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AnnouncementsImportant announcements concerning the site will be posted here. Not only will the terrorists' official announcements be written here, but information concerning rolls, danger zones, and site issues will be located here as well.
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Re: V9 Pregame Opens Now
by Kermit View the latest post
Rules & InformationBoard and game rules, plus game information, are all located in this forum. Please read before joining, as reading the provided information within is a necessity to roleplaying on this site.
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Re: History of Rule Changes
by SOTF_Help View the latest post
SOTF WikiThis is the SOTF Wiki, home of everything SOTF! Like most Wiki-sites, it is a constant work in progress, but this site details everything about the history of SOTF, including character profiles, VIPs, and back-story of the game and the universe itself! If nothing else, this site is worth checking out!
- Total redirects: 122573
SOTF MiniWhether you've missed the cap, are looking for more practice, or just can't get enough of the RP, Mini has a place for everyone. With faster-paced, smaller-scale versions set in distinct universes, Mini offers a unique spin on the SotF concept.
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General DiscussionDiscuss anything and everything not pertaining to Survival of the Fittest here! Here is the place to introduce yourself, celebrate members' birthdays, discuss media, and generally hang out and have a good time. Also found here is the Fun and Games section, visible only to those who have registered.
- 13 Topics
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Re: Introduction Thread
by Cruxin View the latest post
Roleplaying DiscussionDiscuss anything and everything that has to do with SOTF here -- from your favorite character to comments and suggestions about the site! This forum also contains roleplaying guides for your benefit!Subforums:
- 174 Topics
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Supervivencia del más apto
by gabrielthetrashcat View the latest post
V9 Pregame PlanningV9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
- 77 Topics
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Re: My uh um first character ever…
by Applesintime View the latest post
PollsPolls regarding the winners of the Best Kill Award and Best Death Award go here, along with voting for club and team positions in pregame, and any other unrelated polls you feel like holding.
- 78 Topics
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V8 Escape Hammers
by Buko View the latest post
Other RoleplayingTake a break from the toils of the SOTF ACT and relax in the tranquility of another roleplay. You decide what sort of roleplays appear here, be they AUs or something entirely different. You're only limited by your own imagination.
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Re: Survivable me
by gabrielthetrashcat View the latest post
Artist's AlleyWelcome to Artist's Alley! Within, our forum's aspiring artists can showcase their artwork -- be it drawings, sketches, poetry, writings, or any other creative works.
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Re: Yona's Schrodinger's Chinese …
by Yonagoda View the latest post
Forum GamesSeparate from the Fun & Games section, this is for large-scale games that are not roleplays.Subforums:
- 171 Topics
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Songtest #149: Wedding Dance
by Laurels View the latest post
SOTF Discord ServerHosted by Discord, this is the place where the inmates literally run the asylum. Many SOTFers congregate to the chatrooms to converse, and chances are that you'll fit right in and be able to make some friends! Just remember to behave; we consider the Discord server to be a part of the site, and anything that we wouldn't tolerate on the site, we won't tolerate in there! Be respectful, and have fun!
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V9 Pregame Character RegistrationThis board contains all character registrations for V9 pregame, as well as the roster of NPCs available for general use. Please make sure you read all the rules before submitting characters for approval.
- 89 Topics
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Re: Soumitra Finch
by Deamon View the latest post
Southwest Red Rock High SchoolSouthwest Red Rock High School is a high-end school with a focus on athletic achievement. The layout of the school takes advantage of the consistency of the weather in Las Vegas and has no hallways. Instead, each faculty has its own classroom buildings, and the gym and auditorium are separated. The campus includes a lot of outdoor space for sports, such as football pitches, a baseball diamond, basketball and tennis courts, and a swimming pool, among other facilities.
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Re: Isn't Everyone?
by SharkyTGirl185 View the latest post
Residential AreasThe three main areas for housing are clustered to the south and west of downtown Las Vegas and feed students into Southwest Red Rock High School, naturally. The diversity of income levels and demographics reflect a vibrant and expanding city.Subforums:
- 15 Topics
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Re: Don't Mind Us, We Be Chillin'
by FlockOfHens View the latest post
DowntownThe downtown of Southwest Las Vegas is a place of contradictions. Many parts are older, having been built during the 80s, and reflect the small-town feel that imbued the area at that time while newer parts of the downtown showcase what one would expect of a world-famous tourism destination. The contrast and tension can be felt between the sparkling and flashy Las Vegas in contrast against the mundane realities of a suburban city.
- 8 Topics
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Re: The Mormon Karaoke Thread
by Lamps View the latest post
Outside City LimitsThis covers locations outside the limits of the other districts that are still close enough to be frequented. This includes the Las Vegas Strip and the Mojave Botanical Preserve as well as any other areas outside of the existing city locations.Subforums:
- 3 Topics
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Re: Butterfly
by SharkyTGirl185 View the latest post
Message Boards, Social Media, & OtherThis forum is for public bulletin boards, social media posts, and other miscellaneous character interactions which may not exactly line up with the time during which pregame takes place. Threads in this forum do not count against the "1 current thread/1 memory thread" limit, as characters can post in various online spaces, hang up fliers, and do other such things in here without necessarily having a set scene. Please consult the rules and guidelines pinned in this section for further information before posting.
- 19 Topics
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Re: What I Did On My Summer Vacat…
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
Memories from the PastHere is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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Re: Traveler's Guide to Las Vegas…
by Deblod100 View the latest post
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Important InformationThis forum is where all the important information relating to to the V8 Aftermath can be found, this includes things such as rules, timeline information, NPCs etc. If it's related to how the Aftermath works, you can find it here!
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Aftermath Posting Rules
by Ruggahissy View the latest post
The Military BaseFollowing their rescue the survivors of the senior class of the John Endecott Memorial Academy have been taken back to Joint Branch Lewis-McChord on mainland US soil. This large base is located in Tacoma, Washington and is the only base the Army can mobilize from west of the Rockies. The students are being kept in their own wing of the base where they are provided with medical care, food, clothes, and many other items if they request them. Access to the survivors is strictly monitored and controlled by Interpol and the Army. Only people who have been granted special clearance and highly trusted soldiers acting as guards able to access the building.
The building that the students have been placed in has been specially setup to house them. There is a medical ward for students who are recuperating as well as individual rooms for those who no longer need direct medical assistance. Meals are cooked for the students on site and brought to them at designated breakfast, lunch and dinner times. There is also a recreation space within the building for the students to relax in. Students are also allowed outside to walk the grounds, although this is only allowed at specific times and within a specific designated area.
One notable precaution that has been taken is that the students have only been provided with plastic cutlery, out of a concern that any disputes may become violent.
Please note that only handlers who had a character survive the events of V8 are able to post in this forum. If you would like to take part in the events of the V8 Aftermath but do not have a surviving character please use the Back Home forum. - 12 Topics
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Re: Wilted Rose
by Carlisle View the latest post
Back HomeThis forum is for all handlers who would like to write pregame characters that did not get abducted, parents of students or any other characters in Salem. Threads in this forum can be set any time after the rescue of the V8 students becomes news, which would be Monday the 20th of December 2021. The students themselves will be returned home on Monday the 3rd of January 2022, after a two week monitoring period at an undisclosed location. Survivors are also able to post here for any threads set after the 3rd.
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Dandelion in the Snow
by Carlisle View the latest post
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V8 Student RosterHere reside profiles for all the students who competed in V8, organized by number and survival status.Subforums:
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S134 - Kieran, John
by VoltTurtle View the latest post
The Research Station (DANGER ZONE)First established in 1982 the research station was a joint effort by the American and Norwegian governments. It stands on the western half of the island separated from the town by the mountain. It is made up of five separate buildings of varying sizes, each containing different facilities needed by the staff who lived and worked on the base. It also included a set of tunnels to connect the buildings so that it would not be necessary for anyone to travel above ground during the cold winter months. Long since abandoned following a cut in funding, the base has spent its years being covered and uncovered by layers of snow. The buildings themselves have remained in good condition, thanks to their construction from precast concrete on steel frames with facades made out of composite insulated metal panels.Subforums:
- The Quarters (DANGER ZONE),
- Sleeping Quarters (DANGER ZONE),
- Dining Area (DANGER ZONE),
- Quarters Basement,
- Infirmary (DANGER ZONE),
- Correctional (DANGER ZONE),
- Research Lab (DANGER ZONE),
- Recreation (DANGER ZONE),
- Rec Room (DANGER ZONE),
- The Garages (DANGER ZONE),
- Listening Station (DANGER ZONE),
- Underground Tunnels (DANGER ZONE)
- 124 Topics
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Re: Beautiful Dead
by Namira View the latest post
The WildernessSeparating the research station from the mining town is an expanse of wilderness. The main features of this untamed stretch of land are the large mountain that rises up in imposing fashion at the middle of the island, the expansive tundra forest that was formerly used for trapping, and a frozen lake with a campground on its shore. All of these areas and pathways are long since abandoned and are now showing signs of disrepair.
- 167 Topics
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Re: I'm going where the cold wind…
by ViolentMedic View the latest post
The MountainThe mountain rises up in the center of the island and splits it into two halves. While most of the island sits in the shadow of the mountain's peak, it isn’t possible to reach the summit without extensive gear due to the treacherous terrain near the top. Two paths can be used to navigate around the mountain to go from one side of the island to the other, and enterprising travels can also find some locations off the beaten path.
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Re: the only emperor is the emper…
by backslash View the latest post
The Mining TownIn its heyday the mining town was a healthy if small community, with its economy based around the mine at the base of the mountain. Unfortunately, after the disastrous mine collapse and subsequent closure, the town was cut off from its only lifeline and the community slowly died out. All that is left of this town is the empty shells of the buildings. The residents took all their important personal belongings with them when they left, but an assortment of other objects have been left behind due to inability to take them along or lack of care.
- 152 Topics
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Re: The V8 Rescue
by Dogs231 View the latest post
The Mine (DANGER ZONE)At the top right of the town is the mine. Previously the economic center of the island, a disastrous collapse of the main mineshaft left an undeniable scar on the community. The fallout of the disaster led to many families slowly moving away to find other work or to get away from the pain of the past. Now the main mine buildings sit behind a rusted metal gate and chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. The old wooden buildings of the mine remain, never having been torn down after the mine closed its doors, but their structures are all warped and broken. The entrance to the mine can still be seen, but it is inaccessible due to a combination of debris and being intentionally sealed up with a heavy wooden barrier.
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Momo the Rabbit
by SOTF_Help View the latest post
The Shoreline (DANGER ZONE)On the north side of the island is a rocky shoreline, made up of larger igneous rock formations and smaller crags that form tide pools. The shoreline can be treacherous to navigate, especially when it is wet. Not too far off the shore, the remains of a small plane can be seen in the water.Subforums:
- 22 Topics
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Re: Trespasser
by Maraoone View the latest post
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V8 MeanwhileThis forum contains scenes set off of the island, taking places concurrently with V8 and its broadcast. Please be sure to thoroughly read the rules prior to posting in this forum. If you have any questions, please consult staff.
- 17 Topics
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Going Through the Unimaginable
by Ryuki View the latest post
Memories from the PastHere is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
- 38 Topics
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Re: We Don't Have Weekends
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
John Endecott Memorial AcademyOriginally built in the mid-nineteenth century as a private school funded by several wealthy Salem and Boston benefactors, John Endecott Memorial gains its namesake from John Endecott the longest-serving governor of the colony of Massachusetts. While the school has a tradition of longevity, what it lacks definitively is a tradition of academic or athletic success. Featuring traditional colonial and New England architecture the school is largely one building with several annexed and added on wings expanded upon throughout the years. With the switch over to a public school, there has been an expansion of interest and enthusiasm in the donor and alumni base and this has seen a large number of renovations and additions to the school. This large amount of investment has seen little payoff and has had unexpected consequences in that a once-thriving Fine Arts department has seen a lot of its own funding diverted for the hope of raising the profile of the STEM fields which still remain struggling. The school's colors are royal blue with gold and white accents. Their mascot is the terriers and they are represented by both the costumed mascot Johnny the Boston and an actual Boston Terrier named Diamond.Subforums:
- 25 Topics
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Re: Feels Like It's Been A Year
by DerArknight View the latest post
Residential AreasThere are two main choices for housing within Salem that fit within the John Endecott Memorial Academy catchment, the cheaper neighborhood of West Salem and the more upmarket Surban Housing located by the waterfront. However, while West Salem is generally cheaper there is not that much of a price difference between the two neighborhoods on average.Subforums:
- 14 Topics
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Re: Amaurot
by Dr Adjective View the latest post
Downtown SalemSalem, Massachusetts is a historical New England city that enjoys strong waves of tourism, mostly in the summer and in autumn and especially during the month of October. Settled and consistently inhabited by Europeans since 1626, Salem is one of the nation's most historically rich towns and many people make trips to take historical tours. The bulk of the tourism, however, centers around what Salem is most famous for: witchcraft, the occult, and all things spooky in relation to the infamous Salem Witch Trials.
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Re: When The Moon Hits Your Eye
by Maraoone View the latest post
Salem MallThe Salem Mall was built in 1977 and is beginning to show the signs of its age. In fact, with an interior that hasn't seen major renovations since the 1980s, it seems to only be a matter of time until it ends up in an urban exploration video. Until that time though the mall is still fully operational and is a frequent hangout of bored teens or those who are working in one of the shops that remain open.Subforums:
- 8 Topics
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Re: Procrastination
by RC~ View the latest post
The Salem WillowsThe Salem Willows (or just 'the Willows') is a 35-acre oceanfront park named for the European white willow trees planted back in 1801 to form a shaded walkway. Originally the grounds of a smallpox hospital, the area was converted to a park in 1858 and serves as a summer destination for people all over Boston's North Shore. It also presents a quieter hangout alternative for locals who find the mall too noisy and crowded.Subforums:
- 9 Topics
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Re: Élan
by ViolentMedic View the latest post
Greater Boston AreaThe Boston metro sprawl encompasses both the city and the numerous suburbs that it has absorbed over time. Residential areas, schools, business, and numerous parks and other recreational locations can be found here.Subforums:
- 16 Topics
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Re: and we can be anything, even …
by midnight_twelve View the latest post
John Endecott Memorial Academy HomecomingJohn Endecott Memorial Academy's homecoming, as well as events taking place immediately before and after, go here. Characters may be in one homecoming thread in addition to their regular pregame and memory threads at a time.Subforums:
- 18 Topics
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Re: Difficulty at Differentiating
by midnight_twelve View the latest post
Message Boards, Social Media, & OtherA new experimental space for V8 pregame! This forum is for public bulletin boards, social media posts, and other miscellaneous character interactions which may not exactly line up with the time during which pregame takes place. Threads in this forum do not count against the "1 current thread/1 memory thread" limit, as characters can post in various online spaces, hang up fliers, and do other such things in here without necessarily having a set scene. Please consult the rules and guidelines pinned in this section for further information before posting.
- 24 Topics
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Re: @everyone
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
V8 Final ApplicationsThis board contains all character registrations for V8 proper. Remember that all characters, even those already approved for pregame, must be resubmitted to participate in V8. Please make sure you read all the rules before submitting characters for approval.Moderator: Critique Staff
- 15 Topics
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Re: William Springfield
by backslash View the latest post
V8 Pregame Character RegistrationThis board contains all character registrations for V8 pregame, as well as the roster of NPCs available for general use. Please make sure you read all the rules before submitting characters for approval.
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Re: Noah Karimi-Fallah
by Deamon View the latest post
V8 Pregame PlanningV8 Pregame is on the way! As such this is the place where you can find friends, rivals, romantic partners, hobby groups and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can cruise around others' threads looking for something that would work for your character. Please note that V8 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
- 78 Topics
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Re: Please pretend to be my frien…
by ViolentMedic View the latest post
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The Version 7 ArchiveVersion 7 of Survival of the Fittest saw a return to a larger character population and had many notable characters fighting and dying in memorable scenes. Read all about the George Hunter High students battles to survive on an abandoned cult island here!
- 761 Topics
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Re: There's Static In My Bloodstr…
by Namira View the latest post
V7 Pregame ArchivePerhaps the most active pregame in SOTF history and also featuring the first roleplayed trip. The V7 pregame is an exciting read and all of the stories of the students in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Washington D.C. before they were abducted can be found here.
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Re: The holly is dark when the ro…
by Zetsu View the latest post
V7 MeanwhileThis forum contains scenes set off of the island, taking places concurrently with V7 and its broadcast. Please be sure to thoroughly read the rules prior to posting in this forum. If you have any questions, please consult staff.
- 84 Topics
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Re: The Other Student Roster
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
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The Version 6 ArchiveVersion 6 of Survival of the Fittest saw the smallest roster of students, but the fierce fighting more than made up for it. Read about the unfortunate contestants and their battle in an abandoned asylum here!
(Special thanks to Backslash for porting this old version!) - 562 Topics
- 6107 Posts
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Re: V6 Epilogue: Sympathy for Mr.…
by backslash View the latest post
V6 Pregame ArchiveHere are the stories of the V6 students before they were abducted. Read about their normal lives in the small city of Kingman, Arizona.
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 285 Topics
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Re: Poe's Poems Pwn Posers
by Pippi View the latest post
V6 Meanwhile...This forum contains scenes set off of the island, taking places concurrently with V6 and its broadcast. Please be sure to thoroughly read the rules prior to posting in this forum. If you have any questions, please consult staff.
- 64 Topics
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Re: Restitution
by Brackie View the latest post
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The Version 5 ArchiveVersion Five represented a very notable chapter in the history of SOTF. Following their severe setbacks in V4, the AT lay low, licking its wounds, before coming back ready to ensure a version free of complications. Here is the place to read about the fates of the senior class of Aurora High School and their fates in the game.
(Special thanks to Ruggahissy, MurderWeasel, and Mimi for porting this old version!) - 692 Topics
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Re: V5 Epilogue: Desiderium
by Ruggahissy View the latest post
V5 Pregame ArchiveHere is the archive of V5's Pregame, where you can find out what all of your favorite V5 characters were like before the abduction forever altered and/or ended their lives.
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 416 Topics
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Re: Power
by Pippi View the latest post
V5 Meanwhile...This forum contains scenes set off of the island, taking places concurrently with V5 and its broadcast. Please be sure to thoroughly read the rules prior to posting in this forum. If you have any questions, please consult staff.
- 45 Topics
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Re: Benched
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
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The Version 4 ArchiveVersion Four, the biggest version of SOTF to date, may be found here. Read up on all the characters who made this version special, and find out how it shaped the SOTF world!
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 811 Topics
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Re: V4 Epilogue: Peace Accords
by Grand Moff Hissa View the latest post
V4 Pregame ArchiveDiscover what all your favourite V4 characters were like before becoming a part of the deadly game of SOTF.
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 611 Topics
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Re: B002 - Boismier, Aaron
by Ares View the latest post
V4 Post-GameFor the first time ever, students from the fourth version of Survival of the Fittest were rescued and returned to their families. This is where the eventual fates of the twenty-nine surviving students is detailed.
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Re: Final Fates
by Whirlpool531* View the latest post
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The Version 3 ArchiveThe good, the bad, and the ugly (but mostly the gore and death) of SOTF V3 can all be found here! Read up on your favorite V3 characters -- the heroes, the villains, and those people you just love to hate!
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 458 Topics
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Re: V3 Epilogue: We Did It, When …
by Cactus View the latest post
V3 Pregame ArchiveFind out what your favorite V3 character was like before they were thrown into the SOTF ACT!
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 126 Topics
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by Neuphim* View the latest post
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The Version 2 ArchiveRead up on our contestants from V2, from the very beginning to the final battle!
(Special thanks to Kermit and MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 338 Topics
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Re: SOTF v2: Endgame
by Cyco* View the latest post
V2 Pregame ArchiveBefore the four schools in Denton, New Jersey, were abducted and forced to participate in Survival of the Fittest, they were just a bunch of normal kids, living average lives. You can read up on the "before" of the V2 characters here.
Note: During V2 Pregame, the site transferred boards for the first time, and a number of threads were lost, changed, or truncated. During the most recent site shift, a large number of these threads were restored. They have been marked with * and may be redundant or questionably-canon, but have been ported nonetheless for the sake of completeness.
(Special thanks to MurderWeasel for porting this old version!) - 203 Topics
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Re: One thing only
by laZardo* View the latest post
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The Version 1 ArchiveHere can be found all of the roleplaying threads and character profiles from the original SOTF roleplaying game that started it all.
(Special thanks to Cactus for porting this old version!) - 347 Topics
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Re: The Original Fire has died an…
by Cactus View the latest post
V1 AUs and DiscussionThis board contains out-of-character discussion from and about the V1 era, as well as the non-canon V1 RPs.
- 8 Topics
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Re: Barry Coleson High School
by MIFKAI AKCO View the latest post
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