Lonely, Side by Side

Passing through the large iron gates of the surrounding wall, the students find what used to be a magnificent mansion. While the majority of the building is still intact, there is a large chunk of roof as well as several walls missing in the westernmost part of the house where the master bedroom was located. The rest of the mansion is structurally intact, however anything of immediate value has been taken, leaving only minimal furnishings such as beds, tables, couches and the like.
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Lonely, Side by Side


Post by Limisios* »

[Title taken from Monty Python's Spamalot.]
((Josée Trembly continued from Tempting Fate.))

There was nothing left for Josée to do. She knew deep down that she wasn't able to kill whoever it was that killed her brother; and even so, if she did try, could she really kill them with just her blackjack. That seemed very unlikely. But at least Cisco was safe, Cisco was living proof that her time on the island was worthwhile, it proved that she could do something good with her life.

A nearby loudspeaker suddenly screamed at her and an unknown voice spoke, Josée guessed that the rescue mission may have messed the terrorists up a bit but she didn't think that it would actually result in Danya missing his morning announcement. Josée listened intently, she didn't expect them to mention the escape, as they would be too embarrassed to admit that they had been beaten. But they did.

"Next up... well kids, let's just say that this next part is why you don't try and escape the island, alright? The following individuals were killed trying to make a break for it."

Josée's heart stopped, she turned to the speaker as it rang off name after name of students who had nearly made it back to the other side. She muttered to herself. "Not Cisco, please not Cisco." But as the voice read off Cisco's name, Josée fell to the floor and cried. "Why Cisco! Why did it have to be you!" she screamed at the speaker through sobs.

Every time she tried to save someone, every time she turned her back for one second. They die! What was Josée doing wrong. First her brother, her best friend, and now Cisco. She had only known him for a few days and yet it seemed like she had known him her whole life. And now she had nothing, she was stuck, alone on an island full of murderers and all she had was a club. "I will avenge you Cisco. I promise." But Josée was scared, very scared. For a split second, she wished she had a First Edition 'Carol Channing Sings Children's Songs' Vinyl to hold right now.

((Josée Trembley continued in Ghosts.))
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