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by jimmydalad
Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:53 am
Forum: Campus
Topic: Metal of Honor
Replies: 26
Views: 1539

Re: Metal of Honor

((Skipping cause noone has posted here in forever)) The more that Travis talked, the more Sharon just wanted to punch him in the face. She was reaching her breaking point quickly and the more Travis insulted her, the more that Sharon just wanted to hit him. Sure, he was bigger and probably more musc...
by jimmydalad
Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:53 am
Forum: Campus
Topic: Metal of Honor
Replies: 26
Views: 1539

Re: Metal of Honor

Was Aileen for real? The way she spoke, it was just horrid. Like painful for the ears. It was so stupid that Sharon had to withhold herself from face palming. This was the reason why she didn't like talking to her. She much preferred Amy and hence moved next to her. She was the only thing sane in th...
by jimmydalad
Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:52 am
Forum: Campus
Topic: Metal of Honor
Replies: 26
Views: 1539

Re: Metal of Honor

((Sharon Elizabeth Austin continued from Pretend This Thread is a Witty Lyrical Reference )) This was just getting ridiculous. All she wanted to do was read a book in peace and quiet. Was that so hard to do? Apparently it was. After all, she did go to Aurora High. Americans tended to be loud and obn...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:22 pm
Forum: Student Center
Topic: Bitches be Crazy
Replies: 22
Views: 1120

Re: Bitches be Crazy

She tried to take in their arguments, but it didn't seem to work to convince her that the violence was good. In order for her to understand, she might have to witness it in person and talk to people who actually did fight. That might help her understanding. Typical Paolo. She had seen him around sch...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:22 pm
Forum: Student Center
Topic: Bitches be Crazy
Replies: 22
Views: 1120

Re: Bitches be Crazy

Good violence? Really? There was such a thing as that? To Cammy, that was just stupid. No matter what it was, violence was violence no matter how you look at it. Was Cammy wrong in this belief though? After all, Mallory and Paolo didn't seem to mind violence. No. She couldn't be. It was primitive an...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:22 pm
Forum: Student Center
Topic: Bitches be Crazy
Replies: 22
Views: 1120

Re: Bitches be Crazy

Cammy was surprised by the sudden hand that came out of nowhere. It seemed that she gave him too many questions. Now she was starting to feel a little guilty, so she decided to shut up. She nodded at Paolo's reply, cringing when he used the onomatopoeia. It just made it seem more real the prospect o...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:22 pm
Forum: Student Center
Topic: Bitches be Crazy
Replies: 22
Views: 1120

Re: Bitches be Crazy

She got two responses. An informative one from Mallory and an asshole one that pissed her off from Paulo. At that moment, Cammy was tempted to slap Paolo in the face. However, she had an image to keep up. She tried to not let it get to her and therefore, she went to the other side of Paolo and decid...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:21 pm
Forum: Student Center
Topic: Bitches be Crazy
Replies: 22
Views: 1120

Re: Bitches be Crazy

((Camilla "Cammy" Davidson continued from Debates and Discourse )) Cammy was sorting out the contents of her bag, which was starting to spill out due to the sheer volume of it. Having decided to get on top of all her classes, she now found herself trying to reorganize and rearrange things ...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:27 am
Forum: English Hall
Topic: Debates and Discourse
Replies: 21
Views: 963

Re: Debates and Discourse

Cammy let out a little sigh as she began to lose track of the conversation occurring in the classroom. English wasn't really her forte and she felt as if she already contributed enough to the classroom. There wasn't really anymore reason to pay attention to what the other students had to say, but sh...
by jimmydalad
Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:26 am
Forum: English Hall
Topic: Debates and Discourse
Replies: 21
Views: 963

Re: Debates and Discourse

(( Camilla "Cammy" Davidson: Pregame Start)) Oh how she despised English. She couldn't understand how people could be so into things like books and essays. For her, she vastly preferred actually doing fun stuff, like running or partying. But now was not the time to try to think about stuff...
by jimmydalad
Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:09 am
Forum: Library
Topic: Quiet Time in the Library
Replies: 16
Views: 770

Re: Quiet Time in the Library

After Aria finally got over his little giggling fit, he looked up and smiled at Jason. For once, someone wasn't making fun of him or calling him rude names and generally regard him as a freak. That alone made him happy, and he could possibly be making his first friend here. Then again, he couldn't h...
by jimmydalad
Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:09 am
Forum: Library
Topic: Quiet Time in the Library
Replies: 16
Views: 770

Re: Quiet Time in the Library

7 chapters of prologue? To Aria, that was like music to his ears. He always liked reading and the story sounded like something he could get his teeth into. Maybe it would be a good way to spend his time, reading this book. Aria was now considering buying the book in one of the bookstores, if he coul...
by jimmydalad
Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:08 am
Forum: Library
Topic: Quiet Time in the Library
Replies: 16
Views: 770

Re: Quiet Time in the Library

Why did he have to be so bad at socializing? Aria couldn't help but cringe a little inwardly at Jason's reply to his question. He really screwed up, didn't he? What if Jason thought he was a rude asshole? What if he thought he was a freak? What if he didn't like Aria? The many scenarios started flas...
by jimmydalad
Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:08 am
Forum: Library
Topic: Quiet Time in the Library
Replies: 16
Views: 770

Re: Quiet Time in the Library

"Y-you like humor?" Aria asked in a perplexed tone. "D-doesn't everyone like humor?" He continued to inquire, not really sure how humor can be classified as an exclusive hobby. Humor was something that could be enjoyed by anyone, not something that only a select few people liked....
by jimmydalad
Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:08 am
Forum: Library
Topic: Quiet Time in the Library
Replies: 16
Views: 770

Re: Quiet Time in the Library

"Oh..." Aria said sadly as he heard Jason's reply to his question. Crap, what was he supposed to do now? This guy didn't like video games or reading, just what he heck was he interested in? Aria began to tap even quicker as he looked around the place in an attempt to think about something ...

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