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by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:28 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

As Kathy began to swab at her bloody feet, Becky felt herself blushing a little. Her feet weren't big or anything, she just didn't like them and didn't like people touching them either. She knew her feet were digusting, and hoped that Kathy wasn't too revulsed by them. "You don't have to do thi...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:28 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

Becky wasn't listening to Dante very well, since she was trying to keep track of her retreating boyfriend. She could hear the hatred in his voice, and her head snapped around to look at him curiously. She was just in time to see his hand shoot out to knock her back down to the ground. She didn't eve...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:27 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

"Ryan!" Becky called out to her retreating boyfriend, irritated. "What is he doing ?" She couldn't believe the dunce actually went out on his own by choice, leaving her unarmed and un shoed with people who were more or less strangers. Cocking her head at Kathy, she murmured, &qu...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:27 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

Ryan was making small talk to try and break the tension in the caves. She didn't want cut across what her boyfriend was saying, even though it was pointless, but Becky felt that it was no time to dance around their situation. "What's everyone's plans here? Are any of you looking for someone els...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:27 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

Before Becky could also voice her concerns about Dante, his voice came echoing down to them from the mouth of the cave. "Hey, Marnie, you in there? Decided I didn't feel like waitin' up for ya in the rain!" She sucked in her breath sharply and looked at Kathy. Do you trust her enough to tr...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:26 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

Kathy's voice echoed back to her. "Becky! You're not playing, are you?" Well, that's a dumb question... "I dunno, do you trust me to answer you honestly?" After a moment she went on, sounding defeated and tired. "No, I'm not playing." She walked labouriously into the ca...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 6:26 am
Forum: The Caves
Topic: Ratio Decidendi
Replies: 34
Views: 1658

Re: Ratio Decidendi

((Becky Holt continued from Where Idols Once Stood )) The northern shore was further than Becky had remembered. She approached the mouth of a cave, and upon hearing voices inside, she quickly ducked out of sight and listened intently. The voices were familiar to her. Marnie Yaguchi, the all-around s...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

She was so close. Her fingers were literally centimetres away from the handle of the doloire before Harry stepped on her wrist, applying generous amounts of pressure. A contorted "Fuck!" burst forth from her lips. The boy crouched over Lucy, seemingly amused by her racial slur. Panting hea...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

In the moments before Harry approached her, Lucy tried to discern what it was that her assailant had screamed at her after firing. 'Shryouken'? What in the name of Belial did 'shryouken' mean? She didn't have to wonder long, because as soon as Harry Tsai came into sight, she understood exactly what ...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Whatever Lucy was thinking as she stared at Dennis' broken and mangled corpse was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot and a deafening "SHRYOUKEN!" A burning pain erupted in her lower back, forcing her to stumble forward into the wall and scraping her palms against the brick wall. Her leg...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

O.K., so Dennis' head wasn't coming off anytime soon. Bloody and exhausted, she let go of the tuft of hair she was holding him up by. His body slid into a heap at the base of the wall. "You had your chance to put everything behind us and you blew it." On Valentine's Day, 2002, Lucy Arber e...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

The axe was stuck, buried deep into Dennis' innards. Lucy tugged on the weapon twice, each time only giving way a tiny bit. She braced herself for a third attempt. Wrenching the doloire free with a grunt, she sent the blade gliding through the air once more, aiming to take his whole fucking head off...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

A choked, gutteral noise escaped Lucy's throat as she was punctured by the point of Dennis' harpoon. She grabbed at it and violently pulled it out from her side. Then, as blood started to gush freely from the wound under her ribs, she became more aware of the seriousness of her injury. She fell off ...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Dennis had fallen right after the first blow. Enraged, Lucy dropped her weapon and scuttled swiftly on top of Dennis and went to strangle him. For some reason she thought it would be easy. Her blood was mixing with the rainwater running down her cheek, and was dripping off her chin onto Dennis' face...
by dinah_shore*
Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
Forum: The Showers
Topic: Rinse, Repeat
Replies: 61
Views: 2522

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Lucy knew she had taken it too far the moment the rock left her hands. Now that she was sitting on her ass in a muddy puddle, she knew it doubly so. Especially now that her left cheek was cut and bleeding all over her face...wait, what? Her hand flew up to her cheek, and came away red with blood. He...

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