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by Kris*
Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:21 pm
Forum: The River
Topic: I'm Alive
Replies: 16
Views: 927

Re: I'm Alive

Everone ended up leaving, nobody payed obvious attention to the warnings of the sole heir to the Atlantican throne. Marimar looked helplessly as she was left all alone, unnoticed by her own people.   Of course........That was it! Ursula probably cast a spell to brain wash them! "Thats what Flot...
by Kris*
Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:15 pm
Forum: The River
Topic: I'm Alive
Replies: 16
Views: 927

Re: I'm Alive

((Continued From: Fighting For Something You Already Lost )) Marimar managed to scan the forest of any dangers, finding none and ended up at a river. The area was clear to see some bunshes and a couple trees. Nothing like the jungle image the forest portrayed on her. Coming into the picture now she ...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:45 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Venus looked down upon him; He disgusted her, the type of person he was. He tried to kill her which is expected of some people because they want to live. But she was the one who needed to survive not these people with imperfect lives. Obviously the battle was her vs everyone else, she would come acr...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:44 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Venus who's face was now a shade of red was crying and saw Darren break; He fell down to the gound, and started crying himself. It looks like he is truly sentimental inside; But this did not change Venus' mind about giving him a second chance. There was no way she would even consider trying to talk ...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:43 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Venus leaped with her tired dancer feet out of the way, the katana hitting a piece of her shirt. The girl walked backwords away from the sword. Its not like she had anywhere to go but the river, and she wasn't just about to get washed away and drown. The girl needed a plan before she would be sliced...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:41 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Venus fixed her hair as he answered the question however it ended when she saw him get up and take out the rusty sword he had hooked to his belt. Immediatly Venus flung out of the way as the katana came down on the ground where she once stood. Getting up as fast as she could she steadied herself. Th...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:40 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Sure Darren was not at all a prize, but still it was rather nice to talk with someone. She could so tell he was trying to be a gentleman, but thats all. He wasn't really cute in venus' brain. His intentions might be kind but his physical apperance did nothing for him though. Still it was better than...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:39 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

He looks normal..........Get it togeather Venus! Deciding to be herself Venus talked as she would normally. "Nothing bad? I was chased from the forst by some asian guy with claws." she said, her breathing started to become normal again, however tiredness still rested in her voice. Venus h...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:35 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Re: Barbie Girl

Venus drank the cold water which felt like strawberry lemonade go down her throat. It was delicious in her mouth even though it was just plain spring water, it didn't matter she was thirsty and she needed to drink something. That can't be against the rules can it? The girl continued to wash her face...
by Kris*
Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:34 am
Forum: The River
Topic: Barbie Girl
Replies: 15
Views: 838

Barbie Girl

((Continued from Welcome to the Jungle )) She couldn't progress any further, the girl who vowed to be perfect slumped to the ground tired as hell. It'd been an absolutly horrid morning, first she had to blow some nerd and the next thing you know she's running away from some asian loser with claws. ...
by Kris*
Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:59 pm
Forum: Benson's Bar and Grill
Topic: Breaking Pains
Replies: 14
Views: 916

Re: Breaking Pains

Venus couldn't beleive he had the nerve to order food there after the commotion he's caused. She wouldn't of ordered food if she were in his shoes. Then again she would never end up in that situation so she didn't have to worry about it. "Relax...." Relax? how could she relax? She was the ...
by Kris*
Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:57 pm
Forum: Benson's Bar and Grill
Topic: Breaking Pains
Replies: 14
Views: 916

Re: Breaking Pains

Venus looked at him with angry eyes and realized this was also a simple solututino to lay rumors to rest. Its not too late to save her reputation, this can definatly work. She appreciated that Felix would do what he could in order to help her out even after being a complete jerk to her. "Stand ...
by Kris*
Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:56 pm
Forum: Benson's Bar and Grill
Topic: Breaking Pains
Replies: 14
Views: 916

Re: Breaking Pains

Was this guy a complete and utter idiot? Does he not understand that her very reputation is at stake here? Obviously he dosn't know that perfect people have perfect reputations. If its tarnished in anyway she'd have to do major damage control. Even if it meant to get with the guy. She was at society...
by Kris*
Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:55 pm
Forum: Benson's Bar and Grill
Topic: Breaking Pains
Replies: 14
Views: 916

Re: Breaking Pains

As soon as Kurt was booted out of the hotel. Venus marched up to Felix and slamed her palm onto the table. "What is the matter with you?! Do you realize what you've just done?" Venus controlled her voice, it was not loud however the tone was feirce. Of course Venus knew how to manage her v...
by Kris*
Tue Sep 25, 2018 9:53 pm
Forum: Benson's Bar and Grill
Topic: Breaking Pains
Replies: 14
Views: 916

Re: Breaking Pains

Venus opened her mouth, once again the shock of thesituation had immbolized her. Her brainless boyfriend and this random moron are making her life utterly incapable of perfection. SHe closed her eyes trying to grasp the situation, that is until Felix stepped in to protect her. Looking at the guy up ...

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