Zhi Yan

NPCs (non-player characters) go here. This section is for characters who will not be participating in the game, including teachers and school administration. To encourage consistency, the staff have created a number of ready-made teachers, all of whom are available for free handler use unless stated otherwise. Please link any appearances these staff make in threads by replying to their topics. For this pregame, any additional NPCs will require staff approval on a case-by-case basis. Please contact staff if you wish to create any NPCs, and note that we will generally be trying to keep their numbers slim; pregame is, first and foremost, about the students.

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Zhi Yan


Post by backslash »

Name: Zhi Yan
Position: Biology Teacher
Gender: Female
Age: 38

Appearance: Zhi stands at 5'5" and weighs 115 lbs. Hailing from Hong Kong originally, Zhi has dark straight hair that's nearly always tied back in a bun, as well as dark eyes and small features. She'll typically be seen in presentable attire, mixing her collection of blouses and skirts, and frequently accessorises with emerald jewellery, her favourite stone.

Biography/Personality: The Yan family moved to the United States when Zhi was still a toddler, due to work reasons. Zhi discovered her love for biology in school, realising how well it clicked during a dissection. She studied over at the University of Hong Kong, in order to broaden her horizons, but ultimately returned to the states and took up her teaching position in Chattanooga, where she has been for the past decade.

Zhi brings her love for her subject to the classroom and works well with students who share her attitude. She does have issues approaching students disinterested in biology, as she has difficulty relating to people who aren't just naturally enthusiastic. Whilst she isn't regarded as a strict disciplinarian, often letting late assignments and misbehaving in the classroom slide due to her discomfort with reprimanding, she has absolutely zero tolerance for reckless activity during an experiment, and will expel students from the classroom at the drop of a test tube.

In her spare time, Zhi enjoys spending time with her fiancée and working on a murder mystery novel starring a zoologist.
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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