Stillness in Motion

Named for the original small lane at its center, though it has gradually expanded to encompass several side streets as well, the shopping strip on 34th Street is a center of activity for patrons of smaller, privately-owned shops and boutiques. Notable locations include a bookstore, an antiques shop, and an eclectic Wicca-based store specializing in crystals, Tarot cards, and other odds and ends. Along the rest of the strip lie various clothing and jewelry boutiques, and food trucks are known to frequent the area to cater to those looking for a bite to eat while they shop.
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Stillness in Motion


Post by Espi »

((Paloma has finally arrived))

A lesser artist couldn't see the beauty in everything. They might think that beauty was flowers, or people, or colorful sunsets and trees or whatever. Paloma thought those people were narrow-minded and boring, bound by convention. Art wasn't about convention. It was about seeing, experiencing, thinking.

Of course, as she bit her lower lip harder, she had to admit; flowers were probably easier to take photos of than this brick wall. A brick wall that faced the setting sun on a busy street and whose striking aesthetic relied on the transient shadow cast upon it. A brick wall attached to an old, empty antique shop that people kept walking by and throwing their own blurry imprint onto.

Look, all she was asking for was ten seconds of stillness. Stepping forward to about ten feet from the wall, Paloma dropped to one knee and continued adjusting for the aperture. Luckily her obvious 'I'm taking a picture with this big camera don't get in the way' stance seemed to deter people.

Okay, ISO was good, aperture was the right size, shutter speed was fast, the angle was good. The shadow of the tapered building point was still in a decent spot, the looming dark pillar a striking pattern on the grimy wall. She probably had a few minutes to get a couple shots before the sun set.

Paloma squinted slightly, her finger pressed down...

Shit. Someone had gotten in the way. Paloma stood suddenly, turned towards the interrupter and yelled, "Hey, what the hell?!"
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Post by Aura »

(Aleksandra Prudius continued from Yours If You Want It)

Aleksandra didn't go shopping all that often. As far as clothes were concerned, she would usually stick to a wardrobe for as long as it remained wearable. As long as nothing had any tears or irremovable stains, then she didn't see much point in buying more most of the time, at least provided that her closet was full enough. And in terms of other things, she could generally make do with making small purchases here and there without really splurging too much. She was very restrained in the way she handled her money. She supposed she had her parents to thank for that. They helped her realize the value of a dollar early on. She figured that when she had a stable job and moved out one day, she would thank them for that.

But today, for some reason, she decided to go on a shopping trip. This wasn't like some other trips she had taken where she accompanied one of her friends while they went shopping. Today she was on her own, heading to 34th Street. There was something that she really liked about 34th Street, and she couldn't quite discern what it was. It could get a little crowded for her liking, but there were some really cool shops there with all kinds of neat stuff. There were some nice places to get clothes too, usually at not-too-bad prices. Maybe picking up one or two things wouldn't be too bad. After all, it wasn't like she did things like this often.

She hadn't found anything that she really considered worth buying yet, but after about a half-hour of walking around, her stomach was starting to rumble. She had forgotten to get dinner before she left, and it was starting to take its toll now. She hadn't checked which food trucks were present today, but there were always one or two good ones nearby. Come to think of it, maybe that was one of the reasons why she liked 34th Street. There was almost always something good to eat nearby. She hoped that the Dragon Express was there. She liked their fried rice, and the lady who ran it was always nice. Even if she didn't find anything else, that would probably still make the trip out there worth it.

The sun was setting, and Aleksandra felt a slight uneasy feeling. The food trucks would probably be the last place she went that day. She wanted to get home before it started getting too dark. She hurried her steps, moving down the street at a quickened walking pace. She had her mind focused on food, so she missed a few things going on around her. She kept her hands in her pockets, as she usually did when out on the street. Made it easier to protect her wallet and keys that way.

Wait, she heard someone yelling. She stopped and looked around, finding a girl much shorter than her looking at her angrily. Aleksandra pointed to herself with confusion.

"Um... are you talking to me?"
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Seriously? Was she for real?

"Uh, duh?" Paloma was almost impressed that someone could pay so little attention to her surroundings. She was lucky she didn't walk into traffic like that. Standing up from her prone position, Paloma shook her hair indignantly and strode towards the other girl.

"Are you blind? I was standing right there-" she pointed towards the ground "-and you just walked in front of me and ruined my shot." Paloma raised her hands in exasperation.

Truthfully there wasn't much point in calling the girl out, but spending ten minutes getting interrupted was so frustrating that this was the tipping point. Besides, if Mohawk-girl was just going to go about her business being that oblivious, she'd get run over. So really, Paloma was just giving her a wakeup call.

"Seriously, what the hell?" Paloma put her hands on her hips and glowered.
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Post by Aura »

Aleksandra listened to the frustrated girl's rant. She didn't know that anyone would be out on the street taking pictures at this time of day. Usually it was tourists and people on vacation who just took pictures out of the blue, with groups and families. This girl was alone, though. She could have been a reporter, or a photographer for the newspaper, but she didn't look old enough for that. Between her small size and round face, Aleksandra doubted this girl was any older than her. Whatever she was doing though, she sure was devoted to it, enough to get angry at her for interrupting.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't see you."

She didn't know what else to say. She had gotten in the girls way, so she figured that she should apologize for it. She wasn't sure how much of an effect it would have, if any, but it was worth a shot. It didn't seem like something serious enough to be worth having a conflict over, so she hoped that it would be sorted out pretty easily.

She was still hungry, and she wanted to get over to the food trucks before they packed it in for the night. She knew they usually stayed open kind of late, so she probably had time, but she still didn't want to risk cutting it close. Her index finger started to tap against her thumb while she waited for a response.
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Post by Espi »

"You didn't see me?"

Dammit, the moment was ruined. Paloma saw the sun dipping just a bit further into the skyline, ruining the composition entirely. God, if this brainless girl had any sense of her surroundings everything would've worked out. Damn.

And now she had the gall to give an excuse like that. "You're like, a foot taller than me." Paloma stood up on her toes, still significantly smaller than giant mohawk chick. "You're taller than anyone on the entire street!"

Paloma gestured vaguely towards the thinning selection of people around them. Maybe one of them was taller than mohawk girl, but that would be the exception that proved the rule. "What are you doing that you can miss someone from up there?"

She wasn't even on her phone, holy crap. Paloma had heard of having your head in the clouds, but this was far too literal for her liking.
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Post by Aura »

Oh wow, she really was mad. Her voice wasn't lowering at all, so she must have been pretty incensed. She brought up how tall Aleksandra was for some reason. While it was true that she was taller than a lot of people, she didn't really see what that had to do with anything. Being tall didn't have anything to do with how well you can see things, unless there was something that she could see over that a shorter person couldn't. The crowds on the sidewalk didn't seem big enough for that to be much of a factor, though.

"Sorry." She repeated. Dealing with angry people wasn't one of her skills. She usually tried to stay out of people's way, so it didn't really come up much. And on the occasions where it had, there was usually someone else on hand to help smooth things over, someone better at this kind of thing like Jordan or Valerija. But this time she was alone, and she wasn't quite sure how to get this girl to stop being angry at her. She decided to try to help, although her lack of knowledge on the subject greatly restricted what she could do.

"Hey, there's still some light, right?" She momentarily angled her vision to focus on the horizon and the effects that the sunset was having on the sky. "That means you can take another picture, right?"
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Post by Espi »


Paloma turned away from Mohawk girl irritably, throwing her hands in the air. "No, I can't. The composition is all off now."

The subtle patch of dark shadows creeping along the stone face was out of position, skewed to the side and no longer appropriate for the image. Plus with the sun going down, she'd be hard-pressed to capture the same vibrant lighting of just moments ago.

There wasn't any point in Paloma explaining her artistic vision to someone still figuring out regular vision, though. Hell, she wasn't even that invested in this stupid picture. Still, what a waste of time and energy. She'd remember to find less-trafficked places later.

"Ugh," she groaned again, turning and walking away from whatsherface. "Whatever. Pay more attention next time."

She wasn't even that mad anymore. Maybe Paloma should apologize, but at the same time that girl seemed so bewildered it probably wouldn't matter much. She might as well walk back home, too. Not much light left to work with and she was getting hungry.

Wait, actually; as she walked down the street, she realized she was really hungry. Huh, she'd eaten lunch right...? No wait. Huh. That's probably why she got testy. Too late now, though.

((Paloma Salt continued in Life Observes Itself))
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Post by Aura »


Aleksandra tried to say something, but the other girl was already in the process of storming off. She waved her hand to try to get her attention, but she didn't even turn around. In a case of immediate hindsight, she quickly realized the futility of such an action. If the other girl wasn't looking at her, then why would she respond to a wave? Impulsive action. That was the only explanation she could come up with. She looked on as the photographer disappeared down the street.

"Sorry." She mumbled again.

Now Aleksandra felt bad. She had ruined that girl's picture. She didn't mean to do it, but it happened anyway. Thinking about that, she turned to look at the wall. As far as she could tell, it still looked fine. She didn't know much about photography, though. Maybe there was something about the lighting that had changed over the past minute to make it unsuitable for a picture. She really had no way to tell.

Now that that brief incident was over with, Aleks could get back to her original plan. She headed down the street to find the food trucks, of which there were two, parked on opposite sides of the street. She assumed this meant that it had either been a slow day, or most of the trucks had parked themselves elsewhere in the city. She didn't care how many trucks were there, though. She recognized the side of Dragon Express in a single glance. She felt a little better as she walked to the ordering window.

At least she was having fried rice tonight.

(Aleksandra Prudius continued in life observes itself)

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