B04 - Ambrose, Aiden[/DECEASED]

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B04 - Ambrose, Aiden[/DECEASED]


Post by Kaishi* »


Name: Ambrose, Aiden
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: Political Action Club, Cross Country Jr. Varsity, Track Hurdles.
School: Barry Coleson High
Appearance: Aiden is the kind of boy who takes a lot of pride in his appearance, dotting on selecting outfits and how his hair falls almost as much as some of the more high maintenance girls. With a boyishly good looking face, girls into the pretty boy image have flocked to him in the past. His wavy highlighted blonde locks and his ever so lightly toned muscles make the girls find him irresistable. Aiden prefers to be a friend to girls rather than a lover though, and thus falls into the slightly stereotypical role of 'gay best friend.' Best friend to almost anyone who will take the chance to get to know him, although there are those who look down upon him because of his orientation, something Aiden swears he never chose. Others view him as just another pretty face. These people really don't know Aiden at all.
Biography: His life has been relatively normal. He has a Mother, Father and two younger sisters. He aspires to be a politician, a senator someday and enjoys going to youth legislative programs.
Other: He's not the most daring individual. Heights make him especially nervous.
Number: Male Student No. 4


Designated Weapon: Colt .357 Revolver
Conclusions: The fact that he probably knows a lot of people will help him out later on if he looks for allies. Hopefully, he won't spend time on his hair in the SOTF ACT...if he worries too much about that stuff, then he's a pretty easy target for the others.

Founder of SOTF - 2005.
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