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by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

Ridley hadn't heard anything from Eminem for a long time, so he decided to try to withhold his judgement until later. He was glad that she changed the subject to the weather. "Yeah, it is nice outside." Now that the conversation was over, he was out of things to talk about. As the song end...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

He did his best not to flinch at her saying 'the word of God.' "Yeah, I guess." He paused, letting a bit more of the song reach his ears undisturbed. "But bleh. I really don't like rap or hip hop. To me, it's just a bunch of overconfident pricks yelling into microphones. It can be don...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

Ridley cringed at the thought of her seeing some of the things in that series. "I, uh... I think that you should just stick with listening to the music. Like I said, the rest is pretty much reserved for Japanophiles like me." He must not have made it clear to her before, so he added, "...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:51 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

Ridley remembered that Raine's German heritage was a pretty big part of her, realized what kind of language the song was in, and said, "If you think that it was good, then I'll turn it back on." And so he did, making sure that he was at a good stopping place on the road before he plugged h...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

Ridley did his best to walk in a dignified manner as he crossed the front of the car over to the driver's side. He did not do as well once he opened the door and hopped in, but he decided not to notice. With a slam of the door, click of his seat belt, and rev of the engine, he put it into reverse an...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

He was a little surprised when she took his hand and said that. "Well, we are going out, right? It'd kind of defeat the purpose if we're dating in high school and we don't go to prom together." He wondered whether or not what he just said had any bad undertones. When he said that, could sh...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

"It's my mom's car. She said that it would be impolite or something if I brought you to prom in my Jeep." He tried to crack a smile, but barely managed to do so. "Oh, right!" He scrambled over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. With his quick hands, he grabbed ...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

With a deep breath, Ridley unlatched his seat belt and stepped out of the car. His older brother had already gone over with him what to do over the phone a few hours prior to his arrival at her house. Just in case, he recalled his brother's words in his head, "Rule #1: be polite. #2: tell her s...
by KingKamor*
Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:50 am
Forum: Pre-Prom
Topic: Earn your self confidence
Replies: 18
Views: 1136

Re: Earn your self confidence

No matter how much he thought about it, it did not make any sense that his mother allowed him to drive her car to prom. Sure, it was shinier and didn't look like a piece of crap like his own car, but she hardly allowed him the opportunity to back her car into the driveway for her, let alone drive se...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:58 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

It almost felt nostalgic, kissing. It was something that he had done often with Eva, but the feel was different compared to her. Raine's lips were softer, more inviting than Eva's. Ridley decided to push thoughts of Eva out of his mind and looked at his girlfriend. Her eyes were closed, which was so...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:58 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

Since it was Raine who did it, his surprise showed on his face. Then again, she, the shy one, was the one who mustered up the courage to ask him out, so it may have been understandable if she weren't so reserved all the time. With a smile and slightly flushed cheeks, he wrapped an arm around her wai...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:57 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

"You weren't ever a spaz or anything whenever you weren't asking me out, though." He laughed a little. "And... I like you too, okay? So you don't have to worry about a thing." His fingers squeezed around hers slightly in reassurance. It was then that he felt his phone vibrate in ...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:57 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

Feeling her on his shoulder, he tilted his head to rest it on hers. He wanted to go ahead and put an arm around her, but decided against it due to the adjusting that it would have involved. It had been a long time since he had felt so comfortable holding a girl's hand. "I wanted to go to prom f...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:57 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

He saw her hand and raised his own to meet it. Gently holding her hand, he said, "I know that nobody's perfect, and I'm not trying to pass off as some sort of dark, tormented soul or anything. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I'm not nearly as great as you might think I am." He chuck...
by KingKamor*
Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:57 pm
Forum: Post-Prom
Topic: Reflections
Replies: 16
Views: 786

Re: Reflections

He listened to her response, and was at least relieved that she was able to listen to him. "There's a bit more to it, actually." He spotted a bench along the path and sat down when they got close. Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on his knees and his hands on his forehead. "Back ...

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