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You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 12:23 am
by ViolentMedic
((S029: Mônica "Molly" Oliveira: START))

Molly was tucked underneath a small ledge of the mountain pass, where it was just a touch warmer, and more importantly further away from any edges she could see down. She was fixing her make-up. It turned out that being dropped in the snow didn’t do much for it. She’d spent some minutes scrubbing at it – and no, tears hadn’t been what smudged it, not at all – before she’d started to apply the fresh coat.

The last month hadn’t been the best, not least of which because it had involved dumping Stormy, which… well, might have saved his life, actually, since she was half-sure it was why he’d chosen to avoid the school trip. Either way, she’d thought this would be a chance to, quite literally, chill a little.

It was meant to be fun.

Now it was… this.

Molly’s eyes moved to her side. Next to her bag, labelled S029, lay a long double-handed sword. Molly knew her swords pretty well, actually, and had seen this one in a video game or two. A zweihander. She would have been excited under any other circumstance.

But this… situation?


Her brain shied away from considering it too deeply. It was easier to focus on her eyeliner.

Because once she dealt with that, and got out of her little corner… she had to deal with the fact that they’d seen fit to put her on top of a mountain. And heights were…

Someone screamed, somewhere in the mountains. Molly’s eyeliner pencil jerked, scrawling a line along her temple.

What was that? Someone falling off the mountain? Someone being…?

Nope, she wasn’t going to think about that.

She curled up a little tighter and started to scrub away at the scrawl.

She wasn’t going to think about it. She wasn’t going to think about it. She wasn’t…

God, it was cold, even though she’d pulled the windbreaker from the bag on. She couldn’t help but think about the cold. And there was a murderer around, potentially. She couldn’t help but think about that, either. Okay. Now she was thinking about all of it. Damn you, screamer.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:31 am
by Laurels
((S068 Micah Flanagan: START))




Micah slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He thought he heard the sound of his beloved eldest goat daughter, but instead was a larger bastard. The mountain goat was on a nearby ledge, but before Micah could say anything, it hopped away. He closed his eyes and groaned a bit.

"Shit. Guess it wasn't a dream."

Micah looked around. He appeared to be high up on a mountain, laying on a path. He saw the two bags by his side, one being his backpack, and the other being a tan duffel bag. He grabbed the bag and began to go through it. He pulled out the windbreaker and quickly put it on. He was already pretty warmly dressed, but the extra layers would help. It was already bad enough he was sleeping outside, so now hypothermia was the useless sibling who won't move out of the basement and would keep draining him of life.

He also pulled out the knife that was in his bag. It wasn't a gun, but it was a pretty sweet knife. Maybe it wouldn't be the best thing to bring to a fight, but now it was a good thing Micah was jacked as all get out. He put the knife into his belt loop and practiced pulling it out.

"Ok, get off the mountain, then get to safety."

Micah began to walk along the path. This was some rotten luck. It already sucked he was the only one of his siblings to go on the ski trip, but now he was pretty likely to be the first to die. At least he didn't have to worry about them while he was here. They could sit home wrapped in blankets and drinking hot cocoa as he fought his way back home.

"Only one way down," he muttered to himself. "Just keep following and-shit!"

The bit of ledge Micah stepped on collapsed under his boot. He stepped back as the rocks fell.

"Goddamn!" he shouted. "That was close."

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:45 am
by ViolentMedic
Another shout from a little further along (Molly couldn’t have told from here whether it was further up or down the mountain. She hadn’t looked closely. It was all just High Up Horror.) This one was closer, and she could make out audible words.


She put her little make-up mirror and brush back in her bag and tentatively peeked out of her little alcove. Oh, she knew Micah. More in passing, but she knew he was part of Lúcio’s Super Meat Boy crew. Good-looking, and seemed nice enough in kind of a statue way, but she’d never gone for it. Heard he was a bit casual with hooking up.

She edged out a little more, but kept low. She gripped the ground in one hand, and dragged her zweihander along in the other as she crawled out enough to see him better.

“Micah?” Molly’s voice came out more timid than she’d anticipated, and she shuffled back a bit into her hideaway place moments after she spoke. “You, um… okay out there?”

Stay relaxed. Stay cool.

Could she kick him off the ledge?

No. Stay relaxed. Besides, he’s huge. She wouldn’t be able to budge him.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:00 am
by Laurels
Micah took a moment to let his heart rate get back to a normal level. He tried to focus on the breathing exercises that helped him get through his workout sessions. He was still alive, and now he just had to walk dead center down the path if he was to get off the mountain. It should be easy, and surely he wouldn't be too lumbering as he made the trek.

Before he could get back to walking, he heard a voice call out to him. He looked down the path and saw a girl start to crawl out from a hole. The sight was pretty strange; not more than the goat he saw a few moments ago, but definitely odd.

"Molly?" he asked.

He did know of Molly from school as a cheerleader and a geek. They didn't have many run-ins, but he didn't have a bad impression of her. He did get an impression from what appeared to be a massive sword in one of her hands.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," he said. "Just got too close to the edge there. And you?"

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 3:12 am
by ViolentMedic
“Oh, I’m, uh… dandy? I’ve just been… here, uh… yeah?” Her voice cracked from the pressure of staying casual. “Don’t, uh… worry? This isn’t my kind of game?”

She edged back out again, sitting and shuffling her way along the mountain and keeping her back to the cliff face, looking Micah in the face but also keeping her gaze very away from anything else, primarily the view off the mountain. This method of moving along was making her ass cold – god, she needed something warmer than jeans – but at least it meant she wouldn’t trip, especially with this huge sword in her hand.

One hand wasn’t cutting it to keep a grip on it, so she risked letting go of the ground to grip the handle of it so she was holding it with both, the pointed tip still resting on the ground.

“Can you tell me which way is, um… down the mountain? I’m not… good…? With heights?” She pulled the sword a little closer, curled up, defensive. Smudgy make-up around the eyes, fresh eyeliner over the hardly removed smudgy stuff.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:25 pm
by Fiori
"Hoooo boy, that is a helluva view..."

((Mitch McDuffy continued from Bro, I'm Straight Up Not Having A Good Time))

When given the opportunity to travel up the side of the mountain, Mitch had found himself presented with two options: The precarious and dangerous upper pass, that'd offer a better view but put him at risk of sudden drops and rabid goats. Or, he could take lower road, which was by far the safer option but wouldn't have nearly as awesome a view.

Naturally, he went with the former, and sure enough the view was quite spectacular. He could see the entire island from up there, from the research facility all the way to the mining town on the other side. The arctic aesthetic was pretty sweet, reminded him a lot of Kyrat from Far Cry 4, which made him extra paranoid of sudden eagle attacks.

As he made his way up, he had time to think things through a bit. Ponder on what exactly he was planning to do once he got himself a squad of like-minded badasses. They could try to escape? He wasn't sure how exactly, they were stuck in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, and the idea of messing with the collars scared the shit out of him. Especially after seeing what happened to Mr...

He quickly blotted that memory out of his head. If escape was impossible, then they could band together and start like... Going after people? Hmm. Like, the idea of going full bandit didn't sit well with him, especially when it came to his own classmates.

Then again, what was it that folk online called peeps who decided to kill... Players, right? Like in a game? That's what this was, right? One big game, with the highest stakes possible? He might not be a survivalist, or a soldier, but he WAS a pretty fuckin' good gamer. So maybe he could go halfway, play with anyone else who was playing and ignore anyone who wasn't? Yeah... Yeah, that'd work.

His train of thought would be put on pause however when he heard a scream, clutching his bar close to his chest and ducking down. The hell?!? Shitshit, okay, jobtown baby let's fuckin' go!

He'd cautiously make his way along the winding road, turning a corner and stopping behind an errant tree, leaning around his cover to spy a figure in a black windbreaker peering over the edge at something. Mitch was too far away to make out who it was or what he was saying, but he seemed to be talking to someone? Who and where he couldn't tell, but for now he'd stay hidden and watch, get a better feel of what kind of scene was going down before revealing himself.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 2:25 pm
by Laurels
Micah watches as Molly fully emerged from her hidey-hole. He could see the girl wasn't doing too well, but her big bastard of a blade definitely stood out more. She could easily swat him off the mountain with that thing, if she could fully lift it up. Micah figured he could lift it, but he wasn't going to try. The last thing he needed was for her to think he was trying to steal her weapon just so he could make some Freudian statement about upgrading from his dagger to her massive sword.

"Not entirely," Micah said in response to her question.

He quickly glanced around.

"Climbing down from a mountain should be easy in theory. I figured I'd just follow the slope and then hope it gets me to the base. Or at least that I'd see the actual way down as I walked."

Micah shrugged.

"Oh, I did see some goats around here, so I dunno, maybe see if I can find one and follow it. That's what you're supposed to do when you're stranded in the wilderness, right? Follow the animals?"

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:00 pm
by ViolentMedic
“I don’t know… don’t goats like it up here? But the slope makes sense, I just… it’s hard to look at?”

Molly tried to make herself stand up, though her legs were still made of gelatine.

“Uhm, listen… I’m, uh… I’m more scared of the heights than I am of you? If it’s not, um… too much to ask… Can I maybe hold your arm or something until we’re somewhere less terrifying?”

She glanced down at her unwieldy sword – it wasn’t quite as heavy as it looked, but in this situation it was pretty bad for swinging.

“I won’t try to stab you? I think actually us holding together might mean more safety for that? I wouldn’t be able to get you well without dragging myself over… too...” Why did she SAY that? Now she was thinking about it!

Molly slid back down to a sitting position again, quietly but obviously freaking out, and oblivious to the presence further down the path.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:28 pm
by Fiori
Mitch still couldn't quite pinpoint who it was, but there was no doubt about it, the big fella was definitely talking to someone. He still couldn't tell who from this angle, though he wasn't sure how exactly he could get any closer without strolling right out into the open like a dumbass. He still didn't have an answer as to where that scream from earlier originated from, unless...

Yoooo, wait up, does this dude have someone at their mercy or some shit? Like is there someone just dangling there by their fingertips and he's ready to go full "Long live the king!" on their ass?

Mitch would gulp, clinging tightly onto his spearlike digging bar to hold himself steady against the tree. Like it or not, he was going to have to take a closer look, especially if that was a friend of his at his mercy. God forbid, he'd never be able to forgive himself if he left Steve or Evie in a bind when he could've done something to help.

Okay, sneak up on him, if everything's gucci - Sweet! If not... Well, hope he doesn't spot you first...

He'd take a deep breath, slowly counting to three to psyche himself up, ready to put all his years of ninja training to good use...

Only to feel something tug at his parka.

He'd turn around and look down to see a mountain goat chewing on his coat.

"Wah... F-fuckin', git!" he'd whisper, trying to tug his coat from the goat's mouth. "Get the fuck outta here! Shoo! Shoooo!"

The goat would stop chewing, then stare up at him with those blank satanic eyes. Then it would scream, a loud and eerily humanlike scream, right in Mitch's face.

"SHHHHSSHSHSHSHSHSH!" he'd loudly shush, realising at this point that his cover was almost certainly blown. SHIT!

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:16 am
by Laurels
Micah watched as Molly pulled herself up. She admitted to being afraid of heights and wanting help climbing down. She also was quick to promise that she wouldn't kill him or anything. Micah was a bit taken aback by that. Yeah, he was probably supposed to be paranoid that she would do something like that, especially with her daunting weapon by her side. But at least Molly seemed to understand attacking him would be mutually assured destruction. They'd both either be stabbed or tumbling down the mountain side to become goat food (did mountain goats eat meat? Micah wasn't sure if that was also an evolutionary thing with them).

"Alright, that's fine," he said. "Just stand on the inner part of the path and-"

Before Micah could finish, he heard a loud bleating sound, followed by what sounded like human speech.

"Oh for fuck's..." he muttered to himself.

Micah pulled the pugio out and turned to the sound.

"Okay, we heard you. Just come out."

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 12:35 am
by ViolentMedic
Molly exhaled with relief and smiled when Micah agreed to let her cling to him. Okay. Good. Okayokayokay, no point in freaking out, it could all still be a joke of some kind? A horrible, horrible joke with fake blood and squibs. Maybe some kind of television stunt.

They’d jump out at any moment now. Any moment--

Noises. Muttering.

Micah had a knife.

Get up. Get up. Getupgetupgetup--

Molly struggled to her feet, fighting the jelly legs, but couldn’t find it in her to hold the sword out like she was ready to use it, instead clinging to the handle like it was a safety blanket and keeping it huddled close to her. She kept her back to the mountain, front to the cliffface, but slid back just a little to let Micah take thelead on it.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:06 am
by Fiori
Mitch glared at the goat who blew his cover, taking a deep breath as he gripped his digging bar tightly.

He'd take a quick peak around the corner of that tree, wanting to make sure he wasn't about to waltz out into someone's crosshairs. From the look of things they didn't have a gun, but they did have a big nasty knife. Which on the one hand, yikes, because knife. But on the other, he had a freakin' polearm, so at least he could keep the guy at a distance if things went south.

"Okay, Mitch... Just remember, this is a game, and you're the best fucking gamer this side of the Mississippi..." he'd whisper, psyching himself up again before finally stepping out into the open, wielding his digging bar like a spear as he stood his ground.

Now that he had a proper look at the guy, he quickly recognised him to be Micah. He didn't know much about him, the two of them having only crossed paths a couple times at the odd party here and there. He knew he was apparently a farm boy, not to mention a bit of a musclehead, but was otherwise a pretty chill dude far as he was aware. Not to mention a fellow Irish-American, or at least he assumed he was with a surname like Flanagan, so at least they had that in common? Maybe?

He couldn't tell who was behind him at this distance and angle however, which was just his luck really.

"I ain't here for any trouble, Micah" he'd say, twisting his grip as kept his spaded polearm poised. "I heard a scream, thought I'd go check it out... You have anything to do with that?"

He really hoped he said no. He wasn't ready to play just yet, especially now that he was facing down someone with an actual weapon without anyone to back him up.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 11:15 pm
by Laurels
Micah was a bit disappointed to see it wasn't another goat, but a boy came out. Micah knew Mitch McDuffy from school, but not much else. He knew he was a basketball player, which Micah didn't really care for. What matter more was that this guy also had a long pole. That meant there were two people with long sticks that could knock people off the cliff. As the largest person on the path, Micah knew things weren't looking so hot for him. Molly was fine, but he still hadn't settled on Mitch.

"I screamed," Micah explained to Mitch. "The path gave out a little bit right there. I almost went over."

Micah shrugged.

"You can take a look if you think I'm lying."

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:17 am
by ViolentMedic
Oh, Molly knew that voice!

It took her a few moments to find her voice, before she managed to lean out and peek around Micah and double-check. Yeah, that was Mitch! Fellow gaming buddy. And he said he wasn't looking for trouble, and Molly believed it, because she knew him, but...

He brought up a point. Molly had heard two screams, after all. And one of them hasn't been Micah. Maybe Micah had--


She was not doing that thought at such a height, though. She just... she couldn't deal with all that right now.

"Mitch, it's okay!" As she spoke, she took Micah up on his earlier agreement and curled an arm around one of his, perhaps pressing just a little closer than she needed to, while still trying hard not to look at the view. "He hasn't been hurting anyone. I screamed a bit earlier, too? Because heights?"

A little white lie to keep the peace was all too familiar.

Re: You can't fight crime if you ain't cute

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 12:33 am
by Fiori
Mitch raised his eyebrow. The scream he heard earlier was NOT the kind of scream you made when you almost slip over. It was more the scream you made right as you got shoved off the edge of a cliff.

"Yeah, like I'm falling for that shit" he'd reply, wielding his digging bar in a threatening manner as he inched closer, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow. "I look like an idiot to you?" he'd reply, slipping slightly on a rock before regaining his footing.

I swear to god, if you just iced Evie or something, I'll fucking...

Mercifully, before any further miscommunication could occur, a familiar face would poke her head out from behind Micah's back. In an instant, Mitch went from trying to act like a tough guy back to his usual happy-go-lucky self, his lips curling upwards into a bright smile.

"Oh snap, YO! MOLL-EEEE!" he'd call out, pulling his would-be spear back and waving over at her. "Shit, man, had me worried someone fuckin' yeeted your ass or something!"