Barry Coleson - The Aftermath

An AU RP where the BC kids got rescued.

This board contains out-of-character discussion from and about the V1 era, as well as the non-canon V1 RPs.
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Post by Cactus »

Adam shook his head sadly at Madelaine proclaimation that she wanted to see her other friend, whom none of them had seen too much of as of late.

"Yeah, I know...what you mean. I want to see her too." His voice trailed off as he spoke, a sad tone coming through in it as he too wondered where his friend was.

As he was about to open his mouth to speak again, the telltale ring of Adam's cell-phone went off. While most of his friends and colleagues in the SOTF program had disconnected their cell phones afterwards, Adam had decided to simply keep everything the same, and respond to each and every phone call that he recieved. Some people were raving about adoration and fandom, some about hatred and disgust. Still others wanted interviews, while even still some producers wanted him to look over a tv-movie project. To Adam, it was almost beyond ridiculous. That in the span of only a few weeks such a horrible, horrible thing could become such a phenomenon.

Is this the next step in reality TV? I mean, I always wanted to be on Survivor, but this...this is a bit much... is what he had thought after one of the calls that he had taken. As far as this one went, he didn't recognize the number on the display, but as he glared at it for a moment, he recognized it as his father's new cell phone number, recently changed. Flipping open his phone, he placidly spoke to his dad.

"Hey dad, what's up? Yeah, I'm at, I'm not sitting down...yes, but, well...wait, yeah, I did, actually...why? Why does it even matter...okay, dad, look...if you've got something to say, then just out with it, man!"

Instantly, though, Adam's expression changed from stoic to shocked.

"No fucking way. There's no fucking way, you've got to be kidding me...but how? He wasn't...holy shit, man...and where's he at? Is he going to make it? Wow...holy shit, dad...that's the best news I've heard all fucking week. Thanks a bunch...yeah, I'll probably bus down there now, it's not far....nah, fuck school, nobody's in class anyways...yeah, bye...bye."

Turning to his friends with a shocked look on his face, and yet that familiar twinkle that had slipped back into his eye, Adam broke the look with a silly grin that he couldn't help but hold back.

"That...that was my dad. Apparently they were going through the bodies on the island and they found one that wasn't quite...dead...fucking Andrew Lipson, man! He's alive! Apparently they found him on the beach, half-dead, and he'd been pulled out of the water or something. They were just going to pick him up and bag him when he groaned or something. Wow, this is just...fuck! This is awesome...god damn, guys..."

For the first time in weeks, Adam Dodd smiled a true smile. He couldn't help but wonder if things were looking up after all.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by riserugu* »

The thudded sound of a foot coming in contact with something echoed lightly through the dull area that surrounded the field about Barry Coleson’s soccer field, two figures currently being the only forms on the field at that hour. Glenn busy using all he had to kick a soccer ball into a near by goal, go get it, and continue doing this while the older of the two rested on his back on a nearby bench. One leg propped onto the bench itself and the other hanging off the side, while his arms lay over his stomach.

It had been only two days since the twins, their classmates, and others had been saved from that hellhole of an island… It was rather odd that one could go from an environment such as the one they all faced on the island, compared to how simple, and how great life was now. It was odd that it had taken the majority of them all this long to realize it… suppose when you come to death so many times you’d finally get how good life was.

Breathing in a congested breathe through his nose, Fred let out a small cough as he sat up on the bench, legs on either side as he glanced up toward where the school sat before looking back to Glenn. He was currently dressed in black knee-length shorts, and a simple blue shirt, covered by a blue and gray sweater with the school’s name and mascot covering it, his name and number for both soccer and hockey donned on one of the sleeves.

Glenn himself wore dark colored pants, and an equally dark colored turtleneck sweater covering his upper form. Face red, and breathing rugged from the morning workout he’d placed upon himself since they had gotten to school some forty-five minutes before, Fred sighing a bit as he rubbed a spot along his waist. His gunshot wounds had been taken care of on the way from the island, the bullets removed and the wounds fixed up. Though there was still some pain left there, Glenn knife wound in his arm had been cleaned and stitched up the doctor saying it would probably scar in the end.

Both twins had been given antibiotics for if they began to show signs of infection from their wounds being exposed to the island’s elements, and where released to there awaiting parents, to which they where both pulled into hugs from their mother and older sister all crying and going on. Their father and older brother also where there to give their hugs and words of encouragement to the two boys before they began the trip home.

This morning, the day when school had started back up, their mother had put her foot in saying she wasn’t going to allow them to leave to go to school Fred’s usual tactic of getting through to her didn’t seem to work. But after a moment of quiet words with Glenn she sighed defeated and handed over the keys of the car. Fred sighing, grabbing the keys and bidding his mother goodbye before leaving out the side door, Glenn staying behind a bit to hug and give her a kiss before following.

Watching his brother for a moment as he focused another hard kick at the goal, pausing after it to rub at his knee Fred grinned, “Prat. What did the doctor say about overworking your knee? S’gonna come out of place one day, and you won’t be able to play at all…”

“I know…” He heard his brother say lightly, standing upright once more. “But… I gotta take my mind off that time on the island… I just gotta.”


The distance sound of the school’s bell informing the students to start heading to class sounded off, Fred looking briefly to the school before walking over to Glenn and tugging at his arm, “Come on, back to the toll and trouble of school, eh?”

Fred didn’t wait for his twin to answer before dragging him off back off toward the school, smiling a bit. ‘Don’t worry Glenn… I’m gonna help you make this as normal a life as it was before SOTF.’


Lucinda stood along the end of her street, rocking back and forth on the heels of her brown converse, an ankle length skirt of brown and blue flower pattern skirt blowing gently in the light breeze while a brown top covered her top. A same colored jacket covering her form from the oncoming cold, and blue ribbon about her throat. The girl’s eyes were currently closed as she rocked, her newly cut hair blowing about.

Her once shoulder length hair was now cut somewhat shorter up about her chin. While on the island she had been finding amongst the bamboo for a long while after it had become safe again from begin a danger zone, but soon after she had begun hiding was when someone had set the place on fire. And Luci soon found herself surrounded by it, and with no other way pushed and ran through getting small burn wounds here and there on her arms, legs and face.

But she had remembered clearly… walking through the open field when without even noticing it at first as her collar fell unlocked and fell from her throat and onto the ground…

She staring dumbfounded for a moment before it clicked.

They where going to be saved, and within fifteen minutes the helicopters began to arrive. She had been one of the first to be brought onto one, as the field had been the most open area on the island and was quickly brought on and treated for, for her wounds. That had all felt so long ago, and Luci was more worried about if she could remember all her lines in the upcoming play than what had happened on that place.

Lucinda Garnett had saw death… much of it… she had watched as her own classmates had slain others, and they would probably be at school and she had to deal with that. The screeching brakes of the school bus brought her back in the real world, as she reopened her eyes and watched as it halted before her. Her usually lightly tanned and freckled face now had two smallish bandages on it one above her eye and one along her right cheek from the wounds given to her on the island, though these from the fight she had gotten into with a boy from another school. His hand markings from where he had managed to start choking her still visible at the moment, she unsure of if the boy had gotten off the island itself or not.

After she had managed to escape, without her daypack of supplies but with her life she hadn’t bothered to look back.

As the doors swung open, she stepped onto the steps glancing about as she stepped onto the bus… sighing softly… the looks she expected, as did the whispers. But she stuck her chin up a bit either way, and continued along down the seats before someone familiar came into view, her face quickly flushing… before she smiled brightly at the boy. “Good morning Ryan, you don’t mind if I sit with you on the way to school do you?” She asked lightly, keeping the smile.
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Post by Megami* »

Nodding toward the empty seat next to him, Ryan slowly removed his backpack. After removing it from the seat, he simply dropped it in the floor underneath him. After a moment, he used it as a footprop.

"Go ahead," he replied casually.

Why's she want to sit with me? There's half a dozen other seats still open. Ryan mused over the thoughts, grinning to himself as he did. It was an odd habit he had, he smiled a lot when he was thinking. Ah well. At least she was there. Maybe she'll talk to me like a normal person. I'm tired of getting all these weird looks from people. I feel like they all know my whole damned life story. Hell, they probably do.

"How's things?" he questioned after an awkward moment of silence. "Everything going alright since the... you know... the incident."

He almost hated to refer to it. Nobody wanted to talk about it, how could anybody? A large portion of Barry Coleson High School had been detrementally traumatized after the incident. It was not something people just casually talked about. Regardless, it happened, and they just needed to get over it... right? It was a heartless way to look at the situation, but Ryan had been there, and he did not sympathize with himself, so it was very hard for him to do so with others.

As he glanced over at Lucinda, he could not help but notice the red mark around her neck. Someone had tried to kill her back in that place. He wondered who it was. What an awful thing, to have nearly been strangled to death. Figuring it was sensitive subject matter, Ryan decided against asking about it. He instead averted his gaze out the window, taking in the sites of the city once again. It was a welcome change from the green scenery of that island, and all the dead, rotten, and decomposing corpses that went along with it.
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Post by riserugu* »

Lucinda found herself watching the boy with a bit of interest as she sat down, resting her bookbag below her legs, as she look note of the smile on his face. A small look of confusion on her face, as she tilted her head a bit before turning forward to face the bus. Noting some of the faces looking back, a frown pressing on her lips before sticking her tongue out at the people, they seeming to get the point and facing front again, leaving Miss. Garnett with a proud smile on her face.

She blinked though, hearing the question spoken to her from the other as she glanced back at him with a thoughtful look on her face. As she rose a finger to the side of her mouth, a horrid habit of her’s since childhood when thinking, and even if he had turned to look out the window she began talking. “Well… I suppose everything has been as normal as I can let it be. Course mama doesn’t like all the calls we’re getting, but in truth I want to put the SOTF game behind me and move on with my life. I can’t let the things that happened on that island haunt me for the rest of my life, you see.

I want to grow up and be a famous actress, I want to go and perform on Broadway just like my parents did. I know this game is going to change a lot of people for the worse and for the better, be it through the stuff they saw or what they did. I can’t complain, because I hide the whole time… course till the fire happened… then I had to run, and then that’s when I ran into him. He seemed nice at first, and said he wanted to help me find y—“ At that moment, she shut her mouth and flushed red again, shaking her head a moment before continuing. “But before I new it, he had punched me and forced me on the ground and started choking me… I’d never been so scared in my life, and the whole time I was thinking; Oh God… I’m never going to see my parents, my friends… I’ll never have a chance to act again, or play volleyball, or go to the Quiz Bowl meets… and it made me so sad.”

Sniffing a bit, she sighed, “A took an moment when he saw me crying he paused in the attack, and I hit him in the head with a nearby branch. After that, I ran and hid in the woods till I decided to go for a walk and found myself in the field that’s when my collar came off. But that island, it a part of me now and I’m going to use it to grow on, I’m not going to let it hold me back from doing what I want to do with my life.”

Sighing a bit, she leaned back in her seat staring forward again. "But you probably don't care about all that, right? How have you been though?"
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Post by Megami* »

Closing her locker reluctantly, Lyndi happened to catch sight of one last picture before the locker shut completely. It was a photograph of herself and a friend from another school named Brad. Why had that photograph caught her eye? There was nothing special about it. It was just another photo of herself and a friend after a football game. The reason Lyndi's attention had focused on that picture was because with Brad's messy brown hair and striking looks, he held a stunning resemblance to an acquaintance of hers from the island.

Lyndi slammed the locker door shut and turned to lean against it. Biting down on her lower lip lightly, she tried desperately to fight back the tears that were beginning to formulate. You promised you'd come back, and you didn't. You told me you were going to protect me, and if you'd just stayed with us... you'd be here now. You wouldn't have met your end the way you did. I'm sorry, Callum. I'm sorry you didn't find your Beth. I hope that they can at least give you a proper burial. I don't want to think about the horrible things that monster did to you anymore...

The only thing that finally snapped Lyndi back to reality was the sound of the bell ringing, signalling that it was time for class. Did she really want to go to class at this point? Lyndi just wanted to be alone somewhere. Somewhere quiet. Solitary. After a moment, she pulled the leather jacket back up close to her and headed down the hallway.

It was a short stroll to the library from her locker. As she opened one of the large plate glass doors that lead into the high school library she was met with half a dozen stares. Most of the kids in there were the brainiacs that did nothing except study. What a surprise it must have been for them to see her, Lyndi Thibodeaux, cheerleader and popular girl, enter the library alone, quiet, and looking pretty gloomy at present.

Casting an almost fake smile at some of the guys who had not returned to their studies, she headed straight for the back of the library and, finding a table that was unoccupied, sat down at it. Gazing out at the campus of Barry Coleson High, Lyndi felt a bit better. She was finally home. Maybe someday, things would be back to normal.

She reclined in the chair slightly as she continued to look outside. A few people were still loitering around, apparently they did not feel like going to class either. Could she really blame them? Her thoughts finally left Callum, her superman who had finally found his kryptonite back on the island, and onto the other friends she had made there. She had not heard from Fred Hughes or Vince Samsa since they had been rescued.

Come to think of it, she had not heard from Elsie either. Was she okay? Lyndi considered whipping out her cell phone then and there and calling her, but after picturing all the evil glares the library occupants would send her, she thought better of it. She closed her eyes again, lost in her own little world.

It's sad to think that people who were with us a few days ago are no longer here. They're no longer among the living. I hope the people who died back there are given a proper funeral, not just thrown in bags and shipped off to the cemetary. They deserve so much better than that. All of them.

I guess there was something good that came out of that place, though...
Lyndi smiled to herself, thinking about the people she had met, the people she had gotten close, or in some cases closer, to throughout her time on the island. Those people had helped her to survive, and in the end, most of those people were here with her now. I just wish... I wish they were all here. I wish they had all come home...

Frowning slightly, Lyndi once again opened her eyes. The library was starting to clear out. Apparently, these people actually went to class sometimes. Trying to take her mind off of things, she boredly skimmed over some of the book titles on the shelf next to the table she was sitting at. Perhaps she should go to class, it was better than sitting here reflecting on the things that had happened back there. Then again, she needed this time, maybe trying to sort things out would do her some good.
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Post by Buko »

Vince Samsa, walked into school. He had not expected to face such a welcoming comitee. He hadn’t seen much bloodshed in his time on the island, the last thing he recalled was him standing with Lyndi and some other chick in the lighthouse… the gun in one hand and the hatchet in the other, the feeling of constant fear. Vince Samsa was given the superficial title of football captain, Vince Samsa had been offered five full scholarships. U.M., Virginia Tech, almost every school in the nation wanted him to play for them and yet he was a sophmore and he wasn’t that special.

He had not bloodied his hands. He would not have to go through the therapy others would and yet he was the one getting all the attention. High school hierarchies was something that Vince would never understand. Vince headed to the library, he had to do some homework for AP European history, he was not expected to pass the class and grades where some what irrelevant to the ninth and tenth graders of Barry Coleson high, he had a feeling that grades would be unnecessary for a long time.

Foot ball practice would continue for Vince, even though he was a sophmore the rest of the team where senior and he had promised his dad he was okay. He walked in the library History book in hand only to see someone, someone he had not seen in such a long time (or at least it felt like a long time). He saw Lyndi, he was hoping to catch her at the next game, but the team did not know when that would be.

“LYNDI! HOLY SHIT!” he said partially loudly and the librarian winced… she would not dare reprimand him, she would not dare reprimand anyone. She didn’t want to be dead and not missed like so many teachers had been on the trip. Mr. Johnson his algebra 2 teacher came to mind first… he was a real big dick.

Despite all the drama that had happened in the last few days Vince had a humongous grin on his face… Lyndi, un- fucking -believable.
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Post by riserugu* »

Leaning back in his seat a bit, Martyn silently stared blankly at the white board in the front of the class. His head resting in the open palm of his right head, while his left in a bored-like manner traced invisible circles on the top of the desk he currently occupied. It had been two days – two long days since he had left that island in the middle of the sea… that place of death, that so many people lost their lives on in the short time they where there. Though it felt so much longer than that… so much longer…

It had been a long while since he had felt so relieved, the moment the collar had fallen from his throat he knew something good was about to happen. And when the US government officers began to show up, and rounding all the children still alive and sending them onto the helicopters Martyn allowed a thought to pass through his mind that he had all but shoved back, believing it was probably never to come true;

‘I’m going home – I’m actually going home!’

Much to his dismay he came to be told that they wouldn’t be returning him to Scotland and instead was sending him to stay in the state of New York in the United State, close to the main school that had been sent onto the island during that time. Though he hadn’t received any wounds on the islands, but as he didn’t have any relatives or friends to stay with the hospital had allowed him to “live” at the hospital in one of the upper. Unoccupied floors till they where able to contact his home country, and get him back home.

Till then they decided it would probably be best for him to continue on with school, but of course it was his complete choice in the matter or not. And not knowing how long he was to be stuck in this place decided to go along with the idea and go to this Barry Coleson Highschool. Having spent a majority of his time in the main office this morning, registering and getting his class list he found that he had no where to go, and headed straight for his first period class, math with a Mrs. Lawrence.

‘Maybe I’ll see someone I met on the island again… it would give me someone to talk to, instead of getting all these weird looks.’ He thought, listening lightly as the school bell went off, he sighing a bit and going back to his finger drawings.


Giving parting words with Glenn, Fred headed upstairs to toward his World History class sighing a bit as he entered the room, it had felt like ages since he had been in this class. Everything felt… odd almost… moving toward his seat in the back of the class; he sat down quietly removing his history book from his bookbag and leaning back in his seat some, watching lightly as more students filed into the room.

He blinked a little watching this, the other students laughing and smiling…

And oddly enough, Fred felt as if he wouldn’t be able to be like that anymore. Though he was trying his hardest to make those around him happy, his happiness didn’t seem to be at the level it had been before.

Sighing again, Fred leaned his head back closing his eyes.


Hawley found himself with a thoughtful look on his face as Adam went about answering his cell phone; it seemed to be talking to his father. A small smile pressing against his face as Adam hung up, going on to tell them about the good news about Andrew being alive, and not dead as many of them had been figuring since they had exited the island. “That’s good news Adam, Ah. Maybe we should visit him we we get the chance...” He mused lightly, blinking once more as a familiar shrill bell signaling the students to head to class sounded off, Hawley sighing.

Personally skipping his classes sounded tempting, and going home. But after the fight he put up just to get past his brothers and out the house this morning, rubbing his head he shrugged deciding against it.

Bending over a bit, he took hold of his bookbag and swung it onto his shoulder glancing between the two, “Well, I’m off to my literature class, hopefully we’ll all have a half-way decent day today.” He mused with a grin. "Maybe we can meet up later... do something."
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Post by Swoosh* »

Cassie opened her locker door, emptying a couple of books into it and letting it shut with a soft click. She hadn't spoken to any of her classmates since they had gotten back, and being back in school was perhaps a bit too much for her.

All these people were killing each other and now everything's back to normal?

Shaking her head slightly, she nibbled her lip, resting her head slightly on the locker door. There had been no need for everyone to kill; if they had just done what she had done, so many people who had died would still be alive. There would be no memorials, no mourning. Everything would just be the same. She felt almost bitter that everyone had played the game.

No... not everyone. There were some who didn't play...

Ryan hadn't played. He had stuck with her and her pacifist views. She looked around to see if he was anywhere around, and she saw him sitting with Lucinda. It wasn't like she had been stuck for friends before the trip; she was a pretty popular girl- things were different now, though. After everything they'd been through, after all she'd seen and heard on the island, Cassie wasn't sure how comfortable she'd be talking to any of them anymore.

Things certainly had changed.

Hitching her bag further up her shoulder, she walked over to where Ryan was sat, deep in conversation with the other girl. She hovered awkwardly, not wishing to interrupt their conversation but at the same time wanting to talk to Ryan nonetheless.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Looking quietly towards Adam as he took the call from his father, Madelaine couldn’t help but smile with him, seeing him overjoyed that his friend, Andrew Lipson, had been found alive. Just barely, but alive nonetheless. Madelaine couldn’t help but feel her spirits lift by this news, despite barely knowing Andrew Lipson. Regardless of that, it felt good to know that despite the numerous tragedies that had occurred on the island, there were still quite a few who survived the ordeal.

“That’s wonderful news,” she told Adam, smiling warmly. “We should visit him soon, maybe I should buy flowers…” She contemplated this for a while before she was interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing, that familiar cue for the students to head to their next classes.

At first she had contemplated skipping her classes altogether, to give her time to think…but really, returning to normality seemed the best thing to do at the moment. It might be the hardest thing…but to Madelaine, it was probably one of the most important things to her at the time.

Looking towards Hawley, she remembered that her next class was Home Economics. She flexed her fingers a bit, feeling enheartened. It was her favourite class. Smiling a bit towards Hawley, she told him, “Our rooms are in the same hallway, right? I’ll walk with you.”

She turned to leave, grasping her satchel with both hands, looking back towards the two boys, friends she had met only recently, yet had grown close to over the little time they’ve known each other. Just knowing this seemed to lift Madelaine’s spirits greatly.

“We should have lunch together,” she told them brightly. “Maybe we can meet up here later and decide where to go.”
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Post by Megami* »

Ryan looked vacantly toward Lucinda as she reminisced about her time on the island. As she spoke, he could not help but force a smile he hoped she could not tell was fake. Her story, it was just like everyone else’s. They had all been on the island, nearly lost all of their hopes and dreams for good, but they had been saved in the nick of time and now they could go and fulfill all of those dreams. He had heard it half a dozen times since he had returned from that wretched place. As these thoughts ran through his mind, something Lucinda said finally peaked his interest.

“Promised to help you find... who, Lucinda?” he could not help but inquire.

She was looking for someone on that island. Who was she looking for? Just another ally, maybe. Everyone there seemed to be in search of allies. People they could trust. It was only natural, after all. There is safety in numbers, or so they say, anyway. I probably don’t care about that? Well, even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be rude enough to admit it. That would be crossing the line. How about me? I’m spectacular, can’t you tell? A faint grin once again formed on Ryan’s lips as he nodded toward the girl.

“I’m doing good... parents wanted to keep me under lock and key for a while there, but mom knows my education is more important than that. I’ve fallen behind in my school work, especially in that college course I’m taking, but I mean... the teacher understands. Not like I intentionally missed out, you know? Either way, I’m glad things are back to normal, and I hope they stay that way for a long, long time.”

Just as Ryan had finished his sentence, the bus came to a screeching halt in front of the school. Standing up, he grabbed his book bag and flung it over his shoulder, then nodded toward Lucinda. They had not finished their discussion yet, he was sure she would follow him. As he headed off the bus and strolled onto campus, he could not help but frown slightly at the dark and dreary day they had been presented with. On top of it all, everyone seemed to sad, so hollow.

He turned to address Lucinda again, but something else caught his eye. Another girl stood not far from the couple, hovering somewhat awkwardly. He had come to know this girl quite well during his time on the island. As a matter of fact, he had spent most of his time with her. She had become a good friend, or so Ryan liked to think. Silently, he contemplated whether they would remain close now that things had returned to “normal”.

“Hey Cass,” he called out lightly.

Casting an almost awkward smile at her, he nodded for her to join himself and Lucinda. It’s funny. It’s almost like I’ve made more friends out of this whole island incident. I guess you really do need friends around, you can’t just stay isolated and alone your entire life.


As the loud, booming voice reverberated through the once silent library, Lyndi’s head jerked up rapidly in search of the cause of the loud noise. People around her were staring, whoever had just yelled had been addressing her. The source of the noise was standing right in front of her, in the form of a young man with whom she had become better acquainted with on the island, by the name of Vince Samsa. Lyndi smiled placidly at him, replying in a much quieter, much more hushed tone.

"Who were you expecting?"

Smiling slightly, she motioned for Vince to take a seat in one of the empty chairs on the other side of the table. After a moment, she propped her feet up on the table and leaned back, her eyes scanning the young man across from her. What do you ask in a situation like this, anyway? Continuing to smile, Lyndi tried to shake all the fret and worry from her mind, it was over now.

"Glad to see you're doing alright. After everything that's happened, it's so hard to sit here and just... let everything go back to normal. You seem to be taking things well. Better than most, anyway."

Averting her gaze from the young man, she scanned the library once again. So many of the faces looked so familiar, but it was hard to look some of them in the eye anymore. There were kids in the classroom that had most assuredly murdered and aided in the deaths of their fellow students. Now, they were all sitting there as if nothing happened. At least, that was how it appeared.

"Have you... seen anyone else yet?" Lyndi inquired quietly. "I'd like to see them... Elsie and... and Fred. I really would. Everyone else I'd come into contact with on the island well..."

Forcing a smile, Lyndi's voice cracked slightly when she began to think about what had happened to the others she had come across. As she invisioned Callum Hadley's body once again, a fish hook gouging one eye out, the other eye had been completely removed from its socket and replaced with a rock, and his tongue had been ripped out of his mouth, a feeling of sickness and sorrow swept over her. Fighting to blink back the tears forming in her eyes, she managed to finish her sentence.

"They're all gone now."


When I woke up, all I remember seeing was white. There were people standing over me, I was hooked up to an IV. They said I had barely made it, that if they had not found me as soon as they did I would have died. It's strange, I don't remember much. Just bits and pieces. Faces, people. Things that happened in that... that place. I don't want to remember anymore. I want everything to go away, to go back to normal. I'm home now... I'm home. They can't hurt me anymore, they won't.

Last night, Jill Gatling had finally been released from the hospital, after narrowly escaping death. She was unable to tell the doctors what had happened to her, she did not know herself. The doctors told her she had a case of amnesia, and though it was not severe and she would recover quickly, at present, she was completely baffled. Had they not told her of her time on the island, she would not have known anything of it.

She had completely shut out the events that had resulted in her mysterious and nearly fatal injuries. Who caused them? Why did they do it? Why Jill? At least she was alive. Besides, did she really want to remember? The only thing she could remember from her entire stint on the island was a few faces. Perhaps it was better that way.

Unable to remember the carnage, the violence, and the bloodshed, Jill had in essence formed a protective bubble around herself. She was unable to remember the pain, the heartache, and the sheer hell that she went through in that place. The doctors had told her that she would remember one day, but in truth, she had no desire to. She did not want to know who had nearly killed her, why they had not finished her off, or even how she got off the island. She was content not knowing anything more than the fact that she had escaped with her life.

When she went back to school... if... she went back to school, she would not know who had murdered their classmates. Perhaps it was better that way. Now, Jill lay on her bed, staring vacantly up at the ceiling. Perhaps she would wait to go to school, just another day. She just needed time... time to recooperate.
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Lucinda found herself watching Ryan lightly, a small smile coming up on his face at the sight of his less enthused one. Sighing a bit, she lightly rubbed at a spot on her arm noting to herself that she probably had just sounded about stupid, going off with all that stuff… he had just asked how she was, not what had happened. Bowing her head a bit, the word ‘stupid’ currently racing through her mind.

Though at his question, she shyly found herself looking back up and slowly blinking a bit. Lucinda’s eyes drifting off some, before allowing a small smile to cross her lips. Truth be told getting it off her chest might not be so bad… then again the fear of rejection is what kept her from doing much about. And as Ryan went about answering her own question, she couldn’t help the grin had spread. ‘Same as ever I see…’

She was thrown from her world of thoughts as the bus came to a sudden halt before the school, she watching lightly as Ryan nodding toward her, and proceeded to leave the bus, Lucinda grabbing her own bookbag and fixing it onto her shoulder. Swaying a bit at the weight, before following him off, looking up a bit around the school itself and the gloomy atmosphere that surrounded the area today.

Sighing once again, she glanced back toward Ryan as she heard him address another, her eyes drifting to meet whomever. Of course in the hustle and bustle about, she wasn’t quite able to see whom exacting her was talking too. And smiling once again, she found herself opening her mouth, answering the question he had asked on the bus. “It’s silly really,” Lucinda said, rocking on the heels of his shoes a bit. “But I was looking for a special someone… someone who brought a little cheer and life back into me in those darker times on the island, wanting to find that person is what kept me going.

Silly like I said… a situation like that and I’m worried about finding some boy I like, but really without knowing it… he did help me survive in some way, even if I never did find him while we where there.” By now she was flushed again in her cheeks, but in thanks to the cold weather around it looked almost as if she was simply cold.

And still unsure if he had even heard those words, she smiled a little turning her face toward the ground. “The person I was looking for… I… I was looking for you.” She finally burted out, keeping her face toward the ground.
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“Hard not to honestly.” Vince said guiltily “I mean I did virtually nothing on the island and I come back and I am this big star! I am a fucking sophomore and I have already been asked to go to play college foot ball… guess all that running I did back there.’ he said sadly “Fred, well I think I saw him in the locker room the other day, not really sure about him playing soccer… got a couple of bullets stuck in his thigh at the island.” Vince didn’t want to send only bad news.

“But, he and his brother are reunited and my psychologist is really helping me out.” he said sarcastically “‘You are chronically afraid of death and pain has you have been surrounded by it constantly, due to football and your mothers brutal death… it is a surprise that you where able to cling on to your sanity on that island’” he said in a mocking voice “But, whatever… what is going on with you?” he said opening his book and starting to take notes.
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Ryan had been neglecting listening to Lucinda as she started speaking, him being more concerned with the fact that he had found Cassie Webber, a person he considered to be a rather good friend after the events that had unfolded on the island. However, when Lucinda had said her piece, Ryan’s full attention almost instantaneously turned back to her. What had she just said?

“You were... you were looking for me?” he blurted out uncouthly.

Immediately, Ryan’s face flushed a bright red in color. That was certainly not what he had expected her to say. He had expected her to confess her undying love for one of the star football players, or one of the baseball guys, or something. But... not him. Not plain, old, never-did-anything-interesting Ryan Ashmore. Biting his lower lip, he glanced back at Cassie, wondering if she had heard Lucinda’s remark, and if so, what she was thinking in that instant. Unsure of what to say to the girl, Ryan rubbed the back of his neck.


So now what? I... certainly wasn’t expecting that. Truth be told, I had never even though about Lucinda like that. She was just a friend, just another girl. I wonder how long she’s felt this way about me. I never noticed. Never picked up on it. What do I say? What do I do? Ah man, I should never have asked. Now I’ve gone and gotten myself into a sticky situation. It’s not like I don’t like her, I’ve just never thought about her in that way. Never thought she thought about me like that, either. Ah...

Before he knew it, Ryan found himself grinning enthusiastically at the girl. He certainly did not want his friend to feel rejected. It was not as if he was rejecting her, anyway. He simply needed to get used to this idea. In his mind, Lucinda Garnett had never quite been his type. There were other girls who liked him, or so he liked to think. A friend of his once told him that one of the cheerleaders had quite a thing for him. At the time, he was not interested, but as he thought about it, he realized that Lucinda certainly was not like those girls. Laughing nervously, Ryan finally managed to utter something else.

“I wasn’t expecting that, that was for sure. It’s... not a bad thing. Just... haha... really wasn’t expecting that.”

Again he smiled a sheepish smile at the girl, still rubbing on the back of his neck absent-mindedly. His eyes turned to Cassie, then back to Lucinda. Shaking his head somewhat, he let his arm drop down to his side. If this was not an awkward situation, Ryan did not know what was. He did not really know if he was interested in Lucinda like that, he had never given it a second thought, but now, he was pretty much confronted head-on with that decision, and he was completely and totally unprepared for it.


As Vince regaled Lyndi with his tales from life after the island, she could not help but smile a bit. Especially as Samsa told her that both of the Hughes brothers were alright. It was funny, how in such a short time, she had found herself feeling so close to someone, but in this instance, she certainly had. Brushing a few stands of hair away from her face, she exhaled lightly, still looking at Samsa.

"I'm glad things are okay now," she found herself mumbling quietly.

As Samsa inquired as to her current status, Lyndi bit down on her lower lip lightly. By her current status, she was not permitted to speak to him in the first place, which is what had pretty much kept her from seeing Vince, Elsie, and Fred since she had arrived home. Should she tell him about the events of the night before?

"You're not to speak to those people, young lady," her mother instructed in a harsh tone.

They had all wanted to forget the events that had unfolded on that island, probably Lyndi most of all, but her parents had not taken the predicament well either. Ever since she had gotten home, they had kept her under lock and key. Her mother had unintentionally sent her into hysterics the night before as she ranted and raved about how close she was to losing her only daughter, not to mention, the baby of the family.

When she had first arrived at home, everyone had welcomed her with open arms, thrilled that she had made it back in one piece. As the evening progressed, however, things started to go downhill. The discussion at the dinner table had gone into whether or not Lyndi would attend school the next morning. Her mother, always one to overreact to things, had set her mind on not allowing Lyndi to return to Barry Coleson High.

After nearly a two hour debate between Lyndi's father and mother, her mother finally consented and told Lyndi she would be allowed to return to Barry Coleson. However, her mother's next new rule was one that Lyndi had deemed completely absurd. Tears filled her eyes as she stood in the kitchen, she and her mother practically screaming at the top of their lungs at one another.

"You can't be serious! They kept me alive back there, mom! They're the reason I'm standing here right now, I'd be dead without them. Dead! After all that, you're telling me that I can't see them? You've got to be kidding. Mom, please..."

Stubbornly, Lyndi's mother glared at the young girl, anger and resentment in her eyes as she discussed the friends Lyndi had made on the island. Even the thought of Elsie Darroch, who had spent many a night at the Thibodeaux household before, completely disgusted her mother. It was a greedy decision, yes. A cold and callous one at that, but as bad as she genuinely felt for refusing to allow Lyndi to see 'those people', her heart was set on it.

"Absolutely not, young lady! All they're going to do is cause you problems! They'll remind you, they'll remind me. Think about someone other than yourself, Lyndi! Do you want all of us to go through that? Do you want to put your father and I through that, and your brother?! We've already been forced to place you in their highly incapable hands once, and I won't have it again. You don't need them and you're not going to be around them, and that's the end of it!"

Shaking furiously, Lyndi glared up at her mother. Something had changed between them in the time that Lyndi had spent on the island. Whether it was Lyndi who had changed or her mother, she really did not know, and in truth, she did not care. Right now, she was outraged. Continuing to sob in between her words, Lyndi retorted to her mother's decision.

"Me think about someone else?! Why don't YOU?! It's all about you, what you went through. Well guess what mom, YOU WEREN'T THERE! You didn't deal with anything compared to what I went through, and now you want to punish me because YOU can't deal? This is ridiculous!"

Spinning around on her heels, Lyndi stopped through the kitchen. Moments later, her footsteps echoed up the steps as she ran up them. As the slammed her bedroom door, the loud noise echoed throughout the Thibodeaux household. After locking the door behind her, Lyndi through herself onto her bed in tears...

She was snapped back to reality by the staring eyes of Vince Samsa, who was expectantly awaiting her response to his question. Forcing a fake smile, Lyndi brushed back the tears that had formed in her eyes as she reminisced about the incident of the previous night. Brushing her hair out of her face once again, she began to formulate a response.

"I'm doing fine... unfortunately, mom's not faring so well. She went ballistic when I came home. She doesn't want me seeing you... or Elsie... or... Fred."

Tears continued to well up in Lyndi's eyes as she tried to force herself not to cry. Biting down on her lower lip again, Lyndi turned her head upward, trying to hold back the tears that had formed in her eyes. She closed her eyes, and after taking in a deep breath, she looked back at Vince Samsa.

"But it doesn't matter. She'll chill out, she just needs... time. I'm still going to talk to you all, she can't force me to forget about everyone... and everything. I just hope she'll understand someday. She thinks she had it bad, having to watch me on television. She has no idea how bad it really was."

Looking down at the table, Lyndi noticed her hands were shaking visibly. Reminiscing about the fight that had ensued had gotten her somewhat upset, and it was showing. Despite that, she tried to calm herself down and put her best face on as she continued her talk with Samsa.
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“It wasn’t that bad. ..” Vince said quietly “It made me find myself, I’m a pussy and I am a weak bastard.” he thought about what Lyndi had said “Never expect someone to understand you…. Because no one will.” he was beginning to tear up as well. “I just don’t know what I want any more Lyndi…” he was becoming a lot more quiet now.

"And if you don't know what you want," Vince said, "you end up with a lot you don't." . Vince didn’t know why he had chosen Lyndi to relieve his troubles on, “The doctor says I’m insane. He says I’m insane because I don’t want to improve the way I am…” he looked towards his book trying to remain focused on what he came here for “Suicide seems very tempting…” he said calmly “Because, maybe just maybe. Maybe self-improvement isn't the answer.... Maybe self-destruction is the answer. “ Vince started writing now. Julius Caesar, what a douche’.

“We are not anyone special. We are not anyone.” he looked at Lyndi “'re not how much money you've got in the bank. You're not your job. You're not your family, and you're not who you tell yourself.... You're not your name.... You're not your problems.... You're not your age.... You are not your hopes.” he said with a sense of sadness before closing his book.

“So why should we even try any more.”
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Rubbing the back of his head, Glenn sighed a bit looking over the list of books in his hand. His English teacher thought him best for the task of fetching the said books while the rest of the class took a test he hadn’t been their to study for. Of course it didn’t help the library was clear across the school from where his first period was, but shaking his head pushed the stupidity of this task out and continued along the tiled floors of one of the school’s hallways.

After another minute, and reaching the said area, pausing a bit at the door to readjust his knee brace he opened the door into the library. Glancing about at both the area in question and his list trying to locate each and every area before running off and trying to find them that way. He paused in his search at the sight of two others, a cheerleader and a football player neither he knew that well, though he had remembered his brother mentioning something similar during the time they had been separated on the island.

Shrugging though, he moved past, stopping before one of the walls of books, blue eyes scanning in search of the first book he needed.
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