Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg

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Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg


Post by jimmydalad »

Name: Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
School: George Hunter High School
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, cheerleading, partying, anime, watching live streams

Appearance: Milly stands at 5'2" and weighs 115lbs, most of it being muscle with her cheerleading background. She has white skin that she works to keep healthy with products and wears her shoulder length, blonde hair into a neat middle parting that wears in a ponytail during cheerleading practice. With deep set blue eyes, Mindy often looks up and follows makeup advice online to keep up with her other classmates. She prefers lighter and colorful eyeshadow, staying away from dark, smokey make up and sticking to shades such as pink, light peach or gold. Her daily routine involves lightly curling her eyebrows, applying a little eye shadow and brush eyeliner on the outer half of the eye then finishing it off with mascara to accentuate her eyebrows.

Most of her clothing is simple, with single-tone or two-tone dresses being matched with unbuttoned, fitted crop tops or rolled-up oxford shirts. Milly always matches her dress with a same colored turban headband and studded earrings. To fit in with the others, she occasionally wears branded outfits from popular stores such as Forever 21 and Victoria's Secret that her friends picked out for her but does so with reluctance.

When kidnapped, she was wearing a knee-length chartreuse dress with matching turban headband and earrings alongside a fitted white oxford shirt that was unbuttoned and had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She was also wearing white ankle socks with a pair of white Nike Air Max Jewells.

Biography: Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg was born on 14th May, 2000 to Richard and Elizabeth Rosenberg in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Richard and Elizabeth were high school sweethearts and a combination of Richard being a marketing director for a pharmaceutical company alongside Elizabeth coming from a wealthy family of owners of an insurance company lead to them living a comfortably wealthy lifestyle.

Born as an only daughter into the household, Milly was doted upon by her mother and the maids that Richard had hired to help maintain the household. Her father was often away from the house due to either having to stay late at work or travelling to do business deals across the country. Due to this, she had a closer relationship to her mother growing up and was distant with her father, feeling like she couldn't approach him with any of her problems.

Richard also worked hard to establish himself as one of the social elites of Chattanooga and has been frequently invited to events as a member of the Chattanooga Golf & Country Club as well as other high-profile dinners and social events. This lead to him being strict with how Milly presented herself to the public, wanting her to maintain the image of a good daughter and conform to the social standards of the Chattanooga elite or risk losing privileges such as TV or internet, something which her mother supported. While she had no problems with this at the beginning out of a need to please her father, she's found these limitations more stifling as she's gotten older and has grown resentful to him because of this.

In elementary school, she mostly stuck with the popular and rich kids, getting to know them through the events her father took her to and sticking by them. She found herself disapproving of the nastiness some of her friends had and stayed out of gossiping and bullying whenever she could. She never stopped them, however, and was content with just going with the flow due to her family's approval of the friends she was making. She made sure to do her best in school, being rewarded with presents from her mother whenever she did well in her studies and often achieved high B's with the occasional low A.

One of the presents she received at the end of the second grade was a PlayStation 3 with Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. These games helped kickstart her eventual love for video games as they allowed her to escape to new worlds and experience a freedom that she normally wouldn't have in real life. At first, she mostly played with her mother or one of the maids if her mother was busy dealing with family matters. However, as she's gotten older, she's taken to playing more single-player games such as RPGs and purchased a custom-built PC to play games on that she sees famous twitch streams promote. She only shares her passion for video games with online friends she communicates with via Discord because she thinks that her current friends wouldn't approve and hides the consoles whenever they visit her house.

Milly was an energetic girl during elementary school and did very well in P.E. When her teachers told Elizabeth this during a parent-teacher meeting, her mother was inspired to enrol her in local cheerleading lessons due to her own experiences during high school. Milly took to it like a duck to water and her short height made her ideal as a flier, a position she retains to this day. Cheerleading quickly became one of her favourite activities as it was a way to get her frustrations out in a positive way while staying fit and helped her fit in with the crowds that her father wanted to be in. She also enjoys the popularity that comes with cheerleading. Partially due to her mother's insistence and her own personal enjoyment, she takes cheerleading very seriously and practices tumble passes at the gym by herself as stress relief when she's particularly frustrated at her father's rules or annoyed by her friends. This had led her to be one of the star cheerleaders on the team.

In middle school, her grades consisted, but Milly began to grow tired of the social group she situated herself in. She didn't enjoy the gossiping that they propagated and found their conversations about boys and shopping boring and vapid. She stuck with them, however, as she came to enjoy the privileges of being popular and her parents still wanted her to be close to them so that they could retain their social standing within the Chattanooga elite. She started to grow cynical of her friends but took part in bullying and gossiping whenever she was hanging around them and was congenial with them to stay in the group.

To cope with her conflicting emotions, she bought a pink diary and began writing down all her true opinions of them in this book whenever she got home from school. Whether it was complaining about the stupid gossip they were spreading about each other, how fake they acted in front of teachers or petty things like the outfits they wore and the bands they liked. Milly wrote down all her gripes, be they big or small, into her diary and has never let it leave her room. She makes sure no one reads it, especially her family, and makes sure to hide it whenever the maids come in to clean her room.

As she started to spend more time online towards the end of middle school, her friends on discord recommended that she pick up some anime. While she isn't an intense anime watcher, she has found herself enjoying the slice of life genre from Kyoto Animation due to their comfortable, feel-good content and the female characters that often lead those shows. Her favourites include The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Nichijou. She mostly goes off recommendations of her discord friends, but has recently been interested in following seasonal anime, with her current favorite being Yuru Camp. For reasons like that of her gaming hobby, she elects to keep it secret from her friends at school and either talks about anime with her online friends or very occasionally on the anime subreddit.

It was in high school that Milly really began reaping the rewards of popularity. Due to the friends she associated with, she was often invited out to parties. While she may not enjoy most of the company at said parties, the atmosphere, music, and alcohol made up for it and she found ways to mostly stick by the people she could tolerate to be around. Most of the time, she could get away with staying the night by texting her mother she was going to a sleepover at whomever the organiser was, or a friend that lived close by if the organiser was a guy. When her father is around, however, he enforces a strict curfew and she must get express permission from him to go out in the evening.

At this point, she felt like she had stuck with them for so long that she might as well persevere until she graduates and reap the benefits of popularity while she still can. She's grown to hate most of the popular kids, finding them fake and self-obsessed, but only lets her closest friends know her true feelings. It has reached a point that she takes enjoyment at how ridiculous she perceives them to be and has taken to detailing the gossip that they spread in her journal. She hangs onto to the fact that they're in senior year and soon she'd never have to see most of them again on days when the antics of her friends really frustrate her.

When interacting with other, she is friendly, but often sarcastic. She does her best to stay away from bullying scenarios, but sometimes finds herself embroiled in them due to the people she associates herself with. As she grew up, she found that she enjoyed occasionally saying things that she knows would piss off the person in question just to see their reaction. These would range from saying things that were the opposite of that person's beliefs to picking on things about their past that she knows are sore spots for them. She found herself to immensely enjoy the reactions that her friendship group produced and quickly made sure to tell them that she was joking before things got out of hand. However, some people have taken her comments seriously and she has been in arguments with friends for going too far at times.

One of the key lessons taught to her by her parents was to be aware of the privilege that they had because of their wealth. The reason that her father elected punishments that took away some of her luxuries was to make her aware of how they can afford their lifestyle because of the work he put into the family and because of that has primary control over the luxuries she has in her life. It's this upbringing that lead her to recognising the flaws in her friends and she makes sure to carry it with her in her daily life. Recently, she picked up a barista job in one of the cafes at Harrison Central Mall so that she could get her own money to spend on things without asking for her parents' permission beforehand.

Her grades started to slip into B's and low C's due to her partying lifestyle, but she had established herself as a strong force in cheerleading so she focused on getting a cheerleading scholarship rather than trying to get into college on grades alone. While she struggles with history and geography due to finding their content boring, she scores better in mathematics due to feeling comfortable with numbers and helped from her father whenever he wasn't busy with work. Though her parents are mildly concerned, she was able to dissuade their worries by getting a cheerleading scholarship at the University of Tennessee to study marketing, which she chose more so to please her father than wanting to personally pursue it as a career. If things went her way, she would prefer to pursue a career in cheerleading competing in worlds and moving onto coaching.

As she has gotten older, Milly has grown more resentful of the pressures that her parents put to conform to the Chattanooga elite. While this doesn't mean she doesn't love them, she can find it hard to be open about her problems to them and has started to distance herself from them, preferring to play video games or watch anime instead. She's closer with her mother due to her father being busy with work, but recently her mother has been going out with her friends as she feels that Milly is old enough to be on her own at the house. Though most of the time she prefers them being away, there have been times where she has felt lonely and wishes that they both were around more.

Milly is comfortably straight but has no interest in pursuing a relationship with anyone in her year. While she has found guys attractive, she doesn't want to get involved in the drama that she has observed relationships had at the school and has found it difficult to find a guy that she clicks with. Though she is open for playful flirting and maybe a kiss, she's never had sex and doesn't plan to until she finds a guy she is comfortable with being her boyfriend.

Advantages: Her athleticism from cheerleading will allow her to be more nimble and fit on the island. Her experience in being cordial with people she doesn't like and ability to blend in with groups will help her social game.
Disadvantages: She is smaller than average and can be easily overpowered by her larger classmates. Her trolling tendencies could ruin potential alliances she makes and if her secrets are found out, she could make a lot of enemies from her inflammatory opinions.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
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[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
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[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori

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