"A wretched hive of scum and villainy?" "Worse, high school students."

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by Whirlpool531* »

Jojo was slightly shocked at the sheer amount of people Jay had invited. He imagined the basement overflowing with people in an intense party mood and smirked at the thought.

"So how is everyone anyway, eh?"

Jojo began to answer Jay's question when he first heard the rumblings of others coming down. Then he heard Alex say "37" and was stunned at the speed of Jay's reply of "38!" before he dashed to get the joined.

He started to recover as he heard Janet reply "Oh, I'm alright." Well, she's to the point. Eh, probably is shocked at Jay moving that fast.

"I'm doing well, I figured it was time to take a break from my project. Even with this party though, it should be done before the class trip. I'm not unveiling it until we get back though, its gonna be my best work as a little tribute to our graduation!" Jojo finished and then did a little fist pumping movement to release his excitement. Man, everybody's gonna love it when they see it.
Posts: 62
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Post by nowave* »

He looked over at Jay as he scrabbled up to his feet and clawed towards the joint and laughed, letting him take it. "These are the rules of passing, ladies and gents, as demonstrated by my kindly performing monkey here. Three draws, then you call out a number at random. Whoever is first to say the next number gets it passed. They get three draws, rinse, lather, repeat" he chuckled.

He continued, making his way over to the couch, and sitting on the arm. He played with his keys for a second, before setting them on top of the stereo. He sipped the sweet pear cider and grinned to himself. "Going well so far" he thought to himself.

"Live CD, hu?" Ethan asked.

Alex shook his head. "It's a mixtape, bunch of different tunes that I found online. Shoved them on a cd for the party. I think Killing Joke is on next." he said.

"Have you heard the one that came out last year, Year Zero? It's really good, man. Not Downward Spiral good, but way better than With Teeth and The Fragile." Ethan took a deep swig of the beer. "Seriously, you should pick it up."

He chuckled. "I've got it... Well, I pirated it." he said. "I seen that thing with the cd changing colour though, that was badass." he said. "I was quite fond of the fragile actually. I thought it was cinematic. Plus, it's totally more dancable at times." he said, lighting a cigarette as the joint made it's way around the room. "What's the name of that one on the second disk..." he said, pausing to think for a minute. "Fuck... It's... Into The Void!" he said, recalling it suddenly. "Man, that's a tune." he said, pronouncing it in a long crowing manner so it sounded like "chOOOn"

Before Ethan could answer, the doorbell went. "Ah, fuck, right, be right back guys." he said. Smoking the cigarette he headed back upstairs, hearing Hayley battering on the door.

"Alex! It's me! Open the hell up!"

He reached into his pocket for keys, before realising he'd left them on the stereo downstairs.

"Patience is the virtue of saints my dear!" he called back as he grabbed the keys from the kitchen. Running back to the door, he opened it to find Hayley, Kyle, Stacy and Jasper standing there.

"What, Is it halloween already?" he teased. "I'm afraid I've no candy." he said. "But, I have to admit, they are very convincing monster masks." he said, before his face cracked into a smile.

"Hey guys, come on in." he said. "You've all been here before so just head on down." he said. He let each of them in before shutting and locking the door behind him, pausing for a moment to take a drag on the cigarette.

Finally he followed the four of them downstairs, whatever passing thought he had paused for now passed and in all likelihood forgotten. As he resumed his seat on the armrest, the music changed to a deep sounding bass, then swiftly joined by a beat. He frowned for a second. He'd thought Killing Joke were next. As soon as he heard the distinctive voice of Jonny Rotten though he recognised it.

"I was wrong. This isn't Killing Joke, it's Public Image Ltd." he said to Ethan.
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Post by Hollyquin* »

Hayley couldn't help but be surprised by how quickly Kyle had arrived. His house has gotta be...like... She ran calculations in her head for a moment before realizing that they were getting her exactly nowhere. ...Well, pretty far away, anyway. She couldn't even really decide whether or not she was happy about this turn of events. On one hand, her boyfriend was here, and she liked him very much, and now she was gonna get to spend all night with him (the implications of that particular phrase made her mind pause for a moment). On the other hand...she couldn't help but think of him as a minor liability. Kyle wasn't a party person. She'd brought him to Alex's house before- friends had to meet their friend's significant others, right?- but she had a feeling this was gonna be a party on a (relatively) big scale. And of course there was the fact that Hayley was never truly at her best at parties with a boy on her arm. But maybe a change in behavior was called for.

She shook the stray thoughts out of her head and smiled at Kyle, closing her eyes at his kiss on the cheek. She grinned at him as she opened her eyes again. "Took you long enough. I was starting to think you weren't coming," she teased, ruffling his hair on a strange instinct. "Glad you made it." For the first time she noticed another boy, standing there with them. She knew him, sort of- Jasper, right? Jasper-something-or-other. The kid with the weird double name. The two didn't share any classes, but their mutual friends meant that she'd met him a few times. "Hey, Jasper. Shouldn't be surprised to see you here." The boy nodded, not saying a word. She remembered that about him- he could be incredibly quiet for a teenage boy.

"Patience is the virtue of saints my dear!" said the unmistakable voice of Alex, coming through the door, and Hayley couldn't help but laugh. "Like there's any fucking saints in this house!" she called out, taking a step back as the door opened. It was Alex alright, looking happy and slightly red-eyed (Alexander Campbell, stoned? No fucking way.). "What, Is it halloween already? I'm afraid I've no candy. But, I have to admit, they are very convincing monster masks." She stuck her tongue out at him and punched him lightly on the shoulder as he smiled and let them inside. "Has anyone told you recently that you're a jerk? No? Just me? Well, for the record, you're a jerk." She grinned at him, then back at Kyle, grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs.

Smaller than I thought. Counting herself, Kyle and Jasper as new arrivals, there were, what, eight people here? I would have expected Jay to go crazy and invite, like, the universe. Speaking of Jay, she quickly spotted him- he was the source of the delicious smelling smoke filling the room, as his hands were on the joint. As was to be expected. Hayley walked up to him, as he was standing in the middle of the room, and rapped the boy on the head with a fist, laughing. "Hey, kid, hurry up with that. And make your number 41, I wanna be next." She'd been through this ritual enough times that she knew how it worked by now. She motioned for Kyle to follow as she took a seat on the couch, in the space that had been vacated by Jay's movement.

Hayley looked back around the room, this time paying attention to who was in the room instead of just how many. Alex and Jay, obviously. Jasper had followed in behind her, Kyle was with her. As for the other three...there were two boys and one girl. The girl looked semi-familiar- was she in her Literary Realisms class? she thought so- but her name slipped her mind for the moment. She didn't know either of the boys, at least not by sight. She did, however, enjoy the current boy to girl ratio of the room, Kyle or no Kyle. She made herself comfortable on the couch, pulling a giant, full bottle of vodka from her bag. A brand new bottle- always have one on hand in case of a party. Having failed to bring a mixer, she took a gulp straight from the bottle, practically biting a hole in her lip in an attempt to not make a face at the taste. She shook it off after a moment.

"Consider this a gift to all of you. But if it's gone before I'm drunk, I won't hesitate to murder all of you," Hayley said to the group, grinning. "Oh, and Alex? I take back that whole you're-a-jerk thing, on the condition that you get me some of that fuckin' cider. It looks good."


Jasper-Declan nodded at Alex the same as he had nodded at Hayley as he entered the house. A man of few words, as he was around most people, and he didn't see the need to use any at the moment. He did know Hayley- it was pretty impossible to spend most of your time with Alex and not meet her at some point- but he didn't know her particularly well. It occurred to him that most likely the only people at the party he'd really know was Alex and possibly Janet if she'd decided to come. This didn't bother him too much- he'd been planning on spending most of his time with them anyway. Most people didn't get Jasper-Declan enough to spend time with him.

Jasper-Declan made his way slowly down the stairs, making his own pace- as opposed to Hayley, who'd practically ran down- and making a quiet entrance into the party. He was surprised to find that most everyone seemed familiar- though admittedly only from his classes. There was Alex and Jay, of course, along with Hayley and her boyfriend, who he was sure he'd met but couldn't quite remember the name of. Janet had come, after all- a fact which made him smile- and the other two boys were definitely in at least one of his classes. Joss and Ethan, he believed their names were. He figured they wouldn't recognize him- most people didn't remember the names and faces of the people in their classes- and so he only nodded at them in turn. He then nodded towards Janet.

"I am glad you decided to attend, Janet. It wouldn't do to have the only one at this party I'm familiar with be...this one," he said with mock disgust, motioning towards Alex. Hayley and Kyle had taken their seats on the couch near Janet, so Jasper-Declan took his seat on Janet's other side. Alcohol seemed to be flowing freely through the party, and Jay had the joint, as usual. He mentally considered whether or not he was going to use any of these substances on this particular evening while he waited for Janet's response.
Little Boy*
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Post by Little Boy* »

((Hey guys, I think you forgot to mention that Stacy is also at the door... So eh, methinks we need to edit))

As Hayley, Kyle, Stacy, and Jasper descended the stairs Jays' face lit up with delight. He raised the joint and yelled over to them, loud enough so he could be heard over the music.

"Hayley! Kyle! Stacy! JAS'!" He said in turn as the four made their way into the basement. His gaze flickered about the room to each of the partygoers and he counted them in his head.

Alright.. alright, some people here. Not bad so far. Not bad at all. This'll be a great night, for sure, no doubt.... Didn't I decide to not call him Jas?

Before Jay even noticed, Hayley was up in his face and smacking him in the head jokingly. It took a moment for Jay to react and lean out of the way. The girl grinned at him

"Hey, kid, hurry up with that. And make your number 41, I wanna be next." She said jokingly.

Jay's grin grew wider as he slowly handed the blunt over to Hayley, making a show of it.

"Your wish is my command.., or some shit like that." He said. With a halfhearted bow he stepped out of the way as Hayley made her way over to the couch and plopped down in the spot he was formerly sitting in.

"Hey! Stealin' my weed, I can take. But I have no remorse for those cruel sons of bitches who jack my spot! I need that for sitting down an' stuff," Jay grinned. Hayley paid him no mind however and pulled a large bottle of Vodka from her bag. He laughed. "Oh wait, you brought Vodka. You've earned redemption." Jay stuck his hands in his pockets and glanced around the room.

Now, where the hell can I si- Oh, hello again pretty girl. I think I'll keep you company. Or something.

Jay casually, so as not to make it noticeable to the other party-goers, sauntered over near the tall girl from before. She'd slid down to sit next to Jay before he got up, and he was mentally kicking himself now that Hayley had claimed his spot.

Damn Jay, you're a sad kid. Weed over women, who the hell makes that decision? It's not like you're even that huge a stoner... Why're you playing that up for jokes when you've got a chick who hasn't slapped you yet after ya' blatantly hit on her? Egh... I probably don't stand a chance anyway. I should just go all out and see what happens.

Just as Jay made it across the room, a familiar figure stepped in his way, causing him to look up in slight confusion. He skidded to a halt, the boy didn't seem to even notice he was there. But then again, Jasper was a little bit... yeah.

"I am glad you decided to attend, Janet. It wouldn't do to have the only one at this party I'm familiar with be...this one," Jasper said, motioning over to Alex.

Okay, that was a joke. Yes! I can understand when he's joking now!

Jay looked around Jasper to the girl sitting on the couch. He smiled at her and waved.

"Oh, so you're Janet? That's a pretty sick name. Yeah, name's Jah-" Jasper sat down on the opposite side of Janet. "-ay. Er, Jay."

Oh balls. Well, I can't just stand here in the middle of the fucking room... That's just great, I just got cockblocked by some guy who doesn't even realize it.

Jay looked around the room, the others were temporarily distracted by Hayley's magnificent Vodka consuming skills. He scratched his neck and looked around awkwardly. He prayed to god his face wasn't red or anything stupid like that.

"Welp, talk to you soon. Also, you got sexy eyes." He said as he hastily retreated to another corner of the room, standing near Alex and Ethan. He hoped they hadn't witnessed the altercation, otherwise he'd be hearing about it from the rest of the night. He wondered how Janet would take that tacked on compliment.

If I was on Jersey Shore, they'd call me the Jay-Meister. Because I had STYLE right then. Booyah.

"Heh heh, so yeah, awesome so far 'eh guys? Not a bad turn out. And sick CD Alex," he said pointing towards the stereo system. He smiled. "wouldn't happen to have any Rush on there would you?"
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Kyle smiled at the banter between Alex and Hayley for a moment before he was pulled along. Hayley was immediately greeted by Jay as they entered the basement. Kyle nodded a greeting, knowing he would never be heard over the music, and snagged a beer out of a six pack on top of the speaker. It looked expensive. He glanced around to find no bottle opener, so he fit his bottom teeth under the rim of the cap and popped it off. It hurt, but it was fun and had a bonus of looking absolutely manly. To other men, at least. Most girls probably found it juvenile.

Kyle smiled and put his arm around Hayley as he was sat on the couch. He didn't mind being led rather than followed, just so long as he didn't get led into trouble. He took a drink of the beer and winced slightly. It was way more rich than the crap his dad drank. The crap his dad didn't know Kyle occasionally drank as well. It was a new and enlightening beer experience.

"Whoa. My compliments to whoever brought this."


Janet was a little surprised to see Hayley at the party. It was less surprising that her most recent male was attached to her arm. Janet was a little uncomfortable when Hayley and... current male sat next to her. Her discomfort was increased when Jasper sat on her other side. She smiled at his joke and nodded in agreement. Jay smiled at her, which caused her heart to flutter slightly. It was nice to be noticed, even if it did happen a lot. Kind of hard to hide six feet of female, after all. Still, most people took notice to comment about the weird girl who always wrote in that notebook. It was nice to be noticed for something else.

Then Jay said what was probably the lamest compliment ever. And still (damn her hormones) it set Janet to blushing. The only person who routinely complimented her was her father, and he did it in an absent minded sort of way. It wasn't that he was a bad father. It was more that he didn't believe in giving compliments for doing things that ought to be done, like homework and getting good grades. The only sincere compliment she had gotten from him in a long time had been concerning the dress she wore to Homecoming this year. It had been her favorite shade of blue, nicely hugging her hips but still managing to be chaste. She had actually liked it, and she generally loathed dresses. She stammered out a thank you to Jay, only to find that her timing had gotten no better as he crossed the room, probably to cover his embarrassment over Jasper stealing the seat next to her.

Janet bit her lip for a moment, then stood (nearly falling into Jasper's lap in the process) and crossed the room to stand next to Jay. To cover the action, she grabbed one of the beers she had brought before approaching.

"U-um, do you have um...," she stammered, cursing at herself. She swallowed and finished, "Doyouhaveabottleopener?"

The sentence came out in a rush that set her blushing more furiously. This wasn't her. She didn't blush at people. Embarrassment was something which happened to other people, not her. Not any Binachi. Grampa Louie would be disappointed if he were here. Somehow, his disappointment seemed much more frightening than her father's. Maybe it was the tone he got, or something.
Posts: 183
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:10 am


Post by Zabriel* »

Stacy slipped in with the others and held up her bottle proudly. "This should get things going pretty well. Could be interesting to see what tonight brings on." She surveyed the room with a smile and mentally counted off the faces. After a few names and memories popped into her head she knew it would be a good night.

"Jaaaaay! Hey man, good to see you!" She wandered over toward the boy who'd called her name and looked him over. "What've you been up to anyway punk?"

She cracked open the whiskey bottle and took a swig from it. She closed her eyes for just a moment to enjoy the slight burning sensation before letting her mind come back to the room. "Anybody wanna hit this?" Stacy asked before offering the bottle to the boys. She grinned again, ready for anything that might happen tonight.
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