The Gods Hate Us

The tunnels, as the result of the failed mining experiment on the island, are rather simple, leading into the mountain and heading out towards the mansion grounds. While the entrance from the mine is still clear, the entrance from the grounds is more overgrown with thick foliage as if the owner of the mansion wished for it to be kept as invisible as possible and prevent the local populace from trespassing. It is hard to breathe and almost impossible to see without a light source down in the mine. These tunnels stretch all throughout the Northern part of the island, allowing access at several points in the felled forest and near the beach.
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Post by Moth* »

[[ooc: That's alright...finals season, after all.]]

"Wait, what?" Celeste drew back, eyebrows going up as she stared at Pandora in surprise. Sheesh...she knew something was off about the chick, but she hadn't expected that. "You'd...dude, after made a deal, you'd...I don't know about this." Celeste took a few steps back a bit, frowning and putting her hands on her non-existent hips. "Look, Pandora...I know you said you'd take me and my friend out of here..but why are you asking for payment now?"

It sounded to her like Pandora was going to go back on their deal. Like she was going to take the bread and water--hell, she might take all of it--and make a run for it. Leaving Celeste stuck in the dark tunnels, wandering around the entire game until her head blew right off her damned shoulders.

Hell no. Celeste was smarter than that. She turned her body a bit, so the duffel bag she carried was a little further away from Pandora, and shook her head, still glaring up at her. "You get your payment when you get my friend and get us within view of the exit. I'm not a fucking idiot--til then, you get nothing outta me, got that?"
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Terribly sorry- I was stricken by terrible Writer's Block due to... personal reasons.))

Kayla heard Celeste yell back, asking for confirmation of Kayla's identity. She, forgetting her trepidation, ran forward, toward the voice. Two corners later, she heard a murmur of conversation and slowed. Celeste again, but her voice was angry. The other voice as well, who sounded... odd.

Kayla turned the last corner slowly, with caution in her steps. "H-hi?"

((Shitty post is shitty.))
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Post by Moth* »

[[OOC: Argh, short post, sorry!]]

Celeste looked past Pandora, eyes falling upon Kayla. A quick flash of relief appeared on her face, followed by a grin. "There you are, Kayla! Been looking for you!" It was the truth, wasn't it? She began to move around Pandora, a hand resting on her duffel bag. "Pandora here's promised to show us the way outta here...too dark and confusing in here, don't'cha think?"

With that, she turned back around, staring expectantly at Pandora.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

((ooc: Really sorry for holdng you two up. Holidays made me very busy.))

Meredith looked from one girl to another, wincing at Celeste's swearing. The swearing didn't hurt, but the fact that Celeste didn't trust her did. Then again, she didn't trust Celeste. Half her pay for half the work was fair enough to ask for, wasn't it? If Celeste had given it to her, she would have followed her to the ends of the earth.

Celeste did not.

Perhaps she was not as good a person as Meredith thought she was. Perhaps the game was changing her. The beast was clever and twisted.

"I am glad that you have found your friend." She said simply, "You will follow me. If you get lost, I will not look for you."

Her fingers brushed the shiv once more, she tightened the muscles in her fingers, forcing them open and refusing to let them grasp the sharp knife. She pulled her hand back down to her notebook.

Celeste certainly needed more observation and Meredith didn't want to kill her, not even to purge the beast's corruption.
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Post by Moth* »

"Yeah, 'course," Celeste responded with a nod, and a slight frown. It would be kind of stupid--no, insanely stupid, to just lose her guide after finding her traveling companion...and promising to pay. Besides which, Pandora just said she wouldn't look for them...they'd be royally and completely fucked.

And not a good way, either.

"You don't mind if you hang onto ya, do you?" Celeste asked suddenly, one hand going to her hip as she eyed Pandora. "Be easier to stay together, and you won't have to look for our sorry asses later." And they wouldn't be wasting valuable flashlight-batteries... "Like Kayla grabs your shirt and I grab Kayla's--we make a human chain to the exit."
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Post by SOTF_Help »

It shouldn't have been a big deal. There, in the dark, Kayla had been trying to find Celeste, Celeste and the other person. It should have been easy, hook up with them, find her way out of the tunnel. Something was spooky about the other girl, though. She was... well, she was weird. Wasn't she one of the gloomy goth sorts? Specifically, didn't she tend to go on about death or something? And now she was going to lead them? This sounded like trouble, lots of trouble. Maybe Celeste was okay with getting lured to her death, but that wasn't for Kayla.

No, she'd get out on her own. Safer that way.

"C-celeste," she said. "I t-think maybe you'd better come with me instead. I-i'm not sure if... 'Pandora' is the most reliable person."

Without waiting for a reply, Kayla took off, intent on finding a way out that didn't involve following a stranger through the dark tunnels to near-certain doom.

((Kayla McArthur continued Can't I Just Die A Disney Death?))
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Post by Moth* »

"H-Hey!" Celeste shouted, taking a few running steps forward, as if to follow Kayla. She stopped, however, for two reasons. One of which being Kayla had already vanished, and the other being that if she ran off without paying Pandora, she'd never get out of the tunnels. "Shit," she swore, hands balling into fists as she slowly turned back around, walking back to Pandora. "...So I'm right in assuming that the 'I won't look for you if you run' rule applies to Kayla too?" she asked, one corner of her mouth twitching upward, her tone sounding as if she was trying to joke but not quite making it.

Damn it, Kayla! Is this revenge for me leaving you the last time? Because you really coulda chosen a better time!

Celeste let out a noise like a growl, bowing her head and tugging at her hair. "Well, fuck!" she snarled before looking back up at Pandora. "Now what? If you won't go find her, can you at least let me outta here? ...You still get payment." After a moment of thought, she sighed and added, "Even the amount I promised before she ran."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

((New ownership of Meredith Hemmings. Haaayy~~ Apologies if my first post sucks, still trying to get the hang of her.))

Meredith Hemmings watched with empty eyes as Kayla ditched, slipping into the darkness and completely disappearing. The blackness of Hades completely enveloped her, and Meredith was almost certain that Kayla was gone forever... dead by hands of demons or something of the sort. Hades really was an interesting place. Regardless, Kayla was of no interest to her anymore. Meredith struck her deal, and if Kayla decided to get the hell away from her, that was her problem.

Please, just TRY to cry for Meredith and Celeste. Meredith decided that she wouldn't even bat a single lash. She would turn away and mind her own business. Lend a deaf ear, ignore her tortured pleas, maybe even feel joy. JOY that Kayla decided to go get herself killed while Meredith had all the plans, all the right moves, everything. She was like a savior.. Yes, a savior, but not quite. Alas, she could not consider herself such. She was only saving Celeste because she needed sustenance, and she could not quell the beast without sustenance for her own soul.

Meredith finally spoke, her slow and calculating voice ripping through the darkness like a knife through butter. "We cannot go after Kayla... She has made her final choice." She glanced over at Celeste, her eyes trying to adjust to the utter darkness. "But you haven't left my side, so our deal still stands." Celeste even mentioned the deal still standing! So things really were looking up... She wasn't being pushed against mirrors or threatened or forced to save her clothing after some bitch kicked them into the river... No, she was actually getting along with a human who needed her help. A companion? However unlikely, Meredith would have to consider Celeste a companion for now.

"Companion? Sounds like a dog.. Maybe a better word is in order..." But no matter how hard Meredith thought, no matter how many goth terms her brain rifled through, she could think of nothing else. Celeste was, ultimately, her travel-buddy (double cringe at the word buddy!), but that was only until the two were back into the over-encompassing rays of the sun. Then, Meredith would devour her payment and leave. She didn't need Celeste following her for much longer... It would only be a matter of time until that girl realized what Meredith really was. Freak and goth were obvious terms, but she was also a monster -- a monster ready to strike at any given moment. ...Maybe not now, but it would happen. The Beast would demand sacrifices soon, it was sure to happen.

"Yes, please follow me. Hades is a dreadful place, so don't loosen your clutches from my cloak. I know the way out like the back of my hand, so it shan't take me too long to find the exit back to civilization... Or should I say un-civilization?" She offered something of a smirk and began to walk through the darkness, her flashlight like an orb floating this way and that. As she walked, her right hand skimmed across the smooth walls of the tunnel.

Meredith and Celeste seemed to walk for ages, and it was becoming more and more clear that she didn't know the way out, and all of her talk was just complete and utter bullshit. Of course she didn't know the way out! Who did? But alas, Meredith believed that, with a bit of trial and error, she would find the way out. Her soul was crying out, the voice of herself echoing off the walls and communicating to her inner-self! She could FEEL the location becoming closer and closer... any second the light would fill her eyes and the sun would warm her cold skin, and-

No. Just more darkness, causing her eyes to feel weary and tired. But she didn't speak, choosing to keep her voice silent, lest the demons of Hades come to prey upon her.

More time passed, ultimately causing Meredith to wonder if any of this was really happening at all. Was she really walking through this tunnel, followed by some chick who needed her help? How long had she been walking? Why were the tunnels not leading to someplace that wasn't here? She wanted to be there, not here. It was all becoming terribly irritating, and she was becoming well-aware of an ache in her legs. Time to stop to rest for a spell.

Meredith stopped and rested against the nearest wall, her eyes straining for the tiniest bit of light ahead. She could have sworn that she saw small pin-prickles of light, but she could have been imagining it, hopeful for something to alleviate the overwhelming darkness that was taking over her corneas. She looked over at Celeste through the dull light of her flashlight and said, "The exit is just ahead. See the light ahead?" she asked, although there was no apparent lightning. "Once we're past this area, we will be outside amongst the other monsters... Far away from this Hades. Before we plunge ourselves into that decaying madness, might I ask for my payment now? It may be the only chance I have to sit and rest..."

She looked up at Celeste with slightly pleading eyes, her teeth tugging precariously at her bottom lip.
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Post by Moth* »

Celeste followed Pandora quietly, a bitter frown on her face. All that trouble...all this trouble, wandering through dark tunnels, striking a deal with Pandora and then upping the price, only for Kayla to turn tail and run away. And Celeste didn't know where she'd gone, if she'd gotten out or was still wandering in there...But damn it, Celeste wanted to get the hell out of this place, out of the dark and in proper daylight, and not have to wander around like a lab-rat in a cardboard maze. Besides, what would have happened if the tunnels were announced as a Danger Zone? Celeste would run around like a chicken with its head cut off. And then some time later, she really would be missing her head.

Well, fine! Kayla wanted to be a fucking idiot and run from the only person willing to help them out of the maze? Fine. Her head could fucking blow off for all Celeste cared!

"The exit is just ahead. See the light ahead?" Pandora said, snapping Celeste out of her sulking. She looked up, looking around. ...No, she didn't see any light. It looked the same as it did a few minutes ago. But hey, maybe Pandora was a tunnel-creature-woman or something. Maybe she saw light where Celeste didn't.

"Yeah, sure...I guess," she grumbled.

"Once we're past this area, we will be outside amongst the other monsters... Far away from this Hades. Before we plunge ourselves into that decaying madness, might I ask for my payment now? It may be the only chance I have to sit and rest..."

Ohhhh, Celeste got it now. Pandora wasn't going to show her to the actual exit til she got her payment. "Yeah...fine," Celeste answered, slipping her duffel off her shoulder and kneeling beside it. She didn't want to pay Pandora just yet--what if Pandora ran off with it or something? But on the other hand, it was too risky to piss someone off in this game. And Pandora could easily hurt her--Celeste being weaponless and all--or leave her where she was if she refused. As close to the exit as they probably were, Celeste couldn't risk going there on her own. Knowing her awful luck, she might turn around and end up further than she started.

"Here," she said, finding a slightly-squished loaf of bread in her bag, and some water. She held out both to Pandora, her heart sinking a little as she saw what was left of the food in her duffel. Damn, that's...that's gonna hurt later. But if I don't pay... "One loaf of bread, half the water in here," she clarified, giving the water a little shake, letting it slosh around. She'd be watching to make sure Pandora didn't take much more than promised.
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Meredith leaned against the wall, slowly letting herself slide to the floor. She stretched out her legs and placed the flashlight on its bottom, allowing the light to fan out across the damp tunnel walls. She honestly wanted to shut her eyes and rest, sleep, maybe even dream... Dreaming would be a reprieve from this reality she was facing now. She could dream of pleasant things or think back on the things that she used to enjoy, but no matter how she thought of it, dreams just didn't seem possible. Dreams didn't seem likely or apparent because this reality was so harsh and BAM! in your face! It would be hard to submerge herself into another reality, for she hadn't lost all of her marbles just yet. She still had a good chunk of her sanity left, more than she could say about her other classmates...

How pitiful. Meredith had never thought very highly of her classmates, but were they seriously dumb enough to play The Beast's games? Then again, if Meredith found herself in a position to kill, she would be adhering to The Beast as well... Maybe it wasn't as black and white as she thought it was.

Shaking her head, she came to the conclusion that she couldn't rest or sleep until it the time was right. Maybe the time would never be right and maybe sleep would never fall upon her weak body, but the time clearly wasn't right now. For example, she'd never be able to sleep while in the presence of another person. Call her paranoid, but that person could snuff her life out early without Meredith even being aware of it! That just wasn't cool. There would be no way to cause her killer guilt in her last moments of life if she was catching z's...

Celeste didn't argue or try to convince Meredith to reach the exit first before receiving her payment. She was probably just as tired as Meredith and probably a bit weary as well. She held out the loaf of bread and the water bottle, shaking it enticingly, and Meredith became aware that her throat was very dry... She managed the smallest of smiles and slowly took the bottle, unscrewing the top and taking a very small sip. It was enough to quench her thirst. She didn't want to take anymore. And, as for the bread? She took the loaf and tore it into two pieces, only taking half. She returned the other piece to Celeste, giving her an unreadable look. A small sip of water and half of Celeste's bread? It wasn't what was agreed upon, but Meredith didn't want to deprive Celeste of all she had... It was probably Meredith's own fault that she didn't have much of her own rations.

She stuffed the half of bread into one of her cloak pockets and stood up, flashlight in hand. She was hungry, but she didn't want to eat now. Not with Celeste standing overhead, a disappointed look applied to her face. She was expecting Meredith to lead her out of this god forsaken place, and she hadn't done that yet. She didn't deserve anything, let alone payment... Meredith would eat once her job was done, and her job was to lead Celeste out of Hades.


It was several minutes later, and the pair were out in the sunlight of the island. The light burned Meredith's eyes, and she was sure that her snow-white skin was screaming in agony. Her delicate complexion couldn't handle the burning cancer rays that were raging against her body. She almost wished she were back in the tunnel, but she figured there were worse things out there than a sunburn or a tan...

Turning to Celeste, Meredith found herself wordless for a few moments. She wanted to babble and enthuse over finding the exit. She was positive that she almost wouldn't find it! Who knew the tunnels would be such a friggin' maze? But that would just reveal that Meredith honestly had no idea where she was going, and that would probably breech some kind of agreement in the deal. So Meredith kept her mouth shut until she finally agreed upon some generic comment.

"We are finally out. Hades kept the exit hidden from view until our souls agreed to not give in to the demand's of The Beast. That's why it took so long for me to find our way out." She offered a small smirk and pulled out her notebook from a pocket in her cloak. "Now that we're out, will you write in the Book of Life? Once you do, you may go your own way. I don't want to keep you, I'm sure you have other missions to carry out..."
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Post by Moth* »

Celeste had never been happier to see sunlight. She let out a loud cry of jubilation, arching her back a bit and stretching her arms over her head with a laugh. "Ohhh, thank God. Thanks a ton, Pandora, seriously." She lowered her arms, glad to be out of the tunnel, the dark and dampness and the not knowing where the hell she was going or coming from.

She looked at the book in Pandora's hands, smile slowly slipping off her face. Yeah, she'd left the tunnels, but she was still on this damned island, still missing her partner and her man, fighting for her life, and....weaponless. Well, fuck. Maybe no one saw it yet, she thought to herself. Turning her attention back to Pandora, she paused...and nodded. "Yeah...sure, why the hell not? It's light out, so I can actually see now..." Unable to find a pen, Celeste crouched down, smearing her fingertips with a bit of the dirt and mud on the ground before crudely scribbling her name in the notebook. "Not much ink to say much else, sorry," she muttered, scrawling a heart after her name. That would have to do.

"An' don't worry, I don't need you to escort me around the island or anything like that," she smirked right back at the paler girl. "Got someone else for that...boyfriend. Gonna find him later and we'll partner up. Thanks for getting me outta here at least," she added, giving her bag another hitch and starting on her way.

A few steps later though, she paused. After a moment's thought, she dropped the bag and opened it, pulling out the waterbottle again and tossing it at Pandora. What the hell, she had more, right? ...right? If not, her partner would share, surely... "More water for you...And hey, when the Tunnels are called as a Danger Zone, get out, okay? ....You're kinda awesome," Celeste mumbled the last bit, zipping her bag back up and leaving.

Finally, she could get on with things.

(Celeste Beaumont continued elsewhere)
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Celeste seemed very happy to be out in the sunlight, and, honestly, Meredith was happy too. Hades was so dark and dim, and as much as she enjoyed dark places, the tunnels were just a bit too dark for her. This beautiful island was such a raging battlefield of death and destruction, and it was baffling that she would rather idle her time out here than in the depths of Hades with its winding, twisting paths.

Aside from being happy that she was outside, Meredith was also very pleased with Celeste complying to call her Pandora. Almost no one had treated her with such a degree of kindness! Perhaps she should, well, ask if the other girl would accompany her? She seemed nice. Would they make a likely team? Could they protect each other and travel together, upping their chances of survival? Meredith was never one to hang around barely anyone, but maybe now was the chance?

She watched as Celeste smeared her name in the Book of Life. That wasn't exactly what Meredith had been expecting... She was expecting a whole letter to her loved ones! That was the point of the whole book, but Celeste hadn't even asked for ink. Meredith did possess a pen, after all. Before Meredith could whip out her pen, Celeste was onto the next subject and...

What was this weird feeling in her chest? The tightening of the heart, the slightly pained feeling that could only be described as "sinking"? Ah, yes. Disappointment. Celeste's words were obviously laced with finality. She wanted to be far away from the dear Pandora Black, off to be with her boyfriend.. At least she thanked Meredith, right? Right? She surprised herself by merely muttering an, "O-Oh... Oh. O-Okay... I hope you f-find him. Yes."

She watched as Celeste walked away, but before the other girl got too far, she turned around and tossed a water bottle at Meredith. Meredith hadn't been expecting the throw, so the bottle slapped her on the arm and fell to the ground. She didn't bother to pick it up, her face still holding this "deer-in-the-headlights" look.

And then she was gone. Gone. Far away from Pandora Black.

What the hell? If the tunnels become a danger zone, get out? Did Celeste really think Meredith would just stand around in front of the tunnels, idling her time?! She had important things to do too! She had places to go and people to see! Like... her friend Jessica! She'd really like to see her again before, well, they all died. Or was that girl even alive? Meredith tried to remember, but her mind failed her. Ah, well. That didn't change the facts that Meredith had things to do! A duty to upheld!

"You're kinda awesome."

Pft, yeah fucking right. Sure. She only said that because she didn't want Meredith to chase after her with her staff-thingy and beat her to death... Oh, whatever. Meredith didn't want to travel with Celeste anyway!

And, as it presently stood, Meredith was still very much alone. And probably always would be.

((Meredith Hemmings continued in Aching Chest and Blurry Sight))
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