I'm too sexy for my shirt... (18+ rating)

Lined with dumpsters the various stores dispose of their trash in, there isn't much to see in the back alley behind the mall. The occasional employee slips back here to indulge themselves in a cigarette one in a while, and the occasional band of "emo" kids who think they're too cool for the mall but hang out there anyway seem to find a home in this dirty little haven.
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I'm too sexy for my shirt... (18+ rating)


Post by selphie_trabia* »

((Hermione continued fromLet them eat cake...))

Hermione pulled up outside the non-descript grey building behind a shopping mall that was the Shoot the Moon photo studio. She pulled herself out of her cramped little car and gestured for Kimberly to do the same. Once she ensured that the doors to her car were satisfactorily locked, she strode up to the building and pressed the buzzer.

"HerMIone DAH-Ling~!" an voice shrilled from the crackling speakers, "Barry's already here, of course. Who's your friend? Come in, come IN~!"

Hermione smiled, letting the wave of words rush over her. She was used to Richard's overly effeminate manner of speaking as well as his puppy-like tendency to fawn on every model he came across. The photographer was one of the more fruity examples of the "fabulous" young men that permeated the fashion industry as a whole.

Inwardly, however, the budding model was wincing. The presence of her manager, Barry, tripled the number of butterflies currently fluttering about in her stomach. As a manager, he was completely indispensible. His work was excellent and he often negotiated deals in her favour. However, there was just something about his attitude that made her skin crawl. It was hard enough to pose for the camera without Barry's baby-blue eyes boring holes in the back of her skull like little gimlets. What's worse was that he considered himself an authority on all things fashionable and often found intrusive and cutting ways to criticize her while she was on the job.

The glass door to the studio gave a telling click to indicate that it was now unlocked. Hermione turned to Kimberly as she pushed it open.

"Coming? I know it looks a bit like an ax-murderer's hideout but I promise that it's not like that at all." She said, "Richard's really nice and they have snacks and tea and stuff inside."
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((Kimberly Nguyen continued from Let them eat cake...))

Kimberly pulled herself out the car, stretching her arms, and looked around. Huh. She must have walked past this place a hundred times and never noticed it before. It was right along one of the paths she routinely took when skulking behind the mall. Hermione locked the doors to her car; definitely a wise move, given the sketchy nature of the area. Kimberly followed her host to the doorway, and listened to the voice that came over the speakers. The guy sounded like he was faking his accent, in her opinion, but whatever. It wasn't like she'd never put on a show, and she couldn't really be sure.

For a second, Kimberly had doubts about the whole thing. This area was more than a bit creepy. Then again, what was there to complain about? It wasn't like she had issues with creepiness. Hell, she practically exulted in it. Hadn't that been why she'd come down this ally last time? Or had that just been a lie to get someone off her back? She couldn't recall. Anyways, as long as it wasn't the really scary branch of horror, she was all for creepy stuff.

Hermione seemed to be thinking along the same lines as she reassured Kimberly of the lack of murderers. Kimberly smiled and replied, "Yeah, I'm sure it's fine. It's always the normal-looking places that get you, never the scary ones. There was this story, by Stephen King or something, with this washing machine that eats people. It's just a normal looking washing machine, but stick your hand in and BAM! You're a goner."

It was a totally random aside, but whatever. Anything to break the tension a bit for both of them. Kimberly followed Hermione as the girl opened the door and stepped into the building.
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"Stephen King always makes really scary stuff." Hermione noted, "There was that movie he did with Jack Nicholson and the axe. That was really freaky!"

The reception area of the Shoot the Moon photo studio was completely unlike its shabby grey exterior. The place was brightly-lit and clearly well-designed with walls painted in bright, cheerful colours. Richard was already standing in the foyer dressed to the nines in what seemed to be a suit and vest. As always, the photographer was dressed to the nines, with his hair curled up in a manner reminiscent of a blonde poodle. Hermione swept into the room with the grace of a movie star, grabbed him and gave him a kiss next to each cheek.

"Hi Richard." She said blandly.

To be honest, anything Hermione did at this point would probably be overshadowed by Richard's absolute fabulousness. If anyone could punctuate sentences with hearts, Richard would.

"HerMIone DAHling, you MUST introduce me to your LOVEly friend." Richard replied, "She's GORGEOUS DAHling… Absolutely exquisite!"

Hermione looked at Kimberly and nodded. To be honest, she hadn't actually gotten Kimberly's name, but that wouldn't deter her from introducing her to Richard.

"Richard, this is one of my classmates from school." Hermione said cheerfully, "I invited her along to the shoot. I hope you don't mind. I'll go get changed now, see you both in a bit…"

The photographer hovered over Kimberly, ignoring any possibility of personal space. Hermione took the cue to go get changed. She popped into a door marked "Studio 3", leaving Kimberly alone with Richard for the moment.

"Mind? Of course I don't mind~! A bit on the short side, but… oh DAH-ling, you must tell me what shampoo you use~!" Richard twittered at Kimberly.

((For the purposes of moving things along, Richard will be playable by both handlers in this thread. He really only has one rule of play: Be fabulous. Very very fabulous.))
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Kimberly chose not to comment about the reference to "The Shining", even though she knew that it was little more complicated than simply a Stephen King project involving Jack Nicholson. Hell, King hadn't even really liked the movie. No point educating Hermione on the minutiae of horror writing, though. It was a bit of a pleasant surprise that she could connect the author's name to a story at all.

Inside, the building was nowhere near as attractive as its exterior had lead Kimberly to believe. She'd been hoping for a dreary, shabby, Neo-Gothic appearance of some sort, but instead it was blindingly modern. The walls looked like Jackson Pollock had vomited partially-digested rainbows over them or something. It could have been an acid trip made real. The man who greeted them did nothing to alleviate that feeling; his accent was all the more pronounced in reality, and he was dressed in the height of fashion, with an insane hairdo that made Kimberly miss a beat trying to figure out whether it could possibly be real. The worst of it was, somehow it all worked together, even if not in the slightest to her tastes.

And then the guy was fawning over her, too, and Hermione was introducing her. Kimberly smiled and said, "Yup. I'm Kimberly Nguyen, but you can just call me Kimberly." It was a little bit of an odd phrasing, but what the hell, certainly no weirder than this atmosphere. Besides, she did not like being called Kim, not at all. "Ms. Nguyen" wouldn't do, either, since so few people could even pronounce her surname.

"See you soon," Kimberly said to Hermione as the girl hurried off to get changed. What sort of outfit would it be? Impossible to say in a place like this. Kimberly wouldn't have been overly surprised if Hermione returned in full Victorian evening dress, complete with a top hat. Actually, that would be sort of cool. Classy, certainly.

This Richard guy was all over Kimberly a second later, examining her as if through a microscope. Whatever. Wasn't like she had issues with people getting in her bubble; whenever her friends got too touchy-feely, she would just step away, and if it bugged them, tough luck. He inquired about her shampoo, and Kimberly had to think for a second. What the hell was she using these days? She told him the name of the brand she was pretty sure she had, something new and not too established yet. It worked, though.

"Interesting place you've got here," Kimberly said, looking around again. Well, her goal of learning about a new way of life was certainly being met. She would never have imagined this, just feet from where she sometimes snuck off to smoke.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Studio 3 was originally one of those tiny studios used to take those lovely family portraits that were often seen in grandmother purses. Though the label on the door had remained unchanged, Richard long since had converted the studio to a basic hair and makeup studio with attached changing room.

Richard's professionalism shone through every inch of the room. Mirrors bordered by bright florescent bulbs lined one of the walls, while a number of little curtained off areas where models could change lined the back. A clothesrack hung with PS Love Ya's entire collection was strategically placed within the room. Each model's section of clothes was labeled with their names and separated by an extra hanger upon which hung a dressing gown.

Hermione riffled through the clothing rack and pulled the hangers with her name on them out. She examined them with a critical eye. Hermione picked the most modest piece out from the lot and held it in front of her. The black and navy cami-knickers had a definite gothic-noir "Alice in Evil Wonderland" influence. It looked a bit like half a corset, with a lace-up back and lace cuttings around the hips and cleavage.

She made for the change room, pulling her clothes off until she was completely naked, then pulling the teddy over her skin. Hermione looked at herself in the mirror and blushed as she adjusted her modestly-sized breasts to fit inside the cups of the bra. She pinched them a little to lift them over the underwire. Once that was done, she found that she couldn't reach the straps to adjust them properly. She sighed and bent over to grab her dressing gown, tensing her bottom as the back of the garment bunched up and wedged neatly between her buttcheeks.

Hermione winced. The lingerie had to be badly made. She hardly had any butt to speak off and it was already finding a way to make her uncomfortable. She put her hands in the dressing gown pocket to find the belt, but instead found the note Richard had left for her. She pulled it off and read it.

I know this is your first time. Don't worry, you'll do just great!
Remember: Energy, energy, energy! Let's see you smile!

The note was decorated with hearts and flowers. Hermione pushed it back into the dressing gown's pocket and poked her head out of the room.

"Uh… Kimberly, if you don't mind, could you please come and help me with something? I'm having some trouble with my garment." She said simply, "I might need you to hairspray it."

Her eyes pleaded with her new friend's, begging her for help.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

"Interesting?" the man said to Kimberly. "Isn't it, though? The paint is simply bee-yoo-ti-ful!"

Well, that wasn't exactly how she would have put it, but she sure wasn't going to rain on this odd man's parade. It wasn't because she wanted to spare his feelings so much as that she found his enthusiasm somewhat contagious. It simply wasn't possible to respond with cynicism to such an energetic display of pride.

"Say," Kimberly said, a sudden idea striking her, "I don't really know much about photography. Would you mind if I took a look at the camera? I won't touch it or anything."

Richard enthusiastically began showing Kimberly the photography equipment and explaining things to her, and she smiled and nodded along, marveling at everything. Despite his strange demeanor, this man was clearly extremely professional. He was able to answer each of her questions in an exaggerated, funny, and informative manner. He was explaining something about lighting to her, and she was enjoying it even though it was going straight over her head, when Hermione leaned out the door, calling Kimberly over for help adjusting her clothes.

Kimberly had no clue what the reference to hairspray meant, but it sounded like her new friend could definitely use some help. She smiled at Richard and said, "I'll be back in a sec," to which he responded, "Sure, sure, Won-der-ful!" in a cheery voice.

Kimberly made her way over to the door, and said quietly to Hermione, "How can I help?"
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Hermione blushed and gestured for Kimberly to come inside the studio, her dressing gown wrapped neatly around her body.

Once inside, she murmured to Kimberly, "It's the outfit… it's stuck in my… butt… I need to tape it down but I can't reach. If I pull it out, can you help tape it up? Usually we have dressers here, but I came in early so that we could get to the party on time."

Hermione opened up the dressing gown to reveal the scrap of cloth that she was wearing. It was ill-fitting, with the adjustable straps already falling off her shoulders, though the brassiere part of it seemed to have been placed perfectly. She'd already taped that part of the costume down in order to avoid a Janet Jackson style wardrobe malfunction.

"Here, look, I'll uhm… turn around and you can tape it…" Hermione mumbled as she passed Kimberly the tape.

Hermione hooked her fingers into the hem of the costume's posterior, pulling it out so that it stretched across the middle part of her butt cheeks. Her face reddened in what could only be described as an attractive blush.

"Sorry for asking you to do this." Hermione mumbled.
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Kimberly ducked into the dressing room, and was confronted by an incredibly awkward situation. Apparently, this was some sort of underwear modeling. Kimberly had never heard of the company, never guessed what sort of stuff it would be. Now, Hermione was asking her to... tape something? Well, she'd accomplished her original goal: learning about the lives of models. It seemed quite apparent that they sucked.

Well, whatever. Hermione seemed nice enough, and it wasn't like it would be that bad. Kimberly had absolutely zero interest in girls from a sexual standpoint. Besides, what was the alternative? Leave her here to get the photographer to do it? That actually had a certain creepy, sadistic appeal, but no, she wouldn't do that to her new friend. Hermione was blushing, nervous, and well, that did make Kimberly feel a bit powerful.

She pushed that thought aside. It was sort of creepy, really. Certainly not right given the circumstances. Instead, she accepted the tape, smiled, and quickly, with as little contact as possible, taped the costume down.

"So, you work for this company much?" she asked casually, pretending nothing had happened. That was the best way. It would spare Hermione embarrassment, and that was sure to engender some good will.

She found herself looking over the small dressing room. It would be the perfect setting for a murder. Some sort of supernatural terror could trap a poor model in here, alone and undressed, and tear her to pieces. That was bestseller material, definitely. The kind of scene you could build a career on. She'd have to remember it. Or maybe a poem. She loved writing poems...
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Hermione shook her head, "No... no I'd never... really done a lingerie shoot before. My manager arranged it."

Despite Barry's historically good performance, Hermione wasn't sure if he was worth the effort of keeping on as a manager. She'd gone through a lot of embarrassment just for this shoot. Getting a Brazillian was bad enough and she was sure that he only agreed to come to the shoot just for the pleasure of perving at her half-naked body. It made her skin crawl just thinking about it.

Once Kimberly was done, she smiled, "Thanks so much. I don't think you'll have to do it again... The dressers will probably be here after the first shoot."

Hermione grabbed a tin of hairspray and stepping back from Kimberly so that the girl wouldn't have to deal with the fumes, she started to spray her butt with the spray, ensuring a "matte" finish to Kimberly's work and preventing the costume from riding up any higher on her body.

Now that she was wearing the lingerie and getting the support of her new friend, Hermione felt quite a bit more confident about her work.

"Okay, that's me dressed. Hey... wanna do a shoot too? I'm sure Richard wouldn't mind doing a quick portfolio for you. You don't have to wear lingerie either! What you've got on is perfect." she grinned.

Wrapping the dressing gown around her body, Hermione stepped through the back door to Studio 3 and ended up in Studio 4. Richard was already there prepping his cameras in front of a set that included a white bed on one side and a pile of cusions and balloons on the other.

In the far end of the room, Barry sat on a chair - a fat, mustachioed man wearing pinstriped suit. His beady eyes staring at Hermione.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Well, thank goodness that was over. Hermione apparently had no clue what she was doing. The fact that she'd never done this before was intriguing, though. Why would she have picked now, right at the end of the school year, for this job? It didn't really matter.

Hermione said that she wouldn't need help again. That was good; Kimberly was pretty sure she wouldn't have offered a second time. She was starting to feel a little antsy. She didn't know why, but the situation made her a bit uncomfortable. Hermione started using hair spray for something, though Kimberly had no idea what, and then offered to let her take pictures too, though not in any state of undress. That was good too; not only would Kimberly have refused to do something risqué, she was also under age. But, it could be fun, if she didn't have to change.

"Maybe," she said. "We'll see how much time we have, 'kay? I wouldn't want to keep your friend longer than he has to stay."

Then they were leaving the dressing room, Hermione wearing a gown, Kimberly clonking along in her boots. They made their way back to the studio, and found that a new man had arrived. As soon as she saw him, Kimberly felt he was trouble. Whoever he was, he was watching Hermione a little too intently. Fuck that. Fuck creeps messing with younger girls. Kimberly had half a mind to tell him off right on the spot. But wait, why was he here? What if she was wrong, and he was some representative of some big firm or something? She didn't want to piss him off and spoil her friend's chances at... whatever models aspired to.

So instead, Kimberly walked straight over to him and sat down on the ground beside his chair. She paused for a second, then looked up, all feigned innocence, and said, "Oh, excuse me! I'm Hermione's friend. She said I could come along today."
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Hermione grinned at Kimberly, showing off that beautiful smile that got her work as a model to begin with.

"Oh, of course! We don't want to be late to the party!" she agreed as she indicated the bench upon which Barry sat, "Oh, you can sit over there while we get the first few rolls warmed up."

In response to Kimberly's greeting, Barry gave the girl a cursory head-to-toe glance and nodded his head, indicating that the girl could sit next to him. He stared at her and licked his lips a few times, a nervous tic. Having decided that Kimberly passed some sort of internal test, he flicked Kimberly a business card, then returned his gaze to Hermione as Richard dimmed the lights in the room.

The poodle-like cameraman turned on the backlamps as Hermione draped herself across the bed. Under the bright backlights, any blemishes on Hermione's pale skin would be washed out and the smaller bits that she'd missed in makeup (not that she had many) would be photoshopped prior to final print.

The model concentrated on the placement of her arms and legs, stretching her legs out across the length of the bed and propping her head on one arm. She pulled her torso off the bed slightly and looked demurely at a pillow in front of her. After a few clicks, Hermione shifted her body once again, this time draping her legs halfway off the edge of the bed while stretching her hands above her head and stretching her torso out again. This time, her eyes were half-lidded and lips slightly parted as if in sleep or estacy. More clicks later, she shifted again.

Hermione was definitely in her element. Each pose she chose opened her body up just enough so that the full length of the teddy could be seen in a different light. The girl wasn't just posing to look beautiful – she was literally selling the clothes she was wearing. She moved gracefully to bring attention to the camiknickers while diminishing interest in her physicality...

...and Barry was just lapping every moment up. The manager was hunched forward in his seat, licking his lips as Hermione undulated all over the bed. Catching himself, he gave Kimberly a sideways glance, as if trying to gauge the other girl's response to his behaviour and Hermione's posing.

At this point, another person joined Kimberly and Barry on the bench. A woman with thick pancake-like makeup slid up next to Kimberly and offered her a hand.

She smiled at the Asian girl through a fringe of tousled peroxide-blonde hair and whispered, "Sherry Garcia. Designer for PS Love Ya. And you are?"
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Wow. This guy was a total creep. Kimberly glanced at his business card, then pocketed it. Maybe she'd use it as evidence at a trial or something. Then again, he was apparently some part of the support structure for Hermione's career. That made things awkward. She waged a brief inner battle. Call him out on this shit, or stay silent? Decisions, decisions. Well, not really. Kimberly had never liked staying quiet about stuff that bugged her.

She was about to start speaking, to chew him out or something, when another woman turned up. She introduced herself as a designer for the fashion line. Kimberly took an immediate dislike to her. She had this vague feeling that lingerie designers were traitors of a sort, making their livings selling other people's sex. Kind of like pimps, only slightly more honest. Even if this lingerie was nicer-looking than crotchless panties or something, it was still all about sex appeal. Kimberly believed sex appeal didn't need all sorts of fancy add-ons. That shit was for fashion, and fashion and sex didn't really mix too well.

"Nguyen," she said to the woman. "Kimberly Nguyen. Focus group sample." It just slipped out, but whatever. It was almost true, in a manner of speaking.

Besides, that wasn't important. She turned her attention back to the fat man, and started to talk.

"Excuse me," she said, preparing to call him out on being a pervert, but then a different plan of attack came to mind, and it was beautiful. After a slightly-too-long pause, Kimberly continued, "I couldn't help but notice that you look like a man who likes to read. Do you like to read?" It was a blatant lie, but whatever. She didn't care. Hell, she wasn't going to let him answer. She was on a roll, now. If conversational styles could be likened to vehicles, then Kimberly's ride of choice was the steamroller.

"Anyways," she quickly continued, "I've been reading this old Victorian short story collection lately."—another lie; she'd finished it months ago—"So, it was really risqué for its time. Caused some scandals and stuff. Too sexually explicit or some shit. But this whole scene, with the elegant underwear and stuff, it makes me think of one story.

"The story's called 'The Yellow Sign', see, and it's about this painter. He's got this model he works with, she's way younger. So, this model, she likes him, and he likes her, but neither of them know it. But finally she says something, and they consider getting together. Only, there's ethical concerns and stuff, 'cause he's seen her naked and all, but they say, 'Well, fuck that,' and they start to go for it."

To this point, Kimberly had been telling the story in sort of an upbeat monotone. Now, however, she threw in some more expression.

"The thing is, they both start having these horrible dreams, where the artist dies. Then they exchange gifts and 'I love you's, and they're happy for a while, but because what they're doing is sinful and wrong, they're cursed, and they go insane. The model gets chopped up, and innocents get drawn in, and at the very end the artist dies, praying futilely for forgiveness, only it's too late 'cause he already committed the crime.

"You should check it out. It's a great read. I love stories with morals. Don't you?"

With that, Kimberly leaned back and smiled as widely as she could, feigning total innocence.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Barry sputtered, both because Kimberly's explanation was odd and longwinded and also because he knew he'd been caught out by this girl.

"Feh." He said vehemently, "I don't need to be here anyway. I just came because I took a professional interest. Let Hermione know that she'd better do her best out on this shoot or I'll drop her like a hot potato."

With that, he stomped out of the room. Once Barry was gone, Sherry rolled her eyes and grinned, "He's a grumpy one, innee? I like your style. I should invite you in for my next collection based on girl powah."

Hermione returned a few moments after, now wearing what seemed to be three strips of black, lacy silk and a top hat. She went over to the pile of pillows and started posing, waving at Kimberly as she did so.

"The camera's just lurving you today, dahling." Richard yelled out as he took multiple pictures.

The process was repeated on the bed for a dinner jacket with a bra and panty combination and finally on the pillows (with balloons this time) for what seemed to be a navy faux-leather nightie. Richard clicked away happily as Sherry attempted to make light conversation with Kimberly.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Well, that was good. The creep had left. Victory. Kimberly was pretty damn pleased with herself about that. She'd kept the situation entirely under her control.

'course, that was kinda shattered a second later when the person from the company complimented her, and maybe invited her to help model too. Ugh. After what Kimberly had seen, there was no fucking way she'd approach a modeling career ever. She was pretty sure she'd rather work retail or pump gas or some shit. So she smiled and said, "No thanks," and left it at that.

Hermione tried on more outfits, and Kimberly sat, exchanging small talk when necessary, staring off into space at other times. She was not the most patient of people, and sitting still for long times had never been her strong suit. At least she could fidget with her hat.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Half an hour after Barry left, Hermione reappeared in the studio, this time dressed in a completely different sunny yellow/snorkel blue outfit. She walked over to Kimberly and tapped the other girl on the shoulder.

"Hey, Kimberly. I'm done now. We should go get to that party before we're late." she said. "Or would you like to try out in front of the camera?"

She smiled, not forgetting her original promise to let Kimberly have a go at modelling.
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