Paul Terrance

NPCs (non-player characters) go here. This section is for characters who will not be participating in the game, including teachers and school administration. To encourage consistency, the staff have created a number of ready-made teachers, all of whom are available for free handler use unless stated otherwise. Please link any appearances these staff make in threads by replying to their topics. For this pregame, any additional NPCs will require staff approval on a case-by-case basis. Please contact staff if you wish to create any NPCs, and note that we will generally be trying to keep their numbers slim; pregame is, first and foremost, about the students.

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Paul Terrance


Post by backslash »

Name: Dr Paul Terrance
Position: Math Teacher
Gender: Male
Age: 30

Appearance: Standing at 5'10" and 153 lbs, Paul has a decidedly average build, neither lean nor heavy, skinny nor well built. He is a Caucasian man, sandy blonde hair, grey eyes, and rounded features. Paul tends to dress with a half-baked attempt at professionalism. He typically appears in the classroom in a white shirt and slacks combo, which is contrasted by a poorly knotted tie and his unkempt hairstyle.

Biography/Personality: A capable college student, Paul stayed on to do his doctorate in applied mathematics immediately following his graduation. Whilst his research proceeded well, he was often questioned about his dedication to the post by his supervisors, due to a great deal of indecisiveness on Paul's part. After graduation, he opted to return to his hometown and take a sabbatical from the work, which eventually lead to him earning his teaching qualification and his post at Hunter High.

As educated as he is, Paul has a tendency to get bored by his own subject. This often leads to him going through the motions in the classroom, explaining the topic at hand whilst his mind is elsewhere. Whilst he has little difficulty answering queries when asked, he fails to keep a watchful eye on the going on in the classrooms, leaving a lot of room for equally uninterested students to slack off. Approaching on on the subject of career advice in the field has been known to prompt veiled sarcastic replies.

In his spare time, Paul enjoys reading textbooks and tennis. He has also started seeing a doctor for his battles with depression.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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