Taking stock

A well full of precious, clean water. Be careful, though...it might just all be some sort of clever trap.
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Taking stock


Post by Friendly Ghost* »

((Continued from: Starting Place for Girl no.38))

The announcement went off half-way to the well.

Neville counted up the dead; over twenty in the last day. He didn't know what was proper to thing about it; probably he'd know when he saw it for himself. He didn't move to discuss it with Clare or Ryan; but he was thankful to hear that neither were murderers.

They reached the well; Neville immediately drained his water bottle and filled it. Then he got the idea of the water being bad, but he shone his torch down, and couldn't see any bodies. Lucky again; it smelled like someone had been killed round here, quite thouroughly.

Then he flopped down by the well. He'd thought he could walk further than this; had to be stress. "What t' hell do we do now then, guys?"
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Post by Kaishi* »

((Continued from: Starting Place for Girl no.38))

Ryan did the same, taking a seat right next to Neville. He inhaled deeply, and then exhaled, searching for the right things to say to his new allies. What do we do now, anyway? He made his fist into a hammer and bopped himself on the head.

"That's exactly what I'm wondering! Man...I'd have never thought that, in a life or death situation, the thing I'm most worried about is what to do next." He took off his glasses and wiped them clean, only to preoccupy himself with something while he thought. "Well, that, and being killed for that reason. ...I don't want to die. Do you?"

It was a stupid question, but Ryan needed to hear them in a better light than just a "yay, we're happy that we've allied; let's not die and, okay, we should run around and find stuff out, 'k', 'k'?" kind of light. Something much more serious.

"I'll die eventually, I know, but I still don't wanna. Really..."
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Post by Toukan* »

(OOC: Sorry I've been rather dead lately. =\ I should be around more often now that my crisis is over)

Clare sat down with her back to the well on the other side of Neville. She was mostly silent, still trying to stomach the announcement.

So many people…

Sometime during the journey from the tree where they first met to the well she had found the elusive hair tie and pulled as much of her hair into a ponytail as she could. Not that it counted for much, considering it only pulled the hair off the back of her neck while most of it still fell in her face. She pulled a bottle of water out of her bag and took a few sips as she thought ‘No sense in getting dehydrated, it’ll only get me killed faster.

“…I don’t want to die. Do you?”

“Until I got here I can honestly say that I did want to die,” She said quietly, her voice cracking in a very boyish way. “But now I realize that there is so much I haven’t done with my life, so much that I’ve screwed over and haven’t made right again….” She trailed off and sighed. “I don’t want to die yet.”

She hung her head to hide her eyes, almost embarrassed that she had said anything. The shotgun that she carried was never quite held in a relaxed grip as she glanced back towards the woods.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

((Continued from: Starting Place for B#54))

With sweat running down his face and that once tightly placed hair now flapping away as he would run Dorian seemed to be oncemore in to deep.No Weapon,No Bag,No Map.He was lost and he could be running into a danger zone but all he knew was that he had to keep running he had to keep moving as if the faces of the dead were chasing him.

Hurried glances were thrown over his shoulder and his chest screamed at him to take a break for a minute or two but his feet still beat at the floor in that heavy drumming sound causing the dirt to cough up a cloud as he slid.

Breaths were barely managing to get down his throat and into his lungs as he pushed his body further.

He was a book worm,his intellect was sharp and his body was smart yes but it wasnt strong.He wasnt a athlete,he wasnt built for this sort of thing and his body was showing it.His physical apperance had been destroyed just as much as his health.Glasses were constantly being pushed back onto his face and his once slick greased back hair was now a mess.

A couple drops of blood tainted his white collar from the previous events, the previous events he was running so fast to try and escape.

Yes he should have been smart enough to think about the sound he was making but he was just running,he was desperate to escape and so he ran feet stamping at the ground.
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

“Until I got here I can honestly say that I did want to die...”

"Ain't tha..." Neville couldn't ask what had made her feel that way, but remembered where her uniform came from.

He thought about what the hell he could say. Clare seemed to be talking about the Game as if it wasn't completely bad, and even if Neville couldn't wrap his guts round that, it was comforting. He supposed cute, mad girls got insights like that more than the regular flock.

"Suppose I'll go wit' t' majority on living. But only if I come out of this wit' a different life. Yeah, I got nowt for complaining, next to thi," He nodded at Clare. "But it jus' get..."

Neville's latest doomed attempt to convince someone that rich parents sucked was inturrupted by running feet. Quite grateful, he jumped up, and moved to the opposite side of the well from the footfalls, grinning geniunely at Ryan;

"Any' but nowt to do, right?"
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He was moving at a fairly good speed since his pack and his weapon ( disposable razors ) had been discarded well more left back at the werehouse with the bodies and all those terrible memories.

His heart slammed inside of his chest as it begged for some more time but as always he tried to push on,this was the first time he had bothered to push himself.He had always been ill on the days for the gym or simply hidden away in the library but now he was running because he needed to.This wasnt a choice he made,this was a real NEED.

With the odd tear escaping his fear striken features he ran,laces swinging with his rapid steps.What had once been such a tidy quiet boy was now a little blood stained with a very messed up attire.

How quickly things changed eh? What had it been? a couple days?
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Post by Kaishi* »

Ryan smacked the side of his head in confusion.


It was a little embarassing to be unable to decipher what Neville was saying, but he couldn't lie. Whatever Nev' said, he must've been happy about it. Hiding behind the well to spook a friend of his? He tugged on his bottom lip, hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Er..." His hand moved from his bottom lip to his hair, which he started to tug at, aswell. "Wait, stop! We're not going to play!!" Ryan dropped his gun and held up his hands to prove his innocence.
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Post by Toukan* »

Clare was confused by Neville’s tone and manner of speech as she heard the footfalls. She crouched low and scanned the forest in the manner of someone being hunted before quickly following her two recently acquired comrades to the other side of the well. The M870 was clutched tightly in her hands, though her finger wasn’t on the trigger. The dusty haired girl didn’t feel nearly as safe next to the well as she had up that tree, which made her considerably more jumpy.

I don’t want to die yet.

She was visibly shaking, the shoulder strap on her shotgun was making a metallic clinking noise as it hit against the barrel.

There are so many things I need to set right.

The color had drained from her face and her eyes continued to scan the forest.

“Wait, stop! We’re not going to play!!” Ryan’s voice called out, giving her slight reassurance. She was still scared, still jumpy, still untrusting of whoever it was running through the trees, but she calmed as she was reminded that she wasn’t alone. Though she didn’t set her shotgun on the ground, she relaxed her grip and nodded at Ryan.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

With the sound of the calls from the small group he would slide down onto his rear,those once freshly polished shoes of his now tarnished from his "adventures" would now become embedded in the ground beneath him.People..He had not thought of this..He was running he did not need more people but maybe these could help him? maybe they were good people? He couldnt make out what they were saying but they were yelling that was for sure and one was female.Girls were mean,Girls were always mean to poor little Dorian.

His lungs took advnatage of his break to suck in that much needed oxygen.His face reddened from the excrutiating excersise he had been forced to and with his break over he would rise to his feet.

Frantic glances tossed around him as he would crouch down through the brush,maybe he would escape.A thick branch would be pulled from a nearby bush and tightly clasped as he moved along.The roof of the well in sight,if he stayed away from the well he should be fine.

He had to be fine,He had done nothing wrong! Had he?
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Post by Kaishi* »

"Er...you two stay here. I-I'll go check him out." Ryan flashed his 'friends' a grin, and made his way over to the rustling bush that Dorian was crawling in. Hello, dude...the moving bush is a dead giveaway.

"Come out with your hands up!" He snickered slightly, pointing his handgun at the rustling part of the foliage. It wasn't like Ryan was taking enjoyment in the possibility of scaring the bush-crawler; rather, he was snickering at the scared lad's stupidity. "As I said before, we're not playing, so don't do anything weird." Like crawling through a bush for no reason...

"We've got food if that helps you any." Ryan was actually unsure of whether or not they had safe food. There was that nasty bread and cracker tin, but they seemed like they would do a whole lot better as a murder weapon.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He sat there in the bush in silence for a moment or two as he heard someone call out to him,obviously they were speaking to him unless there were other students hiding in the nearby bushes? maybe there was one in here with him now! What a stupid idea! he soon dimissed it and sat inside of the bush with his knees pulled up for a few moments just hugging them in silence.The boy said he wasnt playing but they would all say that,jacob had said that and look what he had done.If I were playing Dorian thought to himself thats what Id do.

If he didnt show himself maybe they would leave him..stumble off away but maybe they would think he was a threat and just fire off a couple shots into the bush and where could he hide in a bush? Hands were slowely rasied to head height as his gentle voice broke the silence "Im Im..Im..Im coming out" he said as he began crawling out on his hands and knees out of the bush.

A blood stain on the dirt stained white collar of his shirt was visible as he moved out of the bush and then on his hands and feet got up without another word free he would hold his breath.So this was what it came to..maybe the boy would make it a clean shot to the head..have mercy on him.
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

The idea had occured to Neville not to take everything here at face value. But he was nothing like harsh enough to think a kid with eyes like that might be faking.

The thought that kept his gun in his hands was; what if he's dangerously crazy? Or just so plain scared he attacks us? Bit too late to sort out between ourselves what we're prepared to do to someone about to kill us...

"Bloody hell" Neville whispered. "What happened to thi?"
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Post by Kaishi* »


Ryan hadn't expected that. He had expected Dorian to look a crying shame, not a boy who had seen combat. The blood was the testimonial to that. There was no other way someone could get blood on their shirt.

And it shows up so well... Nice choice of colors. He whistled through his teeth, sizing Dorian up. Black hair, glasses, nerdy appearance, and blood. Jeez, man, jeez. You're making me use my most hated word here, y'know?

"Yeah, what happened to you? ...Have you killed, or seen death?"
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

There was a way you could get this much blood on you without killing someone and he was living proof of this.His face was red from stress of the running and from now bumping on into these strangers who seemed to be armed.

He would shake his head to their questions and it was a few moments of sucking in oxygen and looking at them before he managed to get a couple words out. "I Couldnt kill..i freeze..I froze" he would lift up his shirt to show what could have been a stomache if he had eaten more.A little spin was done with his shirt raised to show he had no weapons on him before he released it.

One fingers pressed his glasses back up his nose as he began to speak "F First some crazy ass girl with claws chased after me and then I was with a boy.Me and jacob were going to escape, we thought of building a glider and taking it from the lookout point to the main land..Im good with physics..We we ..we were going to escape but then that other boy came and they fought..I was going to help jacob stop the boy..I couldnt do anything I just froze..Jacob killed the boy and then we tried to run..I dont know if he killed the boy I swear I could still hear his voice and then and then..I just..We went to the warehouse and I cant remember anymore.Sorry" he said as he pushed a few black hairs back into their place at the side of his head as he strained his memory.
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Post by Toukan* »

Clare had followed a few steps after Ryan as he went to check out the noise in the foliage. Her muscles tensed as the boy rose from the bush, the blood stains on his shirt and the wild look of fear in his eyes succeeded in terrifying her more than anything else since she arrived on this godforsaken island.

“My god…” Her voice came out as nothing more than a squeak. It was all she could do to not take a step backwards even if she did strengthen her grip on the shotgun she was issued.

“I couldn’t kill…”

That phrase was slight reassurance, but comparatively it wasn’t much. This young man proved to her, completely, that this wasn’t just some sick joke. People were actually dying, killing each other all because some sick bastard and his twisted game.

I don’t want to die.

She took an unintentional step to the side, partially concealing herself behind Ryan. A tear leaked out of the corner of her eye as she bowed her head and tried to keep her composure.

I don’t want to hurt anyone. What the fuck am I supposed to do?!

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