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by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:15 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

Eventually, their footsteps faded into the forest, leaving Trent all alone once again. As he sat there, down in the dirt, with the stench of the bodies nearby beginning to strengthen, his mind quickly turned to his next course of action. Packing up his things with little fuss or haste, he was soon r...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:14 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

Wait a minute. What was happening? One minute the girl appeared, and the next she was gone, without so much as a whisper of an explanation; just a look of resentment. Disappointment. Trent was used to that kind of look. Those eyes that said: "You've fucked up, kid. Big time." Turning to Sa...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:14 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

Okay, that stung. That stung a lot. No, wait, more than a lot - a whole frickin' lot. He had to stop himself from yelping as the antiseptic washed itself into his skin; the cuts setting alight as the alcohol burned away the infectious bacteria and other such nasties. He did flinch though, and once o...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:14 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

Her fingers felt good on his scalp, running through his hair and massaging his skin as she inspected his cuts. He was relieved that she was so gentle; anyone else would've probably just left him as he was, but this girl - Sarah, she said her name was - was nice. She didn't turn her nose up at him, a...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:14 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

The girl didn't look in the bag, she just... calmed herself. Alright, good. Trent could deal with calm. Taking back his things, he plopped down the daypack beside him and slouched back, relaxing around her. She seemed friendly enough, after her initial frenzy, so that was a relief. At least she wasn...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:13 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

The girl looked scared, like she thought he was going to attack her or steal her shit or something. What was he supposed to do now? He wasn't good with people, especially when it came to dealing with emotional shit like this. No, wait, especially when they were girls... hot girls. This wasn't just s...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:13 am
Forum: The Parish
Topic: Reduction
Replies: 18
Views: 886

Re: Reduction

((Trent Savage continued from The Moon is Laughing at You )) Nobody said this was going to be easy... But nobody said it was going to be this hard. ---- Trent wasn't having the best day. He couldn't find Violet, no matter how hard he looked, and the only other person that he could even consider clos...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:42 am
Forum: The Mine
Topic: The Lost Boys
Replies: 5
Views: 674

The Lost Boys

((Trent Savage continued from Reduction )) Day 7 - 3:33am. Only a couple of hours to go 'til the next announcement. Trent shivered. The air was cold tonight, as though death had completely enveloped the island. It seemed like everywhere he went was plagued with it; from the bloodstains on the beach,...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:17 am
Forum: The Mine
Topic: Heartbeat Symphony
Replies: 27
Views: 1618

Re: Heartbeat Symphony

((Leila Langford continued from Carpe Noctum )) She could see the light now, thank God . After wandering around, lost and confused in the dark, twisting corridors below the island, she'd finally made her way out. Half of her wanted to sing at the sight of the sun - blinding as it was, forcing her to...
by Hallucinojelly*
Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:17 am
Forum: The Mine
Topic: Heartbeat Symphony
Replies: 27
Views: 1618

Re: Heartbeat Symphony

((Hilary Strand continued from instinct•algorithm )) The mine. A place she hadn't been to before; a place she seemed afraid of. Tangled and knotted, her hair lashed out behind her head, whipping back at the cold morning breeze as it blew harshly at her face. "No." Her hair would say, as it...
by Hallucinojelly*
Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:45 am
Forum: The Lighthouse
Topic: A Day Spent Believing
Replies: 1
Views: 342

Re: A Day Spent Believing

Her body felt cold, even to the touch. The camera she carried would've told her the time, but she refused to turn it on. It only had so much power left, and she didn't want to waste it. By her estimation, it was around six or seven o'clock, going by the announcements. They usually played while the d...
by Hallucinojelly*
Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:45 am
Forum: The Lighthouse
Topic: A Day Spent Believing
Replies: 1
Views: 342

A Day Spent Believing

((Violet Druce continued from A Slight Change of Plans )) Her eyes felt sore. She rubbed them, knowing it would only make them worse, but she needed the relief; the sense of control. When she rubbed them, they didn't sting so much. It was only after she stopped that the irritating feeling returned, ...
by Hallucinojelly*
Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:33 am
Forum: The Fun Fair
Topic: The Hour of Triumph
Replies: 3
Views: 609

Re: The Hour of Triumph

This was it. No turning back , she thought. She strained her neck looking up to the top. From a distance it seemed doable, from here it just seemed mad. And maybe that was a good thing, she wasn't to know. All she had left in the world was up there, and with no-one else to turn to, and nowhere else ...
by Hallucinojelly*
Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:33 am
Forum: The Fun Fair
Topic: The Hour of Triumph
Replies: 3
Views: 609

Re: The Hour of Triumph

Her first instinct was to knock it down. There were plenty of rocks around; surely she could hit the bag. Stooping over, she felt the gravel against her fingers, brushed it from place to place to see what lay beneath. Plenty of dirt, yeah. Plenty more rocks, all smaller than the last, oh, and there ...
by Hallucinojelly*
Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:33 am
Forum: The Fun Fair
Topic: The Hour of Triumph
Replies: 3
Views: 609

The Hour of Triumph

Day the tenth, hour the ninth. She'd ran so far, without sleep or food, just praying she could reach the boats in time. Navigating the island by memory of the places she'd been and the tell-tale beeping whenever she stepped inside a dangerzone, she'd wandered forever in the hope that she would event...

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