she was for his worst, she thought he would have used more tact in his retaliation, but it seemed the tackle would do just fine. Melissa was able to just barely move her hands to brace his head from colliding into her midsection, but the sheer force from his running start sent her slightly airborne for a split second before her back met concrete.Her hands tried to shove his head to her right, enough that the blow wouldn't add to the pain she felt shooting into her back and tailbone.

Melissa sucked in air and could feel her sweat starting to drip, her body beginning to feel the adrenaline coursing, the fight hitting new levels. If he'd expected her to throw her best out first, he underestimated the petite gal.

She tightened her right fist to grab onto a tuft of his hair, snarled her lips, and with an throaty growl to her tone, she emitted, "I'll show you how to fucking fight with your head."

With that, she snapped her head back to slam her forehead into his nose, hoping that the hit, if connected, would stun him enough so that she could spin the tackle to her advantage.

Her thighs tensed and she swung her body weight round to forcefully slam him into the concrete he so viciously introduced her to, making every move count and trying to stay steps ahead of him.
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Post by Ciel* »

Fuck... she is a crazy bitch... Like I thought.

Brad nose felt like a brick just crushed it to pieces. He groaned loudly, both in pain and in anger, cursing himself inside of the boy's head. He was suddenly turned onto his back, and this took a few moments to register with Brad. When he had noticed, it was already too late. Fuck! She's turned the fucking tables in her favor again! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!! How the hell am I supposed to get my way out of this shit?!!

Of course, he wasn't completely down and out of the fight. His legs were still bent up, so he could still move them. In his mind, Brad thought there maybe a chance he could slide under the ogre of a girl's legs, but this seemed completely impossible. Wait! What if I... Brad smirked, shifting some of his weight a bit. I got the perfect idea. Something she may not see coming. Hehe... Damn, I'm a good thinker when the pressure's on. Brad finally shifted all of his weight to his upper body, leaving his legs up in the air.

Brad lifted both of his legs upwards, as quickly but as nonchalantly as he possibly could. If he could just get both of his feet around Melissa's neck, he could throw her on her back and he'd be the one in control. His legs drew closer and closer around the girl's neck, hoping that her mind was fully set on Brad's face and nothing more. Hehe... I'd better have my A-Game after this. Can't let myself slip up like that again.
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Post by Chase* »

The successful landing had Melissa's giving herself a mental high-five on her quick thinking, but the fight was nowhere near over. She figured her biggest threat were his fists, and in order to take those out of the equation temporarily she lifted her legs and scooted them onto his biceps, which would effectively pin him down on that end. One hand still free while the other clutched his hair, she brought back a fist to land a nasty punch to his mouth.

Her elbow caught his shoe and she realized almost too late that he wasn't aiming to stay down long. Her original punch accidentally deflected the one leg, and reacting as soon as she could, she slid her body forward more, trying to slide her shins so that she could still keep her control, her thighs able to keep his arms inbetween. Her fist containing Brads locks, she jerked her hand quickly up and then back towards the concrete.

She could smell his blood, from her elbow earlier on. Melissa could almost taste her victory, if not soon, she felt she wasn't going to let this guy take her out so soon. At this point, in her mind, she wasn't out until she needed a wheelchair. Her pupils seemed to widen, and using her flexibility to her advantage, she arched her back to lower herself towards his thigh and used her left elbow to slam into it and cause him to get a dead leg.
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Post by Ciel* »

Brad's head felt completely numb. He really hadn't so much as a clue about anything that was happening, although be still knew that he was in a fight. .....Jesus....... Christ... He groaned loudly, feeling Melissa's hand thrust his whole head against the solid concrete again, making him shiver in pain. It.... can't... end.... like this. Not now... not here.... His arms may have been pinned down, but that didn't stop him from making his hands into fists. Fuck this. I'm going to beat... the piss out of Melissa, and I don't really give a shit if she's wants it or not.

"Don't get so fucking cocky, bitch!" Brad spewed out, some blood landing on his t-shirt. Brad had felt the elbow against his thigh, but it did nothing to damage it except for a measly bruise. This was a lack of judgment that Melissa was going to regret. Quickly, without any hesitation, Brad wrapped his legs around the girl, encasing one of her elbows in it's grasp. With one violent jerk, Brad tried to through the girl off him and back onto the ground, hoping that she'd hit the ground head first. Head trauma was what Brad was going for at this point, because the less Melissa's mind was working to get out of whatever Brad would throw at her, the better it was for him.
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Post by Chase* »

"Son of a bi--," was all she could yelp before she was encased in Brad's leg lock, and the throw was uncounterable. Melissa couldn't move one of her arms, as it was locked from his legs. She did what she could to prevent the damage that was coming.

Letting go of his head, she used that to brace herself from hitting the ground, taking the chance when she flipped to try and remove her arm from his leg lock. Simultaneously, her legs also freed his arms, but not much long after, she slammed her heel towards his jaw.

Her mind was racing now, trying to gain back the advantage, counting her mistakes and making sure they weren't going to be made again. The conclusion was that she needed to get on her feet, before he could snatch her, and before he could anticipate her move to come. Both arms free, she moved away from his reach and somersaulted further, getting to her feet as she unrolled.

Melissa then went back into her fighting stance, wild-eyed and snarling with her nose scrunched. Her mouth was slightly open and her teeth bared, wolf-like. She focused on her prey, smelled the blood, the sweat, and if he was going to go on, she'd be ripping flesh soon enough. She was getting into this heavy, mind focused solely on taking him down any way she could.

Melissa wanted blood spilled, a quota to fill, and Brad was her volunteer.

"Pathetic, aren't you?"

Let's see where rage will take her opponent.
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Post by Ciel* »

The blow to his jaw felt like a feather in comparison to what Brad was feeling right about then. At this point in the fight, pain was not something he was focusing his whole attention on. He tried his damn best to keep his eyes locked on Melissa, trying to anticipate her next move. Yes! Finally! The fight might not be in my favor yet, but at least she's off of me. I'm free now, and I have to turn these fucking tables in my favor. If I don't, then there's no hope at all for me.

Quickly, almost in a blur, Brad rolled in the direction opposite of where Melissa had just somersaulted over to. He darted to his feet, wiping the small amounts of blood that had just leaked from his mouth. He looked down at his palm, chuckling softly as he looked back up at the ravenous female staring down at him. Heh... no... I'm not going to make the same mistake again. She's expecting me to come after her. Well, I'd to disappoint her, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Heh... excuse me? Did... you just call me pathetic?" he chuckled loudly, rising to his feet, putting his left leg forward to keep his balance. His voice had an intensity that sounded much more desperate than the opponent he was fighting, so much so that it was even scaring Brad just a bit to hear himself talk like that. "I'm sorry, but am I the one who's snarling like a goddamned wolf? If this is the best you can do, then I'm really surprised, Melissa. But enough of this talk... I feel like I'm wasting my breath talking to you."

No rage. No desperation. No fear. Brad smirked at Melissa, hoping to tick the girl off the wrong way. It's what he wanted.

"Hey! What are you waiting for? A fucking written invitation, or something? COME AT ME!"
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Post by Chase* »

"Hey! What are you waiting for? A fucking written invitation, or something? COME AT ME!"

Melissa had another idea in mind, not nearly as mentally unstable as Brad seemed to have perceived. He'd simply taken more hits to the head. It didn't matter what he said, she could see his blood, where were her gashes? Not enough sense for her to run foolishly into his frame, which would anticipate an attack from a mile away.

Instead, her head tilted slightly as her facial features softened. And she laughed. Softly, but then louder, near cackling at his sheer stupidity. Her eyes would've brightened with amusement could you have seen behind her ice blue contacts, looking cold as steel.

With that, she instead kept from his reach, using her speed to encircle him, round and round she went to try to shake his focus, changing directions and staying light on her toes. Melissa kept up, the adrenaline still pumping, waiting for her chance, her opening. Or at least for him to get foolish once more.
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