By The Pricking Of My Thumbs

Here is where all threads set in the past belong. This is the place to post your characters' memories, good or bad, major or insignificant. Handlers may have one active memory thread at the same time as their normal active present-day thread. Memory one-shots are always acceptable.
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By The Pricking Of My Thumbs


Post by Frozen Smoke »

Faith was slowly making the trek from the English department to the Science labs, taking the quickest route that a few months of experience navigating the High School had identified so far. A small black earbud was dug into her right ear, though she wasn't paying a huge amount of attention to it, the hum of the Black Keys' Heavy Soul only serving to give her steps a little bit of extra swagger as some irrepressible part of her strove to match the beat. Her attention was mostly focused on Wyatt Carter, someone who she'd grown to know pretty damn quickly over the past year, and given that they shared both these classes, well they might as well walk together and shoot the shit.

The conversation had been mostly inane, talking about family and football and all the other things they shared a fondness before, but it'd taken a turn on "Just why she was tryin' to talk sense into those Libs anyway" in debate club. Her mind had spun back onto the topic of the last big debate, on Humane Conservation of wildlife. It was one she'd had a long conversation with her father about in preparation, and she'd thought she'd be ready for it. Hunting was obviously the nicest way to handle it. An animal like a Wolf or an Elk deserved a good, solid chance to live, right? Everyone agreed on that, and hunting gave them that chance. It was only respectful to them, and they only died if the hunter was better than them.

And then there'd been the counter arguments, with people suggesting things like chemically castrating some number of the males, and she'd had to bite her tongue not to just blurt out her horror at the suggestion. She'd thought about running some line about how that was what the Nazi's had done to those they considered surplus, but well, Godwin's Law wasn't a good way to win a debate. It still stuck in her craw as repellant though. Plus the fact that they'd trust the state with something like reproductive rights, I mean, wasn't that something the left hated in the first place? Hell it was one of the few things she could agree with them on. She couldn't wrap her head around the dissonance of it, and she'd been trying to figure out how to explain how wrong it had all seemed afterwards, as she'd not presented a strong enough counterargument at the time, and well, she'd felt stupid for not being able to explain something so basic.

Not that she verbalised this to her walking partner of course. She doubted he'd care about the reproductive rights of deer, or conservation in general. Actually, on second thoughts a small (well, not small, she knew that much from personal experience) part of him would scream in terror at the idea of chemical castration, which gave her a little smirk. Oh she'd have to remember that one. Grossing out Wyatt was hard, and anything that could do it was worth remembering. Instead, the topic let her explain that she was just trying to help them out and show them how things were, something Wyatt could jive with. And, beyond that, it let her take a few swipes at people she was frustrated at for not being able to see how inherently contradictory their positions were, which made her feel even more at ease about the debacle.

And, speaking of inherent contradictions, here was one walking by. To say she knew Sierra was a tad too strong. She knew of Sierra, and she remembered the personal tale that had come out in the wake of the whole conservation argument, that she'd broken down after her Daddy had killed a deer for her. It was so... Precious. That she couldn't handle that responsibility. She wondered how she dealt with eating meat, quite frankly, if she couldn't deal with doing the deed herself. It reeked of cowardice, and well, it was kind of funny too. Imagining her crying over something that happened every day in the wild, with or without her.

She nudged Wyatt with one elbow and gestured with her head to the figure travelling towards them as they walked, drawing attention to her. "I mean, some people though... Did you know Sierra couldn't even kill a deer? ... Pretty nuts that she cried about it" she added, trailing off as something came to mind. She remembered watching Bambi. The little deer weeping over her Mom. It was a sad scene for sure, it tugged at your heartstrings. But people seemed to use it all the fucking time to argue against hunting and it was just stupid. I mean, it was a kids film, it wasn't real, but it seemed like no-one had told people on the internet that. She wondered what it'd be like to turn the tables there.

The corners of her mouth tweaked upwards as a little joke came to mind for Sierra. She looked up, caught her eye, and casually called over to her in a soft, mocking tone. "Hey there Bambi, you cry over any more deer today?" she asked, widening her smile to look almost predatory as she watched for her reaction as the three of them continued to approach one another, and waited for the inevitable chuckle of approval from her partner.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra navigated through the crowded halls, making her way to the English department for her next class, sketchbook in hand. She kept the book in front of her as she worked on her latest drawing on the go, occasionally peering up from its pages to ensure that she wasn't going to run into anyone or anything. Lately she had been drawing up ideas for tattoo designs within the pages of her sketchbook, various images of butterflies, flowers, stars and hearts of varying detail littered multiple pages of the book. She had always found tattoos to be incredibly fascinating and lately she had been considering getting some herself, mostly as a means to rile her parents up. Unfortunately she learned that within the state of Tennessee that someone under the age of 18 couldn't get a tattoo, which disappointed Sierra significantly.

Oddly enough though, you could get a piercing under 18 if you get permission from a parent, which to Sierra was odd since why would piercings be alright but not tattoos? Laws were weird. And it sucked that you'd need permission if you were underage since she would like to get them but only to piss her parents off! It would make no sense to ask her folks if they would be cool with it! Which they wouldn't be so there was no way they would say yes anyway! Sierra bet she'd look pretty hot with a piercing and a tattoo! She'd show off that shit all the time if she had them.

Still, no harm in planning ahead and draw up some tattoo designs. Lately she had been interested Chinese dragons since they looked pretty cool. She had drawn a few deigns already, one was a Chinese dragon eating its own tail like an ouroboros, which would be really cool as an armband tattoo she felt, and the other was a dragon with its long body forming a heart shape. Now the latter one was pretty cool in her opinion and she considered actually getting that one when she is old enough to get tattoos. But where to get it? A tramp stamp would be a neat idea. Tramp stamps were kinda sexy and getting one would make her parents flip! So two already great reasons!

As she was finalizing the details of her latest drawing she looked up from her book, brushing a lock of sky blue hair from her face, and saw two people directly in her path. One was Faith, a girl Sierra was only slightly familiar with. They had, maybe, one class or something like that? She wasn't really sure, Sierra has just seen her around and they've never really talked. Not that it mattered since she didn't really know all that much about her except that she was into hunting. That was about it really, so she paid her no mind. Faith's companion on the other hand was...


Wyatt Carter...

Sierra had a few encounters with him before and her impression of him was not a kind one. Tennessee was a right winged cesspit of a state and Wyatt was King Shit of Fuck Mountain. That roided up jock was such a colossal douche bag that just even the sight of him made Sierra's blood boil. What was to hate about Wyatt Carter? The better question was, what isn't to hate about Wyatt Carter? So why the hell was Faith saddling up to him? Was Faith into him or something? She knew that Wyatt liked to boast about all the girls he's slept with, but given that he had all the personality of sandpaper she very much doubted his claims. If Faith was into him then... well... Faith must have some shitty taste in men.


Sierra wasn't going to get herself worked up over that conservative asshole and his latest fuckdoll, keeping her head down to focus on her drawings as she walked by.

"Hey there Bambi, you cry over any more deer today?"

Sierra stopped dead in her tracks and looked back up from her sketchbook to Faith as they approached. She knew the context of the question, she had told the story of her first and last hunting trip with her dad not that long ago, but she was taken aback by the fact that someone was actually going to mock her for something that happened when she was a child. So Sierra leveled a glare at Faith and responded with a chilly, "Excuse me?"
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Man, walking through the halls was always harder with a chick. One of the cons of being with somebody, Wyatt supposed, was that you had to walk side by side and engage in conversation and actually listen, struggling to do so above all the shouting and some nerd popping off down the hall about how some video game girl was his 'wife-oo' because those kids couldn't speak at any level above gibbering retard. Actually, that was mean to the retards; Wyatt had run into some of the challenged kids and half of them didn't act as stupid as a quarter of the student body, sometimes. By himself, Wyatt had figured out the methods of getting from point A to point B with as little trouble as possible. Step 1: be huge. If you've accomplished that first step, then the next three to four steps turned out to be pretty damned simple, because people tended to just stay out of the way at that point.

There were positives to come out of his company with Faith, to be sure. The two of them weren't 'together' in a sense of the word but when Wyatt was between girls, he could usually count on Faith to be a good friend and a fucking tiger in bed. Guess that would have made her a slam-piece, except she was actually pretty cool to be around even when they weren't both horny. Thankfully that wasn't often but, you know, keeping the options open.

Speaking of slam-pieces, Faith had mentioned Sierra... there's a name Wyatt hadn't been able to attribute a positive thought to for a while. The girl had a killer bod and wouldn't you know it, she looked even better in her birthday suit (and even better than THAT when hittin' it from behind). But without a generous helping from his wingmen Jack and Jim, the two of them probably would have never spent that night together at the party due to wildly different ideologies. Short of the matter, Sierra could have been a Faith-tier fuckbuddy if she'd ever learned to keep her mouth shut. Opinions were like assholes, everybody's got one and they all smell like shit, but at least some women knew how to perfume that shit to make it smell like roses. Sierra may as well have been eating out of the compost pile. So then, he initially smiled at the reference, recognizing it as a dig to a girl he had come to recognize as hot-headed. The stronger they react, the funnier it was. Then, Wyatt decided to actually pay a moment of thought to what Faith had said, and shook his head.

"There's nothin' much wrong with that," he said down to Faith after a moment, and partially said it also to Sierra, who had stopped and turned to stare at them with the usual contempt reserved for Rosie O'Donnell staring down a bathroom scale. "First time I ever saw a deer killed in front'a me, I cried too. Think it's pretty normal for little kids to do, don'tcha think? 'Sup, Sierra."
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Faith took the glare she'd been able to pull out of Sierra with pride, one corner of her mouth curling up into a lopsided, cocky grin as she looked back at her. Wyatt hadn't laughed or anything, but hey not every joke was going to land. The important thing was that she had Sierra's attention now, and she wasn't going to let this go like she should. Their eyes met, and she felt the icy chill in them which matched the cold in her voice, meeting the playful wander of Faith's own. She probably thought she looked bad-ass, staring her down and hoping she'd apologise or something. She let that "Excuse me?" hang in the air for a moment, and preparing to throw back a "You heard", just to force her to actually react to her original comment, and probably make an ass out of herself doing so.

Then Wyatt decided to pitch in. "There's nothin' much wrong with that, first time I ever saw a deer killed in front'a me, I cried too. Think it's pretty normal for little kids to do, don'tcha think? 'Sup, Sierra." Her smile faltered ever so slightly, looking over at Wyatt to see his expression and felt thankful that there was no look of disapproval being shot back her way. She noted that little nugget of information of Wyatt away to deal with at some other time, and debated immediately explaining her own first time. Shooting deer, that is. She didn't remember feeling particularly bad about it, they were just doing the same thing they'd always done, her and her Dad and older brother... She cut off that route with a nice big rubber stamp with "Way too fucking personal Faith" engraved on it, and moved on. She didn't want to seem like some heartless bitch after all.

She was filled with nervous energy now, with the both of them looking at her as the odd one out, her original little barb having said a lot more about her than it had Sierra. She tried her best not to show it though, and chewed through Wyatt's words mentally, looking for something to add onto it to pull the topic away from her and back onto Sierra. Actually answering the question wouldn't do her any favours, and whilst she could take a few jokes at her own expense, backing down wasn't something the kinda people other people respected did. She picked out the whole 'little kid' thing and decided that was what she was going to roll with here.

Her head turned to the side, looking up at Wyatt for support in her setup, trying to radiate false confidence and bravado as best she could. She forgot just how fucking tall he was some times, damn. "Yeah but Wyatt, you grew up" she said, adding emphasis to the last part to make her point clear, before gesturing with a thumb towards Sierra. Shit, now she had to find something she hadn't grown up out of. Her mind was blank for a moment and there was a little pause that she hoped they'd both ignore - or at least think was deliberate. She grabbed onto one of the few other things she knew about Sierra, she was a rebel. Rebel against what, she didn't really know, but she assumed it was her parents. Because so many people seemed to feel like they owed their parents nothing. Wyatt might not have been as close to his parents as she hers, but she knew he respected them at least. Sierra clearly didn't. Well, she had to go for something NOW or she was going to look like she was a complete idiot.

"Sierra's still acting out like a little kid against Mommy and Daddy" she finally came out with, turning her head to address her, eyes glinting as she made sure to add a childish, mocking tone to the last two words. There was another pause, as she waited for a reaction from the girl, silently willing her to blow up and take all this attention away from her. Her mind scrabbled for something to use as an example of her still being childish, but she couldn't quite get there. Something political maybe? Urgh, anything she came up with just sounded so lame. "I bet she cries about every speech Canon gives too" kinda sounded good but it was way too late for her to even seriously contemplate saying it. So, instead, she simply watched Sierra intensely, waiting for her to give her something to work with.

((Edited for continuity issues because I am a bad.))
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Well, here was an interesting development. Wyatt - instead of jumping in on the ribbing - actually said something that sounded like he was defending her from Faith's attempt to insult her by saying how he cried when he saw a deer killed in front of him.  She was actually taken aback by this since Wyatt is pretty well known to be a bully. Even Faith looked like she was expecting him to join in on her bullying. Of course, just because he wasn't being the massive asshole in this instance doesn't mean she has to like him.

With Faith's insult basically shut down by her companion, Sierra folded her arms and leveled a "I'm waiting" look at Faith while rhythmically tapping her left index finger against her right bicep. She saw no reason to try and dignify Faith's insult with a proper response and just waited, staring. After a bit of deliberation, Faith looked up to Wyatt and decided to speak again.

"Yeah but Wyatt, you grew up."

Faith gestured towards Sierra with her thumb, and Sierra raised an eyebrow. Where exactly was she going with this?

"Sierra's still acting out like a little kid against Mommy and Daddy."

Ah, so that's where she was trying to take this. Seeing her previous insult being sandbagged, Faith had apparently decided to switch gears and go after Sierra's rocky relationship with her parents as the target of her ridicule. She'd give her some points for using a childish tone of voice, but it was so obvious to see that Faith was grasping at straws to recover from her failed attempt at insulting her. At this point Sierra wasn't even mad that she was being insulted, just annoyed that her time was being wasted.

"So I don't get along with my parents. So what? What's it to you?" Sierra shrugged, clearly growing impatient with this continued interruption.
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

Wyatt agreed with Fatih's assessment; he had, indeed, grown up. He shot up a like a fucking weed, then filled out. He learned to harden himself emotionally and stop crying about whatever ended up on their plate, or weeping through a black eye because Bret decided to be a dick and overreact to being shoved. Dad didn't have sympathy for him back then, and Wyatt had to learn quick what many of his classmates had yet to figure out, that the real world isn't going to have any sympathy for him either once he rises to meet it. It was a blessing that his body managed to collect the mass to back up his outlook on life, because Lord knows his temper caused him to have to defend it more often than he would have liked.

His opinion when dealing with Sierra, then, was tough because Wyatt didn't extend many of the same critical requirements to women that he did to himself and other guys. It was alright if she wanted to cry about a deer bleeding to death on the ground, requiring another bullet through the brain to give it a quick death... which it often didn't get, because that fucked up the trophy you were gonna hang on the wall - unacceptable. She'd probably freak over a fish with a hook in its mouth, no matter how hard to try to insist those dumb fucking things can't even feel pain. At the same time, Sierra was a big girl. Big in the good way, not in the rascal scooter rider kinda way. She was mature enough to know better and yet she was a total fuckup who couldn't get her act together. A good screw, but Wyatt had decided he wasn't ready to stick his dick in that craziness more than once.

"Shit, now you're gonna tell us that 'Daddy Issues' are the only reason you fucked me, right?" Wyatt said through a wide grin. She was so cute when she got mad. Depending on whether or not it was that time of the month, they might be able to drive her up the damned wall.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

Faith's body began to fill with heat, embarrassment and anger mixing inside her as Sierra shrugged that off too. Did she really not care in the slightest? Great, now she looked like an idiot. This had all just supposed to be a passing comment, why the fuck was she taking the time to rebuff her if she didn't care? What was her problem? Her eyes flicked over Sierra again, noting how coolly she was taking this, like she thought she was so beyond it all. Like nothing could get to her. It felt like a challenge, like arrogance.

Some of the heat burning inside her dissipated as Wyatt cracked the first little joke of his own. She wasn't outnumbered here and Wyatt didn't think she was a complete idiot. Yet. Oh and that was a hell of a verbal lineup she was being offered. The old Daddy Issues card, fuck, what did she know about Sierra that she could use here?

She had a flash of memory from one of the overheard gossip sessions, that even if you hated Ivy and Gaelan and Myles, you just couldn't get away from the tentacles of. Sierra was dating someone with a girls name, they'd been seen kissing in public, something like that. She didn't really have a problem with that, she supposed. Wished people wouldn't rub their sexuality in her face or anything, but she could deal with it. But Sierra seemed to be flaunting it. And that made it fair game, right?

Part of Faith's brain was, at this point, suggesting that maybe she consider what she was about to say before she said it, even though it sounded very slick and would probably make Wyatt laugh. That part of her brain was voting to keep Faith's mouth firmly shut.

Faith opened her mouth, to follow on from what Wyatt had started.

"Speaking of fucking people..." She left a pause here, trying to make sure she had the attention of the both of them, before looking at Sierra and concluding with the punchline, filling her voice with as much mockery as she could "I'm not interested in helping you get back at Daddy, sorry". There was a pause then, for just a moment, and Faith felt embarrassment flare up again, wondering if either of them had caught the innuendo. She thought about adding "You know, unlike the other girls you dated" for clarification, but again, she waited too long. Instead she simply cocked her head to the side and shifted her weight from one foot to another as she tried to track Sierra's gaze, as if wordlessly asking for her response.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

"Shit, now you're gonna tell us that 'Daddy Issues' are the only reason you fucked me, right?"

Hearing that caused Sierra to lose the stoic front that she had been holding up, looking directly at Wyatt in wide eyed disbelief that he actually would bring that up. She sputtered, trying to form words to properly voice her outrage. She had tried so hard to purge that particular memory from her mind since it happened, and then there is this asshole bringing it up in the middle of school. That night was probably one of the worst things to ever happen to her! It was one thing to have gotten shitfaced drunk and sleep with someone, but it was another to get shitfaced drunk and sleep with Wyatt "Probably fucks his brother" Carter!

She didn't quite remember the act itself (thank GOD for small miracles), but the morning after...

God, this was so embarrassing! Sierra was practically shaking from the anger by this point as she tried to collect herself...

"Speaking of fucking people..."

Sierra torn her attention away from Wyatt, zeroing in on Faith who had decided to open her goddamn mouth again.

"I'm not interested in helping you get back at Daddy, sorry."

She knew that Faith was just trying to rile her up. It was the only reason she even started this whole thing in the first place. Just one insult after another to try and get Sierra to lose her cool. Under normal circumstances she would have tried to let that one go like the last one. She was above this and she didn't need to play to this bitch's tune... but... having been worked up already by Wyatt she was too emotional to properly hold back any longer.

"Go fuck yourself, you jiggly cumslut!" She snapped, leveling a glare at her. A few passing students happened to stop and look in their direction at Sierra's sudden out burst.
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The sputtering, red-faced lockup of rage was precisely what Wyatt was looking for. He got more than he bargained for, though, with the sudden outburst directed not at him (to his surprise) but toward Sierra.  The insult itself was just a cobbled-together mess of vaguely connected insults but god DAMN was it funny! Wyatt pressed a fist to his mouth and hunched a shoulder, making a poor show of hiding the laughter just begging to burst out of him.

After a moment to collect himself, Wyatt's other hand set down on Faith's shoulder. He uncovered his mouth but his grin remained plastered on his face, practically clinging from ear to ear as he regarded Sierra: "Stop acting like it was such a bad thing, Sierra. Last I remember, you were fuckin' into it." He remembered that night... he barely remembered it, between the alcohol and the fact that it was one lay in the line of many more, and he thought he remembered Sierra maybe kinda dead-fishing it but hey, long as he pulled down pants or turned up a skirt and saw what was supposed to be there, that was a good night in his book. "Invaded that shit so easily, my dick should be called Germany!"

He gave an offhand glance to one of the kids that he had caught staring and threw up a quick tilt of his chin. Nosey little fucks... but if this little party's going to gather an audience, might as well start playing to them.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Jiggly cumslut"

Faith gave that one a solid D- with a frowny face and a 'see me after class' written in red pen. Not only did it sound like it came straight out of recess in middle school, it was blatantly just wrong. She knew her body damn well, and the only place with a little bit of jiggle to it was her stomach and she was damn sure Sierra had never seen that, so "jiggly" was fucking stupid. "Cumslut" might have worked from someone like Camilla or Dolly, but Faith could count her partners on one hand. She was pretty fucking sure Sierra would need to break out her toes, or maybe an abacus if she wanted to count hers. That made her more mad than the insult itself, honestly, the fact that Sierra was just lying. Her cocky grin wobbled, turning into more of a sneer as she kept her eyes locked with Sierra's, as she tried to find something to throw back at her. If that was how she wanted to play this game, well, she was going to make sure Sierra lost.

She didn't have much time to think before Wyatt interrupted and reminded Sierra of just how wrong she was, the hand on her shoulder helping to keep her steady as he laid into her. The sneer turned back into a grin, and then into a few barely contained snorts of laughter as Wyatt compared his dick to Germany. It worked on so many levels. Shit, Sierra was even half Polish or something, wasn't she? Part of her wanted to just lean against Wyatt and laugh this one out, but the look on Sierra's face was priceless, she couldn't just leave it there. She had to find something to add.

Poland. Germany. Slut. History. Got it.

She got her laughter under control for a moment, her grin wide and crooked as she broke eye contact with Sierra for a moment, directing the first few words out of her mouth at her partner in crime. "Does that make Bret's dick Russia then?" she asked rhetorically, before flicking her eyes back to catch those of her intended target, continuing in a tone that dripped with as much certainty as it did venom, "Wouldn't be the first time Germany and Russia split Poland in half." She gestured a little with her right hand as she said Poland, making the punchline as clear as possible to those involved, and the few people who'd stopped to watch them.

There was a moment after that which made her heart sink as she worried that might have been a little too convoluted for everyone else to follow, her eyes darting back to Wyatt as she tried to gauge if he got it or not. She could swear she'd at least seen him in a history class once, he had to vaguely know what the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was, right? They'd had to write a paper on it.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra couldn't believe this was happening. Wyatt Carter was seriously bragging about sleeping with her while other people were stopping to watch?! Using a WWII metaphor that dragged her Polish heritage into this shit?! Her issues with her parents were one thing, but this was something she could NOT forgive! Stunned in angered disbelief Sierra couldn't do much besides continued to gape as Faith decided to jump in with her own comment about how Bret's fucktard brother was involved in that incident as well. Sierra's anger began to boil over at that, eventually collecting herself enough that she was preparing to give her response.

"All right! Listen here, you pricks!" Sierra yelled, her voice carrying over the sound of the crowded hallway as stomping her boot to the ground. "I didn't want to get caught up in this bullshit today and just wanted get to my next class but since you want to play this game so badly, LET'S GO!"

She trusted a finger in Wyatt's direction, pointing directly at her chest. "Let's start with you there, Frankenstein." She snarled out, glaring at him so intensely it was like she was trying to make his head explode with her mind. "I would never, never willing sleep with someone like you! And that night I was completely drunk and didn't realize what had happened until after the fact! So don't feel too proud of yourself, Mr. Cosby!"

"And then there is you." Sierra said as she turned her baleful gaze upon Faith. "I'm so glad you brought up Russia in this dipshit's metaphor." She pointed to Wyatt with her thumb. "I did not sleep with this shit smeared mongoloid or his cunt brother, but I doubt that is the case in regards to the two of them. You know what they say about twins."

Sierra slowly turned her head to glare back at Wyatt. By this point a hush had fallen over the hall as yet more students had stopped to see the ensuing argument. "Or to use your metaphor, Bill," she spat the name like it was some dirty thing. "Russia invaded Germany so hard it stuck its flag in it."
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Ah, there it was... the sweet, smokey smell of a special snowflake's brain starting to melt when things got too heated for their delicate tastes. This was the Sierra he'd come to know and... to know, holding a noisy, bitchy little tantrum in the middle of the hall like a child... which, emotionally, she basically was.

Unfortunately, where Sierra had managed to stay relatively cute even though she was getting angrier by the second, now things had taken a turn for the ugly. Damn it... her insults had started out pretty creative, and he was already thinking of ways to toy with her a little more right from the get-go. Maybe put on his best Huxtable voice and roll with the Bill Cosby thing, get a little daring in the comedy before shutting her down by making the distinctions clear... I mean, everybody should have known right from the get-go that ol' Uncle Bill was a creepy dusty fuck-finger.

But no. Sierra had to go and do the thing that it seemed all the liberals loved to do these days: deny any and all accountability for their own fucking actions, then switch bases and go for baseless slander for somebody who had nothing, NOTHING to do with the situation. Wyatt raised and eyebrow and took a step up and to the side to place himself directly between Sierra and Faith. He peered down at the girl over his chest, shaking his head. "Look, I get it, you were drunk. But if you think that makes me a rapist or something, then you're the worst kind of slut in this school, the kind that likes to point fingers n' put dudes in jail who did nothin' wrong." He leaned in and angled his nose down, practically speaking on top of her. "You might have a point if I was sober but I was fucking drunk as shit too, bitch! Hey, does that mean I couldn't consent? Does that mean you raped me!? Fuckin' course not. You and all the fuckin' SJW types, you only want that shit one way, don't you?" He wiped his nose with his wrist, working himself as he continued.

"Then the very next breath you go and say 'oh I never slept with this guy'. First off, fucking bullshit. I still remember as you had me going to town on you and I had to stare that creepy-ass, souless dead-eyed stuffed deer of yours that you left on the bed in the fucking face. Woulda made me soft but you were tight as fuck, clawin' the shit outta my back and SCREAMIN' FOR MORE." Wyatt threw his head back and howled in laughter. "Man, I HAD to be drunk, because that's the only way I'm stickin' my dick in crazy like you!"

Wyatt silently told himself to 'woah' and reminded himself to take a breath after that. She actually got him pretty worked up. The dig at him and his brother hadn't gone unnoticed, but it seemed inconsequential now compared to what Sierra had done just before. She'd gone and disappointed him. He didn't think too highly of her these days, but he hadn't expected her to pull a page from McCallister's playbook and just start lying wholesale about everything.

It was weird to admit, but he thought better of her before.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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Frozen Smoke
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Faith couldn't help but watch with a feeling of smug satisfaction as Sierra's true colours ran through for the two of them to see. Literally stomping your feet on the floor, like a toddler, huh? That seemed like an appropriately mature response, not that she'd expected more from Sierra. Oh and apparently they had really done it now like she was about to fuckin' digivolve like a Pokemon and take on her final form. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't even going to interrupt this, she wanted to hear Sierra sing her praises in damning tones.

"Let's start with you there, Frankenstein."

Or listen to her insult Wyatt, that worked too.

"I would never, never willing sleep with someone like you! And that night I was completely drunk and didn't realize what had happened until after the fact! So don't feel too proud of yourself, Mr. Cosby!"

Faith was... Pretty certain that wasn't an insult actually. That was- Fuck what did Cosby do again?

"And then there is you."

Faith moved her posture a little as Sierra turned to address her, shifting her weight to the side that faced her and folding her arms, returning the glare of Sierra back with a look that told Sierra exactly what she thought of this whole speech. Disapproving and yet amused, head tilted a little to the side and an expression that rested halfway between a sneer and a smirk as she watched her self destruct further, bracing herself to make sure she didn't give her the satisfaction of a flinch.

"I'm so glad you brought up Russia in this dipshit's metaphor. - I did not sleep with this shit smeared mongoloid or his cunt brother, but I doubt that is the case in regards to the two of them. You know what they say about twins."

She wondered for a moment if this was due to the fact that she was so hard to insult, or just the fact that Wyatt was the kind of person everyone knew somehow and she wasn't that - and really had no desire to be that. Well, maybe a little, but not enough desire to actively try and make it happen. Yeah, the latter was probably the case here.

"Or to use your metaphor, Bill, Russia invaded Germany so hard it stuck its flag in it."

Alright, so to tally up, now that she'd thought everything through, that was; A. An incest joke, B. A gay sex joke, C. A rape accusation? The first of those seemed fine, decent insult Sierra a bit edgy for you but fair play. The second was fine too, making fun of sex was a pretty good line, although she'd though Sierra would have been 'above' making fun of gay sex, just because she fucked girls and normally that meant someone tended to be sensitive about that kind of thing. The third one though, wow, that was just. Well, it was a different ballgame. Was Sierra really trying to do that whole thing where if you regretted having sex then it was rape?

She'd though Sierra would be actually above that. Not just fake pretend I'm outraged about something because that's what all the adults tell me I have to do 'above' doing something like that, incapable of actually doing it because it's that much of a Bad Thing and Sierra wasn't a Bad Person. Or so she had thought. Surely she at least recognised that doing that just made actual victims feel like, less likely to come out about it? Made people take a wary stance towards very serious topic. Just for personal gain. Just so a few people could cast off some social stigma and paint someone in a bad light. Her smile dropped a little, and for an uncharacteristic moment, Faith had very little to say to Sierra as she tried to digest this piece of information.

Fortunately, Wyatt was a little faster at digesting than she was, and he was up in her face immediately. She found herself there, nodding along solemnly with his points as Wyatt nailed everything she was concerned about. Maybe he was being a bit harsh to her, but she couldn't help but silently cheer him on all the same, watching as he made an impression on Sierra. She would have went up and stood right next to him, but she didn't want to seem like she was copying everything Wyatt was doing, and well - Sierra might have felt cornered. And everyone knew what they said about cornered rats.

The corners of her mouth were only dragged up further as Wyatt decided to really make his mark on her, letting her know exactly how into it she was and making sure everyone knew he was on the straight an narrow as far as his love life was concerned - as was his right. You couldn't have any doubt floating around about if you raped someone or not, that was the kind of thing that even Ivy wouldn't stand for, she was pretty sure. And the line about the deer was pretty funny, probably true even. She laughed at his punchline too, a low burst of genuine belly laughter at the combined effect of all those punchlines.

Her brain worked on what she'd just heard as she laughed though. Why did Sierra have a stuffed deer in her bed? That sounded... Obnoxiously huge. The cogs in Faith's brain turned for a moment as she tried to imagine a full stuffed deer in her house, even. Then she realised that Wyatt meant a plush deer, like a little deer toy or something. Holy shit, that explained everything. She even had an opening here to slide in and slam the door on this one, as Wyatt seemingly caught his breath after the last outburst.

Faith moved up, leaving their shoulders level in alignment, though far beyond each other in height, slipping a hand behind him to wrap around his lower torso. She wasn't entirely sure how it looked, but she was just trying to signal to him to back off for a moment. One more barb from Sierra and she was worried he might do something he very much regretted, and genuinely regretted, not just because of the consequences. As long as she'd known him she'd never seen Wyatt hit a girl. It was chivalrous, she'd give him that - and a rule he seemed very keen to stick to. So helping him stick to it felt like a responsibility of hers, as his friend.

The joke came out of her mouth too quickly for her to evaluate if either of the affected parties would get it, but she felt she had to say something. She was talking to Wyatt, as if Sierra hearing what she had to say didn't matter. Because it didn't. Even though she was looking right at her to see her reaction.

"Hey Wyatt, leave the furry alone," she began. There was a minute pause as she searched for a punchline and failed to find one, deciding to leave the setup as the punchline here. "she ain't worth your time." she added, instead. It was a nice dig at Sierra, whatever. At least it was fast. Only thing worse than a bad joke is a slow bad joke, or something like that. Then, just after she was done congratulating herself for not waiting, she figured out the ideal punchline. "Hey Wyatt, leave the furry alone, it's not hunting season yet.". Faith kicked herself internally and made a reminder to slip in that punchline somewhere else because that was actually gold.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra glared at Wyatt, her arms folded under her chest as she stared at him with a blank expression as she listened to him rant. Her lips twitched somewhat as she tried to suppress a smile from the growing sense of smug satisfaction at having riled him up. She figured he was no doubt thinking that she is a "libtard snowflake", or whatever nifty buzzwords conservatives like to use to describe liberals. She felt like interjecting a few lines into his little rambling here and there, but she was curious as to how it would play out.

"-and I had to stare that creepy-ass, souless dead-eyed stuffed deer of yours that you left on the bed in the fucking face."

That caused Sierra's train of thought come to a screeching halt, her eyes suddenly going wide, her jaw clenching, and her nails digging into her arm as they clenched her hands into fists. She didn't even really hear the rest he had to say as his voice just became white noise as she stared at him with death in her eyes. The jump from simple anger to her current emotional state was almost immediate once her brought up her plushie. She was something beyond furious. Not raging. Not even burning. Just colder and colder with every word exiting his mouth. Building inexorably. If she had angered Wyatt with her words then the furious fires that was his anger are like frail embers compared to the cold abyss of rage she was currently experiencing. Then he began to laugh that disgusting pig laugh of his, all the while she stood there, staring at him unblinking and silent, as her chest rose and fell with calm steady breathing.

"Hey Wyatt, leave the furry alone,"

Slowly Sierra swiveled her head towards Faith's direction, and now she was the target of Sierra's silent, unfaltering, baleful stare as she waited for a whole minute for the skank to finish her. God. Damn. Sentence.

"she ain't worth your time."

Sierra was quiet. For a moment she said nothing as her unwavering stare bore into Faith. If the furry dig had gotten to her, she didn't show it on the already present cold fury already etched onto her face.

"Are you two done?" she said, her words had a frosty clarity to them as she spoke in an almost calmly, clinical even manner. But she said nothing else. Just those four words as she continued to fix her glare upon Faith. No comebacks. No witty retort. Just four words then utter silence.
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Frozen Smoke
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Post by Frozen Smoke »

"Are you two done?"

Faith felt the awkwardness at the end of that. No-one had laughed at her little joke that she'd hoped would spur her into another tantrum, and now Wyatt and Sierra both looked tense. Like coiled predators. Her hackles were beginning to feel a little raised too, as she felt acutely aware of not just the crowds existence - But how silent the crowd was. You could have heard a pin drop, as everyone waited for her or Wyatt's answer, like it was terribly important to something and not just a bit of a heated conversation. The energy that had fuelled her to this point was beginning to wear away, and she wasn't quite sure what to do at this point. But, she stayed looking confident and smug, firing back at Sierra's best death gaze with an easy, relaxed look that she hoped gave the impression of her not even being scared of Sierra, head tilted to the side and a smug force 2 intensity smirk on her lips. She wasn't, really, but now she was starting to think about like, worst case scenarios and getting a slap across the mouth didn't sound as funny if it was someone who had an archer's arm.

She broke eye contact with Sierra, looking up and to her left to Wyatt, waiting to see what his response was.
[+] V7
Relationship Thread!

ImageFaith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie
[+] Pregame
Memories: Making old enemies
Present Day: Making new friends - Playing childish games - Acting like an adult
Oneshots: Tidying up - Coming home
ImageParker Green
[+] Pregame
Memories: Cheaters never prosper - Except when they do - Keeping promises
Present Day: Getting informed - Playing nice - Keeping up appearances - Playing Games - Talking too much
Oneshots: Preparing for battle
Luca Thomas
[+] Pregame
Present Day: Being a team player
Prom: Trying her best
Criticism or thoughts on my writing are welcome and appreciated - always looking to improve! Feel free to poke me on Discord or via PM.

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