S092 - Quayle, Hector [DECEASED]

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S092 - Quayle, Hector [DECEASED]


Post by Ruggahissy »

Name: Hector Quayle
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Nature Photography, Hiking, Computer-Animated Films

Appearance: At 5'9" and 175 lbs, Hector has a fairly average build. He has a round face, with a broad nose, wide eyes under bushy eyebrows, upturned lips, and ears that lie close to his head. He wears his curly hair buzzed to only an inch in length. His eyes are light blue, and his hair is ginger.

Hector dresses in a basic style. He favors neutral colors and practical cuts, usually including long pants and t-shirts. On the day of the abduction, Hector was wearing blue jeans, a dark brown t-shirt with a breast pocket, and a puffy olive green bomber jacket, as well as brown hiking boots and white socks.

Hector is Caucasian. He has no tattoos, piercings, or notable scars. His posture is generally good, and he has a clear complexion.

Biography: Hector was born on November 13, 2003, in Boston, to mother and father Carolyn and Larry Quayle, a hotel receptionist and human resources worker respectively. Their jobs allowed a comfortable but unexceptional standard of living, especially as they lived in a house in nearby Salem inherited from Larry's parents. Hector, the couple's first child, was followed two years later by a sister, Margaret.

As a child, Hector was a relatively quick learner. He had an introverted demeanor, often sitting on his own and reading in favor of playing with his peers. He enjoyed the outdoors and the physical activity of recess, but did not care for team sports and was not a good team player; he struggled to understand the rules of sports and when it was or was not appropriate to give his all in competition.

Moving into middle school, Hector remained relatively solitary, but came to better understand his peers, if not always to appreciate them. He often found their interests and feuds to be boring or distressing, and believed himself above such things, though in truth he was not particularly more mature than anyone else and his tendencies towards isolation were just a different manifestation of this. He did make some friends, but these tended to be people with whom he shared interests. Hector especially clicked with other fans of reading, and would regularly engage in extended conversations about his favorite novels with others who had read them, also trading recommendations with them.

In high school, Hector has largely come into his own. While he can still be somewhat aloof around his peers in general, and is not particularly personable, he is more capable of entertaining himself and often goes on solitary treks. He was not as hard hit by the pandemic as many of his peers, or as his much more social sister; Hector simply moved his book discussions online, and was still able to engage with his favorite pastimes, especially taking long, solitary excursions in the woods.

Hector's first great interest, and still one of the primary things he does to pass the time, is reading. As a child, Hector took to his reading lessons more easily than other subjects, and he enjoyed the praise this won him. Even more, he enjoyed the stories he could experience through books, and quickly learned to read well above his age level, tackling full-on novels by the end of elementary school. While Hector's family limited his time with electronics prior to high school, they always encouraged his love of books, and his father, an avid reader himself, would always buy new ones for Hector, without requiring him to pay it out of his allowance. Hector loves the subtleties of language, and the way books can convey ideas and tell stories in a fashion that other forms of media cannot replicate. While he favors fiction, especially books with a focus on journeys and exploration, be they realistic or more fantastical, he also reads large amounts of non-fiction, especially centered on his other interests.

This is of particular use when it comes to his nature photography. Hector's mother wanted him to develop healthy habits when he was young, and so encouraged him to spend time outdoors. When he proved somewhat reluctant to play sports or run around with other kids his age, she brought him along for walks, and found that he enjoyed these greatly. As Hector grew older, he assumed primary responsibility for exercising the family dog, Mr. Barks, and he enjoyed spending this time fantasizing about going on fantastic journeys like in his books.

To help with this, he ranged farther and explored wooded areas, parks, and hiking trails. His mother made him carry a phone with him in case of trouble, and he soon found that he enjoyed taking pictures of interesting sights and sending them to her, in this way both including her on the excursions she no longer physically participated in as often and also documenting them for himself. Eventually, he acquired a digital camera and took to making outings with more intentional goals, seeking out specific sights and shots for what had become an art and form of self expression in its own right. In the past two years, he has gone on several overnight backpacking trips, often to catch and photograph the sunrise. He has amassed a large collection of images of local plants and wildlife, and regularly posts them to iNaturalist, a website documenting wildlife sightings.

Hector also greatly enjoys computer-animated films. This passion began when he was a child, as the Toy Story movies were among his parents' favorites from their own childhoods, and they watched them with him and brought him to the third when it opened in theaters. Hector found the designs more appealing than traditional animation, and was fascinated by some of the behind-the-scenes features on computer modeling. While he's a little embarrassed by it, as most of the films in the medium are aimed at a younger demographic, to this day he makes a point of catching new entirely computer-animated films, and while he claims that this is a purely academic interest and that he's "comparing animation quality," the truth is that he also enjoys them in their own right as nostalgic entertainment. His sister also often watches films with him, one of the few places where the siblings see eye to eye.

Hector's relationship with his parents is generally good. They tend to be fairly hands-off, due to his decent grades and stable personality; he still sometimes goes book shopping with his father or hiking with his mother, and feels very able to confide in them or ask their advice. His relationship with Margaret, however, is more fraught. As a child, Margaret idolized Hector, but had very little in common with him, quickly becoming bored of his books and with little taste for traipsing around outside. As they grew older, she began to find him embarrassing, especially because Hector put little effort into socializing with her friends when they came over; around school, he was considered aloof and odd, which led to Margaret getting questioned about him from time to time, which she hated. She also resented his relatively easier time dealing with lockdown, as she felt the lack of direct contact with her friends keenly. While they can interact civilly, they rarely do anything together, and tend to bicker if forced to spend too much time together.

Hector performs well in school, but not exceptionally. His best class is English, where his love of reading sees him perform well, and he's learned to analyze literature, though tends to write to the teacher's ideas rather than out of a serious passion for dissecting the structure and ideas of works. He struggles a little in math, and when it comes to science he has a much better time with biology than with chemistry. He does alright in gym class, but still dislikes team sports and puts in the minimum effort necessary to pass. His classmates by and large view him as a loner, and a bit of a weird one; he tends to excuse himself from conversations quickly, isn't much of a presence on social media, and will sometimes still be actively dismissive or haughty about his peers interests, which also leads some to think him arrogant. He does have friends, but most of them are either fellow loners and introverts who will occasionally talk literature with him but be content to let days or weeks pass without contact, or other naturalists from outside the sphere of his school. Hector considers himself heterosexual, but has never dated anyone and is in no hurry to do so.

Hector has been applying to colleges, but isn't yet sure what he wants to study; he's thinking of either English or biology but has applied as undeclared. His applications have focused on state schools, as while his family can afford to give him some help, he still expects to have to take out loans. He's not entirely sure what he wants to do with his future; he'd love to do something more professional with his photography, but is not entirely sure if he's good enough yet.

Advantages: Hector has much more experience with the outdoors than many of his peers, including identifying common traits of animals and plants. He is comfortable being alone for long stretches of time, and is fairly emotionally self-sufficient.
Disadvantages: Hector has few obvious allies among his class, as he lacks interest in deep socialization. He knows little of the grudges, friendships, and histories at play beyond the most common public knowledge. Additionally, he's considered aloof and somewhat arrogant, which leaves others unlikely to trust him, and may make him a more attractive target.

Designated Number: Student No. 092


Designated Weapon: 50 pounds of raw porkchops

Conclusion: So that's why we had to order pizza for dinner two nights in a row - Abby Soto

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