And the Hits Keep Coming

The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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And the Hits Keep Coming


Post by BetaKnight »

Edison sighed and shifted on the bench, reading the same sentence for the third time. This book sucks. Really, really sucks. In fact, if I looked in an illustrated thesaurus for the word ‘sucks', I bet there is a picture of this book next to the entry.

Using her finger as a placeholder, Edison closed the book and examined it from the side before letting her head fall against the back of the bench with an audible thump. I'm only a quarter of the way through this monstrosity. Dear God, I would really, really appreciate it if you would smote whoever picked this as the required reading for Aca Dec this year, she silently pleaded, looking up at the sky.

When no response was forthcoming, she heaved another dramatic sigh and picked her head up. "Fine, ignore me. I'll remember that later," she muttered as she looked over at the school's entrance. Almost twenty minutes had passed since the final bell and still no sign of Olexia. Edison looked down at The Red Badge of Courage resting in her lap. She glared at the book as if she could stare it down or will it from existence. Looking up at the sky again, she addressed a passing cloud. "It couldn't have been anything by Heinlein? Asimov? Bradbury? Seriously, you're killing me here!"

Digging around her pocket, Edison found a gum wrapper to use as a bookmark. Shoving it in with more force that was necessary, she snapped the book closed and slammed it down next to her. Dragging her backpack into her lap, she quickly fished out a battered and worn copy of The Curse of Chalion. Glancing up at the doors again, Edison absently chewed on her lower lip. Swear to God, Olexia, if you don't get your ass out here soon, I'm so going to kick it the second I see you.
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Post by Tythanin* »

Violetta was bored. She hated being bored. But unfortunately for her, school had just gotten out and she still didn't see Cyrille for the past 10 minutes. Sure, she could have stayed awake and waited for her, but that would have been way too difficult. She had enough trouble waiting for the 10 minutes as it was. And she has forgotten to bring anything that would help keep her occupied. So Violetta decided to spend the time as easily as she could.

Namely, go lie down on one of the benches, place an open textbook over her eyes, and try to sleep. There really was no way she would be able to sleep in a position like that, but for her, it was the experience that mattered. 'This sucks, screw it.'

With an irritated sigh, she tossed the textbook off of her head, sat up on the bench, and started whistling a random tune she had heard before. She was getting jittery again and she didn't even have any caffeine. She really needed to do something besides sit still on a bench. 'Cyriiilleeeee....Where are you? Ugh, I hope you haven't gotten caught up in class.'

Speaking of class...Violetta shook her head. Class is something best not spoken of when not in school. It would only bring despair and tragedy. She spotted someone else waiting by the school entrance and shrugged. She might as well talk to her. It was something to do, at least. So she walked over to the other girl and raised a hand in greeting.

"Yo, you waiting here for someone else too?"
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Post by BetaKnight »

Edison quickly immersed herself in the familiar plot, losing track of time. She was just getting to the part where Cazaril was about to attempt the death magic curse to save the Royesse when she heard someone talking.

Startled, she looked up to see another girl standing in front of her. Edison's eyes widened as she took in her appearance, settling on the multi-colored hair. Oh, whoa. What the hell is UP with her head? She looks like some kind of punk Strawberry Shortcake doll.

"Oh, I, um…," Edison awkwardly stuttered, trying not to wince at her sheer lack of cool. Get it together, Rossivitch! she chastised herself. Closing her book and folding her hands in her lap, she took a deep breath. "Heh, yeah. I'm, uh, waiting for my friend." The girl seemed vaguely familiar, beyond the memorable sight of her stoplight-colored locks. Edison narrowed her eyes, trying to place the girl. "Hey, don't I know you from Drama Club?"
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Post by Tythanin* »

"Huh? Drama club? Was I ever in the drama club?" Violetta blinked a couple of times before rapidly ticking off the clubs she's been on. She said them all in a sing-song voice, a far away look in her eyes as she recounted the many memories. Most of them good while some just sucked. "Debate, rock climbing, band, choir, AV, anime, math, biology...ah, yeah! Drama club! Yeah, I was in the drama club for a while."

She nodded confidently, smirking. "It was pretty fun! But a little too tough, yanno? I can't really act. Too impatient for something like that. Wait, if you recognized me from the drama club, then you must be a member! Lemme see if I can remember your name. Hmmm..."

This went on for a couple of seconds before Violetta promptly gave up. "Nope, no clue. Oh right, by the way, the name's Jane. Jane Lindsberg. Nice to meet you again, I guess."

She held out a hand for Edison to shake. "Mind filling me in on your name as well?"
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Shifting the position of the messenger bag perched on her shoulder again, Olexia Kovacs nearly stumbled as she attempted to reorganize the books she carried in her arms. Maybe that stop to the library wasn't such a good idea, after all. Quickly snagging the edges of the small paperbacks, she managed to keep the small pile from tilting too precariously. The long black skirt and billowing green peasant top she wore didn't help her balance any. Her arms were beginning to burn and a vague ache slowly grew in her shoulder.

"H-hey, Ed," she called, a little out of breath, as she approached their normal meeting place, "a little help?" Olexia felt the tip of her sneaker clip an uneven break in the cement. Stumbling forward, she watched as the ground rushed up to meet her. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs and sent the novels and puzzle books spilling across the ground. Rising to her hands and knees, she shook her head to clear the cobwebs.

"Oh! Oh, shit…," she mumbled to herself, hurrying to snatch up each of the yellow edged books. Flicking her eyes up, she saw both Ed and another girl, apparently in conversation. Blinking several times before hastily pressing the bridge of her glass back up her nose, she managed a small wave, using the hand not currently clutching books to her chest. "Uh…hi."
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

"Title: Sea of Concrete Solitude"

Sebastian had heard many a complaint from the classmates in his art class about how hard it was finding interesting things to draw for their still-life assignments. He had simply chalked it up to a lack of imagination. He himself never any difficulty finding things to draw. You just had to know where to look.

Take Sebastian's current subject: A hole cut out of the sidewalk just outside the front entrance of the school, filled with dirt, with a single tree growing out of it. It was certainly an odd place to put a tree; probably an attempt to add some greenery to this little section of the school. As Sebastian stood several feet away from it, however, making a frame with the thumb and index fingers of each hand as he tried to find the right angle, he saw something different. A solitary form of life in it's own small safe haven, surrounded by an endless wasteland of concrete and asphalt, the other greenery off in the distance within view, yet hopelessly out of reach.

Got it. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a fairly large drawing pad as he found the perfect angle. Grabbing a pencil and opening the pad to an empty page, he begin to draw out a quick rough sketch. The details could be added in later.

There was a thud nearby as a fellow student took a tumble and spilled her stack of books all over the ground, but he paid it no heed. He was off in his own little world, blocking out any nearby sights and sounds, focusing only on the task at hand.
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Post by BetaKnight »

Edison's right eyebrow crept towards her hairline as she watched the space cadet standing before her wrack her memory, trying to figure out if she'd ever been in Drama Club. The list of clubs she had been in was impressive, albeit a bit creepy as it was recited in a strung-out little chant before the girl apparently remembered that she was, in fact, a member of the DC. Okay, so either this girl is some kind of savant and genius or she has one of the worst cases of ADD I've ever seen.

Before Edison could say anything, the girl rambled on about what she thought of Drama and then zoned out for a while trying to remember Edison's name. In the awkward silence, Edison tried desperately to think of the nicest way to get out of this situation as quickly as humanly possible. What the hell? I'm not Rumplestiltskin or anything! And my name isn't exactly common. She cannot seriously be having that hard a time coming up with ‘Edison'! Of course, I can't exactly remember her name, and I haven't been in a billion clubs like she apparently has. There has got to be a way to get her to go away. My phone! I'll just pretend my cell phone went off and that it's my mom and say that I have to go. I'm brilliant, she congratulated herself. As she reached for her pocket, the other girl snapped back to reality, giving up on figuring out Edison's name and introducing herself as Jane Lindsberg. Jane held out her hand expectantly.

Damn! I didn't move fast enough! Edison took to offered hand, squeezing it a bit more than was necessary while she shook it. "Edison Rossivitch." She was saved from having to say anything further by the clatter of falling objects. Edison craned her neck to look around Jane just in time to see her best friend pushing herself up on her hands and knees while frantically trying to grab her fallen possessions. "Oh damn it, Lex," Edison muttered darkly while climbing to her feet.

She sprinted over to Olexia and dropped to her knees next to the recovering girl. "Why in the hell didn't you say you were gonna swing by the library? I would have gone with you," Edison snapped as she helped Olexia gather up her things. In a much lower tone, she quietly growled, "Instead, I've been having the most awkward conversation of my life with the queen of the ADD children."
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Post by Tythanin* »

'Oh, that's right! Edison! How could I have forgotten that name? My cousin has the exact same name! Well...first name, at least.' Violetta thought to herself as she learned the identity of one Edison Rossivitch and filed it away in her memory for certain memorization. Before she could say anything else, she heard something falling and she turned to see what it was. Another girl had fallen, scattering what seemed to be library books all over the ground. She heard a muttered "Oh damn it, Lex," and assumed that this was the friend that Edison had been waiting for.

Edison seemed perfectly capable helping her friend with her things, so Violetta just sat down on the bench and let out a tired sigh. She would have gone to help, but she wasn't all too sure her presence would be appreciated and she knew how to not butt in. Sometimes, at least. Her gaze drifted away from the two friends and latched onto something else, namely a guy with combed brown hair. He seemed very intent on his work, whatever it was. It had to be art, though. That's what you did with a pad and a pencil.

She promptly ignored the other five things you could be doing that involved a pad and a pencil and just began to rest. Cyrille would wake her when she came.
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Post by SRJJJB* »

Cyrille look over her papers and scratch her head and sigh .

"Maudit anglais et leur langue... Je devrais demander Violetta quand je la voit" she mutter to herself.

She hated English over all other course and was recently stuck with a project. She sigh again and gave up and put her papers away. She walk out of the school entrance and look around for Violetta. The tiny french girl was wearing her trademark olive green beret given to her by her grand-father. With this she was wearing one of her jean skirts and a orange tank top with a white undershirt. She look once more for Violetta and spotted her resting on a bench. With this she grin and silently walk up to her love one. She was used to walking silently in the forest and this situation was much easier. Violetta resting? Yeah easy catch.

When she reach enough close the little girl push her head close to Violetta ear and then yell one word

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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Heat flushed in Olexia's cheeks as Edison loomed over her. Of course, she really should have told her friend that she was going to make a stop before their meeting. But, it had been a late decision, and Olexia didn't own a phone, something that Edison still couldn't believe. Cell phones were useful, but Olexia simply didn't know enough people to warrant having one. It would have been a waste of money and pocket space. Besides, people who used cell phones always seemed to be in a hurry.

Edison was quickly on her knees, nabbing up the few battered paperbacks that Olexia hadn't. Muttering her thanks, the blonde girl shook her head as her brash friend explained the problems she'd been having on her own. Peeking over Edison's shoulder, Okexia watched as one girl tried to sneak up on another. She wondered which was the "queen of the ADD children."

"You know, Ed, it wouldn't kill you to try and be a little more social. At least try to pretend to be accommodating." Olexia nodded her appreciation as she climbed to her feet, the stack of books cut in half, thanks to Edison's assistance. "That's why people think you're unapproachable, ya know?" She hurriedly worked at making all of the books fight into her messenger bag. It was an uphill struggle. Normally, Olexia prided herself on keeping all of her school supplies in order, to help make room for sudden necessities. Despite her foresight, the bag's zipper still needed to be coerced into finally closing.

Satisfied at her work, Olexia looked at Edison. "Anyway, what's on the agenda?"
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Post by BetaKnight »

((this has been approved by DetectiveArcher))


Edison froze, holding out books to her best friend. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw that another girl had joined Jane by the bench. Oh dear God, please don't let them come over here.

"You know, Ed, it wouldn't kill you to try and be a little more social. At least try to pretend to be accommodating."

Edison snapped her head around to stare at Olexia, her jaw dropping. "I…uh…Yo-…." She closed her mouth and glared at the other girl with narrowed eyes.

"That's why people think you're unapproachable, ya know?"

Edison sat back on her heels, blinking a few times before looking over her shoulder again at Jane and her friend. Turning back to Olexia, Edison let out a huff. "You know what, Lex? Bite me. Be more social? What for? We've been going to school with most of these people forever. If we haven't hit it off by this point, I really don't think we're gonna. And since when have people thought I was unapproachable?!"

Olexia seemed unfazed by Edison's outburst as she calmly packed her belongings away in her messenger bag, even though the bag bulged alarmingly along the top seam.

"Anyway, what's on the agenda?"

Edison stood up and folded her arms across her chest. "Seriously, you're destroying my post-school glee. My mom's not gonna be home for like two hours or so. Some meeting at work. So you and I are going to the mall right now. We're gonna hit up the Juice-It-Up and maybe get some fries or something. "

Edison grabbed Olexia by the shoulders and frog-marched her towards the parking lot. "I have no car, and I saw you drop your mom's keys so you're driving."

((Edison and Olexia continued in ‘Eating Out Cleanly'))
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Post by Tythanin* »

It was so beautiful. A triple-layer strawberry cake sitting was right in front of her. Coated in sweet, delicious cream and scoops of vanilla ice cream that just seemed to scream "Come eat me!" was almost a crime for something to be so sinfully delicious. Violetta reached out a shaking hand towards the delectable item, ready to fill herself with greatness when-


Violetta was jarred awake from her dream and nearly leaped out of her seat, shouting "JESUS FUCK!"

Placing a hand on her heart, she looked at the offender, her girlfriend Cyrille. Gulping in some fresh air, she looked at her with a hurt expression on her face. "Did you really have to do that, Cyrille? You nearly gave me a heart attack, yanno...And I think you burst my eardrum. I can't hear too well."

Her complaining was done in a flash, however, and she immediately hugged the smaller girl with a wide grin. "Glad to see you finally made it! What kept you, Cyrille? You left ol' me hanging here with a book girl and that artsy boy over there!"
Super Llama*
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Post by Super Llama* »

Sebastian drew down the last few leaves on the tree, the last few details on the concrete, before, holding the picture and arm's length next to the subject, comparing the two.

"...perfect." Well, not ENTIRELY perfect. Now that he looked at it, there were a few more details he could add, but he could do that later. This was just a minor assignment, and now that his concentration was broken, he couldn't help but think back to what was waiting for him in the art room.

Eager to get back to it, he closed the cover on the drawing pad and walked back towards the school, wordlessly passing by the two girls nearby.

{{continued elsewhere}}
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Post by SRJJJB* »

(I'M SOOOO SORRY TYTH! I got caught up with a project and never got time to post Image but I'm back now :D)

Cyrille jump back when Vio got up screaming. It scared her for a moment but she could help but start laughing in tears. It was just too cute the way Vio reacted to such a event and she loved her for it. Vio then came up and gave her a hug. The size difference was there between the short french girl and her girlfriend but Cyrille just smiled and hug Vio back. Vio then ask Cyrille what took her so long and Cyrille knew she held her up but was happy she waited.

"Got caught up on some English that ummm..." she gave her lover a evil grin "Your stuck helping me with" she said.

She look at the two people Vio mention and look at them before they both left. She shrug and said "Just ignore them and thanks for waiting for me" she said with a large smile oh her face and sat beside her and reach out for her hand. She still had her bag with her but was ready to dump it home and go anywhere Vio wanted "Any plans for today Vio?" she ask with a smile. Knowing Vio she might or might not have something. Either way they were going to have fun... Which Cyrille gave a small giggle about it and feeling giddy today.
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Post by Tythanin* »

"Your English homework?" Violetta groaned once Cyrille dropped that bomb on her. She scratched her head, looking at her girlfriend with a despairing look. "I'm not that good with English too, you know. But I guess I really should help my favorite girl in the whole entire world."

With a wide grin, she took Cyrille's hand and gave the shorter girl a quick kiss on the forehead. "Now as for what I have planned, I really wish I could say I had something lined up and waiting for you, but I don't. But don't worry, something will come along. We could always just goof around in the mall, yanno? There was a really pretty skirt I saw that would just go great with you~"

She laughed and hugged Cyrille briefly before leaping off of the seat, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulders. "Come on, come on! We should go right now. Who knows what kind of things we could be missing?"

Her green (at the moment) eyes shined eagerly and a comforting feeling settled upon her. It was always like this...well, most of the time. It was the only routine she liked. It was like, to use a tired phrase, a port in an angry storm. Always there and always supporting her throughout the endless chaos in her life. Granted, most of that chaos was caused by her, but that's just the way life had to be in order to be fun.

Violetta closed her eyes for a moment and gripped her girlfriend's hand. Still there. Perfect. A wide grin came to her face. "I wonder what we'll find."
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