Pretty Handsome Awkward
Gracie smiled smugly and rolled her eyes as Vivian flounced off, with some lame excuse. As if,' Gracie thought in response to Vivian's statement. I can have them anytime I want. It's sad that you actually think that would hurt me.'
She tapped her foot impatiently while the boys decided on the plan she was currently carrying out. Explore the place, what will the think of next,' Gracie bit back the thoughts with an extreme effort. She never thought she'd end up with two allies, and with Mike's comments it looked like it could be shaping up to a third. Gracie figured that the more people she had around the less likely it was that she would become an actual target. Instead she smiled the boys encouragingly and waited for Mike to join her near the front door.
"Great plan. I'm pretty sure, it's safe. Vivien was coming out of here when we first walked up," she said.
She tapped her foot impatiently while the boys decided on the plan she was currently carrying out. Explore the place, what will the think of next,' Gracie bit back the thoughts with an extreme effort. She never thought she'd end up with two allies, and with Mike's comments it looked like it could be shaping up to a third. Gracie figured that the more people she had around the less likely it was that she would become an actual target. Instead she smiled the boys encouragingly and waited for Mike to join her near the front door.
"Great plan. I'm pretty sure, it's safe. Vivien was coming out of here when we first walked up," she said.
It seemed things were smoothed over fairly well. Really, it was amazing how much better a situation could become with something so simple as the removal of a poisonous influence. Mike wasn't going to miss Vivien, that was sure. Nick seemed to be down for checking things out, with Teo backing him up. Pretty soon, the job had been delegated; Nick and Mike would check the back, while Teo and Gracie would hang out in the front. It made sense. Nick and Mike had the melee weapons, so they could deal with any trouble, and if they got in a jam, they could run back, and Teo and Gracie could provide covering fire or something.
"Yeah, sounds good," he said, and started walking towards the back of the sawmill. Nick would catch up. Besides, it wasn't like things would really be dangerous. Gracie had a very good point. Anywhere Vivien had come from was sure to be safe. Someone as annoying as the—boy? girl? whatever—would probably not have escaped, say, Lombardi's wrath unscathed.
So Mike whistled a little to himself as he rounded the corner.
"Yeah, sounds good," he said, and started walking towards the back of the sawmill. Nick would catch up. Besides, it wasn't like things would really be dangerous. Gracie had a very good point. Anywhere Vivien had come from was sure to be safe. Someone as annoying as the—boy? girl? whatever—would probably not have escaped, say, Lombardi's wrath unscathed.
So Mike whistled a little to himself as he rounded the corner.

- Ruggahissy
- Posts: 2609
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:13 pm
Nick looked wide eyed for a moment at Mike. He'd actually agreed. Some part of him had hoped the other boy would have caught on, would have turned on him with katana in hand and run away.
I ..I ..oh no. My heart. It's pounding so hard. I wonder if he can hear it. That's silly. He can't hear it.
His hands tingled lightly as if the blood had been drained from them. He tried to look like nothing was wrong. Nick looked at Mike and managed a little bit of a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Mike had wandered ahead of him. Nick shuffled along behind.
It just takes one step. One foot in front of the other. The first is always the hardest for anything. It's always hardest when you just start out, but with practice everything becomes easier. Even this. You want to survive?Then this is the way. An armed boy you aren't all that familiar with. He's good to start with. A starter kill. Starter kill? This isn't a crafts project, it's a person. A person who would just as soon kill me .
Mike was whistling. It was all he could hear, some upbeat little ditty. Nick walked up behind him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered gruffly as raised his weapon.
I go out walkin' after midnight, out in the moon light, just like we used to do, I'm always walkin' after midnight searchin' for you
Nick bopped his head cheerfully along with the old song that was floating beneath the chatter of people.Nick looked down at the pie the waitress had brought him. The little shop was bustling with people but he, Jessica, Josie and Alex had managed to find a booth right next to the window. While they waited he had been watching Jessica from across the booth as she looked outside at the first few summer fire flies. The waitress put down the single slices for Josie and Alex and put the pie between Jessica and Nick. She went ahead and put one plate in front of Jessica and was about to put down the other in front of Nick when he stopped her.
"No thanks. One's good."
"You sure?" she asked incredulously.
He nodded vigorously. The waitress shrugged, gave him a skeptical look and placed a large knife down next to the plate. Nick looked up at Jessica. She looked away when their eyes met and pushed the same strand of hair back three times behind her ear. He smiled at her and picked up the knife.
The heel of his hand rested on the handle, the knife seemed very heavy now. Much heavier than it looked. He put his left hand on the handle for support and tilted the blade down. The point entered into the smooth crust first. It stuck in slightly. It wouldn't cut all the way. He yanked the knife out.
The pie must be one of those in the display case all day. That would explain why it was a little hard to cut. He tried again. He swept the blade down hard and this time it cut, tearing into the creamy colored exterior. Nick looked up at Jessica. She just kept smiling shyly. He cut in a second time, now much easier. The sticky strawberry filling poured out, rose up along the sides of the blade and spilled over the crust.
The music stopped. Nick looked at his hands covered in the filling. But hadn't he.... asked for apple? His blood pumped faster. The only sound was the high pitched buzzing of an empty room, even with all the people in the shop.
He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the vibrant red filling from his fingers. It wasn't strawberry.
He was panting, out of breath. The overwhelming metallic taste in his mouth brought him back. It startled him. What had he done? The realization of his actions hit him. He quickly dropped his weapon. Nick's stomach gave a violent churning lurch and he braced himself as he vomited what little was left in his stomach
I ..I ..oh no. My heart. It's pounding so hard. I wonder if he can hear it. That's silly. He can't hear it.
His hands tingled lightly as if the blood had been drained from them. He tried to look like nothing was wrong. Nick looked at Mike and managed a little bit of a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Mike had wandered ahead of him. Nick shuffled along behind.
It just takes one step. One foot in front of the other. The first is always the hardest for anything. It's always hardest when you just start out, but with practice everything becomes easier. Even this. You want to survive?Then this is the way. An armed boy you aren't all that familiar with. He's good to start with. A starter kill. Starter kill? This isn't a crafts project, it's a person. A person who would just as soon kill me .
Mike was whistling. It was all he could hear, some upbeat little ditty. Nick walked up behind him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered gruffly as raised his weapon.
I go out walkin' after midnight, out in the moon light, just like we used to do, I'm always walkin' after midnight searchin' for you
Nick bopped his head cheerfully along with the old song that was floating beneath the chatter of people.Nick looked down at the pie the waitress had brought him. The little shop was bustling with people but he, Jessica, Josie and Alex had managed to find a booth right next to the window. While they waited he had been watching Jessica from across the booth as she looked outside at the first few summer fire flies. The waitress put down the single slices for Josie and Alex and put the pie between Jessica and Nick. She went ahead and put one plate in front of Jessica and was about to put down the other in front of Nick when he stopped her.
"No thanks. One's good."
"You sure?" she asked incredulously.
He nodded vigorously. The waitress shrugged, gave him a skeptical look and placed a large knife down next to the plate. Nick looked up at Jessica. She looked away when their eyes met and pushed the same strand of hair back three times behind her ear. He smiled at her and picked up the knife.
The heel of his hand rested on the handle, the knife seemed very heavy now. Much heavier than it looked. He put his left hand on the handle for support and tilted the blade down. The point entered into the smooth crust first. It stuck in slightly. It wouldn't cut all the way. He yanked the knife out.
The pie must be one of those in the display case all day. That would explain why it was a little hard to cut. He tried again. He swept the blade down hard and this time it cut, tearing into the creamy colored exterior. Nick looked up at Jessica. She just kept smiling shyly. He cut in a second time, now much easier. The sticky strawberry filling poured out, rose up along the sides of the blade and spilled over the crust.
The music stopped. Nick looked at his hands covered in the filling. But hadn't he.... asked for apple? His blood pumped faster. The only sound was the high pitched buzzing of an empty room, even with all the people in the shop.
He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked the vibrant red filling from his fingers. It wasn't strawberry.
He was panting, out of breath. The overwhelming metallic taste in his mouth brought him back. It startled him. What had he done? The realization of his actions hit him. He quickly dropped his weapon. Nick's stomach gave a violent churning lurch and he braced himself as he vomited what little was left in his stomach
My twisted humor 
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Gracie blinked at Teo and then shrugged and went inside. She let out a little squeal of delight at the sight of real beds. Sure they weren't what she was used to at home, but it would be so nice to curl up on something besides the ground. She was tempted to do so now; there wasn't much to the room.Maybe she could convince Teo and Nick to set up camp here, and so she could keep this wonderful spot all to herself.
She stepped in further and spotted the mirror and sink. So that was Vivien's little secret. I'll show her what can be done with some running water.
"Look Teo, beds and water," she said stating the obvious. "I definitely don't want to leave here if we don't have too." She turned on the water and watched it run for a minute, then cupped her hands underneath in and bent down to splash some on her face.
She stepped in further and spotted the mirror and sink. So that was Vivien's little secret. I'll show her what can be done with some running water.
"Look Teo, beds and water," she said stating the obvious. "I definitely don't want to leave here if we don't have too." She turned on the water and watched it run for a minute, then cupped her hands underneath in and bent down to splash some on her face.
Things were going pretty well. The back of the building was nice and deserted, just like Mike had thought it'd be. Yeah, Vivien must've scared everyone away with massive amounts of lame bitching. They could just give things a little look, then head back, proclaim the territory safe, and catch some rest.
Nick was right behind Mike, all of a sudden, in his bubble. He could almost feel the proximity, nice and awkward and uncomfortable. Nick quickly whispered an apology.
"Hey, man, no pro—"thunk.
Mike didn't really have time to figure out what had happened. He didn't really have time to feel much of anything. Whatever the thing that struck him had hit had been pretty important. Mike's hand went for his katana, without any input from his brain. By the time it grasped the hilt, he was toppling forward, blood spraying from his wound (wounds? There'd seemed to be a second jolt, worse, but it was pretty well impossible to say with any certainty).
He hit the ground and moved no more, never having quite figured out what hit him.
B065, Mike Jeffries DECEASED
Nick was right behind Mike, all of a sudden, in his bubble. He could almost feel the proximity, nice and awkward and uncomfortable. Nick quickly whispered an apology.
"Hey, man, no pro—"thunk.
Mike didn't really have time to figure out what had happened. He didn't really have time to feel much of anything. Whatever the thing that struck him had hit had been pretty important. Mike's hand went for his katana, without any input from his brain. By the time it grasped the hilt, he was toppling forward, blood spraying from his wound (wounds? There'd seemed to be a second jolt, worse, but it was pretty well impossible to say with any certainty).
He hit the ground and moved no more, never having quite figured out what hit him.
B065, Mike Jeffries DECEASED

Gracie's next step after washing her face, was to rinse out her hair. She wondered what was taking Nick and Mike so long, but decided that she was going to use every minute of the time they gave her. Especially since Teo, didn't seem to be objecting. She wet her hair and then dug the brush and comb out of her bag. She went to work on her hair. After several minutes she's managed to get it to lay smooth. Gracie wasn't thrilled with her but it beat wandering around looking like she'd stuck her finger in an outlet. A headband from her bag finished off her look.
She glanced at her bag and saw the makeup which lay to one side. She stood looking at herself in the mirror deciding whether or not she had time to reapply it or not. She turned and walked to the door. Sticking her head out she called, "Guys, how long does it take to inspect the outside of a building? Where are you?"
She glanced at her bag and saw the makeup which lay to one side. She stood looking at herself in the mirror deciding whether or not she had time to reapply it or not. She turned and walked to the door. Sticking her head out she called, "Guys, how long does it take to inspect the outside of a building? Where are you?"
Teo had followed Gracie inside and purposefully ignored the echo of the wet thump outside. Yes, it was true that he had agreed to play the game. Didn't mean he took any joy in seeing, or hearing for that matter the death of a fellow student.
As Gracie put her head out the door Teo placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Babe, Nick's just taking care of something you should just rest up for a second yeah?"
He smiled his disarming smile and hoped Gracie hadn't seen anything. No matter what people said about him, that he was a womaniser, a player, Teo still felt that he would never hit a woman and wanted to protect Gracie from something a girl should never have to see.
"He'll be back soon. I promise."
We'll all be dead soon. I promise."
As Gracie put her head out the door Teo placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Babe, Nick's just taking care of something you should just rest up for a second yeah?"
He smiled his disarming smile and hoped Gracie hadn't seen anything. No matter what people said about him, that he was a womaniser, a player, Teo still felt that he would never hit a woman and wanted to protect Gracie from something a girl should never have to see.
"He'll be back soon. I promise."
We'll all be dead soon. I promise."
- Ruggahissy
- Posts: 2609
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:13 pm
Nick leaned against a tree for support and hung his head with his eyes squeezed shut. His fingers were shaking uncontrollably, his hands as well. It felt as if a constant shiver was humming throughout his whole body, threatening to make him sick again. It smelled of blood. The smell made him wretch. He covered his mouth and slung the boy's bag over his shoulder and then grabbed the katana off the ground.
Nick walked a few feet away and started going through the bag with his back turned to the gory mess. He shoved the extra food, water and first aid into his own bag and threw Mike's bag aside. His eyes were watering; he blinked a few times and a few tears rolled down his face. He pulled a new shirt out of his bag and changed, taking care to wipe off the blood on his hands and to wipe his face on the old shirt before tossing it aside. Finally he threw the blood splashed hunga munga in the bag and walked around into the sawmill with the katana in hand.
"Hey guys," he choked out. Nick sat on one of the beds and took out one of the pilfered loaves.
"Here," he said softly. "We need to keep our energy up. This place looks good, we should rest," he said, eyes glued to the dusty floor.
Nick walked a few feet away and started going through the bag with his back turned to the gory mess. He shoved the extra food, water and first aid into his own bag and threw Mike's bag aside. His eyes were watering; he blinked a few times and a few tears rolled down his face. He pulled a new shirt out of his bag and changed, taking care to wipe off the blood on his hands and to wipe his face on the old shirt before tossing it aside. Finally he threw the blood splashed hunga munga in the bag and walked around into the sawmill with the katana in hand.
"Hey guys," he choked out. Nick sat on one of the beds and took out one of the pilfered loaves.
"Here," he said softly. "We need to keep our energy up. This place looks good, we should rest," he said, eyes glued to the dusty floor.
My twisted humor 
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Gracie gave Teo a quizzical look, she'd missed something she was sure of it. Before she could ask Teo to explain himself, Nick reappeared. She studied Nick carefully and then noticed that Mike wasn't with him. Her eyes widened as she figured out what probably happened. She wasn't happy about it; Mike had been a potential ally. If he was going to get rid of someone it should have been Vivian Morin. Mike was on their side at least for the time being. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at them.
"You didn't really kill him did you? I mean, he was an ally. At least that's what he seemed to be. What were you thinking, the both of you," Gracie asked as she stepped back to allow Nick into the room.
"You didn't really kill him did you? I mean, he was an ally. At least that's what he seemed to be. What were you thinking, the both of you," Gracie asked as she stepped back to allow Nick into the room.
Teo looked appraisingly at Gracie. She was made of sterner stuff than he had thought and she was more perceptive that he had guessed before. Teo had made a bad judgement call, something he rarely did. He'd have to be a little bit more careful around her. Glancing back at Nick he gave a curt nod.
"Nick did what he had to do, this isn't a game we're in it to win it. Whatever it takes." Teo took a deep breath before continuing. "We're working together because we'll stay alive longer that's all there is to it sweetheart. When it gets down to the last few you can be sure there won't be any mercy. We just need to stay alive to then. Playing it smart is all."
He decided to lay it out straight for the girl. She deserved no less. Teo knew Nick might have a plan to kill him, but likewise he had his own. There were way too many people still around for them to backstabbing each other yet. Nick was smart enough to know that and Teo felt relatively comfortable relaxing around him despite the recent killing. Plus, Nick looked pretty bummed out and Teo was sure the kid wasn't ready to do any killing any time soon.
"Ease up guys, I'll take first shift, you guys get a nap. He hoped they both realised that he had no intention of murdering them in their sleep. There would be plenty opportunity to do so later if he needed to. The game was survival of the fittest and in nature those who could work in packs survived longer.
"Nick did what he had to do, this isn't a game we're in it to win it. Whatever it takes." Teo took a deep breath before continuing. "We're working together because we'll stay alive longer that's all there is to it sweetheart. When it gets down to the last few you can be sure there won't be any mercy. We just need to stay alive to then. Playing it smart is all."
He decided to lay it out straight for the girl. She deserved no less. Teo knew Nick might have a plan to kill him, but likewise he had his own. There were way too many people still around for them to backstabbing each other yet. Nick was smart enough to know that and Teo felt relatively comfortable relaxing around him despite the recent killing. Plus, Nick looked pretty bummed out and Teo was sure the kid wasn't ready to do any killing any time soon.
"Ease up guys, I'll take first shift, you guys get a nap. He hoped they both realised that he had no intention of murdering them in their sleep. There would be plenty opportunity to do so later if he needed to. The game was survival of the fittest and in nature those who could work in packs survived longer.
- Ruggahissy
- Posts: 2609
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:13 pm
Nick sat on one of the bed with his forearms on his legs, looking down at his shoes. He didn't lift his head while Gracie asked him what he'd been thinking to do what he did.
"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to," he said and put the loaf he'd offered down next to him. It was as if he hadn't heard what she said.
Teo tried to explain to her what they had already decided on way back at the warehouse. They talked about it, they came to a logical and level headed conclusion to follow the rules and play not at all under any sort of panic. It wasn't as though Nick could blame what he'd done on some knee jerk reaction. It was just another decision and that decision was all on his shoulders.
No. It's not me. It's the game. It's not my fault. I'm still good. I'm a good person. Wanting to live doesn't make me bad. Does it? I cried. That means sadness, regret. Bad people....they don't do that when they kill someone. I know it.
He imagined that it had been so quick that even Mike didn't have the time before he had died to think of Nick as a bad person.
Teo suggested rest. They were all in need of rest but Nick wasn't sure if he would be able to sleep, now or ever again. But he felt it was best to go along.
"Okay. Wake one of us up in a little to switch shifts."
Nick lay down on the cot and closed his eyes, but he made sure that he didn't fall asleep.
"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to," he said and put the loaf he'd offered down next to him. It was as if he hadn't heard what she said.
Teo tried to explain to her what they had already decided on way back at the warehouse. They talked about it, they came to a logical and level headed conclusion to follow the rules and play not at all under any sort of panic. It wasn't as though Nick could blame what he'd done on some knee jerk reaction. It was just another decision and that decision was all on his shoulders.
No. It's not me. It's the game. It's not my fault. I'm still good. I'm a good person. Wanting to live doesn't make me bad. Does it? I cried. That means sadness, regret. Bad people....they don't do that when they kill someone. I know it.
He imagined that it had been so quick that even Mike didn't have the time before he had died to think of Nick as a bad person.
Teo suggested rest. They were all in need of rest but Nick wasn't sure if he would be able to sleep, now or ever again. But he felt it was best to go along.
"Okay. Wake one of us up in a little to switch shifts."
Nick lay down on the cot and closed his eyes, but he made sure that he didn't fall asleep.
My twisted humor 
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Gracie sighed and thought maybe she shouldn't have clued the boys in. Maybe she should have continued to play dumb. Although from Teo's explanation it seemed that he still viewed her that way. He explained to her why Mike had to die, and it was the very thing she wanted to keep him around for. More people around her meant more targets if bullets started flying. If they were going to kill someone why wasn't it Vivian?
She turned and made her way back inside the room, rolling her eyes as she went. She scanned the cots and avoided the one that had stains on it. It looked like blood, but she wasn't going to bend down and find out. Whatever it was she wasn't sleeping on it.
"Don't forget to wake us up," she said laying down.
She turned and made her way back inside the room, rolling her eyes as she went. She scanned the cots and avoided the one that had stains on it. It looked like blood, but she wasn't going to bend down and find out. Whatever it was she wasn't sleeping on it.
"Don't forget to wake us up," she said laying down.
The two seemed to cooperate with Teo's suggestions and the next few hours seemed to pass without any event. He briefly contemplated quickly offing the two and making quick trails out of the sawmill but one glance at Nick in the first hour with Nick staring straight back at him made Teo remove the thought from his mind. He wasn't all that willing to commit cold blooded murder quite yet. Plus, despite Gracie's bedraggled condition anything that had two breasts and nothing hanging between their legs was starting to looking pretty sexy to the boy. The time wore on and Teo spent some time mapping out a game plan. If his calculations were correct there was less than half the class remaining alive and only a week had gone by.
He'd kept track of some of the big names. Lombardi, Clio, Atwell, Brooks (who'd of thought), Reiko, Raidon, but there were far too many other 'killers' to scrawl down while staying alert. Instead he resolved to continue on with the original game plan. Play smart and back each other up, at least until the last 50 or so. Teo was honourable enough but staying alive was his main goal, he wouldn't begrudge Nick or even Gracie if they turned on him though.
Grabbing the pack of the recently deceased Mike he jammed some bread in his mouth and took a swig of water. Keeping his fluids up was a priority, if you were well fed and well rested you would have a huge advantage. Teo suspected many of the survivours were running low on both food and water, and if so they'd be woozy and slow, something Teo wasn't worried about for their group. Well at least for now. They had been pretty efficient in looting, taking water and food and moving on if they found a pack and as such had maybe a day or two's worth rations between them, assuming someone wasn't stashing extras. Still that meant a move from their location.
When his time was up he woke Nick up. Or at least he made the boy get up from bed. "Hey, your shift. Figured we should head in to town when we can, try to get some more supplies. Food will be running low soon. Don't do anything stupid; if you hear someone, wake me."
With that Teo clambered in to the bunk and shut his eyes. Sure he was a little concerned about being killed in his sleep, but all things considered it was the least risky of options. A good nights rest would leave him active and over the last five days Gracie and Nick hadn't killed him yet.
Mind you, that was before Nick had actually killed anyone at all...
He'd kept track of some of the big names. Lombardi, Clio, Atwell, Brooks (who'd of thought), Reiko, Raidon, but there were far too many other 'killers' to scrawl down while staying alert. Instead he resolved to continue on with the original game plan. Play smart and back each other up, at least until the last 50 or so. Teo was honourable enough but staying alive was his main goal, he wouldn't begrudge Nick or even Gracie if they turned on him though.
Grabbing the pack of the recently deceased Mike he jammed some bread in his mouth and took a swig of water. Keeping his fluids up was a priority, if you were well fed and well rested you would have a huge advantage. Teo suspected many of the survivours were running low on both food and water, and if so they'd be woozy and slow, something Teo wasn't worried about for their group. Well at least for now. They had been pretty efficient in looting, taking water and food and moving on if they found a pack and as such had maybe a day or two's worth rations between them, assuming someone wasn't stashing extras. Still that meant a move from their location.
When his time was up he woke Nick up. Or at least he made the boy get up from bed. "Hey, your shift. Figured we should head in to town when we can, try to get some more supplies. Food will be running low soon. Don't do anything stupid; if you hear someone, wake me."
With that Teo clambered in to the bunk and shut his eyes. Sure he was a little concerned about being killed in his sleep, but all things considered it was the least risky of options. A good nights rest would leave him active and over the last five days Gracie and Nick hadn't killed him yet.
Mind you, that was before Nick had actually killed anyone at all...
((Skipping post order to avoid inactivity.))
Gracie paced restlessly as she waited for the boys to wake up. She was trying hard to keep quiet, they'd been nice enough to let her sleep and she was trying to return the favor. She moved over to see if the shirt she'd washed out earlier was dry, it wasn't, and she was back to being bored.
Sighing she stepped out onto the porch, now that she thought about it this place was kind of boring. She went back inside to search her pack for the map she'd seen earlier. Gracie frowned as she looked over the map, nothing seemed particularly promising, but she'd decided she was ready to move on. A place with a bed and actual running water was sure to get crowded sooner rather than later. That's the angel she'd pitch to the boys, that they didn't want more people snooping around. Decision made she returned the map to her bag and resumed her pacing, ready to set off as soon as the boys woke up.
((Gracie Wainwright continued in Aching Chest and Blurry Sight))
Gracie paced restlessly as she waited for the boys to wake up. She was trying hard to keep quiet, they'd been nice enough to let her sleep and she was trying to return the favor. She moved over to see if the shirt she'd washed out earlier was dry, it wasn't, and she was back to being bored.
Sighing she stepped out onto the porch, now that she thought about it this place was kind of boring. She went back inside to search her pack for the map she'd seen earlier. Gracie frowned as she looked over the map, nothing seemed particularly promising, but she'd decided she was ready to move on. A place with a bed and actual running water was sure to get crowded sooner rather than later. That's the angel she'd pitch to the boys, that they didn't want more people snooping around. Decision made she returned the map to her bag and resumed her pacing, ready to set off as soon as the boys woke up.
((Gracie Wainwright continued in Aching Chest and Blurry Sight))
- Ruggahissy
- Posts: 2609
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:13 pm
((Bleh, I'm back now! Sorry for the hold up.))
Nick stared at the black walls of his eye lids. Even if he was tired, he wasn't sure he could sleep. In the darkness of his mind he couldn't help but go over what had happened. It was the game, he told himself. But it was the slipperiest of slopes to try and play. Once you made the decision that you were determined to try to get home, it was all or nothing. You were a killer and people would come for you. Good people would come to exact revenge. Bad people would come to take out a threat. Though good and bad seemed neither here nor there at the moment. The island took normal morality and spun it like a top, round and round until good and bad blurred together and became inseparable in the confusion of the frenzied whirling.
And it would never stop until the end.
His fingers brushed against the fabric of his shirt. Nice and clean. No blood, nothing to hint at what he'd done. No, it wasn't what he'd done. It was what he was made to do. This wasn't his fault. All he could do was repeat that like a mantra, droning into his head on a loop until it was a sick, faded lullaby.
Suddenly he felt like he could sleep. Uncertainty and fear had prickled at the edges of his thoughts, but that monotonous repetition that he wasn't to blame threw a momentary calm over him. It only took that one moment for him to fall. He fell asleep.
Soft tapping edged into his mind after some time had passed. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Gracie pacing around. He hefted his large frame up into a seated position and looked down at the dusty floor boards. He blew a little stream of air and the saw dust scattered. Pacing.....he supposed it meant she was anxious. But why she was anxious, he had no idea. Well, the obvious threat of death at any time aside. He didn't think that was it, though. Strangely, he wasn't anxious over that. What made him the most uncomfortable was not knowing. There was no plan. There was no direction. Without something to hold onto he felt nervous.
But he was sure that could be fixed.
((Nick LeMonde continued in Aching Chest and Blurry Sight ))
Nick stared at the black walls of his eye lids. Even if he was tired, he wasn't sure he could sleep. In the darkness of his mind he couldn't help but go over what had happened. It was the game, he told himself. But it was the slipperiest of slopes to try and play. Once you made the decision that you were determined to try to get home, it was all or nothing. You were a killer and people would come for you. Good people would come to exact revenge. Bad people would come to take out a threat. Though good and bad seemed neither here nor there at the moment. The island took normal morality and spun it like a top, round and round until good and bad blurred together and became inseparable in the confusion of the frenzied whirling.
And it would never stop until the end.
His fingers brushed against the fabric of his shirt. Nice and clean. No blood, nothing to hint at what he'd done. No, it wasn't what he'd done. It was what he was made to do. This wasn't his fault. All he could do was repeat that like a mantra, droning into his head on a loop until it was a sick, faded lullaby.
Suddenly he felt like he could sleep. Uncertainty and fear had prickled at the edges of his thoughts, but that monotonous repetition that he wasn't to blame threw a momentary calm over him. It only took that one moment for him to fall. He fell asleep.
Soft tapping edged into his mind after some time had passed. His eyes fluttered open and he saw Gracie pacing around. He hefted his large frame up into a seated position and looked down at the dusty floor boards. He blew a little stream of air and the saw dust scattered. Pacing.....he supposed it meant she was anxious. But why she was anxious, he had no idea. Well, the obvious threat of death at any time aside. He didn't think that was it, though. Strangely, he wasn't anxious over that. What made him the most uncomfortable was not knowing. There was no plan. There was no direction. Without something to hold onto he felt nervous.
But he was sure that could be fixed.
((Nick LeMonde continued in Aching Chest and Blurry Sight ))
My twisted humor 
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen
Make him laugh so often
My honey bee
Come and get this pollen