B023 - Vaughan, Daniel[/DECEASED]

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B023 - Vaughan, Daniel[/DECEASED]


Post by Namira »


Name: Daniel Vaughan
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Classic Video Games, Movies and Music from the 80's, Biology

Appearance: Daniel is an average-looking 18 year old, topping off at 5'7" and weighing 166 lbs. His red hair is kept in a pony tail, to keep it from falling in front of his green almond-shaped eyes. He usually wears jeans and a t-shirt. His nose is small and his entire face is covered with freckles. His left cheek has a scar on it, caused by a fight with muggers. He has a light muscular build, like a runner. He is caucasian with a slight tan, with a small forehead and round cheeks. He had a square chin and ears a bit larger than normal.

Biography: Daniel had, if such a thing is possible, a normal upbringing. He was born in St. Paul to his parents, Brian and Kirsty Vaughan. He had an older sister, Sadie and a younger brother, Jude, a year difference both ways. He did pretty well in school at beginning, but not enough for anyone to notice him. His life seemed to be of relative normalness compared to most other people.

All three Vaughan kids were equally loved by their parents, yet the older Vaughan's made sure to contribute to their kid's interests. For Daniel, this was classic video games, music and movies from decades before. While all his friends were busy on their Xbox, Daniel was hard at work firing Metal Blades at Wood Man on Mega Man 2. Daniel also found his parents old collection of movies and music, and was able to convince them to let him borrow them.

Daniel had always liked old stuff. When watching the news, he saw wars, famines and sickness, and came to the conclusion that everything was better in the older decades. He also started to take an old-fashioned look on things, deciding that it was his job as a man to protect women and children. He started working out, even taking a class in Karate, but he forgot most of the skills in the upcoming years.

The first few years of high school were interesting for Daniel. He didn't hang out with any of the cliques, but instead meandered about, never making any lasting friends, but instead thousands of first impressions. He does rather well in school, making solid Bs in most of his classes. He shows an affinity for science, especially that related to his chosen job field of Biology, a job field chosen due to his father being a Biologist. He currently isn't part of any clubs, he tried the gaming club but left when he realized it was more for table-top gaming.

Daniel's sister left in his junior year to go to college, leaving Daniel as the oldest Vaughan, and he suddenly found himself thrust into this new sense of responsibly at home. Soon most of his video game time was spent helping Jude with his homework. However this led to a closer feeling to his brother, and a sense of needing to protect him.

This sense led to him needing to protect Jude from a group of muggers as the two walked home from school. Daniel mentioned he didn't have any money, but the muggers ignored him and attacked. Daniel tried his best to hold them off as Jude ran home, but the muggers got in some hits, one with a knife cutting open Daniel's cheek, before the police came. Daniel's dad said that scar will forever be a lasting reminder of Daniel's bravery and loyalty to his brother. To this day, he refuses any attempts to remove it using cosmetic surgery.

Daniel's personality can be summed up in three words, friendly, loyal and brave. Daniel views people from how they dress and act, deciding to ignore the people who dressed in urban or gothic styles. His views on protecting women leads him to be a rather supportive and protective boyfriend; he will try to stop anyone who hurts a girl. Despite this, he currently does not have a girlfriend.

Advantages: He is very charismatic and friendly, so most people can trust him easily. He also has some sense of defense and fighting due to his history in karate, so he would be able to fight back if needed to.
Disadvantages: He isn't a leader, he's a follower. He would be more likely to take the hit for someone else than to allow them to take it so he can win. He also, while being average in his fighting skills, won't be able to last long due to it being awhile since he was in classes, especially in armed combat.

Designated Number: Male student no. 23


Designated Weapon: AED machine
Conclusion: For Mr. Vaughan's sake, I hope that if he takes a hit for somebody else they're enough of a sap to use his 'weapon' on him, because otherwise, he's more than mildly screwed. Karate doesn't stop bullets my friend!

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