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by Bloody_Fists*
Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:53 am
Forum: Makeshift Hospital
Topic: Girl #30: Awakening
Replies: 40
Views: 1875

Re: Girl #30: Awakening

Stevan smiled. "All alone eh?" he said as he took a drag from his fag. The gun was pointed up at the girls head "This any better? For all i know you have a gun aimed at me through your bag or soemthing? show your weapon and i might drop mine depending on what you got" Stevan star...
by Bloody_Fists*
Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:51 am
Forum: Makeshift Hospital
Topic: Girl #30: Awakening
Replies: 40
Views: 1875

Re: Girl #30: Awakening

Stevan waited for an answer but the one he got was unexpected. The voice of a girl came from behind him, it sounded sort of distressed. He stood exactly where he was facing the hospital. His head tuned slightly to where he thought the voice came from, the bushes. He saw a blurred figure stand up. Hi...
by Bloody_Fists*
Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:49 am
Forum: Makeshift Hospital
Topic: Girl #30: Awakening
Replies: 40
Views: 1875

Re: Girl #30: Awakening

OOC: coming from the lighthouse It seemed like all stevan did on this island was walk. He had walked from the lighthouse back to the hospital, it seemed it should be safe their now, people walking in to see three corpses would preobally walk straight out the door again. He soon reached the hospital ...
by Bloody_Fists*
Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:48 pm
Forum: The Well
Topic: Inhale...Exhale...
Replies: 1
Views: 367

Re: Inhale...Exhale...

((Continued from: Girl *70 Start )) Stevan had been waiting with his 'friends' for a while, although he did not understand why they had to wait, It wasnt really his style. For a considerable time now the three maniacs had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for prey. Stevan had just been sitting o...
by Bloody_Fists*
Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:44 pm
Forum: The Well
Topic: Taking stock
Replies: 62
Views: 2497

Re: Taking stock

((Continued from: Sunshower )) Stevans jog had turned into a quick sprint as he came up behind the other two. he skidded and nelt next to peri. His anger risen for some reason. His main reasons for deciding to play the game was to release as little tension, Kill some people, as many as possible and...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:54 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

Vince waited extremely paitently for the girl to answer, Due to his short attention span he had already forgotten her name. he opened his eyes and saw where his finger was pointed. "Mhm, screw this stupid map, im just gonna keep walking left?" He started to walk, a few steps were taken bef...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:53 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

"well theres a funny story to that" vince started talking fast "I wasnt dropped but i did fall off a big rock" He looked at the girl waiting for a smart remark to be thrown his way. Ok so the songs pissed her off, time to stop singing outloud then. "I'll choose a place if it...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:53 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

He looked at the girl with a somewhat cheeky grin on his face. "Dont you like it? Ill sing another one if you want ive got hundreds of em?!" he asked while looking at the girl with a hint of happiness in his eyes. His songs were everything to him and anytime to sing them was as good as any...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:53 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

Vince looked at the girl with raised eye brow, he could of sworn he didn tget her name but oh well he must of "You did? anyway...Hi cyndi!" He said after turning around and looking at the girl holding the map. "i dont know where iwas gonna go, Was just gona walkabout and see whats hap...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:52 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

He gave a strange look when she said the 'looks can be decieving' comment. What was that supposed to mean... "Erm....anyway my names vince!" He spoke upas a smile grew on his face.

"You can tell me your name while were outta here"
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:52 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

He knew she couldent be trusted but what other option did he have? run of and she chase and kill him? or run off and be shot down by shot down by some other nut case? He waked to her an arm legnths away and put out his hand gesturing a handshake. "Do i look like i would kill you? even if i trie...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:52 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

So this wasnt a joke played on him by his friends, The man with the cigar was real? And everything he said about killing anyone you see was too? If that was the case he didnt want to be hanging around with this girl who seemed to be constantly pissed off and was weilding a saber....but she might mak...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:51 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

"Cant go home?" vince said with a shakey voice, maybe this wasnt a joke by the lads, This was real? He was in everyones faovurite reality show now. The SOTF ACT. He gripped to his knive like it was his life. In fact here it was his life. The hair blew through his jet black hair as he watch...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:50 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

"Oi! little pants over there! who you calling an idiot?" This was strange, he woke up to a running geek and some bossy saber weilding girl. They both seemed to have a weapon of some sort and they both had the same bags as him. After talking to the girl he crouched down and che...
by Bloody_Fists*
Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:49 pm
Forum: The Woods
Topic: Start place for Boy 26
Replies: 28
Views: 1342

Re: Start place for Boy 26

This boy seemed too scared for some reason. What was ther eot be scared about here. He suddenly remembered the man with the cigar....Nice one guys, Even grayhams dad was in on the joke. He looked around him but saw no glasses, The boys bag was next to his feet, vince leant over to pik it up, he woul...

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