I'll Need A Saviour

Making up most of the northern part of the island, the woods are deep and dark. Spreading second-growth trees, mainly fir and pine, block much of the light from reaching to the ferny undergrowth. Moss hangs thick from the branches, testament to the dank and moisture-laden air, while the occasional deer path shows that many animals still make this forest their home. These woods are those on the inland part of the island’s eastern side, and slowly angle upwards towards the island’s central mountain.
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Post by gambit508* »

Daniel looked at the trio as the two still standing placed their guns down on the ground. He grinned as he lowered his hands and glanced down at the large kid he had kicked. "You really didn't load it? Oh......sorry for kicking you dude." Daniel said as he chuckled, a wide smile on his face as he looked at the group.

"So what are your names, you already know I'm Daniel, and I've seen Jay around at school" Daniel paused as he took a seat on the dirt. "Just so you guys know, I don't have a weapon, I kinda threw it away" Daniel sighed, the AED Machine was useless anyway, most high school seniors didn't have heart problems. He shoved his face into his hands as he looked up at the two.

"I want to escape"
Little Boy*
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Post by Little Boy* »

"I... I didn't load the shotgun... "

Jay could have facepalmed. Actually, he pretty much did facepalm. Lowering his own gun to the dirt next to him (Still within arms reach encase the shit-storm suddenly got started again), Jay couldn't help but dart his glances back and forth between the three, John, Daniel and the girl, Maria. Admittedly, he found his eyes more often than not lingering on Maria longer than the others. Specifically, her ass. He couldn't help it really, it was just... there. A black hole, sucking his gaze in.

A black hole... of ASS.

Jay grinned to himself, glancing over very sneakily, well, as sneaky as he could manage. The last thing he needed was this freshly calmed down girl noticing him checking out her ass. Loaded guns or not, there would be hell to pay. Jay smiled and crossed his legs, glancing back towards John and Daniel.

It's been a few minutes now.. no one is killing each other. Good start. We can build on this! We could at least go like, a few hours before killing each other. Morbid! Morbid-tacular... hehe... oh Christ, what have I gotten myself into? Really shoulda' just run away. Dick move yes, but I could imagine it would be like, small compared to what some of the other fuckers out here are planning to do...

Jay found himself absentmindedly scratching at his throat. It was feeling rather raw and he swallowed, annoyed at the discomfort.

Probably from all the screaming and manly heroics I just displayed... Yeaaaaahh....

As John explained what had happened, Jay found himself bobbing his head, agreeing with him. It all seemed pretty likely. This girl Maria was cute, but MAN was she acting scared. Daniel was still giving him the creeps, despite his cooperation. Strange as it was, despite having pointed a friggin' shotgun at his face mere moments ago, Jay liked John the best out of them all. At least he knew the guy, and he struck him as a sensible kid. Smart too.

Smarter than Jay at least.

What about this Dan guy? Who the fuck goes around smacking people in the back, then sitting down with them an' having a chat? If I was John, I'd have fucked him up...maybe. Where have I seen this guy before? Daniel... Daniel... This kids' got balls for brains...

Daniel... yes, Daniel was creepy. The boy apologized for kicking John, albeit SMILING the entire time. He found himself frowning as the boy spoke.

No Jackie Chan, just no. You're not sorry. If you were sorry, you wouldn't have been running around fuckin' DROPKICKING PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Oh yeah an' bullfuckin' shit you threw out your weapon. You expect me to believe that? What kinda fucked up shit did you get? A fuckin' GRENADE LAUNCHER? Or do you not NEED a weapon Jackie? What with your sick-ass fuckin' kung fu skills. Maybe back over in Hong Chong Chong Ninjas' n' Chopsticks Land kicking someone is a sign of respect or-or whatever, but in America? In America someone's gonna taser your balls!

Jay could feel his distrust of the boy growing as he spoke. It wasn't until the end however, that Jay began to laugh a sharp cruel laugh at the boy.

Escape? Escape? Oh, I know what his weapon was now! Shrooms! Because like, fuckin', shrooms. Yeah. To think you'd escape from here, you've gotta be on shrooms! Heheh. I never had shrooms. I should have tried shrooms when I had the chance... Ughhh I really should have knicked some weed before I got on the bus...

Jay's cruel laugh came to a halt with a sudden and unexpected coughing fit. He pointed a finger at Daniel, wagging it and looking between John and Maria. His cynicism began to break free.

"This guy. This guy, is... I mean...," Jay laughed again, this time shorter and more to himself than anyone else.

"Look, Daniel. I'd REALLY, REALLY like to believe that. But there is no fuckin' way. Survival of the Fittest is a one way ticket to 'fucked in the ass dead town' for escapees. I don't watch this show, but I know, believe me, I know. The most unbelievable fucked up shit happens on this show... and..."

Jay stumbled to a halt, staring at the ground. He realized what he'd just done and instantly regretted it. He'd given up all hope. He'd straight out told Daniel, there was no way home. No way out except in a body bag.

Fuck... God fucking... Well this is just great. Can't think back now and be like 'Oh no, this is Bayview, my friends won't hurt me!'. You know they can. Fuckin' Fatty John was gonna' blow your brains out. His chins would jiggle in anticipation and-an' he was gonna' cock the shotgun and shove it down your throat, and you'd have been like 'Oh god, is this what deep-throating feels like?' and so your last thoughts would be about DICKS and you'd be like, 'Think of pretty ladies, think of Jesus, think of anything!' but no, you'd be thinking of DICKS! Then your pea-sized brain would get splattered all over the T.V for everyone you've ever known to see. Fuckin' everyone at the complex must be watching me right now. Watching, waiting for one of my former friends to rip my fuckin' throat out. We're capable of this and now you know it Jay... Could your best friend kill you? Yes. Could you kill your best friend?


Jay rubbed his neck above his collar. He didn't want to touch it, he didn't need more of a reminder of the situation he'd found himself in.

"Look... Escape isn't going to happen. I say, well. Lets... lets just stay here awhile, until one of us thinks of a better plan. I think I need a minute after all that."

What kind of plan? Kill everyone 'till we're the only ones left, then gun each other down in a fuckin' hail of bullets? This isn't good Jay. You shouldn't be here. You ain't cut out for this, and you sure as fuck ain't cut out to be the last one standing.
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Post by Acelister* »

"I...um...can everyone please calm down...? All the yelling, it's...it's hurting my head... M-my name's Maria. C-can we all just try to...to get along?"

John felt sorry for this frail girl. She just seemed so... Well, frail. But with Survival Of The Fittest, who knew how badly she could explode? Wasn't it always the quiet ones that snapped and went homicidal?

"You really didn't load it? Oh......sorry for kicking you dude."

"Mm..." was all that John said to that before the kicker introduced himself.

"So what are your names, you already know I'm Daniel, and I've seen Jay around at school. Just so you guys know, I don't have a weapon, I kinda threw it away"

"John." John said - although that weapon bit was a likely story. Unless he got something like the postcard Maria claimed to have

"I want to escape"

John's eyes widened. He wanted to what?

"You want to..." he started, but Jay's laughter cut him off.

"Look... Escape isn't going to happen. I say, well. Lets... lets just stay here awhile, until one of us thinks of a better plan. I think I need a minute after all that."

John blinked when Jay had finished. He waited a second before continuing, just in case his classmate started laughing again. Maybe Jay had snapped already... At least he'd lowered his gun. For now.

"How would you plan to escape?" he asked Daniel. "Make a boat? As soon as that Danya guy saw it on the video-cameras that are around the island, he'd blow up our collars."

He grimaced, remembering a particularly bad YouTube clip he saw where a collar went off. That was horrible... Having your brains splattered into your classmate's faces...

"Even if you did build it without it being seen - there's probably mines and submarines and shit out in the water!" he exclaimed, gesturing to his right - hopefully the direction water was in. Though judging by previous games, they take place on an island - so wherever he pointed was kind of right.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

Maria was in the farthest thing from a good mood right about now. Having a bunch of gun-wielding boys around- assuming those guns weren't pointed at her- should have been a GOOD thing. But no, she'd ended up with the boys who panic and yell at each other and...ugh, just ugh. The whole 'I'm an innocent little girl terrified of everything' act was wearing on her as well. She wanted to stand up straight, give some damn orders, and get her new bodyguard brigade to march her out of this forest. THAT was what Maria did. THAT was Maria's life, and THAT was how Maria was gonna get out of her alive, but she couldn't do that as long as she was pretending to be scared out of her mind and as long as these boys were spouting all kinds of crap and Maria never cursed but God, forgive me, but they so deserve it right now.

The big one- John, right? John- was her favorite right now. Even though he dropped the ball on the shotgun. At least he was relatively quiet. Calm. Ish. As opposed to that Jay kid, who was panicking something fierce- real panicking. Though he seemed okay, for the most part. He'd be a decent ally, if he'd just calm down.

And that other boy, mister-lets-kick-people-in-the-back-why-the-hell-not Daniel, who wanted to escape.

Maria very nearly smacked him. She wanted to escape too- who wouldn't?- but she knew it was impossible and bringing it up was only going to make her feel worse. Luckily the other two boys came in and smacked him for her. Verbally. She was glad to know that her potential bodyguard brigade lacked any delusions. At least that way they could be focused on a task. That task being not letting her die. And then what? And then...I'll steal one of their guns and kill them both. She didn't feel guilty, thinking that, but she also didn't think of that as being something that was actually going to happen. Hell, after her performance Maria almost didn't want to leave the island.

I'm never gonna let myself live this down.

"Look... Escape isn't going to happen. I say, well. Lets... lets just stay here awhile, until one of us thinks of a better plan. I think I need a minute after all that."

Maria nodded. She was surprised to be agreeing with something Jay was saying, but everyone needed to calm down. And she needed segue time. No way she was gonna be the scared little girl any longer.

"I agree with Jay. Lets...lets all calm down really quick, okay? And then...lets try to get out of the forest. Okay?"

She frowned, suddenly.

"Oh, and did any of you happen to see a duffel bag out there? I changed clothes, and I was thinking about going back for the rest, but I don't know how to find it now..."
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Post by gambit508* »

"Look... Escape isn't going to happen. I say, well. Lets... lets just stay here awhile, until one of us thinks of a better plan. I think I need a minute after all that."

Daniel paused as he looked at the other two, John was apparently with Jay on this one. The nostalgia lover paused as he turned back to his bag, taking out the food, water and med pack from his assigned duffel and placing it in his personal bag. He paused as he finished placing the last bottle of water as he picked up the black duffel with B023-DANIEL VAUGHAN plastered on it.

"FUCK THIS!" Daniel shouted as he picked up the bag and tossed it away from him. He sat down against a tree as he clawed at his hair. "This isn't supposed to happen in real life, we're suppose to live boring lives and go on to college, get married, have kids and die." Daniel wiped the tears from his face as he brushed against the scar he got from the muggers. "Jude...." Daniel whispered as he thought about his brother watching this on tv, his eyes wide with fear. Sadie was probaly watching in New York as well.

"Fine. You're probaly right, there is no escape" Daniel said as he looked up, his eyes red from burning, but his gaze wasn't focused on the trio, instead it was focused high above him in a tree with a camera. "But I'm not going to give up, I'm getting off this island, I made a promise. I intend to keep it'" Daniel said as he moved back to the group, just in time for the girl to mention she lost her bag after changing her clothes. Daniel glanced at her.

"You changed clothes knowing you're being watched by half the country?" Daniel said as he placed his bag down next to the group. "I'm coming with you three, I have people I need to protect."
Little Boy*
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Post by Little Boy* »

Jay breathed a sigh of relief as the others agreed with him, at least for the time being. He carefully placed his pack in front of him, and began to rummage through it in front of everyone, examining the contents. There would have been little strategy or reasoning if he'd attempted to do it secretly, and he was feeling slightly more focused now. His delusions of a peaceful stay were quickly dissolving.

First people I meet are in a Mexican Standoff worthy of a fuckin' Spaghetti Western... Without the cool hats though... Looks like the Bayview you thought you knew has a dark side Jay... Best to know what- what I've got to work with...

As Jay unpacked the bag for a second time, he was irritated to notice two small black objects underneath a book, (Some type of Survival Guide?) clips.

It wasn't even loaded. I didn't even stop to load the friggin' gun, and I was running in at... Jay, if someone was gonna' dicksmack you in the face right now for being the stupidest fuck on this island, well, you don't have much of a case against him...

Jay quickly covered the clips and glanced up at the others, giving a hesitant laughing. He doubted anyone had seen what he was looking at, and he wasn't really intent to show them his incompetence.

Fuck... Looks like I've gotta' figure out how to work this later... But will I use it? This isn't like Call of Duty, no no no. You don't get to call in the chopper after a 7 kill streak, and I sure as holy FUCK don't have regenerative powers. Least I don't have a 10 year old screaming that I'm a faggot constantly, but well... Fuck shit, I hope I can work it. It better have like, an' R2 button or something.

He looked back up at the group, biting his lip. Trust usually came easy for Jay, and he usually didn't have problems getting people on his side. If he wanted a bite to eat or some weed, he'd just plop down next to someone in the Cafe, spout a few stories, tell a few dick jokes and with any luck he'd be walking home with a dimebag for nothing.

This is different. I don't think dick jokes and stories about drunk chaperone's are gonna cut it now...

Maria was talking again, looking about the clearing. Jay zipped up his pack. The majority of it was useless junk. Jay didn't know how to work a compass, and a map wasn't going to do him any good with murderous teenagers around every corner. That could fall to the others for all he was concerned. He was useless with it.

Yeah, this group. We're pretty much like the A-Team. The Brain is John, Ladies Man, pff Me obviously... Er... Scary Black Guy, Danie- okay, not like the A-Team, but alike in conce-

"FUCK THIS!" Daniel suddenly screamed out, startling Jay so much he literally jumped back. The other boy got up in a huff, sitting down near a tree. Jay instinctively brought his arm up the shield his face, although by now he'd appeared to have calmed down.

"Fine. You're probably right, there is no escape. But I'm not going to give up, I'm getting off this island, I made a promise. I intend to keep it..."

Yes. Okay nevermind, A-Team, he'd be the crazy one. Any ease I was feeling = gone. Fucker is nuts. Jackie Chan is gonna start playing soon. He pretty much just fuckin' said so himself and... fuckin' crap... just fuckin' crap. Need to get rid of this dude. Need to get him out of here and fast, before he pulls out his real weapon...

"Oh, and did any of you happen to see a duffel bag out there? I changed clothes, and I was thinking about going back for the rest, but I don't know how to find it now..."

Jay's head snapped around, eyes bulging, transfixed on her butt. He could feel his face going red as Maria looked around.

....The... Then that means...That... 'DAT ASS.

Jay barely suppressed a snort as he reached up and covered his mouth. He jerked his gaze back down towards his bag. He could feel his face growing redder and redder.

Jay remembered the last time he'd felt like this. He'd just smoked a few joints, (he couldn't for the life of him remember where he'd gotten it from...) and was ditching class when his English Teacher showed up in the school parking lot, and hauled him in to the office to answer for his truancy. He was a useless jittery mass by the time he'd been hauled in to Principal Kendrick's Office, and given a stern talking to. All the while, the ganja burning a hole in his pocket as he squirmed about. He'd nearly lost it when Kendrick had commented on a funny smell.

She doesn't know, she... it's her.. oh my god. Oh my holy fuckin' fuckcrap. This is.. this is so unbelievably righteous, words can't describe how... She doesn't know, it's in my back pocket right now.. But someone else does..

Jay looked up into the trees, found a blinking red light, and winked at the camera mischievously.

Jay, you are a man of honor, discipline and sickening depravity. Mostly that last one. All the frat boys watching this show right now are shedding a tear, praising the Gods of Bitchin' Keggers and Panty Raids. Praising them, thanking them for being so kind as to bestow a- a Saint such as you upon them. Saint Jay Holland, Master of Perversion, Keeper of the Panties. I will never ever live this down...

He looked back up at the others, trying hard to hide his true emotions. For Jay, that was no easy task. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, I agree with Jackie Ch- Ahh... Daniel.. Beats me. You shoulda' kept it with- yeah, with you.." He managed to get out.

Ohhhh boy. Least she doesn't know... she probably thinks' I'm a weird ass though... Oh well. That was friggin', comedy gold. Jesus holy fuck, I'm on fire today. On fire, and most likely gonna get shot up by someone like Fatty John or Jackie Chan here... Least I'll go out blazing.

Blaze- Ohhhh my god, I kill myself sometimes an' I don't even fuckin' know it!

Fuck... I'm going crazy, how- how am I joking at a time like this.... This is, this is surreal I don't even...
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Post by Acelister* »

"I agree with Jay. Lets...lets all calm down really quick, okay? And then...lets try to get out of the forest. Okay?"

John was about to agree when...

"FUCK THIS!" Daniel screamed, flipping out. John flinched, turning to face him and also getting ready to be kicked again. But as soon as it started, Daniel's rage subsided. John was wide-eyed though - this guy would kill them all before they knew it...

"Oh, and did any of you happen to see a duffel bag out there? I changed clothes, and I was thinking about going back for the rest, but I don't know how to find it now..."

"You changed clothes knowing you're being watched by half the country? I'm coming with you three, I have people I need to protect."

John was more confused by that than anything else. She got changed, so needs protecting? And maybe she's jittery around people, but a cam-girl. Like any teenage boy, John had seen 4Chan.org - though apparently a cancer was killing it. Whatever that meant. Either way, cam-girls or chan-sluts or whatever they were - they got off on others seeing their naked bodies. Perhaps Maria was one of them.

'Now she'll be SoTF-Chan...' he thought, allowing himself a small smile.

"I just saw you here, then Jay and... Well, we all know the rest." John shrugged. "Just re-trace your steps? Did you walk in a straight line?"
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Post by Hollyquin* »

So, Daniel was terrifying. That was something that Maria was learning rather quickly as this encounter in the forest went on, and as far as she could tell the other two agreed with her, and thank god he didn't have a gun because they'd be SO dead by now if he did. The other two will keep him away from me. It'll be fine. No freaking out now, Maria. Focus. You've got to lead. Or else you're gonna have to follow, and that's not gonna happen Especially not with this group of idiots. Ugh.

"You changed clothes knowing you're being watched by half the country?"

Maria blinked.

What did he just say?

She thought about it for a second. Then it clicked.

This is a TV show.

There's cameras everywhere.

And I just...I...I...

She'd forgotten about the cameras. Entirely. All she'd wanted was some nice, clean clothes. And now...

...Oh god oh god oh god ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod

At some point her thoughts reached her lips. She barely noticed.


Her hands immediately went to cover her chest, and then her crotch, and then her butt, as though she was still naked. Then, remembering that she was in fact not still naked, she buried her face in her hands instead.

I was NAKED. On TELEVISION. Like some cheap little...oh god...I'm, like, Rosa Fiametta level of whore! I'm WORSE! Oh, god, I'm a bad, bad person...how am I supposed to face anyone now? Her face was burning- not red, due to her skin tone, but burning nonetheless. She heard the boys' advice regarding finding her clothes, but Lord knows she wasn't gonna be changing again. She definitely didn't want them anymore.

Maria ended up mumbling to herself- "I'm a bad person. Oh god. I was naked. On TV. My parents are gonna hate me forever. Urgh..."

I'm so going to hell.
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Post by gambit508* »

Daniel glanced at the three, all of them seemed to react unfavorbaly to his outburst. He sighed as he sat down on his bag. "Sorry bout that guys" he mumbled as he glanced at them, "It's just....my brother was attacked by muggers before school started, I held them off. That's how I got this" he tapped the scar on his cheeck as he held his head. "My dad said it was my job to protect him, I can't protect him if I'm here and I don't want to kill anyone. I mean we're teenagers for Christ's sake. We don't hurt anyone besides Metroids and Koopas!"

As he finished, Maria finally realized what she had done and to say she didn't take it well would of been redundant, she started crying as Daniel rose and walked over to her. He questioned whether to pat her back but decided against it as he looked at her.

"You're not a bad person, it's not your fault some sick freak is forcing us to be in this tv show. That's why I want to get out of here." he turned to Jay, "without the blood of anyone on my hands"
Little Boy*
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Post by Little Boy* »

As the realization of what she'd just done clicked together, Maria aka "Dat Ass" began to have a minor meltdown. Jay found himself grinning despite the circumstances, how could he not?


This isn't really all that bad so far, for a death game. Lotta' boobies at least. Damn, I really should start watching this show, if this nudity thing is a regular occurrence.

...Well too late for that now since you're like, on it...

"I'm a bad person. Oh god. I was naked. On TV. My parents are gonna hate me forever. Urgh..." Maria muttered as the meltdown came to an abrupt end.

"That's pretty kinky." Jay blurted out.

Wait, I said that out-lou- fuck.

He looked around at his comrades, then quickly went back to mixing about the contents of his pack, pretending to be looking for something. He let out a barely audible laugh at his own joke, to try to mask the awkwardness.

Smooth Jay. Really smooth. Still, gotta wonder...

"So uh, yes.." He mumbled, trying and failing to think of what to say next.

Maybe like, maybe she's a virgin... And she realizes she's gonna die and she'll be all like "Oh Jay, let us spend a night together, so I can experience the touch of another maaaaan!" Then I could screw her, and flip off the cameras at the same time! Hot fuckin' damn, that'd be awesome! And I mean, I'm not the best lookin' guy out there, but I doubt she'd want Fatty John huffing and puffing on-BAD THOUGHTS, FUCK.

...Yeah but like, creepy-ass Jackie Chan is probably a fag. So as long as we don't run into anyone like, JJ or Dustin she'll probably settle for me. Cool. HAHAHA! That's really fucked up! Like, but.. yeah. Best case scenario at this point...

Jay suddenly snapped back to reality to realize Jackie Chan aka Daniel, was talking.

Man, I bet they all think I've snapped. I was probably staring off in the distance there fantasizing.. Yeaaaah, I probably seem like I'm snapping a bit.. That's not good... At least I'm still doing better than this weirdo Daniel... Least I haven't like, dropkicked anyone recently...

"....my brother was attacked by muggers before school started, I held them off. That's how I got this..."

The boy tapped a butt-ugly scar on his cheek. Jay let out a barely audible 'yecchh..' at that. Something about his story smelled fishy, and Jay still wasn't in the mood to be trusting anyone fully. Hell, he didn't even remember where he'd met this guy before.

Was it at one of Alex's parties? Was he at that last one? Chillin' with Jojo maybe when I was with Janet..? Ohh man.... I hope she's not here. That... that wouldn't be good at all. She's not here.

Y-yeah, she probably didn't wanna come.

"My dad said it was my job to protect him, I can't protect him if I'm here and I don't want to kill anyone. I mean we're teenagers for Christ's sake. We don't hurt anyone besides Metroids and Koopas!"

"The fuck is a Koopa?" Jay asked, scratching his head.

Is that like, what? I've heard that before. A game? Yeah.. Zelda or something. One of those old shit games. Hmm... Wait, was he in my Science class maybe? Like... no wait, that was Mike... Shit, yeah no. This guy. Something is weird...

"Are you shittin' us when you say you threw out your weapon...?" Jay asked, his hand reaching down to grip his Nambu pistol. His eyes suddenly darted down to stare at his hand.

The fuck did I do that for?!

He looked back up at Daniel, staring at him. It was a very strange day. Fatty John he could trust, the kid was nice enough, and rather harmless. This girl Maria wasn't that smart, fuckin' sexy, and pretty scared. Daniel though? He didn't remember where he knew him from, and the kid went about drop-kicking people. Jay wouldn't be feeling very good these next few weeks, but he knew he'd be feeling even worse if Daniel was around.

"Just like, how the fuck can you prove it?" Jay asked hoarsely. He reached up and rubbed his throat with his free hand, careful to avoid touching the collar.
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Post by Acelister* »

"I'm a bad person. Oh god. I was naked. On TV. My parents are gonna hate me forever. Urgh..."

'Okay, not SoTF-Chan...' John decided, seeing as how much she was freaking out. 'Not willingly, anyway. This is the internet, here... If this is aired live, she's probably already several jiggly animated gif's and a wallpaper...'

Then he noticed that she'd dropped the shotgun, as Daniel went over to her. John took the few steps needed to reclaim his weapon and, shielding himself against any new attacks with his right arm, leant down and picked up the gun with his left hand. When he had it, he stood up and backed away a step.

"What are the odds that, out of ALL the cameras on the island, they were airing the one aimed at you?" he asked. "Just because you were naked doesn't mean they would have shown you. There's probably other stuff going on."

"Are you shittin' us when you say you threw out your weapon...? Just like, how the fuck can you prove it?"

John looked at Jay, who's hand was conspicuously now on his own weapon. His eyes widened. It didn't look like Daniel had any weapons, but if he did... John just admitted this shotgun has nothing in it. The rounds are still with his bag, at least twenty seconds away from him. By the time he got to it and loaded some rounds, he would have enough lead in him to open a mine.

'Wait, does lead come from mines...?' he wondered, despite himself.

"Jay..." he said warningly. If Daniel had a gun, was it intelligent to threaten him? Put in a situation where he'd shoot or be shot, this is one time the odds were against them. In fact, from now on, the odds were against them...
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Post by Hollyquin* »

If Maria was a bigger nerd, she'd refer to her current state of being as a heroic BSOD. As it were, she could only refer to it as oh god oh god I was naked on TV oh god oh god ohgodohgodohgod, which, while not quite as succinct a description, was definitely more specific.

Sir-I-kick-people-and-spout-random-crap-that-no-one-cares-about was spouting random crap that no one cared about, apparently. She heard something about muggers and Koopas and junk and suddenly he was right near her and at this particular moment she still wasn't caring because (running the risk of being redundant) she was naked on TV ohgodohgodohgodohgod. He was trying to comfort her or something but Maria was having NONE of it from he-who-was-clearly-going-to-go-psycho-sooner-rather-than-later and so instead she comforted herself by reminding herself mentally that, in fact, she was never going to meet any of the people who had probably seen her naked.

Cause she'd be dead.

Well, that's a relief.

Maria was at the point that she was thinking in sarcasm. Stress does that to you.

A quick reminder seems appropriate at this point. Maria Santiago was a good little Catholic girl. Troubled? A bit. Attention-whorish? Definitely, but never in a...shall we say provocative way. The girl spent about eleven years in all-girls Catholic school learning about how sex was a sin and all that. Sex? Was a mystery. Maria knew where babies came from and all that- well, in theory- but hell, she'd never even HUGGED a boy outside of her own frickin' family. And she wasn't exactly that caught up on what certain things meant. She talked like a good girl cause she WAS a good girl, though this game seemed to be changing that pretty damn quickly. She was using words like damn for crying out loud? What was WRONG with her?

That reminder was necessary mainly to explain why Maria did not immediately smack the everloving crap outta Jay at the words "That's pretty kinky."

In fact, she just kind of blinked at him. In confusion.

Weird boy. But he has a gun. And he doesn't like Daniel either. And he seems to...like me, I guess? So...sticking with him's probably the best idea for now.

And then John was comforting her too- telling her that there were lots of cameras and if the show was on live it wasn't necessarily on her anyway. But was the show on live? She hadn't seen it before. She didn't know. Besides, she just knew. She was definitely naked on TV. But whatever. The whole going-to-be-dead-in-a-few-days reminder had a way of reorganizing her priorities.

And there were plenty of other things Maria would do on this island that would send her to hell.

She looked around at the group. She did rather want to go find her clothes, now that she thought about it. There might've been something else in her bag, too. Food, maybe. She had brought some snacks along with her that sounded mighty good right about now. But she was not gonna go alone because that seemed to scream 'horrible death' to her. So she looked at her companion choices.

Daniel- definitely not.

John? Um, maybe. He's got a shotgun. He seems like an okay guy.

Jay...he seems okay too. He's got a gun, and he seems nice enough.

As the immature often do when they're indecisive, Maria played a quick mental game of eenie-meenie-miny-moe.

Jay it is, then. Maybe I can ask him how us and John can ditch Daniel...I so think he's gonna kill us in our sleep.

"Uhm...I think I know how to get back to where my clothes are. Jay? Would you mind coming with me, just in case?"
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Post by gambit508* »

Daniel blinked in surprise at Jay's question. That was a good point, how would he convince them he didn't have a weapon. Daniel bent down as he unzipped his bag and started taking things out. The food, med pack, his clothes, a small bag with some gray (with a certain yellow game starring the world's most famous seizure starter) Game Boy games, a large white brick like Game boy, some black earbuds and an MP3 player. The latter of which Daniel pulled out, placing the earbuds in his ear and player in his pocket as he lifted the bag upside down shaking it.

"See I'm as weaponless as the day I was born dude" Daniel said as he paused before shaking his head. "But if you want me gone, I'll leave. I need to find some people anyway" He looked at the group as the girl asked Jay to help her look for her clothes. Daniel nodded slightly as he started to move away from the group, stopping next to Jay as he whispered.

"Protect her" he muttered as he started to move away from the trio, as he thought about where he would go next. Probably continue looking for Marty and Joshua, the latter had always been one of Daniel's closer friends and the former was the requisite sane man of the comedy duo.

(Daniel Vaughan Continued in The Right Thing For The Wrong Reasons)
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General Goose
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Post by General Goose »

((Sunil Savarkar - start))

Sunil always was an early riser, in stark contrast to the rest of his family, often the first in his house to get up and get ready for the day ahead. And likewise, he felt he had woken up quite early from the gas, very groggy and with a really painful leg, but awake. And like most students, the first thing on his to-do list was to just have a mental breakdown and panic; burst into tears, bang his head on the nearest tree in frustration and desperation (the only thing he had achieved from that was a very nasty, yet thankfully small, bloody mark on his forehead), then, once the tears had dried up and his head had begun to hurt, swear at the heavens, cursing everyone and everything in existence.

And in his temper tantrums, he had blamed everyone and everything he could, for the most irrational of reasons. He'd blamed his parents for paying for and sending him on the trip (even though he knew full well they'd done it with the best of intentions and they had no way of foreseeing what would happen), he blamed his school for being stupid enough to fall into the trap (even though he knew that they had done nothing wrong in their preparations and had no way of preventing this without hindsight) and he blamed himself; for agreeing to go on the trip, for not doing more with his life, for convincing his parents he was mature and responsible enough to go on the trip without ending up getting a girl pregnant or appearing on the internet in a drunken picture wearing just a lampshade and a flip-flop. He had been the well-behaved, obedient child in the Savarkar family, and this was how his good behaviour was rewarded? An early death?

And he also blamed Danya and his cronies for this clusterfuck of a situation as well, but that wasn't so irrational.

He was on an island. Middle of nowhere. He and his classmates had all been given weapons and told to kill each other. Words could not describe how much that sucked. Oh, and as the many cameras constantly reminded him, it was on TV, so his parents, sister and brother could watch him panic, go insane and eventually die.

Not only that, but any sick, depraved moronic couch potato who thought it was just harmless entertainment could sit back and watch and laugh at his death or whatever. Hopefully they'd all get heart attacks from all that lounging around on the sofa or something. He'd never liked SOTF, he'd always thought it was pointless garbage at best and a terrorist attack at worst (unlike his sister, though her opinion of the show would probably change upon seeing her brother on it), and now he was in it, his hatred for the fans and the people behind it had just grown.

And after all the anger had left his body, Sunil had decided to calm down, stop making a fool of himself on TV and just approach his situation from a logical, strategic perspective. Okay.

First things first, Sunil decided to check the two bags he had. That was the most logical thing to do. One was the fairly small bag he'd brought on the trip, the other was a bag he'd never seen before with B031 stamped on it in bold lettering. Sunil had no idea what that meant; it could be a code name, some obscure designer logo, just some random characters printed on the bag to make him paranoid. Out of curiosity, he opened that one first, half expecting the bag to be rigged to explode upon contact. That wasn't the case, so he frantically searched through the bag, finding a flashlight, map (glancing at it quickly, Sunil was surprised at how big it was. How did the terrorists find such a big island?), compass, first aid kit, a survival guide (which he slotted into his pocket, he'd read it as he walked) and what he presumed were the rations.

Crackers, bread, water and a few cans. Pretty shitty, but meh, he'd get by. Yeah, that was probably all the stuff that Danya douche said would be in the bag during that little briefing, he told himself. He frankly couldn't remember many of the exact details that had happened during their briefing, and he didn't want to think about it too much unless he remembered another traumatic atrocity like the slaughter of his teachers. It was hard enough to cope with that without remembering a student being shot right next to him or something. He decided to quickly swig down a small bit of water, try and solve the dry throat and headache he had. As he did so, he remembered one thing Danya had DEFINITELY mentioned that he couldn't find: that random weapon they were all given. He was troubled by his lack of an apparent weapon, which despite his thorough searching, there was absolutely no sign of. Maybe getting no weapon whatsoever was one of things you could get rolled?

Well, that sucked.

Quickly rummaging through his old bag, he found it had obviously been touched, but aside from his phone, nothing had been stolen. His clothes, sketchpad, books and the various other essentials and crap he had brought along had all been left intact. Not even noticing his phone had been taken, he picked up the two bags and set off on a walk.

He had been walking in circles for what felt like hours through the woods. The only sign of human activity he saw were the cameras and an occasional footprint on the ground, and he distracted himself by reading that survival guide a few times and just looking at his surroundings. He was staring at this rather mundane flower (one he'd never seen before, admittedly), when he heard talking. It sounded like some boy was leaving someone else, off to go find another person they wanted.

That meant that the person the talking person was leaving was still in the area. Right now, being with someone else sounded like a great idea to Sunil. It was unlikely people had gone bananas and started shooting each other THIS early in the game, and "safety in numbers" seemed like a very good short-term plan.

And so Sunil rushed to where he thought the sounds were coming from, to find not one but three people in a group. Not bothering to check for any weapons or to see if it was a bad time to pop in, Sunil meekly introduced himself. "Eh. Hey guys. It's Sunil. I heard talking and I....well, I had nothing better to do so I thought I might come over here. See what's up...is everything alright?"
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Post by Whirlpool531* »

(B128 Start)

Huh? Why is it so bright in my room? I always shut the curtains before I go to bed...oh fuck me...

Jojo quickly opened and closed his eyes and realized his fears were true. No, the abduction was not some prank by the faculty to scare the class into behaving or something. No, he was not back at home getting ready for school before leaving for the trip. No, he was not going to come back from this trip with funny stories to tell his parents and Emily about how some kids were caught sneaking into each other's bunks at night.

Well, isn't this great, trapped in the middle of who knows where with everyone out to get you. At least I still have friends. They wouldn't think of really killing me just to get off this island right? Right, we'll all make it to the end and somehow convince this Danya guy to let a few extra out.

Out of all the subjects Jojo knew, SOTF was one of his weakest. He saw some clips of the more gruesome deaths and read a few articles online about it, but mostly tried to ignore it as he thougt it would never become relevant to him. Until now when it was too late to get read up on it of course. After a good bit of sitting and hoping everything would be alright, Jojo got up and looked at the bags next to him. He searched through his duffel bag and found all his spare wood-working tools gone with only some carpenter pencils, paper, clothes, and his favorite books on plants and woodworking techniques. Jojo had figured he could just buy all his food when they got there.

Great plan Jojo, at least you won't eat any poisonous berries and be caught with your pants down when someone kills you. But none of them would really do that anyways, I never made any enemies at school.

Jojo laughed nervously at the thought and searched through the daypack and found everything he heard would be in there. Except there was no weapon...but there was some camo gear inside...

Great, trapped in the middle of nowhere and I can't even protect anybody. All I can do is hide or walk around to find my friends. Well, might as well do the latter while I'm awake.

After repacking everything, Jojo quickly set out in a brisk walk and soon tripped. He fell in a heap and his favorite cap flew off his head and landed slightly in front of him. After landing, he felt that the ground wasn't quite what he was expecting it to feel like. He got up and saw that he tripped on someone's bag and landed on a girl's uniform from his school. Now most would assume something quite simple like a girl changed her clothes or someone had stolen a bag and found nothing useful but Jojo was quickly starting to lose his hold on sanity as the denial and stress began building up.

"Oh God, its just like in Dragonball Z where people were absorbed by Cell and all that was left was their clothes!" he yelled. He quickly snatched his cap up and backed up to the nearest tree and just stayed there. Shivering while trying to cover himself in the camo the best he could so he would just blend in and nothing would absorb him while leaving only his clothes behind.
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