A Day at the Beach
A Day at the Beach
((Ericka Bradley continued from The Cloud Minders))
Ericka didn't know how or when it happened, but she had gotten separated from that other girl. It didn't really matter anyway, since she hadn't cared if the girl traveled with her or not to begin with.
Sometime after leaving the tunnels Ericka found herself at a beach. She put her knife away and drew her gun from it's holster. She scanned the beach to she if anyone was there. Not seeing anyone, she breathed a sigh of relief. It may not be the best place to be, but at least no one was here to threaten her.
Ericka didn't know how or when it happened, but she had gotten separated from that other girl. It didn't really matter anyway, since she hadn't cared if the girl traveled with her or not to begin with.
Sometime after leaving the tunnels Ericka found herself at a beach. She put her knife away and drew her gun from it's holster. She scanned the beach to she if anyone was there. Not seeing anyone, she breathed a sigh of relief. It may not be the best place to be, but at least no one was here to threaten her.
[If You Don't, Don't --> Logan Reynolds]
Whilst walking straight forward, heedless of whatever happened until it seemed like something he wanted anything to do with had seemed like a great idea a few hours ago, Logan soon decided that his long trek south-east would probably be safer if he skirted around the mansion, and the hut not far from it. So, with the sun at its apex in the sky, he found himself alive and alone, a few yards from a stretch of sandy beach. Seemed as good a place to be as any, so he finished off the last tiny stretch of his journey, ending at the sea.
Although he lacked a mirror, it was pretty obvious to Logan that his hair was a mess and almost every bit of exposed skin was at least slightly dirtied, at most covered in dried on mud. He needed a shave, too, but not much he could do about that. In his haste to dump his daypack, blazer and hakapik by the shore, the boy didn't notice he was no longer alone on the sand. He just made straight for the cool water, kicked his shoes off and left his socks inside them, then dunked his head under, closing his eyes against the sting of the saltwater.
It was only a few seconds later, having blinked his eyes clear and flicked the saturated hair out of his face, that Logan looked around to see Erika not far down the coastline. Not that he identified her as such, his mind simply labelled her as "Some girl with a gun". The gun part made him freeze for a moment, but he quickly snapped out of it, raising a hand in a simultaneous wave and gesture of "I'm not holding a big dangerous weapon right now", and called out "Uh, hi?".
His eyes darted between the pistol and his shoes, trying to decide whether or not he'd have time to put them back on if she started shooting. Running away barefoot was not an appealing thought. "And it's my own stupid fault for not paying attention. I thought I was better than this."
Whilst walking straight forward, heedless of whatever happened until it seemed like something he wanted anything to do with had seemed like a great idea a few hours ago, Logan soon decided that his long trek south-east would probably be safer if he skirted around the mansion, and the hut not far from it. So, with the sun at its apex in the sky, he found himself alive and alone, a few yards from a stretch of sandy beach. Seemed as good a place to be as any, so he finished off the last tiny stretch of his journey, ending at the sea.
Although he lacked a mirror, it was pretty obvious to Logan that his hair was a mess and almost every bit of exposed skin was at least slightly dirtied, at most covered in dried on mud. He needed a shave, too, but not much he could do about that. In his haste to dump his daypack, blazer and hakapik by the shore, the boy didn't notice he was no longer alone on the sand. He just made straight for the cool water, kicked his shoes off and left his socks inside them, then dunked his head under, closing his eyes against the sting of the saltwater.
It was only a few seconds later, having blinked his eyes clear and flicked the saturated hair out of his face, that Logan looked around to see Erika not far down the coastline. Not that he identified her as such, his mind simply labelled her as "Some girl with a gun". The gun part made him freeze for a moment, but he quickly snapped out of it, raising a hand in a simultaneous wave and gesture of "I'm not holding a big dangerous weapon right now", and called out "Uh, hi?".
His eyes darted between the pistol and his shoes, trying to decide whether or not he'd have time to put them back on if she started shooting. Running away barefoot was not an appealing thought. "And it's my own stupid fault for not paying attention. I thought I was better than this."
After a few minutes of standing on the beach, calmly watching the sea, a voice suddenly greeting Ericka. The realization that she was no longer alone came as an unwelcome surprise.
"Who are you?! What do you want?!" she responded irritably.
"Who are you?! What do you want?!" she responded irritably.
"Who are you?! What do you want?!"
The reply could've been a lot more polite, sure. But it certainly could've been a hell of a lot more hostile, and Logan counted himself lucky he wasn't on the receiving end of gunfire, not unlucky that he was under verbal assault.
He told the somewhat embarrassing truth straight away. "I was just here to wash my hair, didn't see you until now, didn't see... that, either," he gestured towards Ericka's gun, "So when I did notice, I decided it'd be best to be friendly."
Feeling somewhat safe in the assumption she wasn't going to shoot him, at least if he continued not to make any sudden moves or say anything stupid, Logan set about brushing the sand off of his feet, and put his shoes and socks back on. He made a point of not going for his own weapon. That would, in his mind at least, constitute something incredibly stupid to do at this point.
The reply could've been a lot more polite, sure. But it certainly could've been a hell of a lot more hostile, and Logan counted himself lucky he wasn't on the receiving end of gunfire, not unlucky that he was under verbal assault.
He told the somewhat embarrassing truth straight away. "I was just here to wash my hair, didn't see you until now, didn't see... that, either," he gestured towards Ericka's gun, "So when I did notice, I decided it'd be best to be friendly."
Feeling somewhat safe in the assumption she wasn't going to shoot him, at least if he continued not to make any sudden moves or say anything stupid, Logan set about brushing the sand off of his feet, and put his shoes and socks back on. He made a point of not going for his own weapon. That would, in his mind at least, constitute something incredibly stupid to do at this point.
((Jamie Li continued from Cabin Fever))
Jamie was lost, tired, hungry, disheartened, and all around not doing so well. She'd lost track of Darren a while ago, in some little incident. He'd gone to sleep, she'd gone to scout, and they hadn't reconnected. At least he hadn't come up on the announcements yet. That was something. It meant that maybe she could still find him. Maybe she wasn't a total failure.
Of course, that wasn't so important at the moment. Right now, what she needed was water. Fresh water, and food, too. She'd managed to burn through her supplies of both. She'd tried to ration, of course. It would be insane not to. It just hadn't helped. She was out of supplies and out of plans, and now, she was just trying to find some friendly face. Anything would do. Anyone. Just as long as they'd lend her a hand.
And oh, how she hated having to rely on others. It beat the fates of those who didn't, though. Lily was dead. Lily's friend, Dawne, was dead, too. She was pretty sure she'd heard that other guy from the greens called out, as well. Things just kept getting worse.
But Jamie kept going. It was all she could do. She kept going, and so far, her skills and her instincts had kept her uninjured, out of the crosshairs.
Now, she was at the beach, hoping to find something, an abandoned stash of supplies, maybe, or other students trying desperately to light a fire and signal a passing ship. Anyone would could spare her some water and food. Her eyes were dry, her lips were dry, her throat was dry. And there, in the distance, she could see them, other people. Two. She couldn't tell if they were armed, but they weren't all buddy buddy and they weren't killing each other, which meant that they were just nervous but still sane, right? Something like that.
She waved to them, and lurched closer along the beach.
Jamie was lost, tired, hungry, disheartened, and all around not doing so well. She'd lost track of Darren a while ago, in some little incident. He'd gone to sleep, she'd gone to scout, and they hadn't reconnected. At least he hadn't come up on the announcements yet. That was something. It meant that maybe she could still find him. Maybe she wasn't a total failure.
Of course, that wasn't so important at the moment. Right now, what she needed was water. Fresh water, and food, too. She'd managed to burn through her supplies of both. She'd tried to ration, of course. It would be insane not to. It just hadn't helped. She was out of supplies and out of plans, and now, she was just trying to find some friendly face. Anything would do. Anyone. Just as long as they'd lend her a hand.
And oh, how she hated having to rely on others. It beat the fates of those who didn't, though. Lily was dead. Lily's friend, Dawne, was dead, too. She was pretty sure she'd heard that other guy from the greens called out, as well. Things just kept getting worse.
But Jamie kept going. It was all she could do. She kept going, and so far, her skills and her instincts had kept her uninjured, out of the crosshairs.
Now, she was at the beach, hoping to find something, an abandoned stash of supplies, maybe, or other students trying desperately to light a fire and signal a passing ship. Anyone would could spare her some water and food. Her eyes were dry, her lips were dry, her throat was dry. And there, in the distance, she could see them, other people. Two. She couldn't tell if they were armed, but they weren't all buddy buddy and they weren't killing each other, which meant that they were just nervous but still sane, right? Something like that.
She waved to them, and lurched closer along the beach.
(Ricky Fortino continued from Aimless)
"Lemme talk, OK?
"I said lemme fucking talk, OK?
"Alright, where was I?
"I was talking about Aaron fuckin' Hicks, that's where I was. Oh no, it's not enough that he's the big football star, he's the big baseball star, he's got a bigass dick I've seen it in the fuckin' locker room... I wasn't TRYING to look at it or anything, hell the guy bragged about it in front of everyone, what you think I'm some queer or something like that, fuck you buddy."
Under ordinary circumstances, Ricky Fortino wasn't much of a conversationalist. He was more the type to stand around, chime in when needed, and let other people take the lead. Of course, given that Ricky's new conversation partner didn't actually exist, he'd had to carry the blunt end of this one.
In fact, Ricky was discovering that he had plenty to talk about.
"Anyway, so it's not enough all of that shit, so Aaron lets us all know that he's not gonna be there for the senior trip, cause he's down in Louisiana or Texas or Mexico or wherever the fuck touring colleges, but hey, no fuckin' problem he says because once we all get back he's gonna throw a big motherfuckin' party at his place. So HE'S fucking down there and I'm fucking up here, and THAT buddy, that's a bunch of bullshit right there."
Ricky was still doing fine, of course. He'd had a bad spot for a little while last night, but Christ, that shouldn't have been unexpected or anything like that. Isaiah Garvey had come straight at him like a crazy guy, hadn't he? Hell if Ricky could remember the whole goddamn thing clearly, he'd just woken up, but he did know that the whole thing had definitely been the other guy's fault. And it wasn't like Ricky had KILLED Isaiah or anything, sure he'd been nervous before the announcement had aired, wondering if he'd actually hit the guy too hard with the golf club, but Isaiah's name hadn't been there, so he everything was still fine. In fact, he'd been doing pretty goddamn good, hadn't he? People were out there loppin' off heads, going goddamn crazy, but Ricky Fortino was still a good guy overall, and Ricky Fortino hadn't fuckin' killed anyone, and that really pissed Ricky off, because for no particular reason he was starting to think about the kids who didn't make the trip. What the fuck kind of good luck fairy had they been wishing on?
"Oh, and you know what? Forget Aaron, he's actually a good fucking guy. How 'bout Monty fucking Pondsworth, huh, how about that? That asshole, he got himself shipped off to jail or juvie or wherever the goddamn hell he ended up a couple months ago, I think it was jail cause he's over 18 but who the fuck cares, I'm sure Pondsworth doesn't care cause he's not fucking here, is he? No, of fucking course he isn't. What. In. The. Hell."
So Ricky was stuck here through no fault of his own, while due to simple good luck other kids were sick or out of town or getting raped in jail or just didn't want to go to the goddamn Badlands, and so what if he was talking to himself a bit? Given the circumstances he thought that was perfectly reasonable. OK, maybe not reasonable, but at least understandable. Yes. It was completely fucking understandable.
"So what, now I'm fucking here and everywhere I goddamn go I got crazy people coming after me and people getting their goddamn arms cut off and fuckin' decapitated heads lying on the ground and you got no answers buddy, I don't even know why the fuck I'm talking to you cause you sure got no answers, but I'll tell you want the answer is and that's that all this is really fucked up... aw FUCK I'm back on the beach."
Oh yeah. He was back at the beach, James Mulzet and his head were somewhere around here. Well, whatever. Did it really matter, one place or the other? That was some philosophical bullshit, right there. But hey, there were people here. Probably goddamn crazy people like everyone else he'd met so far, but what the hell, he was still doing fine, he was still doing FUCKING FINE, and he was a good guy so why the hell shouldn't go go strolling up to them? No reason not to at all.
He saw another girl stumbling towards the two figures at the beach, and jogged to catch up with her. It was that Jamie chick, he recognized her. Not half bad looking. And Asian too, give him somma that Asian girl fever. He was always a good guy with the ladies, Ricky Fortino was.
She turned around as he approached and Ricky clapped an arm over the girl's shoulder's, walking with her down to the shoreline.
"Heeey girl, Ricky Fortino here, how's it going with you and... ah holy shit girl, you look like shit."
Yeah, she wasn't looking too hot. Hey, that was fine, she wasn't looking psycho at least, that was all he could ask for. He flashed his pearly whites and continued.
"Hey, no problem girl, sure things are pretty shitty, but you know what? I'm doing fucking fine! And we'll all do fine, hey that's Logan Reynolds down there!"
Sure, that was Logan Reynolds. Hey, he knew that guy too! Played basketball or some shit, didn't he? There was some other chick there too, but he didn't recognize her, it wasn't like he knew every single person at Bayview or anything like that.
"HEY! Fuckin' Logan Reynolds, it's Ricky Fortino, how the fuck you doing? And hey, other chick, get your ass over here, we can talk or get some water or shit!"
"Lemme talk, OK?
"I said lemme fucking talk, OK?
"Alright, where was I?
"I was talking about Aaron fuckin' Hicks, that's where I was. Oh no, it's not enough that he's the big football star, he's the big baseball star, he's got a bigass dick I've seen it in the fuckin' locker room... I wasn't TRYING to look at it or anything, hell the guy bragged about it in front of everyone, what you think I'm some queer or something like that, fuck you buddy."
Under ordinary circumstances, Ricky Fortino wasn't much of a conversationalist. He was more the type to stand around, chime in when needed, and let other people take the lead. Of course, given that Ricky's new conversation partner didn't actually exist, he'd had to carry the blunt end of this one.
In fact, Ricky was discovering that he had plenty to talk about.
"Anyway, so it's not enough all of that shit, so Aaron lets us all know that he's not gonna be there for the senior trip, cause he's down in Louisiana or Texas or Mexico or wherever the fuck touring colleges, but hey, no fuckin' problem he says because once we all get back he's gonna throw a big motherfuckin' party at his place. So HE'S fucking down there and I'm fucking up here, and THAT buddy, that's a bunch of bullshit right there."
Ricky was still doing fine, of course. He'd had a bad spot for a little while last night, but Christ, that shouldn't have been unexpected or anything like that. Isaiah Garvey had come straight at him like a crazy guy, hadn't he? Hell if Ricky could remember the whole goddamn thing clearly, he'd just woken up, but he did know that the whole thing had definitely been the other guy's fault. And it wasn't like Ricky had KILLED Isaiah or anything, sure he'd been nervous before the announcement had aired, wondering if he'd actually hit the guy too hard with the golf club, but Isaiah's name hadn't been there, so he everything was still fine. In fact, he'd been doing pretty goddamn good, hadn't he? People were out there loppin' off heads, going goddamn crazy, but Ricky Fortino was still a good guy overall, and Ricky Fortino hadn't fuckin' killed anyone, and that really pissed Ricky off, because for no particular reason he was starting to think about the kids who didn't make the trip. What the fuck kind of good luck fairy had they been wishing on?
"Oh, and you know what? Forget Aaron, he's actually a good fucking guy. How 'bout Monty fucking Pondsworth, huh, how about that? That asshole, he got himself shipped off to jail or juvie or wherever the goddamn hell he ended up a couple months ago, I think it was jail cause he's over 18 but who the fuck cares, I'm sure Pondsworth doesn't care cause he's not fucking here, is he? No, of fucking course he isn't. What. In. The. Hell."
So Ricky was stuck here through no fault of his own, while due to simple good luck other kids were sick or out of town or getting raped in jail or just didn't want to go to the goddamn Badlands, and so what if he was talking to himself a bit? Given the circumstances he thought that was perfectly reasonable. OK, maybe not reasonable, but at least understandable. Yes. It was completely fucking understandable.
"So what, now I'm fucking here and everywhere I goddamn go I got crazy people coming after me and people getting their goddamn arms cut off and fuckin' decapitated heads lying on the ground and you got no answers buddy, I don't even know why the fuck I'm talking to you cause you sure got no answers, but I'll tell you want the answer is and that's that all this is really fucked up... aw FUCK I'm back on the beach."
Oh yeah. He was back at the beach, James Mulzet and his head were somewhere around here. Well, whatever. Did it really matter, one place or the other? That was some philosophical bullshit, right there. But hey, there were people here. Probably goddamn crazy people like everyone else he'd met so far, but what the hell, he was still doing fine, he was still doing FUCKING FINE, and he was a good guy so why the hell shouldn't go go strolling up to them? No reason not to at all.
He saw another girl stumbling towards the two figures at the beach, and jogged to catch up with her. It was that Jamie chick, he recognized her. Not half bad looking. And Asian too, give him somma that Asian girl fever. He was always a good guy with the ladies, Ricky Fortino was.
She turned around as he approached and Ricky clapped an arm over the girl's shoulder's, walking with her down to the shoreline.
"Heeey girl, Ricky Fortino here, how's it going with you and... ah holy shit girl, you look like shit."
Yeah, she wasn't looking too hot. Hey, that was fine, she wasn't looking psycho at least, that was all he could ask for. He flashed his pearly whites and continued.
"Hey, no problem girl, sure things are pretty shitty, but you know what? I'm doing fucking fine! And we'll all do fine, hey that's Logan Reynolds down there!"
Sure, that was Logan Reynolds. Hey, he knew that guy too! Played basketball or some shit, didn't he? There was some other chick there too, but he didn't recognize her, it wasn't like he knew every single person at Bayview or anything like that.
"HEY! Fuckin' Logan Reynolds, it's Ricky Fortino, how the fuck you doing? And hey, other chick, get your ass over here, we can talk or get some water or shit!"
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Washing his hair? And he decided to pester her because, obviously, if he went up to someone in a friendly manner they would be less likely to shoot him? As if the kind of people who would shoot without warning would spare those who were friendly?
Ericka didn't buy it. Go over there? Why? So he could kill her and take her gun? No thanks! She would stay right where she was, in a place where she had an advantage, slight though it may be.
Soon another girl showed up, and then another boy. Was there a party scheduled at this location that she didn't get an invite to? 'Cause if so, well, Ericka had never been very fond of parties. And now they were inviting her over.... What part of irritable-girl-wielding-gun-wants-to-be-alone do they not understand? Seriously? In the middle of a free-for-all fight to the death you don't just invite random people to be friends!
Maybe this will help them understand...
Ericka fired her gun into the sand. "THAT was a warning! I am not in a good mood. I am tired, hungry, I've never been incredibly sociable, and we are technically enemies... Oh, AND I also have a gun, in case you didn't realize what that noise was."
"In fact," she continued after a moment's thought, not caring if she interrupted anyone, "I'm pretty sure that makes me the one in charge here, so.... my first orders are to leave me alone or I start shooting, and those won't be warnings."
Ericka smirked, she had always been the kind of person who did what others said to do, not the one ordering others around... this... this felt kind of good. She could get used to this.
Ericka didn't buy it. Go over there? Why? So he could kill her and take her gun? No thanks! She would stay right where she was, in a place where she had an advantage, slight though it may be.
Soon another girl showed up, and then another boy. Was there a party scheduled at this location that she didn't get an invite to? 'Cause if so, well, Ericka had never been very fond of parties. And now they were inviting her over.... What part of irritable-girl-wielding-gun-wants-to-be-alone do they not understand? Seriously? In the middle of a free-for-all fight to the death you don't just invite random people to be friends!
Maybe this will help them understand...
Ericka fired her gun into the sand. "THAT was a warning! I am not in a good mood. I am tired, hungry, I've never been incredibly sociable, and we are technically enemies... Oh, AND I also have a gun, in case you didn't realize what that noise was."
"In fact," she continued after a moment's thought, not caring if she interrupted anyone, "I'm pretty sure that makes me the one in charge here, so.... my first orders are to leave me alone or I start shooting, and those won't be warnings."
Ericka smirked, she had always been the kind of person who did what others said to do, not the one ordering others around... this... this felt kind of good. She could get used to this.
"HEY! Fuckin' Logan Reynolds, it's Ricky Fortino, how the fuck you doing? And hey, other chick, get your ass over here, we can talk or get some water or shit!"
Well, as calls to attention went, that one could've been a whole lot less friendly. By the time he'd turned around to see if he recognised this Ricky Fortino's face any better than his voice, Logan was already smiling a little. Not many people recognised him, what with being both the quiet type and the least-known position on the team, so finally running into someone who did - or them running into him, either or - was a nice feeling. The friendly greeting, complete with gratuitous, jovial coarse language, that was an even nicer one.
It turned out he did recognise Ricky, but he couldn't quite figure out why. The girl he was with, he didn't know at all. But it didn't matter, as long as they were both friendly, it was better than nothing. Not wanting to commit to his hunch that the other boy was on the Football team, Logan opened with the kind of "Why do I recognise you?" that's more welcoming than questioning. It was to be followed by a "Not great, but I'll live." kind of summary, but by the time "great" was halfway spoken, the conversation came to an abrupt halt, interrupted by a bullet flying into the sand; an ear-pounding bang, and a, rather comically by comparison, weak thud.
"THAT was a warning! I am not in a good mood. I am tired, hungry, I've never been incredibly sociable, and we are technically enemies... Oh, AND I also have a gun, in case you didn't realize what that noise was."
"In fact, I'm pretty sure that makes me the one in charge here, so.... my first orders are to leave me alone or I start shooting, and those won't be warnings."
Unstable, armed, hostile and sarcastic. Just what Logan needed right now, a classic case of gun-based power tripping. It didn't take a interest in crime fiction bordering on the fetishistic, nor a cultivated ability to read body language and speech, to tell that Ericka wasn't messing around. First things first, then.
"Alright then, I'm off. Didn't come here to get shot, surprisingly. You two coming too?"
He didn't much care what the other three had to say to him about that, he was too busy grabbing his own belongings and making his way back towards the island proper. If Ericka wanted to take another shot, well... fuck. And if Ricky and that other girl wanted to follow him, and catch up with the conversation too, fantastic. But the main priority was to not be around a crazy gun lady.
[Logan Reynolds --> Laisse tomber les filles]
Well, as calls to attention went, that one could've been a whole lot less friendly. By the time he'd turned around to see if he recognised this Ricky Fortino's face any better than his voice, Logan was already smiling a little. Not many people recognised him, what with being both the quiet type and the least-known position on the team, so finally running into someone who did - or them running into him, either or - was a nice feeling. The friendly greeting, complete with gratuitous, jovial coarse language, that was an even nicer one.
It turned out he did recognise Ricky, but he couldn't quite figure out why. The girl he was with, he didn't know at all. But it didn't matter, as long as they were both friendly, it was better than nothing. Not wanting to commit to his hunch that the other boy was on the Football team, Logan opened with the kind of "Why do I recognise you?" that's more welcoming than questioning. It was to be followed by a "Not great, but I'll live." kind of summary, but by the time "great" was halfway spoken, the conversation came to an abrupt halt, interrupted by a bullet flying into the sand; an ear-pounding bang, and a, rather comically by comparison, weak thud.
"THAT was a warning! I am not in a good mood. I am tired, hungry, I've never been incredibly sociable, and we are technically enemies... Oh, AND I also have a gun, in case you didn't realize what that noise was."
"In fact, I'm pretty sure that makes me the one in charge here, so.... my first orders are to leave me alone or I start shooting, and those won't be warnings."
Unstable, armed, hostile and sarcastic. Just what Logan needed right now, a classic case of gun-based power tripping. It didn't take a interest in crime fiction bordering on the fetishistic, nor a cultivated ability to read body language and speech, to tell that Ericka wasn't messing around. First things first, then.
"Alright then, I'm off. Didn't come here to get shot, surprisingly. You two coming too?"
He didn't much care what the other three had to say to him about that, he was too busy grabbing his own belongings and making his way back towards the island proper. If Ericka wanted to take another shot, well... fuck. And if Ricky and that other girl wanted to follow him, and catch up with the conversation too, fantastic. But the main priority was to not be around a crazy gun lady.
[Logan Reynolds --> Laisse tomber les filles]
Things should have been looking up, once Jamie found other people. She had expected, at the very least, a bit of conversation, an offer of assistance, something. Instead, she was surprised by the sound of someone behind her, and, upon turning, her personal space was immediately invaded by a boy she recognized from the football team (Ricky, she thought). She was a bit tempted to shake him off; with her wrestling experience it would have been easy. That was nerves talking, though; he was being friendly, helpful. Would probably give her water, if she asked nicely. Maybe even food.
So she smiled and nodded and said, "Ah, great," as Ricky talked her ear off about everything and how he was doing fine and who the people down the beach were and all those other little pertinent details.
Of course, it was all immediately fucked up when the other girl, the one person Ricky hadn't seemed able to identify, turned and casually shot a bullet into the sand. Jamie jerked, adrenaline pulsing through her veins, thoughts of thirst forgotten entirely in the heat of the moment, the potential for imminent death staring her right in the face. The girl started talking, talking about how she was in charge, how she wanted to be left alone. Logan seemed pretty convinced by the argument, and took off running. Jamie was tempted to follow, but paused for a second. If they split now, there would be nothing stopping this girl from shooting them in the back. It could all be a trick to get them to drop their guard; after all, as it was right now, the odds were decent enough that at least one of them would reach the girl with the gun if she opened up.
"What should we do?" she asked Ricky in a whisper. He'd likely seen more conflict than Jamie had. It'd probably be best to follow his lead here.
So she smiled and nodded and said, "Ah, great," as Ricky talked her ear off about everything and how he was doing fine and who the people down the beach were and all those other little pertinent details.
Of course, it was all immediately fucked up when the other girl, the one person Ricky hadn't seemed able to identify, turned and casually shot a bullet into the sand. Jamie jerked, adrenaline pulsing through her veins, thoughts of thirst forgotten entirely in the heat of the moment, the potential for imminent death staring her right in the face. The girl started talking, talking about how she was in charge, how she wanted to be left alone. Logan seemed pretty convinced by the argument, and took off running. Jamie was tempted to follow, but paused for a second. If they split now, there would be nothing stopping this girl from shooting them in the back. It could all be a trick to get them to drop their guard; after all, as it was right now, the odds were decent enough that at least one of them would reach the girl with the gun if she opened up.
"What should we do?" she asked Ricky in a whisper. He'd likely seen more conflict than Jamie had. It'd probably be best to follow his lead here.

(This is a positively godawful placeholder and I apologize for the delay.)
Ricky wasn't even paying attention to the other girl until she started shooting and yelling shit. Jesus Christ, what the fuck, he's here being friendly, and this chick he doesn't even know has to go fuckin' nutso and start shooting?
What's worse, Logan Reynolds apparently decided to take off like a pansy. Well, now everything was just ruined.
At least Jamie was sticking around. Ricky flashed a smile at the smaller girl. Hey, no problems really, he'd get rid of whats-her-face chick, and then it'd just be him and the Asian girl, that wasn't so bad. Not so fuckin' bad at all.
"Hey, don't you worry girl, I got this."
He turned and started walking towards Ericka, the grin not leaving his face. And why would it? He was Ricky fuckin' Fortino, and this was some chick he didn't even fuckin' recognize, so she was probably some loser anyway. How the hell did she even get a gun in the first place? Ricky shoulda been given that gun.
Well, he'd fix that.
"Come on girl," he said, his smile widening. "Come on, why don't you just gimme that gun. You're like four foot fuckin two, you dunno how to use that fuckin' thing. But I do, seriously, my fuckin' cousin Carm taught me, so don't you worry your little head about it no more and just gimme the fuckin' gun and we'll all forget this shit ever happened, k?"
Sure-fire. Now the chick was going to hand over her gun and everything would be just gravy.
He stepped closer, reaching out his hand.
"Now come on, I don't even know who the fuck you are, you're some fuckin' nobody girlie, so give me the fuckin' gun."
Ricky wasn't even paying attention to the other girl until she started shooting and yelling shit. Jesus Christ, what the fuck, he's here being friendly, and this chick he doesn't even know has to go fuckin' nutso and start shooting?
What's worse, Logan Reynolds apparently decided to take off like a pansy. Well, now everything was just ruined.
At least Jamie was sticking around. Ricky flashed a smile at the smaller girl. Hey, no problems really, he'd get rid of whats-her-face chick, and then it'd just be him and the Asian girl, that wasn't so bad. Not so fuckin' bad at all.
"Hey, don't you worry girl, I got this."
He turned and started walking towards Ericka, the grin not leaving his face. And why would it? He was Ricky fuckin' Fortino, and this was some chick he didn't even fuckin' recognize, so she was probably some loser anyway. How the hell did she even get a gun in the first place? Ricky shoulda been given that gun.
Well, he'd fix that.
"Come on girl," he said, his smile widening. "Come on, why don't you just gimme that gun. You're like four foot fuckin two, you dunno how to use that fuckin' thing. But I do, seriously, my fuckin' cousin Carm taught me, so don't you worry your little head about it no more and just gimme the fuckin' gun and we'll all forget this shit ever happened, k?"
Sure-fire. Now the chick was going to hand over her gun and everything would be just gravy.
He stepped closer, reaching out his hand.
"Now come on, I don't even know who the fuck you are, you're some fuckin' nobody girlie, so give me the fuckin' gun."
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Ericka was dumbstruck. How could anybody be so stupid that they'd walk up to someone wielding a gun, in the middle of a free-for-all battle to the death, and ask for that same gun? Especially when that same person was threatening to shoot them if they didn't run. Running being what many people would do in the situation regardless of the demands made anyway.
Ericka decided to answer the boy's request with the obvious response; She raised her gun towards the boy, squeezed the trigger, and-
Wait... what?
The noise was not the one she had expected to hear, so it took a moment for her to process it's meaning. When she finally wrapped her head around it she began to panic.
It was her last one... The bullet she fired into the sand was the last one in the clip. Sure, she had other clips, but the boy was closer than he should be and any attempt to reload would result in Ericka being attacked. But even if she didn't she might still be attacked.
It wasn't hard for Ericka to come to a decision. She began moving backward slowly but steadily, fumbling to remove the empty clip from her gun. After finally managing that, she worked at her sleeve trying to retrieve the clip she had hidden there in case of emergencies....
And remembered that it would probably be better to actually pay attention to the people who might try to kill her.
Ericka decided to answer the boy's request with the obvious response; She raised her gun towards the boy, squeezed the trigger, and-
Wait... what?
The noise was not the one she had expected to hear, so it took a moment for her to process it's meaning. When she finally wrapped her head around it she began to panic.
It was her last one... The bullet she fired into the sand was the last one in the clip. Sure, she had other clips, but the boy was closer than he should be and any attempt to reload would result in Ericka being attacked. But even if she didn't she might still be attacked.
It wasn't hard for Ericka to come to a decision. She began moving backward slowly but steadily, fumbling to remove the empty clip from her gun. After finally managing that, she worked at her sleeve trying to retrieve the clip she had hidden there in case of emergencies....
And remembered that it would probably be better to actually pay attention to the people who might try to kill her.
So Ricky Fortino had just been out there, taking a stroll on the beach, when this goddamn chick decided that she WASN'T going to give him her gun. What the fuck was up with that? Seriously, he didn't even know this girl. HE DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW THIS GIRL, so why the hell wasn't she just listening to someone like him who was actually fuckin' IMPORTANT at school and who actually had shot a gun once in his life before that gave him total fucking experience in the measure and Jesus Christ now what was she doing pointing that goddamn thing at him she wasn't supposed to do that and--
Ricky stopped smiling for a second.
"What the fuck, girl!"
He'd thrown his hands up in front of his face, and now he lowered them, feeling a flush of embarrassment.
"You just try to fucking shoot me?"
For a moment he just stood there, utterly nonplussed, as the girl tried to reload. Then Ricky smiled again. Of course it didn't fire. Of course it didn't fire because he was right and everything was gonna be JUST FUCKING FINE for Ricky Fortino, but that didn't mean that he didn't have to teach this goddamn chick a lesson here. He needed to teach her a fucking lesson about what happens when you screw with someone like Ricky Fortino, someone who was touched by fate and the Virgin Mary and for whom everything was ALWAYS going to be just fine.
"You know what? You're a stupid bitch and I don't like your fuckin' face!"
He took three running steps and dove at the girl's arm, ready to wrest away the gun and take some fucking control in this game.
Ricky stopped smiling for a second.
"What the fuck, girl!"
He'd thrown his hands up in front of his face, and now he lowered them, feeling a flush of embarrassment.
"You just try to fucking shoot me?"
For a moment he just stood there, utterly nonplussed, as the girl tried to reload. Then Ricky smiled again. Of course it didn't fire. Of course it didn't fire because he was right and everything was gonna be JUST FUCKING FINE for Ricky Fortino, but that didn't mean that he didn't have to teach this goddamn chick a lesson here. He needed to teach her a fucking lesson about what happens when you screw with someone like Ricky Fortino, someone who was touched by fate and the Virgin Mary and for whom everything was ALWAYS going to be just fine.
"You know what? You're a stupid bitch and I don't like your fuckin' face!"
He took three running steps and dove at the girl's arm, ready to wrest away the gun and take some fucking control in this game.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia
Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone
G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand
B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom
G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory
G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED
G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
Things degenerated at an extremely rapid pace. Ricky was full of confidence, assuring Jamie that he had things under control. Sure he did. Nothing could possibly go wrong when walking straight up to deranged girl with a gun, right? She was going to point this out, but Ricky was already in action, taking things into his own hands. Jamie watched the whole scene unfold, watched the girl raise the gun, point it at Ricky. Oh man, she was actually going to do it. It was time to move. Time to be gone, lack of water or not. Jamie was just getting ready to book it, when the girl squeezed the trigger and nothing happened.
All of a sudden, the situation was looking very, very different. Ricky had gotten nice and close to the girl with the gun before she pulled the trigger. Now, with her gun jammed or out of ammunition, she was pretty much at the mercy of the larger boy. She seemed to realize it, too, fumbling around quickly, maybe hoping to reload. That wouldn't do at all. This was their break, their chance to control the situation, to get to a point where they could actually all walk out of this alive. Ricky saw it too, and went for the girl, for the gun. As he moved, Jamie shot down the beach towards them, ready to back Ricky up, to help wrestle this girl to the ground.
She could help get the gun, and make sure no one had to die here. And then, when it was all safer and maybe a bit better and saner and more reasonable, she could finally just ask for some water, like she'd meant to do in the first place.
Why was it so hard to get a reasonable word in without being thrown into an instant life-or-death struggle?
All of a sudden, the situation was looking very, very different. Ricky had gotten nice and close to the girl with the gun before she pulled the trigger. Now, with her gun jammed or out of ammunition, she was pretty much at the mercy of the larger boy. She seemed to realize it, too, fumbling around quickly, maybe hoping to reload. That wouldn't do at all. This was their break, their chance to control the situation, to get to a point where they could actually all walk out of this alive. Ricky saw it too, and went for the girl, for the gun. As he moved, Jamie shot down the beach towards them, ready to back Ricky up, to help wrestle this girl to the ground.
She could help get the gun, and make sure no one had to die here. And then, when it was all safer and maybe a bit better and saner and more reasonable, she could finally just ask for some water, like she'd meant to do in the first place.
Why was it so hard to get a reasonable word in without being thrown into an instant life-or-death struggle?

((Gming approved by D/N))
Ericka looked up just in time to see the boy diving at her. As he tackled her thoughts turned to the encounter with Frankie. Once again she wedged beneath her attacker, but this time she was the one who instigated it.
"Once again, good morning, kids!" The morning announcement started. Had Ericka really been here that long?
She struggled to get out from under the boy. The sand here allowed for more wiggle room than the hard ground where she had been confronted by Frankie. Maybe the softened impact was the reason she didn't drop her gun?
That was it! The way to get out from under this idiotic nut-job! Ericka tried to gain more room, and when she had enough space she threw her gun down the beach. As expected he got off of her to chase after the weapon. He had no reason to expect that she had another weapon after all.
But the fact that she hadn't reloaded yet should have given him second thoughts.
"Ricky Fortino managed to kill Isaiah Garvey in a fairly slow manner, via head trauma."
Ericka was barely paying attention to the announcement as she rushed to her bag. She tossed the full clip into the bag and took out her knife... the knife. The knife she took from Frankie. The knife he was going to kill her with. The knife she killed him with when he couldn't follow through.
She zipped up her bag and hung it from her shoulder as she stood up, she wasn't about to risk the dimwit stealing a clip from her while she wasn't looking. Of course, he didn't seem to be the most perceptive sort, none of them did. After all, no one seemed to notice the stains. The dark stains of Frankie's dried blood, they could almost seem like a pattern if you didn't know what they were. It was almost poetic. Just as Frankie's death had become a part of Ericka, so to had his blood become a part of her clothing indistinguishable by those who didn't know what it originally looked like.
It would take a moment for the boy to realize his mistake, but the girl was getting closer. She would have to be dealt with first. Ericka's knife opened with a soft click, the light of the morning Sun reflected brightly off it's blade. She turned toward the other girl. She smirked, they had underestimated her just like Frankie had. The results would be the same, and it was apparent from the beginning.
Ericka looked up just in time to see the boy diving at her. As he tackled her thoughts turned to the encounter with Frankie. Once again she wedged beneath her attacker, but this time she was the one who instigated it.
"Once again, good morning, kids!" The morning announcement started. Had Ericka really been here that long?
She struggled to get out from under the boy. The sand here allowed for more wiggle room than the hard ground where she had been confronted by Frankie. Maybe the softened impact was the reason she didn't drop her gun?
That was it! The way to get out from under this idiotic nut-job! Ericka tried to gain more room, and when she had enough space she threw her gun down the beach. As expected he got off of her to chase after the weapon. He had no reason to expect that she had another weapon after all.
But the fact that she hadn't reloaded yet should have given him second thoughts.
"Ricky Fortino managed to kill Isaiah Garvey in a fairly slow manner, via head trauma."
Ericka was barely paying attention to the announcement as she rushed to her bag. She tossed the full clip into the bag and took out her knife... the knife. The knife she took from Frankie. The knife he was going to kill her with. The knife she killed him with when he couldn't follow through.
She zipped up her bag and hung it from her shoulder as she stood up, she wasn't about to risk the dimwit stealing a clip from her while she wasn't looking. Of course, he didn't seem to be the most perceptive sort, none of them did. After all, no one seemed to notice the stains. The dark stains of Frankie's dried blood, they could almost seem like a pattern if you didn't know what they were. It was almost poetic. Just as Frankie's death had become a part of Ericka, so to had his blood become a part of her clothing indistinguishable by those who didn't know what it originally looked like.
It would take a moment for the boy to realize his mistake, but the girl was getting closer. She would have to be dealt with first. Ericka's knife opened with a soft click, the light of the morning Sun reflected brightly off it's blade. She turned toward the other girl. She smirked, they had underestimated her just like Frankie had. The results would be the same, and it was apparent from the beginning.
Jamie had this. She so had this. Close fighting was her specialty. Okay, she wasn't bringing her best game today, she was tired and dehydrated and a bit nervous, but she could do this. Take Ericka down. Hold her. Ricky was going for the gun. That meant this would all be over in a snap. Ericka was unarmed, not very big, totally defenseless.
Then, all of a sudden, she realized that Ricky was being worthless. It looked like he'd got the gun, then realized it was unloaded. He just chucked it at Ericka, and didn't even manage a hit.
So Jamie just lunged for her, looking to grab her, looking to end this as quickly as possible. Perhaps it was the dehydration. Perhaps it was the fatigue. She didn't notice the knife, though, didn't have a clue until she was too close to pull back, too close to avert her attack. One thing Jamie knew was that you didn't get in close to a knife, not unless you knew you could control it. She was coming in all wrong for that, though. All it would take would be for Ericka to give her a couple little jabs.
This was going to suck.
Then, all of a sudden, she realized that Ricky was being worthless. It looked like he'd got the gun, then realized it was unloaded. He just chucked it at Ericka, and didn't even manage a hit.
So Jamie just lunged for her, looking to grab her, looking to end this as quickly as possible. Perhaps it was the dehydration. Perhaps it was the fatigue. She didn't notice the knife, though, didn't have a clue until she was too close to pull back, too close to avert her attack. One thing Jamie knew was that you didn't get in close to a knife, not unless you knew you could control it. She was coming in all wrong for that, though. All it would take would be for Ericka to give her a couple little jabs.
This was going to suck.
