Poor Impulse Control

Events and happenings began influencing who our characters are long before the SOTF ACT was even a glimmer in someone's eye. Have an interesting memory of your character's to share? Want to show the world why they are the way they are? Even if you just want to establish why they like comic books, this is the place to do it!
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Poor Impulse Control


Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Olexia Kovacs sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair provided for her, outside the principal's office. Looking down at the black and white checkers of the floor below her dangling feet, she cried, quietly snorting back the mucus when it there got to be too much of it. After a time, she wiped the last of her tears away with her knuckles, the sobs slowly winding down to sniffles before fading entirely. Mommy was gonna be mad. Mommy was gonna be so mad and she was gonna be in trouble. The thought was almost enough to make the five year old break down into another fit of tears.

Looking to her right, she watched the girl next to her kick her legs that didn't quite touch the ground. She should probably say something. After all, it had been her who'd made the boy stop. The boy been mean pushy and tried to make Olexia eat paste. All she'd been able to do was protest and cry. The other girl had stepped up and punched the bully in the nose. He'd fallen down and cried too. The teacher hadn't wanted to hear about who started it, sending all three children up to the office.

"Th-thanks," she said, sniffling a final time. "That was really nice." Well, the punching hadn't been so nice, but it was the saving that mattered, right?
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Post by BetaKnight »

Edison Rossivitch watched the scuffed toes of her sneakers swing back and forth as she kicked her legs. She sighed in relief as the girl next her finally stopped crying. She couldn't even really figure out why the girl was crying to begin with. I'm the one who punched stupid Denny. And it wasn't even a really good punch. I got him on the side of his nose. What a crybaby. It only bled a little bit. She looked up at the whimpering boy sitting outside the nurse's office, holding a cold-pak on his face.

Edison made eye contact with him, narrowing her eyes and giving him the hardest glare she could until he backed down and stared at the floor. And it's not like he didn't really deserve it. You aren't allowed to be mean and pick on people smaller than you. You're supposed to defend the weak and helpless. And girls. She was fairly certain the knight's code said to defend girls.

Dropping her head back against the chair, Edison left out an irritated sigh. Man, I hope they don't call Mommy. If they call Mommy, she's just gonna come and be all super nice while she talks to the principal. Then the WHOLE WAY home, she's gonna yell at me.

Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, Edison rattled off a quick prayer. Dear Saint Michael, hi, it's me Edison again. I know Sister Nikola said that fighting is bad and that we shouldn't do it, but Denny REALLY deserved to get punched. He was being mean and I had to stop him. You understand, since you're the saint of knights. So if you could please make the principal call my daddy instead of my mom, it would be really, really great. Because Daddy will listen to me, and he'll understand that I HAD to do it or else I would be breaking the Code. Thanks a lot. Sincerely, Edison.

"Th-thanks. That was really nice. "

Edison looked at the smaller blonde girl sitting next to her. Awww. Look how sad she looks, she thought to herself. I really should have hit Denny a whole lot harder. "You're welcome. And don't cry anymore. It's okay. That dumb boy won't bother you again." Edison turned to scowl at him. "Or else." She went back to kicking her feet. "Besides, I had to hit him. He was picking on you, and that's against the Code."
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

The quick, sure response help put Olexia at ease. The nice girl from art class gave a very not nice look to Denny. He just turned away and held the icepack to his face. Nodding slowly, she let go of her worries about the boy. Now that just left the fear of her mother's arrival.

Dragging the long sleeve of her shirt across her nose, leaving a thin, glistening trail of mucus on the black material, Olexia more closely examined the girl who stepped in to keep the bully from doing his malicious work. She didn't seem worried in the least, calmly kicking her feet that hung over the edge of the uncomfortable, plastic chair.

"Besides," the girl commented, almost as an afterthought, "I had to hit him. He was picking on you, and that's against the Code." The blond girl's lip protruded a bit as she thought. "A code?" she asked, her interest piqued, "What's a code?" She'd heard some of the boys talking about codes for videogames, but the explanation didn't seem to fit for the situation.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Out of the corner of her eye Edison watched as the smaller girl wiped her nose and finally seemed to relax. Now that her charge had finally calmed down, she could feel something in her chest unwind a bit. Oh-kay. This is good. This is good. Now I can show people that I was doing the right thing when I hit that boy.

"A code? What's a code?"

Edison turned her head and really looked the girl for the first time since this whole thing began. She quirked her eyebrow at the confused expression the blonde girl was wearing. What does she mean, what's a code? It's…it's the code. "It's…you know…chivalry an' stuff. The Knight's Code. It's…it's THE code," Edison finished, raising her hands in a frustrated little shrug. The blonde just looked at her, and Edison realized that the poor little girl had NO idea what she was talking about. She furrowed her brow in thought, trying to remember how her dad and Master Alberich had explained it to her.

Letting out a quick breath, Edison tried to explain it to the other girl. "The Knight's Code explains how a knight is s'posed to behave. It's all the rules you hafta know and follow so you can be a good knight. Like, you hafta be honest and trustworthy, because your word is your bond. And you hafta be cheerful and serve without complaining. But most important of all, you HAVE to protect the weak and helpless. Especially girls." Edison nodded her head firmly at her last statement.

"Girls need lotsa protecting by knights. And I'm gonna be a knight when I grow up, so I have to start following the Code right now. " She studied the girl next to her for a second, looking deep into her eyes. Deciding that she could be trusted, Edison leaned over and cupped her hand around the other girl's ear before whispering, "My daddy said that next year, I could start my page training!" She sat back, beaming with pride. "Then, I'll get to be a squire, and when I'm all grown-up, I'll be Sir Edison Rossivitch!"
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

The girl furrowed her brow, not quite understanding the question. "It's…you know…chivalry an' stuff," she intoned, as if that should be all the explanation needed. "The Knight's Code. It's…it's THE code." Olexia must have displayed a distinct lack of understanding, as the girl continued with the faint air of exasperation.

Thinking hard about the whole affair, the girl gave a short sigh. " "The Knight's Code," she began, not without a certain reverence in her voice, "explains how a knight is s'posed to behave." She continued the definition with all the eloquence a child could manage. Despite her lack of comprehension, Olexia quickly decided she liked the idea of a knight and its code.

"But most important of all," the page gravely continued, "you HAVE to protect the weak and helpless. Especially girls." Frowning at the statement, Olexia's lip pouted out as she thought. Listening as the girl boasted her future knighthood, the incongruity of her statement pricked at Olexia's sensibilities.

Sir Edison Rossivitch, as she called herself, looked supremely pleased at the prospect of full acceptance as a knight. "But," Olexia said, "if you're a knight and knights are supposed ta take care of girls, and you're a girl, how come nobody has ta take care of you?"
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Post by BetaKnight »

"But, if you're a knight and knights are supposed ta take care of girls, and you're a girl, how come nobody has ta take care of you?"

Edison simply stared at the girl, at a loss for the first time since this whole situation had begun. Her legs stopped swinging as she focused on the question. Until now, everything had seemed very clear cut and her duty had been obvious. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Edison scowled as she went over and over the code in her mind. She had never really considered the fact that she was a girl into her quest. She just knew she really, really, really wanted to be a knight.

Daddy would have told me if I couldn't be a knight. But he said I could. He said I could start real training next year. He PROMISED and he's a knight, and a knight's word is his bond, so I CAN be a knight. She absently began bouncing her foot against the chair's metal legs, her shoe laces making a rapid ticking sound. After a few more moments of contemplation, Edison had her answer. She turned to the blond girl with a relieved smile.

"Oh, I know! I know!" Edison pulled her feet up and tucked them under her as she bounced on the chair. She turned back to the other girl. "My daddy said that the king and queen are in charge of the whole kingdom, like he and mommy are in charge of us. Since the king is the head knight, that will make the other knights like my family too. When I need help, my brothers help me. So if I need help when I'm a knight, the other knights will help me and I'll help them when they need help!" Feeling very pleased with herself, she puffed her chest out in pride. "See, I figured it out all by myself. I'm gonna be a GREAT knight." Crossing her arms across her chest, she continued to congratulate herself.

As she contemplated her future as the perfect knight, Edison realized that she was missing a vital component of the picture. Feeling very generous, she addressed the girl next to her. "You know, knights need a lady. Someone they promise to do an extra special good job watching out for, who they get to rescue when she's in trouble. Since I already rescued you, and you're a girl and you're not gonna be a knight since you don't know about the code, you can be my lady. So I'll be Sir Edison and you can be Lady…"

Edison had no idea what the other girl's name was. She couldn't very well call her lady ‘hey you, girl'. That wasn't a good name for a lady at all. She felt her ears burning in embarassment as she had to admit the obvious. "Ummm…I don't know your name."
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Sir Edison stared back at Olexia, a confused look plastered across her features. Furrowing her brow in concentration, the dark haired little girl seemed to be thinking hard on the matter. Olexia wondered if she should have said something wrong. It didn't seem nice to say the person who saved you couldn't be a knight. After all, if Sir Edison had saved Olexia why couldn't she take care of other people?

"Oh, I know! I know!"

The girl's serious expression vanished, replaced by an excited self-assurance. Beaming brightly Sir Edison explained that her daddy told her that the King and Queen- wow, an honest to goodness king and queen!- made all knights like family. That meant Sir Edison must have a big family. That must be so neat. It had only ever been Mommy and Daddy and Olexia.

Concluding her point with a confident crossing of arms, Sir Edison nodded to herself. Olexia found herself nodding in time with the other girl. That girl would be a great knight. She was already strong and cool and had saved Olexia from stupid-face Denny.

"You know," the knight girl's voice began again, "knights need a lady." Cocking her head to the side, Olexia listened carefully as Edison gave another explanation. Someone that a knight took extra special care of.... That did sound nice. Denny would stop picking on her and she would have a friend to play with.

"So I'll be Sir Edison and you can be Lady…. Ummm…I don't know your name."

Resting her hands in her lap, the Olexia smiled brightly. "I'm Olexia, Olexia Kovacs. I'll be your lady." Giggling to herself, Olexia leaned closer to her new friend, "So," she whispered conspiratorially, "does being a lady mean I'm like a princess?"
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Post by BetaKnight »

"I'm Olexia, Olexia Kovacs. I'll be your lady. So, does being a lady mean I'm like a princess?"

Edison thought back to the winter ceremony she went to, the In-best-ature, when everybody got dressed up in their special SCA clothes, and a new king and queen were picked, and then there was a feast. She and Richard had been roughhousing and she crushed her cherry tart on herself. Mommy had been so mad that when she made Edison a new dress, she made it in gross ‘rose and salmon'. Her brothers laughed and said it made her look like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol. She wrinkled her nose at the memory.

"Well," she drawled, looking up at the ceiling. "Kinda? Maybe? To be the princess, your mommy or daddy has to be picked to be queen or king at the In-best-ment c'remony, but that's around Christmas time. But being a lady is just as good ‘cause ladies get to wear dresses and dance and sing and play fun games like Fox and Geese and give their knights favors. And you can wear my new dress. It's pink." Edison shrugged apologetically. "But I'm sure it's still fun to wear. You'll hafta come to my house and get it when you come over to play."

Speaking of dresses and Mommy, Edison craned her neck to look at the door to the office. Still no mommy or daddy. She noisily exhaled and wished someone would show up already. She was getting really tired of sitting in this chair.

Looking back at Olexia, she asked the next big question on her mind. "Wanna come over and play at my house tomorrow?"


Reflexively, Edison cringed a bit and winced. Oh man, my whole name. Mommy is not happy with me. Straightening a bit, Edison waved at her mother. "Hi Mommy." Remember, she reminded herself as her mother strode towards her, a knight is brave in the face of danger. Her resolve to be brave lasted long enough for her mother to stand in front of her and kneel down. As soon as she saw the furious expression on her face, Edison crumbled. She began speaking as quickly as possible, the words pouring out of her as she tried to explain the situation while sniffling and points at Denny and Olexia.

Finishing her tale, she sniffled and rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand, doing more damage than help. "So I had to do it, Mom! It was my duty!"
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

"Well," Edison drawled, her gaze shifting towards to ceiling. "Kinda?" she wondered to herself as much as stated aloud. "Maybe?" The bigger girl tried her best to explain. For the most part, Olexia got the idea, but what was an "In-best-ment c'remony?"

"But," Edison continued, "being a lady is just as good ‘cause ladies get to wear dresses and dance and sing and play fun games like Fox and Geese and give their knights favors." That could be fun. After all, Olexia still needed to repay her knight's act of kindness and braver. What should she give her? And what was Fox and Geese, anyway?

"And you can wear my new dress. It's pink." A smile swept across Olexia's mouth. A pink dress? That would be so pretty. Edison shrugged apologetically, apparently disliking the idea of the dress. "But I'm sure it's still fun to wear. You'll hafta come to my house and get it when you come over to play. Wanna come over and play at my house tomorrow?"

Before the mousy girl could form a response, the air split with a loud roar. Apparently, Sir Edison's middle name was Ursula, like the sea witch. What a terrible name to have. And what a scary person to call your mom. Even Mommy wasn't that loud.

Edison tried to explain that she'd only been helping. Doing her duty, in fact. Opening her mouth to back up her new found friend, Olexia was cut off by a familiar voice. "Olexia. What, exactly, have you done?" her mother's icy voice intoned. The cold question was accompanied by the sharp tap of high heels on tile.

Squeaking quietly, Olexia let her gaze fall to her feet. The door opened to the principal's office, allowing the slightly balding man to greet the newly arrived mothers. Leaning close to Edison, she whispered softly. "If I don't get in trouble, we can play at your house."
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