Pearl and Destiny

North of the residential district is a large building containing all of the cargo from the logging industry as well as general supplies. In this building there is a series of red and blue cargo boxes that form a giant maze, in turn providing some amount of decent cover. All the boxes are locked shut with large padlocks, making them impossible to open.
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Pearl and Destiny


Post by D/N »

(Carly Jean Dooley continued from Woods of Paranoia)

There were voices. Somewhere in the building, there were other people. She could hear snippets of what they were saying; they echoed, bounced around the looming metal walls and absurdly high ceiling of this place. Carly hoped that meant that they were far away from her, on the other side of the building. She was sweaty and tired and still shaking whenever she heard a noise, and she'd been drinking some of her water and didn't want to think about what would happen when she needed to pee, but she'd gotten to this place without being killed or attacked or even seen (she hoped), and that was something to be proud of

After leaving Keith far behind her, Carly kept running, trying to keep a straight line through the woods. She'd tried using the map to figure out where she was, but that had just gotten her confused and made her want to tear the stupid map into little pieces. And she'd almost done that, before coming to her senses and realizing that might be a bad idea.

That stupid book thing though? THAT she didn't need, and so by the time she'd finally found the edge of the woods and seen the northeast part of the island stretched out before her, a trail of shredded paper had been littered throughout the forest. She'd had no clue how long she'd been running, at one point she'd tried to check what time it was on her cell phone only to find out that those fucking jerks had taken it. Like she'd be able to get any reception from wherever the hell this island was, her parents had like the crappiest phone plan on earth.

But that didn't matter, what DID matter was that she finally knew where she was, and after making an initial beeline towards the town before seeing all 6'5" of Rob Jenkins moving towards a house in the distance, freaking out, and retreating, she'd made a detour around that area and ended up here. Yes, this would be much better. The town would probably be full of people. Murdering people, who would kill her.

Here she could hide.

Carly crept down the narrow corridors, trying to move away from the spot she guessed the voices might be coming from. Left, right, straight, right, yellow crates, red crates, blue crates, god it looked like a high school locker room for giants or something but that was good, that meant more places she could get away from everyone else. Yes, she could just find one of the crates and hide in there, there was no way they could check every single box in this place.

Finally, she came to a long alley that ran down one corner of the warehouse, terminating at the wall furthest away from the entrance. She thought, at least, after a few turns she wasn't really sure where the entrance was anymore but that was all fine, that would just make it harder for anyone to track her down.

She grabbed the steel latch of the nearest shipping crate with both hands, and yanked. And yanked again. And again. And again, before she saw the ridiculously huge padlock keeping the crate shuttered.

"Ohhhhhh, comeon......" Carly whined, trying to keep her voice down. She yanked again, only succeeding in getting flakes of red paint to rub off on her palms. She ran to another one, finding the same situation there. Her hands balled themselves into fists. Why couldn't they just be unlocked? Why did things have to be so hard for her? WHY WAS IT ALL SO UNFAIR?

Of course, it was all because of her. If it had been anyone else coming into this place, they'd find a crate just fine, but nooooo, because it was Carly Jean Dooley, they all had to be locked, it was all just like some big fucking joke that nothing could ever go right for her. It was all the universe's BIG FUCKING COSMIC JOKE, it had seen Carly stroll in here and was all "what, you think you can do something right? HAHAHA, look at you, stupid girl, you just don't get it, do you?"

Finally, Carly found something at the end of the aisle. Between the last corridor and the wall, there was a spot, just barely wide enough for her to squeeze into. It was dusty and dark and probably disgusting and full of rats and god knows what, but it was better than nothing. She shouldn't have expected anything better.

Carly shoved her way into the gap, her shoulders rubbing against the sides as she did. It was slow going, but after she'd made it the length of the crate, there was an open space to her left. But it was pitch black in that direction. Tentative, she stuck an arm out into the darkness, encountering nothing. She took a few steps forward.

The alcove was still narrow, but at least it was wide enough that she wasn't bumping her shoulders and count turn around if she needed to. Still, she shuffled one foot at a time. Her breathing was loud enough that she thought the whole island could probably hear her. Her pulse was pounding, she could feel it pulsating from her heart all the way up to her brain. It was so dark, she couldn't stay her, no even if she needed to hide it was too dark.... oh she was so fucking stupid!

Carly dropped her bag in front of her and fumbled blindly for the zipper, ripping the pack open. Her hands dove in and rummaged around until they found the flashlight, and then the area was lit up.

The alcove was about fifteen feet long, and she guessed she was between the backs of two crates. Turning around, she could see the warehouse wall, and the gap she'd used to get here. The floor was covered in dust and the air was stale, but it was somewhere she could call her own.

She switched off the flashlight, and sank down in the darkness, hugging her knees with her back against the crate. Like she should've expected anything better than this. It was all. SO. UNFAIR.

Bowing her head, Carly started to cry again. She wept quietly, but she couldn't seem to stop. All she'd wanted to do was hide. Was that too much to ask? Was it too much to ask that she could find a nice comfortable place instead of this miserable hole? She just wanted to hide, to keep away from everyone else on this island.

She just didn't want to die. Was that too much to ask for?

And she kept crying because she knew the answer.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Post by Arscapi* »

((Marion Summers continued from There is a Light ))

Marion had been walking aimlessly around the island enjoying nature and being alone. She still couldn't decide whether it was better to be with someone who could potentially kill you or to be totally alone. She was leaning towards company at least that gave her someone to talk too. Besides the memoir she was writing was getting kind of boring with all the ‘and then I walked some more' statements.

When the warehouses loomed in front of her, Marion decided it was as good a place as any to find another person or two. Picking a warehouse at random, she tried a door and found it locked. Well, this isn't a good sign. Determined, she circled around the warehouse and found another door. At first she thought this one was locked too, but after a harder tug it slowly opened.

She peered into the darkened warehouse and rolled her eyes. "Well, what were you expecting," she asked aloud. Digging in her duffle, she found the flashlight. She then paused to record the latest leg of her journey. Slipping the notebook back into her jeans she flipped the flashlight on. Leaving the door open behind her, she took a couple tentative steps into the building.

"Hello," she called into the darkness. "Anyone here?"
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Post by blastinus »

(George Leidman continued from Stay Sane Inside Insanity)

There was a brief moment where George wondered whether or not he would give up on his search. He'd been running for a while, without any sign of success, and upon retrospect, it was stupid of him to think that he would be able to find one person in a large island such as this. However, he forced himself to keep moving, and so it was that his search had taken him to a warehouse just a little ways to the north of the docks. If he had made a beeline right there, his legs would have felt considerably less sore, but he had gone in a more roundabout direction, following the coastline once more. This had taken him far out of the way, and not helping matters was that he had tripped at least twice on the way there.

This had better get me some answers. Otherwise, I could probably just use a rest.

As he approached the building, he caught a fleeting glance of someone stepping inside, someone who looked female. He wasn't able to get a good look at her, and the building itself didn't appear to be lit, so he had absolutely no idea as to whether or not he recognized her. He would just have to follow his instincts on this one and hope that he wasn't walking into a fairly obvious trap. Fortunately for following her, the girl hadn't gone too far into the building. She appeared to be taking it slowly, and George couldn't really say that he wouldn't be doing the same. The building looked like a warehouse, and as a result, there were probably a whole number of things to trip over. He'd have to tread lightly as well. Good thing that the flashlight in his daypack hadn't gotten hurt any.

"Hey, uh..." George said as he stepped inside, keeping his hands out of his pockets. He had been meaning to insert a name where the "uh" had been, but now that he got a closer look at the girl, he realized that he had never really talked to her at all.

Perfect. Just perfect. Might as well get the paranoia train rolling again.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," he continued, walking around her with his hands up so that she would have a straight shot to the way out of the building. "Umm...have you seen Carly Dooley? I'm trying to find her." The lack of familiarity would probably make this conversation as awkward as ever, but George wasn't meaning to make friends in this instance, just to get information. A simple yes or no was all he needed, and then he could leave this girl alone and let her act paranoid towards a man who wasn't even holding a weapon.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

[[Jasper-Declan MacDermott continued from Come & See]]

It was a rather uninteresting journey.

If such a thing could ever be said of any journey. Let alone one that had a high likelihood of ending in your own demise.

Anyway- Jasper-Declan was surprised by the lack of activity he spotted on his way from the beach. Admittedly he hadn't walked all that far, but even so- he knew there were more than 200 students on this trip, maybe even close to 300, and he assumed that the island was fairly small. And so, the likelihood of me encountering another student would be quite high. But even so... Even so, there'd been no one. He passed by a building- a church, by the look of it?- but he had not stopped. He had no desire to be cornered and killed in a church of all things. He kept moving- there were, presumably, other places to see.

Indeed- he found his way to another building. This one was far larger- it appeared to be some kind of warehouse. I wonder what kind of things were once stored here? What was this island like before it became a killing ground for high school students? What sort of business was conducted here? It was a topic of immense and morbid fascination to him. I wonder what became of the original residents. Are they watching this program, watching the remnants of their previous lives become splattered with blood? Or perhaps they've all been killed themselves.

That was sobering. He stopped for a moment to consider the warehouse.

It's...certainly large. Jasper-Declan considered it for a moment. The smart thing would be to pass it by, as he had the church. He could easily be cornered inside, not to mention that it was dark. But when he saw a light come from within- a fleeting light, most likely someone's flashlight- his curiosity got the better of him. There was something happening inside. Given that there were no gunshots, and that he himself had a gun, he felt safe enough to enter the warehouse, though not so safe that he didn't first retrieve his own flashlight from his bag and turn it on.

"...Hello?" He soon spotted two others. Male and female- he was unsure of their names off the top of his head. Neither looked particularly dangerous to him. He walked towards them, slowly, hoping not to cause alarm, though he knew from his last encounter that the gun in his hand was enough to make people panic.

"...I promise I mean you no harm."
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Post by D/N »

Somehow, she'd fallen asleep. Carly's eyes opened, and she blinked dumbly for a few seconds before remembering where she was. Yup. She was scrunched up in some crevice in a warehouse. Her butt hurt. Her foot was asleep. And now she really needed to pee.

Carly just wanted to go back to sleep. Whatever dreams she might have would be better than this. If she went back to sleep she wouldn't need to worry about being killed or needing to pee.


She didn't want to listen to who they were. Right now she was doing the smart thing. As long as no one found her then no one could hurt her. Carly wrapped her arms around her head, trying to shut out the noise, and that's when she heard OH GOD WAS THAT MY NAME IS SOMEONE LOOKING FOR ME TO KILL ME IT WASN'T MY NAME I JUST MISHEARD I JUST HEARD WRONG I JUST-

She kept silent as another unknown person joined the group. They just all needed to go away, they'd do that eventually and then she'd be alone and safe again and--


The speakers suddenly crackled, jolting Carly out of her silence. Where was the voice coming from? She whipped her head around, succeeding only in smacking the back of her head against the cargo box.

Carly moaned in pain as the announcements began, listing off her dead classmates. She didn't pay much attention to that though. After all, realizing that you've given away your position has a way of occupying your thoughts.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Post by Zabriel* »

((Stacy Hart continued from Jack Sparrow Irony))

Stacy leaned against the side of the warehouse, glad to be away from the lighthouse. She'd grabbed as much as she could before running out, but she'd left behind her cards, and some of the things that the other girls had left behind. She'd made sure to scoop up some of the food and water that Sarah had left behind, since she didn't know whether the lighthouse would open again or not, but in case she saw her again she'd be able to give her back a little of what she left. If not she'd at least have some extra bread and water.

"Okay...think I'm safe..." she sighed and looked around. She wasn't sure where to go from there. She busied herself with packing the bread and water she'd grabbed into her bag as best as she could. Then Stacy thought about Sarah again.

Maybe I should go try to find her...
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Post by Arscapi* »

"Hey, uh..." George said as he stepped inside, keeping his hands out of his pockets.

Marion spun around as a voice sounded behind her. She spun around keeping her flashlight level, as to not blind whoever it was as she had been earlier. Not that she had to worry about it, from the looks of it the boy was almost a foot taller than she was. She'd seen him around campus and her dance studio, but they'd never been in the same classes. Though for the life of her she couldn't place his name.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," he continued, walking around her with his hands up so that she would have a straight shot to the way out of the building. "Umm...have you seen Carly Dooley? I'm trying to find her."

Marion shook her head. "I don't think so, but that just means she wasn't in the branch of the tunnels I just climbed out of. I just got here and if you want we can look together."

She turned and was about to continue into the warehouse when another voice caught her attention. Turning back around she spotted the huge silhouette of Jasper-Declan, who was walking towards her with a gun. She took a few steps backwards even as he assured her that he meant no harm. He was kind of a weird kid and she wasn't entirely sure she believed him. She took a few more steps and managed to put the first boy between her and Jasper-Declan.

Marion jumped and fumbled with her flashlight, sending light flickering across the warehouse as a scream sounded from deeper in the warehouse. She cursed and tried to get her breathing under control. As the announcement began, Marion retrieved her notebook and pen and began writing furiously.

She sighed as the announcement ended, jotted a few more notes about the boys that had joined her and then returned the notebook to her pocket once more. She was gonna need another notebook at this rate. Shaking her head, she looked over at black haired boy expectantly, unsure of what to say.
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Post by blastinus »

Disappointment again! Where was he going to find Carly at this rate? George was about to say that it was okay, and that he'd just have to keep looking, when a new person entered the building, carrying something that looked like an alien raygun in this dim light. Which, combined with his statement of not meaning the group any harm, painted a funny picture in George's mind. But that couldn't be right, could it? The man wasn't tall enough to be an alien, and besides, everyone knows that aliens communicate telepathically right into your brain, rather than speaking out loud.

Shining his own light on the man, George noticed that the raygun was actually some sort of rifle pistol thingie, and that the alien was none other than Jasper-Declan MacDermott. He didn't actually know the guy, but he'd heard of him because of his long and funny name. Seriously, who names their kid MacDermott?

"Okay, but I'm confused," George said slowly, his path backwards blocked by Marion. "If you aren't gonna hurt us, why are you pointing-"

A scream, followed by someone crashing into something, interrupted George's very clever sentence. Whipping his light around to where the noise originated, he noticed somebody hiding in a small space between two packing crates. She looked familiar, and as he stepped forward, keeping himself between Marion and Jasper, he realized why. As the first announcement aired, unnoticed by the swimmer, he said, "Carly! Carly, it's George! Are you okay?" Now that he got the beam focused on her, he realized that she did not look good right now. She must have been terrified.

It's okay, Carly. I'm here now, and I'm gonna protect you.

How, precisely, he was going to do that was entirely up in the air as of the moment, seeing as he was currently unarmed, facing down a man armed with what was unmistakably a pistol. He would have to hope that he was honest about his intentions not to harm the three of them, as George wasn't entirely sure that he would be able to protect these two girls right now.
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Post by Rattlesnake »

((Kari Nichols continued from Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be))
((Grim, you better grab the Parish when it opens or this will make no freaking sense.))

Kari edged stealthily around a corner of the warehouse. In the movies, stealth always involved cartwheeling over lasers and sneaking through air vents and commando rolling through doors. But in real life, it seemed, it consisted of careful footwork and nervous breath-holding. A lot of nervous breath-holding.

She chewed her lip and ran a finger along the cold sheet metal barrel of the SMG in her hands. She felt on edge, even a little guilty, about moving out on a solo scouting excursion. There was no doubt in her mind that she could handle whatever came her way, but there was also a sincere hope that nobody would wake up while she was gone. They'd assume she'd been raped and pillaged and maybe even burned, of course. A natural assumption, but one that grated a little on her, flying in the face of logic. Of course they should stick together...

I can handle things on my own, darnit.

The predawn chill bit through her sweatshirt. She shivered, rounding another corner with the gun held in front of her. Stock unfolded, one hand squeezing the bizarre safety that required her grip to let rounds down the barrel. Ready mode. Anyone trying to boost their killcount by one would get thirty-two 9mm rounds to the face. Aim wasn't much of an issue with that much lead. A flicker of doubt crossed her mind -

No. I'll do it, because it's me or them. Altruism only gets you so far.

A figure cut through the breaking dawn, heading into the gaping maw of the warehouse. She forced herself to exhale, listening to her heart hammer away. It was getting light; she really should be back at the church. But one foot followed another, and she found herself creeping ever closer to the door. Just a quick peek, then she'd be off with the news.

The island-wide public address system crackled to life. She started. Someone else screamed. For a moment, she stood rooted in terror and indecision. Then, biting back a curse, she ran back the way she'd come.

((Kari Nichols continued in Missing Those Lost))
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Post by Hollyquin* »

Jasper-Declan couldn't say he was entirely surprised when the girl- he racked his brain to think of her name, something with an M? Maria, maybe? something of the sort- maneuvered herself behind the boy (who looked extremely familiar at this point- Jasper-Declan was sure he'd seen him in the pool during free time, though he definitely wasn't on the team).

Does the possession of a gun automatically make them perceive me as a threat? Does nothing else matter? Could this gun be attached to any other person and elicit the same response? ...Or perhaps it is just me who is threatening to them. He wrinkled his nose at this. I do wonder if they have any idea who I am. I certainly do not know them.

"Okay, but I'm confused. If you aren't gonna hurt us, why are you pointing-"

Jasper-Declan was ready with a response- he had meant to simply point out the truth, which was that at this moment he wasn't pointing the gun at them and in fact it was loose in the grasp of his right hand, swinging by his side. But he didn't have time before two things interrupted him.

A loudspeaker out of sight crackled to life. And someone screamed.

He did not move. He hadn't heard any sound that indicated to him that anyone had been attacked, so logically the scream was caused by the sound of the speakers. Most likely someone had been startled. It was the voice coming from the speakers that interested him.

"Kids, I have to say that I'm truly impressed with your first day showing. . ."

He paid close attention. He noticed that the girl- Marion was her name, he finally remembered- was taking notes, which seemed a logical course of action to him, though of course he had no notebook or pencil. The number of deaths surprised him slightly- many. It seems strange that so many of my classmates would resort to violence so quickly. Though I suppose in a stressful enough situation, all things are possible...- but he shook that away and continued listening.

The names were largely unfamilar. The main name he was looking for- that of Alex Campbell- was absent, and no other name that he would have recognized was spoken. It was easy for him to put the matter out of his mind and refocus on the matter at hand.

The boy seemed to have located someone else. A girl, whose face he recognized from the halls but who he otherwise had no knowledge of. She looked...bad seemed like an inadequate description. Carly, he said her name was? And his name was George. He stored those names in his mind and took a few steps forward- he had no intention of dropping his weapon in the name of making his new acquaintances feel comfortable, but if he could gain their trust without doing so...I do believe that having allies is important in this game, but I require allies who are...reliable, I suppose, is the word.

...And perhaps...ones that don't dislike me...would be welcome.

He felt a sudden wave of melancholy. He tried to suppress it, but it tinged his voice as he spoke.

"Ah...Carly, is it? I...apologize for my sudden intrusion. I am not looking to cause anyone harm. I am only looking for allies...if you wish for me to depart, simply say the word, and I shall. Again, I do not wish to be any trouble."
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Post by D/N »

(this will hopefully be my last terrible short post and I'll be back at force this coming week)

Oh god.


Carly scrambled forward, scraping her knees. She'd given herself away, she knew they'd heard her out there and now was 100% DEAD MEAT.

She had to get out, had to run past everyone while they were all still distracted by that voice.

So thinking (or not thinking), Carly peeked around the corner and the flash hit her full in the face.

And it was George.


And a couple other people, but they didn't matter. Carly was on her feet before she knew it, rushing forward to grab George and hold on tight as the announcements finished.

"OH GOD George, I'm OK, I'm OK, I was just hiding there but..."

Her words trailed off and she was crying again, but they were controlled tears. Well, mostly controlled tears. Tears of relief instead of panic, at the very least. Now that someone she knew was here, everything would be better. She wouldn't need to be as scared anymore.

One of the other kids there started speaking in some weird formal tone, asking if he should go. But it was OK, for now. As long as she had someone she could trust. Carly wiped her eyes and spoke.

"No, no, it's OK. I, uh, I don't mind if you stay."
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Post by Zabriel* »

Stacy pulled out her map to study it, as well as a pen to mark the forbidden zones. She also decided that she would write down as much of what she could remember Danya saying about who'd died and how. She pulled a composition book from her own backpack.

Remi Pierce. Collar explosion. Dallas Reynolds. Collar explosion. Warren Brown. Shot by Omar Burton. Eric Lorenz. Impaled after being pushed by Alex Rasputin. Chris Davidson. Shot by Clio Gabriella....

Stacy couldn't do it anymore. As she wrote the names she realized that most of them didn't mean anything to her. There were a few unpopular kids that died, a few kids that everybody hated, and a lot that she just didn't know. Even the ones she did know of she didn't really know well. She knew at least one girl in her class had a baby. She thought she'd heard her name called out.

"It's horrible," Stacy said aloud, though she didn't see anybody around. There were probably people inside, but she wasn't sure she wanted to see any of them. She looked down at her bag which held her "weapon". Maybe she'd go down to the beach and fill it with salt water. She couldn't see it helping much, but it might be just the distraction she needed if she got caught in a bad situation.

So, do I find Sarah, or should I just go?
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Post by Arscapi* »

Marion raised her eyes in surprise as Carly, she assumed, came barreling out from somewhere deep in the warehouse. She wasn't sure that was the best strategy considering that, for all his protestations, Jasper-Declan still had a gun drawn. What brilliant conversationalists we all are, Marion thought as she realized that the extent of their conversation had been, ‘Did you hear that? So did I?'

She figured now was as good a time as any to gain some information. "Hey, guys where'd you come from," she asked. "I'm assuming that since you entered the warehouse after me, you had to have been somewhere else on the island first. I was in the tunnels with Aston and Bennett. I never did figure out her first name. Although they both kind of disappeared on me while I was writing stuff down. They're super creepy, so I climbed out and wandered for a bit before coming here."
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Post by blastinus »

The first thing that became apparent to George upon reuniting with Carly was that he had been starving for a truly familiar face. Sure, he'd known the names of a few of the people who he'd encountered, but he'd never really been close with any of them. Having a very good friend run up to him and hug him somehow deadened the rest of the world. Jasper was talking about something, and the announcement blared on, but it was as if they had been tuned out. Right now, George was wondering important things like what to say to Carly, whether or not he should hug her back, whether or not he should be paying attention to the rest of the world...stuff like that.

When Carly looked over at Jasper and responded to some question that he had asked, George looked over as well, giving him an excuse to focus on someone other than her. "Y-yeah, I don't mind you being here, either. Sorry, I...ahem, I haven't had too many good experiences with people on this island so far, so I was a little suspicious. But you seem okay." George decided that it wouldn't be best to admit that most of those bad incidents had been his fault. He'd catch up Carly on what he'd been doing when the time was right, but he didn't fully trust the rest of these people to think that he wasn't a player. Goodness knows, the last three or four people had assumed that he was.

"First off, I'm George Leidman. I had a talk with a few people before I got here. I think that most of the kids aren't playing," George said in response to Marion's question, holding onto Carly's hand as he turned around. "I didn't recognize a couple of them, but I know that the green-haired guy-Cisco, I think-isn't going to play the game. I think I might have identified a possible player though. Any of you guys know a guy by the name of Sebastian?" George let the question hang out there. He figured that Carly would know, seeing as Sebastian had slugged her, but he was curious if the name would ring a bell with anyone else.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

"No, no, it's OK. I, uh, I don't mind if you stay."

Jasper-Declan felt an unreasonable wave of relief at this statement. He did want allies, yes, but he would be perfectly fine going back off on his own, he was quite sure- he'd been fine so far, and he had a gun to protect himself. Even so, he realized, he didn't want to be alone anymore. It is quite odd. I have spent the majority of my life alone, or at least close enough to alone as a human can be whilst surrounded by one's family in a city like Minneapolis...and yet, suddenly, my needs seem to have changed. I wonder what has brought this on? Perhaps...perhaps it is because my own death is swiftly approaching. Perhaps I simply...

He stopped there. I should not overthink this.

He looked around at his new...his mind paused on the word friends and replaced it with allies.

Carly. She does not appear to be armed...or particularly dangerous. She seems exceptionally frightened. Apparently she is quite trusting, given as she chose to trust me with absolutely no reason to do so beyond my own words...perhaps she wants protection. She does seem to be the type who would need it.

George. He and Carly are clearly connected in some way...Friends? Or perhaps they are dating. No matter. He seems strong enough...he also lacks a weapon, however. I do wonder why Danya chose to leave me with a weapon while he left so many others defenseless...

"Y-yeah, I don't mind you being here, either. Sorry, I...ahem, I haven't had too many good experiences with people on this island so far, so I was a little suspicious. But you seem okay."

Jasper-Declan started, having been distracted by his own thoughts, and then realized that George was talking to him. He gave a formal nod in his direction as recognition of his words. Perhaps...he chose to trust me because Carly did so? It is strange, how the opinions of people can be determined by the opinions of others...

Marion. Again, she seems to lack a weapon...though she does seem to be taking very careful notice of her surroundings. Taking notes of the contents of the announcement is a very logical choice of action...She seems intelligent.

We are not a particularly strong group. I am the only one among us with a weapon...though I suppose one of them could possess something that they are not currently holding. Perhaps it will fall to me to protect them.

Perhaps that is what this gun is for.

"Hey, guys where'd you come from?"

This time Jasper-Declan was reasonably ready to be spoken to, and his facial expression did not change as he looked at Marion.

"I'm assuming that since you entered the warehouse after me, you had to have been somewhere else on the island first. I was in the tunnels with Aston and Bennett. I never did figure out her first name. Although they both kind of disappeared on me while I was writing stuff down. There super creepy, so I climbed out and wandered for a bit before coming here."

The names meant nothing to him. He wondered for a moment if she had meant that the tunnels or the students she had mentioned were- in her words- super creepy, but he decided that that was irrelevant. Instead he went back in time for a moment- as much as he didn't particularly want to remember his time on the beach. Except for the beauty of the water, the sunlight playing off the waves...he shook his head slightly. That wasn't the information Marion was looking for.

"I awoke on the beach. I sat by the water with no aim in mind and was happened upon by two boys...Erik and Mike. We were joined by two other boys, one named Max and one whose name I do not believe I learned. Not one of them was armed. They began to make escape plans, and they became agitated when I reminded them that escape is an impossibility. I chose to leave...I do not wish to stay where I am not wanted."

"First off, I'm George Leidman. I had a talk with a few people before I got here. I think that most of the kids aren't playing. I didn't recognize a couple of them, but I know that the green-haired guy-Cisco, I think-isn't going to play the game. I think I might have identified a possible player though. Any of you guys know a guy by the name of Sebastian?"

Jasper-Declan shook his head. "No, I'm afraid I do not." Then, he frowned slightly. I ought to have this matter cleared up. "Do any of you have weapons, by any chance? I am aware that many people did not receive real weapons- the boys on the beach had received a variety of oddities- but it strikes me as quite odd that I am the only person of those that I have met to have any true means of defending themselves..."
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