Metalworking Club 'Membership Form'


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Metalworking Club 'Membership Form'


Post by Lamps »

Thank you for showing interest in the Metalworking club!

If you would like to become a member, please fill in the spaces below and return it to our club leader/any member of the club within the next 2 weeks.

1. Your name:

Meela Paireerak

2. Three words to describe yourself

Tired, Short, Mastermind

3. What's your favorite kind of metal and why?

Tungsten, because it's funny to say. Also lightbulbs

4. What interests you about the Metalworking club?

a friend got me into it

5. If you could make anything out of metal, what would it be?

A Claw Hand like Freddy Kreuger

6. Finally, did you enjoy the form? Give it a rating between 1 and 10!


Hope to see you in the workshop!
Lamps V9 Cast:
[+] Mitch Vernet
Metalhead, stoner, animal lover. Had it rough but came out smiling.
[+] Renée Burke WIP
Golfer, Hiker, Canadian. Very far from her natural habitat.
[+] Meela Paireerak
Programmer, Gamer, Humanity Hater. Only call her if you have a real tech problem.
[+] Mason Awbrey WIP
Big on his basketball, has an even bigger heart. Will believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself.
Read up on them HERE!
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