Lunch Line

The cafetorium is a combination cafeteria and auditorium. There's enough space for chairs to arranged to view any kind of assembly or speaking arrangement, but during the day it also acts as a cafeteria, complete with angry lunch ladies and poor food. Vending machines are scattered throughout the place, but this is generally the social centre of the school.
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Geoffrey offered some sandwiches to Jennifer and Leona, causing Jennifer to smile.

"Thanks," she said, "I may, um, take you up on that offer."

Something Geoffrey had said earlier was starting to bother Jennifer though. Something about history class. Jennifer had had history two periods earlier in the day. What had Mrs. Clarke been talking about again? Something about a worksheet...

Oh fuck. Jennifer realized that she hadn't picked up the worksheet for the night. Mrs. Clarke had told them to remember, but it had been at the start of class, and Jennifer had completely forgotten.

"Hey, um, guys, I'm really, really sorry," she said to Leona and Geoffrey, "but, I, uh, forgot to grab some homework. I don't know if I'll be able to make it back before the end of lunch, but I'll try."

In fact, Jennifer very much doubted that she would be back. Unless Mrs. Clarke had left her room unlocked with the worksheets on her desk, Jennifer would have to hunt her down. Normally, she wouldn't even have bothered, but her history grade was on the very low end of the spectrum of passing marks, and failing a homework assignment would certainly push her over the edge.

"I'm really sorry I've got to, um, run off, but I'll try to find you guys again tomorrow or something. Sorry again."

What a great way to treat your friends, running off and ditching them for school work. Jennifer felt awful, but she also felt like she didn't have a choice. Passing was important.

Jennifer retrieved her textbook from Leona, and then left the lunchroom with a smile and an embarrassed wave.

((Jennifer Perez continued in A Walk to Forget))
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Post by DAv* »

Geoffrey watched Jennifer go, returning the wave, thinking that maybe he could get to know her as something more than one of his pawns in a game. He looked back over to the line and saw one student paused as he tried to think of what exactly to get from the canteen. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Geoffrey's patience finally snapped as he decided to call it a day.

"Nice seeing you but I need to be off. I was hoping to finish off some work during lunch. Can't do it waiting for the food." Giving a wave to Leona, Geoffrey left the canteen without a second thought.

((Geoffrey Angevin continued elsewhere.))
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Post by CJanosi* »

"Aaaand now I'm alone." Leona muttered to herself. She would've followed Jennifer, but she was actually hungry today and needed something to eat. The line was ungodly slow, and it took upwards of five minutes before Leona was examining the canteen for herself. Okay, so it wasn't all bad, and Leona was somewhat partial to the pizza and fries, so she put some on her tray and hurried to the register. After paying, Leona stepped out and into the array of tables, trying to figure out where she was going to eat.
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