The Man-slut, the Cocktease and the Lover

The tunnels, as the result of the failed mining experiment on the island, are rather simple, leading into the mountain and heading out towards the mansion grounds. While the entrance from the mine is still clear, the entrance from the grounds is more overgrown with thick foliage as if the owner of the mansion wished for it to be kept as invisible as possible and prevent the local populace from trespassing. It is hard to breathe and almost impossible to see without a light source down in the mine. These tunnels stretch all throughout the Northern part of the island, allowing access at several points in the felled forest and near the beach.
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Post by Badb* »

((Really sorry for the delay.))

Frankie kept ranting. She didn't know why, really. It was more venting than anything. Venting her frustrations about anything and everything at the tiny Asian girl quivering and sobbing on the floor beneath her.

She heard voices again, getting louder, a crescendo of the dumbasses trying to coming to take the crying bitch's side. Fucking called it. The bitch turned on the waterworks and suddenly every retard in tin-foil wanting to be the knight in shining armor was coming out of the shadows. Great, she recognised half these fuckers, too. There was Feo, rivalled only by Jen R. in the "biggest slut in school who wasn't related to her" runnings, that punk girl's bitch who's name Frankie couldn't be fucked to remember and Ethan, that huge dickwad.

Then came the second shove of the day. Frankie managed to stay on her feet this time, although it took more effort than she'd care to admit in a hurry. Frankie steadied herself, before turning around and seeing just who the fuck she had to blame for that shit. Wait, fuck, was that...?

Great, Liz fucking Polanski, Just who she fucking needed right now. Covered in... oh fuck, was that blood? Was she covered in fucking blood? Oh shit, she was.

Right. Covered in blood. Frankie bet she'd just come off of some grizzly fucking massacre or some shit. She wouldn't have put it past Liz. Yeah, Right. Fuck that. Frankie didn't want to go anywhere near that shit in a hurry. Instead, she just left her to it and backed the fuck off. Hold up, someone just said her name. Frankie turned her head. Oh, right. Feo.

Frankie glanced back over, instead of murdering the asian girl, Liz seemed to be whispering sweet nothings in her ear while that punk girl's bitch fantasised over them, or something like that. Far cry from the bloody murder she was expecting, but fuck it. Whatever got their rocks off.

Feo, half naked as usual, said some shit about them all being fucked. From the state of her at that point, she probably meant that literally, but for Frankie, just served to shove her just that little bit further over the edge. Fuck this. Fuck this hard.

"Oh, I'm fine, Fee. Top of the fucking world right now." She looked Feo up and down as she moved to swipe the oar the crying bitch was holding. She was covered in fucking burns, for Christ's sake. She looked like she'd been fucking blown up and she was still flaunting her fucking goods to the world. Whatever. Her funeral if she wanted to get hypothermia or any of that good shit.

"Wait, you all look pretty fucking messed up. The fuck happened to you? Some asshole drop a nuke on you this morning?"

Frankie squirmed, pulling the straps of her bag further up her shoulder before they slipped off. She had a feeling she wouldn't like the answer at all.
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Post by storyspoiler* »

Haruka shot out from under her. Liz startled, almost fell over before she could brace herself. The girl hid behind Duncan, crying still. The oar clattered to the floor, and Feo Smith picked it up.

Great job, Liz.

She was still covered in blood. And there were people around her, surprise, which meant she could feel a twist in her stomach. It figures, that she could survive a firebombing and near-strangulation only to have exhaustion hit her when some nasty people from school appeared and started surrounding her, noncombat, tense.

She was on the ground, four limbs touching stone, feeling like jelly. Frankie Fiametta was ranting. Haruka was crying. Great job, Liz. Great job. You really got this one down.

People. Who she was supposed to deal with. Like herself. It took real mental effort to remember who she was supposed to be. Liz Polanski, goth girl extraordinare. Drug dealer, gossip, universally hated.

That loosened her muscles, if not her tongue.

She stood up, took the knife out of her shirt again, and backed off. Frankie Fiametta was still going on. Feo, Ethan and Duncan were staring at her.

"What did you do?" Feo said nastily. "Whatever it was, don't try that shit with me."

Liz shrugged, feeling her stomach settle. She wasn't going to try that shit with Feo. It hadn't worked the first time, and Feo was definitely smarter than Milo Taylor or Alex P. White.

Instead she backed up, hands revealed, until she reached a wall in the camera's blind spot. Watched the others. Pulled the black lipstick out of her pocket, dumped the marsh water out of it, and wrote.


Pointed to this, put her finger over her mouth. Then turned from them, and walked deeper into the tunnels.

Gravel slid under her feet. Were people following her?

I don't want people anyway.
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Post by Shake&Bake* »

Haruka couldn't listen to the others, she could see mouths opening and clothing but the words didn't matter. The slight chance that she was just overreacting crossed her mind, but seeing everybody bloodied, blistered and burnt like some stray cat who had a firework tied to its tail only pushed her further away into her own panicked state.

She had spent all her time so far hidden, away from the action, in the coldness and despair of loneliness, trapped beneath the ground. She had been terrified of each shifting shadow and each distant echo, breathing in coal dust and getting coated with grime, and yet, she hadn't been hurt yet.

Even though she didn't like how she was approaching the game, she must had done something right, as unlike most of the others in the group, she didn't look like she had came out of a dogs mouth. Maybe a constant state of panic mixed with solidarity was what it took to survive, the others obviously hadn't chosen the same path as her, but they were strong, sturdy.

Haruka was meek, shy and frail, she couldn't say boo to a goose, so she wouldn't stand a chance against what obstacles may come her way should she join the others. Another possibility was that perhaps staying underground was the best approach, that the surface with the crisp air and fresh water was polluted with killers and psychopaths, waiting to tear her to pits like a runt having wandered into bad territory.

She slowly pulled her hands away from Duncan, taking tentative baby steps backwards until she was pressed against the wall. Frances or Frankie Fiametta was babbling again, Feo had taken the oar and the death girl, as she dubbed her, was writing something on the wall. She didn't know what was wrong with these people, other than what they had done had gotten them into a world of trouble that they were more than lucky to escape from, no matter how many burns they sustained or fingers they lost.

Haruka Watanabe wasn't cut out for this. She wasn't a soldier, she wasn't a fighter and she most certainly wasn't a strong character. Looking around at all the people who could snuff her life out like a birthday candle made her stomach sink lower and lower until she began feeling sick. The blood, the cuts, the burns, none of that scared her, only how they had been attained. Where there was smoke, there was fire, and she was sure that whatever maniacs had caused this were not too far off.

It was the people here that they wanted, Haruka probably hadn't even registered on their mental to-kill list, they'd gathered she'd probably snap under the pressure and kill herself, she probably would have if she was given something better than an oar. She wasn't being hunted yet, but if she was found with these people, then the maniacs would take no shame in adding her to the list as a lucky bonus.

She raised her hand to her heart, looking down at the floor. Right now, she could slip away unnoticed, avoiding the bloody scenario unfolding in her imagination. It could have been true, but if it hadn't, then what did she have to lose? She didn't want to waste away in the darkness like a weak insect or a crippled mole. If anything, she wanted to see the sky again, if not one last time.

I don't want to die…I know that's all I've been thinking but it's true! I hardly know these people, let alone trust them! What's to say they won't turn on each other? I'm hardly a threat to them, they could wipe me out with one hand tied behind their backs…There's nothing stopping me from leaving now…unnoticed. Everything is going to work out, I can almost see it! I just need to find somewhere safe, alone, and then maybe…Just maybe…I'll have a chance.

The death girl, whoever she was, had written something on the wall. Haruka didn't care, it didn't matter that she was now unarmed and that her flashlight was almost out of power, she could get away now, whilst the others went towards the message to read it. In the safety of the darkness, she could slip away from under their radars, by the time they noticed she was gone, it would be too late. All that was left now was to find out where she'd end up once she left the tunnels, but that was to be worried about later. Haruka slowly edged along the wall, further and further away from the faint green glow.

((Haruka Watanabe continued in Fountain of Youth, PS thanks for letting me join join in guys <3))
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Post by Ruggahissy »

((It's been a pleasure having you, Shake!))

Ethan watched the proceedings coolly. None of the new comers looked like they were ready to tussle, so as long as they didn't attack him, what they did wasn't a huge concern of his. He felt some small twinge of pity for the small Asian girl as she shot out from next to Liz and ran behind Duncan. That pity was mixed in with a good dose of disdain for acting like a scared child. He smiled when Feo grabbed the oar.

Sorry, girl. Feo just wanted it more than you.

"Frankie, ray of sunshine. We had some asshole with TNT run into us is what happened.  I have to say, it looks a lot funnier on Looney Tunes then it did back there."

Liz backed up and began writing something on the walls.  He took a step forward to read the message and adjusted his glasses.

Looking for relays, hu?

He stepped back to his former place near Feo and didn't move an inch towards Liz.

Stupid. Wasn't she in the advanced math class? Even if there aren't any radio relays down here to signal the detonation of the collars, and lets face it, these guys seemed pretty thorough so the chances of that are slim, but even if there aren't, that wouldn't be much of a help. I know a thing or two about bombs, and essentially we've got fucking bombs strapped to our necks. They probably designed it so that tampering would set off an internal detonator, so even if they can choose a collar to set off and blow a kid up via radio signal, trying to mess with it would STILL blow you up. And even IF they were stupid enough to make these collars able to blow up only at the call of a signal, then what? Remove the in under here and then? You'd still be stuck on this island with a shit ton of people who have already gone off their rocker. We have no idea where we are, and there are no boats. Is this girl planning on lifting a swan boat from the fun fair and sailing home in that?

"Pass. You have fun, though."

Behind him the meek girl has some sort of freak out and ran off. He shrugged. It wasn't his job to look after her and he wasn't convincing her to stay if she didn't want to.

Ethan looked at the words on the wall again. It was a stupid plan and it wouldn't work, but the fact that she was willing to try stirred up some form of…..whatever was the opposite of contempt. What was it? He was-


"He's thinking."

"He's nervous."  

"Shut up!"

The two girls giggled and watched the young boy scribble on the paper. He stuck his tongue out and hurriedly pushed his sliding glasses up with the edge of the pencil. Their father came by and hit the boy on the head with a rolled up magazine.

"Don't talk to them that way," he castigated. "And girls, stop trying to psyche him out. That's not fair."

"Everything's fair when we play," said the girl with long, dirty blonde hair. She grabbed his cheek in her thumb and fore finger and pulled affectionately. He swatted away her hand without looking up and grumbled a bit.

"Give him some space," said the second girl, face resting in her arms. "Come on, baby brother. It takes Sam and me half this long when we're the code makers."

"I'm going, I'm going! You s-"


The girls giggled again. Ethan turned around the paper with letters that seemed to be gibberish and slid it towards them.

"THERE. Done. Ready, set, go!"  
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Post by Super Llama* »

Duncan was understandably surprised as the girl on the floor suddenly scrambled behind him. "W-huh?" He said, face turning a light shade of red for a moment before he refocused on the task at hand: making sure the Bloody Mary girl didn't try anything. When she heard Feo claiming the girl's oar, he looked over, ready to say something along the lines of "Hey, that's her's! You should give it back!" But then he realized that Feo seemed ready and capable of using it, while its actual owner was currently a frantic pile of nerves. It might have been the frantic girl's weapon, but if she stuck around the others could use it better than s-

Aaaand she was gone.

Duncan got up as he could hear the frantic girl running away. "Hey, wait!" He was torn between staying with the group and running off after her. The poor girl was one hostile encounter away from a total nervous breakdown, and now she didn't even have anything to defend herself with. After a brief moment's deliberation, he looked towards Ethan and Feo.

"Sorry, I have to g-"

He was cut off mid-sentence by that familiar obnoxious screech, and the familiar bastard behind it. His thoughts of chasing after the frantic girl as he listened; something he really didn't want to do, but once again he forced himself to, so he could keep track of who he needed to avoid like the plague.

"Speaking of the highlight reel, Maria Graham showed some real flair in taking out Francine Moreau. Let's just say that deep fried Moreau has joined Vaughan at our little take out."

...and apparently one of them was Maria.

No. No, what? That couldn't have been right. Duncan just couldn't help but stare dumbly in the direction of where he thought the nearest speaker was. Maria killed someone? Hell, not just killed, set on fire? No, that can't be it. There must of been something else to it. Maria just wouldn't do something like that. Granted, there seem to be a lot of people who wouldn't seem like they'd do something like that, but...

"Uh..." Duncan started. "...I-I don't suppose there are two Maria Grahams in our class, are there?"
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Post by Sunnybunny »

Feo was fully prepared to throw down over the oar. But for once on the damn island, luck was on her side and no one wanted to play captain hero.

Heroism was for fools, in her opinion.

She smirked at Frankie, waggled her two remaining fingers at her. "Yep, I'm a regular fucking cripple now. Handicapped parking spots and all that shit."

Announcements, again. Whatever, wasn't like you could trust anyone here either way. Duncan asked about Maria. He still cared about her even though she was a murderer. And burning someone to death was pretty fucking ugly, far as killing went. It was sweet of him.

She gave him two more days.

Was I always this much of a downer, fuck?

"Nope, but I think there might be another Maria in the class. Maybe he got them mixed up?"

Giving false hope, good deed for the day.

That Liz chick was looking for relays. Feo really had no idea what relays were, but she wasn't turning her back on that girl. She looked like she could kill. They'd relax and BOOOOM, shit would get ugly. Her hand throbbed.

"I'm following her. Keep your enemies closer, right?

She went the same path Liz had gone, leaving her bags with Ethan.
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Post by storyspoiler* »

No paper. Liz stopped, and tried to memorize the names in the announcements, but her brain was skipping exhaustedly. Some murderer's names got through. She hoped that was enough. Duncan spoke, something about Maria Graham and another Maria. Then Feo spoke, less distinct, and suddenly she and Ethan were following Liz. Liz tried to convince herself that this was a good thing. Maybe it was.

They walked.

It was a long walk. The island was moist, so the cave walls were moist. Moss turned to mold. They shone flashlights around like idiots, looking for reflections, signs of metal, or plastic.

"There's a relay." Feo said finally. Her nail was on a black matte box.

Liz turned. Looked at it. Crouched down, so she was eye-level with it. Touched it, gingerly. It was covered in static. She felt around it. It was a relay alright.

There were loose rocks near her. She picked one up to break the relay. She must have been telegraphing her actions. Ethan grabbed her hand.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He was spitting in her ear. "You do that and they'll send you sky high. If you wanna blow yourself up, do it without us."

Her hand stiffened, then relaxed. She had been hasty. Hopeful. She needed to think more. Come up with a better plan. She let Ethan pull her back. He squeezed her wrist, hard. She gritted her teeth. Did her best to remain polite.

"Please let me go."

He did. Dropped her like she was something disgusting. Liz had to put her hand on the cavern wall to catch herself.

"There's one. There's gonna be more. This plan now sucks." Feo said. She kicked a rock. It skittered away, past Liz.

"Let's surface." Ethan said. He looked tired.

Let's surface.

They surfaced. A grim rock-dusted party.

"Let's split." Said Ethan.

And Feo and Ethan split.

Liz sat for a while, looking at the stars. It was dark now, again. She could pick out constellations in the sky. It was clear. Beautiful.

She smoked a cigarette under the quiet night sky. Lay back on the ground. Counted primes. Failed to blow smoke rings above her head. Amused herself trying.

Finally she looked at the map of the island. A new idea came, tentative. She let it shimmer down to the edge of her vision. Fixed the net gun instead, with double-square knots and sticking plaster. Didn't push the idea. Slept on it instead. Her back against stone.

Birdcalls woke her. The morning was dim, wet and still.

She picked up her bag and started to walk.

(Liz Polanski continued in God's Unwanted Children)
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Duncan sputtered something about having to leave. Probably to find that girl he kept talking about. He didn't think there was ANOTHER Maria beside the dead one and the one he was looking for, but he wasn't entirely sure.

Feo seemed to be followed Liz. Her logic was actually pretty sound and he didn't have any other pressing things to do so he picked up the both of their bags along with his stick and followed.

All seemed to be going well until, predictably, Liz's great plan fell apart and in a moment of blinding idiocy she seemed to want to destroy the thing.

In a bid at self preservation he stopped her, but decided when the reached the surface that he wasn't going to be hanging out long with someone suicidal.

"See ya," he called out behind him once the emerged from the caves.

((Ethan Kent continued in What Are Little Girls Made Of?))
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Post by Sunnybunny »

Was Feo just going to keep running into crazies with awful ideas until she died?

Either way, she was glad to be out of those tunnels. She didn't miss the fact than it was just her and Ethan. She made a note not to stand by any cliffs.

((Feo Eleri Smith continued elsewhere))
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Post by Badb* »

Right, so they did actually get blown the fuck up by some asshole. So she was right one that one. The one fucking situation she didn't particularly want to be right, either. Whatever, Tactfulness was never her strong point anyway. Ethan said something about Looney Tunes and how it was way better to explode in a cartoon. Seemed in keeping with whatever other kiddy shit he probably did.

"You mean you didn't have a handicapped space before?" Frankie spat back, pulling the strap of her bag up her shoulder again. Fucking thing kept falling down faster than Jen R.'s pants.

Frankie turned around, Feo and Ethan had vanished into the darkness. Gone and left her with fucking Duncan, of all the fucking people in school.  Like hell was she staying with him. She'd find her own fucking way out. She didn't care if she had no fucking flashlight to light the way, or if she didn't have a fucking weapon, or if the bag full of her clothes were now probably in the hands of some immature cock-muncher who was probably spanking their pencil-dick over them while high off their fucking brains on her fucking stash. On national fucking television. The thing is, she wouldn't have put that past half the fucking school to do something like that.

Frankie looked around the cavern for other shit she'd probably need that had been dropped, discarded, stepped on, whatever the fuck the cunts in this fucking year could come up with. Nothing, fucking nothing. Well, no fucking use staying around, then. Frankie guessed if she followed the radio wires the Liz girl was creaming herself over earlier, she could get the fuck out of there without it requiring too much effort. She could get out of there, get a weapon or something, find Rosa and Ilario, get ranted at and insulted by both, rant and insult both, and split up in a pissy-fit right after.

Oh, and finding some pot would do fucking wonders.

Frankie turned to Duncan one last time before smiling and flipping him the bird.

"Peace out, fuckwad."

((Frankie Fiametta, continued in The Worst Bath Ever.))
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Post by Super Llama* »

The others weren't willing to humor him, and it soon begun to sink in that no, there were no other Maria Grahams. This was HIS Maria Graham he was hearing about, horribly burning somebody to death. Did she really give in to the game?

No, no of course she didn't give into the game! She wasn't like that! She wouldn't go around murdering people! Especially not on the second day!

But then again, he'd had enough exposure to this game to know how about it changed people. About how the most sweet, innocent people you've ever met could be ready and willing - hell, even EAGER - to put a bullet in your head by the end. He shouldn't be surprised that Maria killed someone. That's just what the game does to peopl-

NO! What the hell was he doing already deciding that she was a murderer!? There had to be other circumstances. Maybe that Francine girl was trying to attack her and she ended up killing her in self defense. Burning her alive in self defense...

Dammit, Duncan just couldn't think straight on the matter, and by the time he came back to his surroundings the others were gone, leaving just the Fiametta girl on her way out, tossing out an insult at him on her way out, which irritated him.

"Yeah, well...fuck you, too." He mumbled to himself. It looked like they were parting ways now. It was even more imperative than before that he find Maria, and figure out what happened. And if it turned out that she'd decided to play the game...


{{continued in Fountain of Youth}}
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